Getting A Error While Assigning Parameter To Dataset?

Jul 20, 2011

I've try to assign the new parameter to dataset, while i using the following code, i got the error like "Varchar is not a member of Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleType"

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VS 2008 DataSet - Assigning Value To Variable?

Dec 9, 2009

Once I have filled a dataset is there a set of properties or in-line functions that will allow me to pull the data out of said dataset without having to populate a datagrid?
Code example:
accCommand.CommandText = "SELECT CustID FROM Rental WHERE DvdID = " & DvdID
accCommand.Connection = Connection
dvdDataAdapter.SelectCommand = accCommand
dvdDataAdapter.Fill(dvdDataSet, "CustID")
I know the information returned from the query is a single value located at (0, 0) I just can't get to it so I can assign the value to the variable.

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When Assigning A Value To A Textbox Its Not Saved To Dataset?

Apr 23, 2012

want to update values in an xml file. When users select the xml file, the form binds controls to a dataset. After updating some/all values, the changes are saved. It works for every field except for a calculated value.

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VS 2008 Access The Access Database - Error "Value Cannot Be Null - Parameter Name: DataSet"

Mar 29, 2009

I am trying to utilize the access database, but I'm getting an error message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: dataSet


That's the code I'm using, why I'm getting this error?

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.net - A Parameter Is Missing [ Parameter Ordinal = 1 ] Error In Pocket PC Application

Apr 21, 2011

Following code doesnt work and raise error "A parameter is missing. [ Parameter ordinal = 1 ]".What s wrong with it?I am developing pocket pc application in vs 2008 and sqlce 3.5 sp1.


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Add Parameter To A Dataset

Oct 9, 2010

I have an application in which I have inserted a DataGridView. I am populateing this DGV with a dataset created on design time. In this moment I have a question. Is it posible to add a parameter to this dataset?When I have populated the dgv, automatically was created the line of code: [code]In report is very simple to add parameters but here I cannot figure how to add a parameter.

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.net - Dataset Parameter In Forms App?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm having a hard time to find out how to pass at run time a parameter which I defined in an adapter in a dataset. When I preview the data I can insert the value manually, but I was not able to find any code around how to pass it in the visual basic code.

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Passing A Parameter To A Dataset

Apr 26, 2011

I created a dataset that is getting data from an access database. Now i would like to go further and make the dataset query accept a parameter from a form datepick value. the query in my table adapter I have changed it as follows to accept a parameter on date1.[code]The code I am using in my form is as below. I get a null reference exception on the second line(Object reference not set to an instance of an object). it seems as if my selectCommand is bringing nothing.[code]

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Passing A Parameter Value To DataSet.XSD?

Jun 2, 2012

I have a bound DataGridView (dgvBuild) that contains data based on a "ProductID" that is derived from selecting the value from a ComboBox. How do I pass the ComboBox Value to the DataAdapter to retrieve records to reload the dgvBuild? Below is the code for theDataAdapter.This is the line that was created when I bound the DataGridView to a DB Table.

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Error In Assigning Worksheet?

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to execute a vbscript programme, on execution I'm getting following errorme in coming out of the problem."Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: wsh"

CODE snippet:
Set xl=createobject("excel.application")


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Pass Parameter To A Dataset Query (.net Form App)

Jun 10, 2011

how to pass a parameter to a predefined parameter in a dataset. I've found everywhere a solution if you build the sqldata adapter and the dataset in the code. Then you can pass the parameter like: da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@param1", SqlDbType.Char).Value = param1_variable (as example)

But if you have builded a dataset (with table adapters), and then in the form app you want just to pass the param1 to a DataGridView1 (as example) which is using the table adapter, I did not find how to do this.

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Error In Assigning Object Of Nullable Type?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a structure that contains another structure. The inner structure is nullable. Now wht I do is something like the following. I create a new instance of the inner structure, set the member variables and assign the whole structure to the inner structure of the parent. But it is giving an error. The assignment is not successful. If I try to peek into the structure in the watch window, it says "property evaluation failed" for the HasValue and Value properties.

Dim testData As List(Of TestData) = Nothing
Dim testData_List1 As New TestData
With testData_List1.commonTestParam


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Error When Assigning Elements To An Array Of Structures?

Mar 21, 2011

I am getting an error when helping someone with their code. They are trying to create an array of Items, but gets an error at ItemStruc(counter).ItemName = Contents(0)

I am not sure why. >_>

Structure is as follows:
public structure Item
dim itemName as String


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Preventing Error Popups When Assigning Datasource

Jun 23, 2010

i was wondering is there anyway to stop the error popup messages when i assign a datasource to a DataGridView (and there are errors). i was hoping i could wrap the assigning statement into a Try Catch and handle the errors myself instead of having them popup.

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How To Pass A Parameter In A Dataset Created From An Access Database

Oct 19, 2010

I have created an application in which I have to make a report with ReportViewver from Microsoft.Everything ok until now. I have created the report and for this report I have created a dataset. This dataset contains data for every month in every year from 2010 to 2015. With this dataset I am populating a graphic but my problem is that I want to select the year and create graphic for one year.I do not know how to insert a parameter in the dataset. In sql is very easy by in Access is different and if I try to put something like ...' where year_column=@year_parameter' I receive an error.

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Forms :: Error Occurred Creating The Form Error The Parameter Is Incorrect

Nov 23, 2009

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled.

An Error occurred creating the Form. The error is: The Parameter is incorrect

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Error "The Parameter 'address' Cannot Be An Empty String. Parameter Name: Address"

Jan 30, 2010

where i put the *'s i get the error "The parameter 'address' cannot be an empty string. Parameter name: address".

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Dim mail As New MailMessage()
Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient


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Assigning A Value Error: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object.

Aug 8, 2010

I am trying to assign a value to serialize to XML via a class (below) but keepgetting the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Here is the line that generates the error:

Dim iTranList As New InvestmentTransactionList
With iTranList
.DTSTART = Date.Today.ToString


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.net - Error: Argument Not Specified For Parameter

Aug 25, 2011

When I place Set_Symbol() in my code it give me 2 errors


Argument not specified for parameter 'e' of 'Private Sub Set_Symbol(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)'. d:documentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsMath GameMath Gamefrmindex.vb
Argument not specified for parameter 'sender' of 'Private Sub Set_Symbol(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)'. d:documentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsMath GameMath Gamefrmindex.vb

This is what Set_Symbol is

Private Sub Set_Symbol(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles rbnaddition.Click, rbnsubtraction.Click, rbnmultiplication.Click, rbndivision.Click
Dim rbn As RadioButton


Why is it throwing this error?

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Error : Parameter Is Not Valid

May 14, 2012

Dim data As Byte() = DirectCast(sdr.Item("Image"), Byte())
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(CType(sdr.Item("Image"), Byte()))
PictureBox2.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)

After reading many forums and trying the different examples, when I try and load my image from the database I get the "Parameter is not Valid" error.Im using VB 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2, and the data type is Image. I do not have access to the source code that is used to save the picture to the database, just access to tthe data in the db.The code I have included is the code I use to retrieve images from my db which stores the pictures as Image.

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Error Parameter Is Not Valid

Aug 17, 2010

STEP1--image data is sending by a vehicle tracking unit.using a socket application i am tracing that data.the data from the vehicle tracking unit is not in a decimal format.image data coming from socket containing lot of special type of characters. so i am converting this image information to hex format using the code below.

Private Function Data_Asc_Hex(ByRef Data As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'first take each charcter using substring. 'then convert character into ascii. 'then convert ascii value into Hex Format Dim sValue As String Dim sHex As String = ""


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DB/Reporting :: Parameter Has No Default Value-Error

May 6, 2008

I am working on a very simple application in Visual Basic 2008 Express.

The program has a Listview where I display the "DisplayName" field, the user clicks on a name and this should fill 3 text boxes. The code is:

strSQL = "SELECT FName, LName, DisplayName FROM tStaff WHERE DisplayName=@DisplayName;"
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(strConnString)


This produces the error "Parameter @DisplayName" has no defaul value"

The value of the variable "strDisplayName" is correctly captured.

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Error - Value Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: String

Feb 23, 2011

I get the following exception for the code shown below. The error occurs when i request access token.I downloaded the latest dll(2.3.1) from the twitterizer website.

{"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: String"}
Dim OAuthTokens As New OAuthTokens
Dim accessToken As New Twitterizer.OAuthTokenResponse
accessToken = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecretkey, "oauth_token", "oauth_verifier")

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Error : Cannot Bind To The New Member. Parameter Name:value

Jul 4, 2011

I used the select disctinct statement with 2 fields from my sql database table. Here is my code.

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT DISTINCT Author FROM tblBook UNION SELECT DISTINCT BookCode FROM tblBook",myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)
myAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "tblBook")
cboAuthor.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables(0)
cboAuthor.DisplayMember = "Author"
cboAuthor.DisplayValue = "BookCode"

and it generates error : cannot bind to the new member. Parameter name:value.

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Error : Cannot Bind To The New Value Member - Parameter Name: Value

May 28, 2009

I'm getting the above error with the following Query I'm using to populate a combo box. I can't seem to figure it out.... CallerID is the Primary Key (Integer)

Private Sub LoadCallSource()
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT [CallerID], [CallSource] FROM [Call Source] "
' Order By [CallSource] ASC"


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Error On Passing Date Parameter

Jul 24, 2010

I am getting error when debugging a project. The error is as below,

"FormatException was unhandled

String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."

Highlighting the following line


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Value Cannot Be Null - Parameter Name: DataReader Error

May 17, 2012

im getting error when im trying to view a report from my vb2010. value cannot be null. parameter name: dataReader the following is the screenshot for my error and the codes:


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Combobox Error:'Cannot Bind To The New Value Member. Parameter Name: Value'

Jun 30, 2011

I actually have three combobox bind to diffrent table. and I got such the error in my title. Bellow are my codes:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT (FirstName +' '+ LastName) AS FullName FROM tblVisitor", myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)


Through this code, i got only the first comboboxthat display the query result, but the other two do not, and display the message 'Cannot bind to the new value member. Parameter name: value'.

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Error 1 Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'frm' Of 'Public Sub New(frm As FrmSok)'

Apr 2, 2009

I get this error: Error 1 Argument not specified for parameter 'frm' of 'Public Sub New(frm As frmSok)'

At this
Private Sub btnSok_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSok.Click
Dim Form As New frmSokRes


When I click at the error message, this line being marked:

Dim Form As New frmSokRes

But I can't see any connections between the error message and the code.

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Error 1 Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'frm' Of 'Public Sub New(frm As FrmSok)'?

Oct 11, 2011

I get this error:Error 1 Argument not specified for parameter 'frm' of 'Public Sub New(frm As frmSok)'

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