Get Directory Name Without Full Path?

Jul 16, 2009

How do i get the directory name, without the full path?[code]....

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VS 2010 List Box Of Directory Names--not Full Path?

May 15, 2011

I am trying to populate a listbox on form load of a list of directories. I only want to show the directory name, not the full path:


The form opens w/ no data in the list box. I played w/ this for a bit and found the strFolderName(i) assignment seems to break the code (make it not work) but I can't figure out why.

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Get Full Path Of Current Directory Of Process From Where Process Starts?

Sep 27, 2010

How to get full path of current directory of process from where process starts Like if i use my software to start somefile then I want my software to know where she started it from ( files path) What I mean is the file I opend using my softwares location.

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VS 2008 Getting Path Of %AppData% - Cannot Put The Full Path

May 15, 2009

I am using this code below:

I thought the %AppData% should find the relative path. When I go 'Start|Run|%AppData% windows explorer takes me to that directory. I can not put the full path in, as the user is different on each client machine.

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How To Get Full Path

May 8, 2010

Im working on a Dll Injector. But that is not my problem. I am using a picturebox to display the icon of a running process.E.g. If google chrome is running. The picturebox should display the icon of google chrome.I can extract the icon to my picturebox only if I know the full path of the process. That API was easily found and works very well.But know I want my application to get the full path of a running process automatically as soon as I order it.Like in a textbox is write: chrome.exe, and press the button next to it. What do I need to write in the button to get the full path of that running process.(of course only if its running, I if its not running I dont want anything to happned)

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Cannot Find The SP / Get The Full Path?

Aug 3, 2009

There is a field in the database whose value is the StoredProc name with full path.for example test01.test.dbo.spGetData

test01 is the server name
test is the database
spgetdata is the SP

I am storing this in a variable

Session("GetSP") = objReader(1).ToString() (test01.test.dbo.spGetData)
Dim Command As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(Session("GetSP"), conn)
Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

I always get an error cannot find the SP and it shows like this test.dbo.spGetData It is cutting of the servername test01 can i get the full path.

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Get Full Path From Combobox?

Nov 15, 2011

My combobox is filled with file names (without extension) of all the .txt files in folder "c:/files". When I select one file name from that combobox, how can I show that files full path in textbox or label?

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Get Full Path To File?

Mar 3, 2010

how to recourse through a directory and find all files beneath it.The only thing I'm missing is how to prepend the full path to each file, so that I can locate it later:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub RecursiveSearch(ByRef strDirectory As String, ByRef array As ArrayList)
Dim dirInfo As New IO.DirectoryInfo(strDirectory)


How can I get the full path to a file before adding it to the ListBox?

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How To Get Full File Path

May 20, 2012

I need to get VS application path.

Hi! In my windows forms application I had added a image file. Now I want to get the full path of this image file. Any idea how can i implement it?

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How To Get Full Path To File

Mar 3, 2010

This is the simplest example Google returned to show how to recurse through a directory and find all files beneath it. The only thing I'm missing is how to prepend the full path to each file, so that I can locate it later:


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Get The Full Directory Of A File?

Mar 18, 2011

I am trying to get the full directory of a file. The file name is "GraphFix.txt". I know the directory up to a certain point and then in between the directory and the file there is a folder that is different on every computer and i need to get the full directory with that folder in it. I was thinking if i know the directory path up to a certain point i can just search the directory for that specific file and in return it will tell me the full path including that folder.

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Get Full File Path To My Assembly?

Oct 8, 2009

How do I get the full file system path to my DLL? I have found a number of calls/properties for "Name", "FullName" etc. The closest I have come is to call Me.GetType().Module.Assembly.GetName().CodeBase. But that string has stuff appended to the front of the actual filename. Plus I don't know if a codebase is always available (say if I don't do "regasm /codebase" on my assembly.I simply want something like "c: empmyproject.dll". That is, what GetModuleFileName would return. Surely I don't have to call Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Me.GetType().Module).ToInt32()) and then directly invoke the Windows GetModuleFilename API for something so I always wonder why there is an "Alert me" check box at the bottom of the post page. Never been alerted although it is always checked (my profile has my e-mail address).

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How To Get Full Path Of Running Process

May 8, 2010

Im working on a Dll Injector. But that is not my problem. I am using a picturebox to display the icon of a running process. E.g. If google chrome is running. The picturebox should display the icon of google chrome.

I can extract the icon to my picturebox only if I know the full path of the process. That API was easily found and works very well.

But know I want my application to get the full path of a running process automatically as soon as I order it.Like in a textbox is write: chrome.exe, and press the button next to it. What do I need to write in the button to get the full path of that running process.(of course only if its running, I if its not running I dont want anything to happned)

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How To Remove Full Path When Using Streamreader

May 28, 2010

i need to put the file name into a textbox i am using a streamreader the file is a collection of numbers which i am importing in using a open file dialog into my program which i am then saving to a database however i need the file name to go along with and not the full path which i currently have,

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How To Terminate Application Using Full Path

Jan 15, 2012

I want to terminate an application using the full file path via, so I am using this code snippet.

Public Sub forceCopy()
'Dim strDatabasePath As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(Application.UserAppDataPath, "LIC.mdf")
Dim strdbLogPath As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(Application.UserAppDataPath, "LIC_log.ldf")
[Code] .....

I get an exception "Access Is Denied". I get the error at this line : For Each m As ProcessModule In process.Modules

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Retrieve The Full Path For Outlook.exe?

May 10, 2011

I have been searching for a way to retrieve the full path for Outlook.exe and have managed to do it like this: Public Function GetOutlookPath() As String

Return My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp PathsOUTLOOK.EXE", "Path", Nothing)
End Function

On my current computer (Windows 7 64bit) it works just fine. On our Windows Server (also 64bit) it only works when it is building to "any CPU". When I change it to x86 it will return nothing

Our application needs to be run built as x86 on our 64bit computers to work correctly

Does anybody have any idea on how to solve this problem?

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VS 2008 - Error: Specify The .dbf With A Full Path

May 21, 2009

I have a process that I start in this manner: Process.Start("pwace", "/a C:18537-1ff.ace") The .ace loads a DBF and it is simply told where to find it like this: 18537-1.ace. When running the .ace file manually, this is fine. However, when starting the process through a VB program, the EXE (pwace.exe) acts like it doesn't know where the .ace file is located, so it can't simply append the .ace path to the .dbf to find it and the program errors out telling me to specify the .dbf with a full path.

So, I set an absolute path to the .dbf in the program, and it works fine. This leads me to believe it is an issue similar to shortcuts where if you don't set a 'Start In' path, your program has to have absolute paths defined to be able to launch external files with Process.Start(), and not simply filenames.

With that all said, is there a way I can indicate to the Process.Start() from VB where this file is located, sort of like a' Start In' path, so that my files don't have to be configured with absolute paths. And remember, it matters where the .ace file is located, not the actual .exe process that is started. The .ace file is simply a settings file for the pwace.exe to get it's parameters from. The reason I don't like to set absolute paths is because of the environment I'm in and for these .ace programs, it is better if the .dbf files are not given absolute paths.

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Access Directory Without Knowing Full Name?

Mar 10, 2010

I need to access Mozilla FireFox's cache, but the path to it is different in each PC. Well, kind of.

This is the path: C:Users%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalMozillaFirefoxProfiles*.defaultCache"

The ".default" folder will always have that extension, but the asterisk part is different on each PC.[code]...

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Get Full Path From Selected Treeview Node?

Jun 18, 2012

get full path from selected Treeview node

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Get Full Path Of Libraries / Pictures In Windows 7?

Sep 11, 2010

Under windows 7, in the windows explorer view there is a new feature called "Libraries" which have virtual links to "Pictures", "documents" etc.. plus you can add your own virtual link.


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Get Full Path Of Libraries/Pictures In Windows 7?

Sep 11, 2010

Under windows 7, in the explorer view there is a new feature called "Libaries" which have links to "Pictures", "documents" etc.. plus you can add your own.These libraries are virtual paths.In either of c#:how I get the full physical path of any of the libraries.Lets say for example "Pictues" how do I get the full path.

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How To Get Full Path Of Libraries / Pictures In Windows 7

Sep 11, 2010

Under windows 7, in the windows explorer view there is a new feature called "Libraries" which have virtual links to "Pictures", "documents" etc.. plus you can add your own virtual link.These libraries are virtual paths.In either of c#:Can anyone please tell me how to get the full physical path of any of the libraries.[code]I have looked a special folders but I cannot see anything that refers to these new "virtual libraries".

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How To Retrieve Full Path Of File Uploaded

Aug 24, 2009

I am having the problem of retrieving the fullpath of the file uploaded in the file upload option is there any syntax for the retrieval..

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New Streamwriter - How To Pass Full File Path

Mar 5, 2012

I have 2 programs.
Prog1.exe is in folder1
Prog2.exe is in folder1/subfolder

When I execute this in Prog1,
Prog2 runs.

But...When I execute this in Prog2,
Dim sw as new streamwriter("1.txt")

1.txt is created in folder1, and not subfolder.
I can do a easy workaround by passing the full file path when creating the streamwriter, but I just want to know if it's a bug or what.

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Take A Full File Path And Convert It To A Partial?

May 10, 2010

I need to take a full file path and convert it to a partial


C:Documents and SettingsParentMy DocumentsMusicAlanJacksonDontRockTheJukeBox.MP3

I only need (AlanJacksonDontRockTheJukeBox.MP3)

I got a list named "FullFilePaths" which has well Full File Paths lol

And the code will be like
Dim partialFilePath
As String =

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Get The Full Path Of Running Process In Task Manager?

Jun 7, 2011

how do i get the full path of running process in task manager.

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Network Tree Discovery - Get The FULL Path Of The Address

Mar 24, 2012

Lets say that Computer 2 connects to an external server. How can that server get the FULL path of the address, not only the IP of the first router?(of course in

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VB 2010 - Find Out If A File Exists Without Specifying The Full Path?

Apr 22, 2012

This is troubling me as the FileExists command needs a full path.

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VS 2008 - Accessing File Path Without Knowing Full Name

Jul 16, 2010

I need to access a file path, but a part of the path is different on each PC. Mozilla creates a random profile name for each PC it is installed on. I can get most of the path through environment variables. I need to access the files inside of the default profile, but can't since I'm not sure how to access it.

Here's an example of the file path:
The only thing that stays the same with the profile name, is the '.default' part.

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VS 2010 : Get Filename Into The Listbox Without The Full Path Of The File?

Oct 9, 2010

I have a site that has files that i want to list in a listbox.


so i would like to take test.txt, and insert it into the listbox. how can i get that filename into the listbox without the full path of the file?

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