Getting The Website Status Using WebResponse?

Mar 15, 2009

I am trying to write a little application that will help me monitor 8 websites sharing the same IP address.

The code that I am using to query the Status of the Websites is failing to report the correct status of the website; by status of the website, I mean, if it is accessible from any browser.

I got a timer that triggers the following

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
'Create a web request for site.


Basically the webresponse is supposed to turn the textbox5 color to "coral" if the website is up and running or accessible, and turn the textbox5 red if the website is down. What is happening is that all the time the timer is triggered, the text box5 turns coral or "good connection" even if I entered a website that does not exist, Then after 3 minutes I get and exception error that states: The operation has timed out.

Basically, I just need a way to query the site and interpret the response by turning the textbox5 to color red in case the website is inaccessible or down.

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Created Website Monitor Program, Can't Check Status Of Page Loading?

Jun 15, 2011

Intended use of program:

1. User enters 1-3 websites they wish to monitor

2. User clicks go next to textbox with data entered, then button and a copy of form refered to as browse is created.

3. Form refered to as browse is directed to the url refered to on the form refered to as monitor, in the associated textbox(passed as a parameter to copyForm)

4. A timer is used to refresh the webpage every 10 seconds

What I wanted to happen was the program turn the associated picturebox in form1 green if page is loaded, and black is loading.


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VS 2008 Created Website Monitor Program, Can't Check Status Of Page Loading?

Jun 14, 2011

Intended use of program:

1. User enters 1-3 websites they wish to monitor

2. User clicks go next to textbox with data entered, then button and a copy of form refered to as browse is created.

3. Form refered to as browse is directed to the url refered to on the form refered to as monitor, in the associated textbox(passed as a parameter to copyForm)

4. A timer is used to refresh the webpage every 10 seconds

What I wanted to happen was the program turn the associated picturebox in form1 green if page is loaded, and black is loading.


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Getting And Posting With Webrequest And Webresponse

Apr 3, 2010

I would like to search an online (internet) database and import the result in my own Windows program. As I understand from reading and searching I first have to do a get from the default (search) page to get the cookies for instance and then do a post providing the filled input fields and adding the previously collected cookies. So far getting the information seems to work but submitting the data back to get the actual search result doesn't seem to work. This is what I have so far: [code]Anybody that can point me in the right direction? I my assumption correct that I first have to do a Get and then Post the correct data back?

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VS 2008 - Httpwebrequest - Webresponse

Feb 20, 2010

Im looking for tutorials on httpwebrequest and httpwebresponse. Im actually using chilkatsoft http which makes it quite easier.

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VS 2005 Using A Status Strip To Notify The User About The Status?

Sep 1, 2009

Here is my insert statement:


Now for a succesful insertion i want to notify the user about a successful save operation.....i.e,i want to display a message "Successful Save Operation"to the user. How to do this using the Status Strip?

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Communications :: WebRequest/webresponse After Login?

Dec 5, 2011

I made a small console program to login into a website.After figuring out on how to successfully login to the website i ran into a other problem... that problem is visiting the inbox page.The problem is as follow: when i visit the page i get logged out :sMy problem is i think that i don't know how to pass the cookie/session correctly since this is not a post/submit action...When i debug the site and click on the hyperlink i only get get response.

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Parse Webresponse And Recognize If Is An Image Or If An Xml?

Dec 30, 2009

I've a php script that if the user ahs the privilege to download and image the image is sent to webbrowser but if the user has not the privileges and xml with the info is displayed.[code]

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Program Is Freezing While Sending Webrequest And Getting Webresponse?

Sep 16, 2009

i am trying to read website content and selecting some sites from list which contains keyword.But my program is freezing while sending webrequest and getting webresponse.Here is my code:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim j As Integer = 0
Dim stream As System.IO.Stream[code]......

View 14 Replies

Status Bar With The Current Browser Status Text?

Mar 20, 2009

I've got the code to display the current browser status text in the status bar but i want it to display the name of my web browser aswell. Example: - (Name of Webbrowser)

He is my code for the displaying staus text.
Private Sub webBrowser1_StatusTextChanged( _
ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles webBrowser1.StatusTextChanged


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Use The Webrequest Webresponse Method To Test For The Existence Of A File?

Apr 2, 2010

I'd like to use the webrequest webresponse method to test for the existence of a file.If the first file is there, then I want to test for the existance of the same filename with -1.htm appended to it. If that filename exists, then test for filname-2.htm This continues until the filename being tested comes back 404 error. At which point, the program does NOT blow up, but the do until loop stops and the code continues. I have to search for a link on each one of the pages found once I have determined how many pages there are.How do I test for a file and not have it blow up? It has to loop and it goes through at least once. this is code I wrote. Right now the page just keeps going and going. IE's little logo on the page tab keep going around in a circle like it's in an endless loop.

Dim fr As System.Net.HttpWebRequest
Dim A As Integer = 1
Dim Count As Integer = 0


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XML Exception When Using Xmltextreader To Read Webresponse And Then XmlDocument.load?

May 5, 2011

I am currently facing an issue when i get response from webservice, after reading response in response stream i want to load this response stream using xmltextreader. but when Load(xmlTextreaderObj) is called, it raises an exception displaying that "Root Element is Missing". Here is code which am using.

Dim wResp As HttpWebResponse = CType(wReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Dim respStream As StreamReader = New StreamReader(wResp.GetResponseStream())
Dim Resp As String = respStream.ReadToEnd()[code]....

View 1 Replies - If Status=false Then Update Should Change To Insert And If Status=true Then Update Should Be Update Itself?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a gridview in which when I click edit, update, and cancel button comes. I have a variable named status. If status=false then update should change to insert and if status=true then update should be update itself.

<asp:TemplateField >
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" runat="server" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit">


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VS 2008 Select Website In Combobox Open Form2 With Website Preview?

Feb 19, 2010

What Im making is like a face book and tagged login from my app

1. I have Combobox with 3 urls in there ( and )
2. I have a Form2 with webbrowser
3. I have a Button when clicked it should open up my form 2 and preview of the website which I selected in my combobox in form1

All I'm trying to do is when I select lets say facebook in my form 1 and click load it should open up my form 2 with facebook website in it.[code]Now when I click my button in form 1 it will load Form2 ( named Explorer1) but my form2 is not showing me facebook or tagged page for some reason

View 13 Replies

Creating A Website That Allows People To Upload Images To The Website In A Folder?

Feb 26, 2011

i'm creating a website that allows people to upload images to the website in a folder called images on the Site. But I don't know how to upload a file and I'v searched everywhere Please Note: In this Website were not Using the asp:fileupload, were developing our own interface

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VS 2008 - Website Scanner - Scan A Website Every 15 Mins

Apr 6, 2009

What I want is: To scan a website every 15 mins or so, (craigslist in this case), and email myself any new posts that come up. I know I need to use WebClient, but I never used that before. Another question would be how to only email when a new post is up and not receive the same email every 15 mins.

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Integrating ASP.NET C# Website As Subsite To A VB Website?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a ASP.NET 2.0 website created in C# that acts as a completely independent site and I am looking to integrate this into an existing ASP.NET 2.0 website created in VB.NET. Unfortunately I just don't know much about the server management side of ASP.NET yet so too much I'm unaware of when it comes to IIS configuration etc. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can go about integrating this? Basically I want to host it in a subdirectory from root so when you hit it will pull up my C# site.

One possible solution I came across mentioned just dropping the project folder into the root directory and setting up that directory as an application virtual directory in IIS? A few other random questions were small things like would my application relative links (~/for-example.aspx) stay relative to my root subdirectory if it's made into an application virtual directory? Just trying to get this running on their site but like I said it's completely independent so want to preserve my websites environment.

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Log Into Website Without Website Open?

Sep 9, 2011

I want to create a program to fetch information from a website (that's fine). However, you need to be logged in to get this information. I just want two simple textbox controls that I would type my username and password into and hit submit and the information would be returned to me so I can use it. (I don't want to use a webbrowser control)

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Add Textbox On Status Bar?

Jun 10, 2009

is it possible to add textbox on status bar

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Check UPS Status?

Jan 4, 2011

I am having xp pc. I need to check UPS Status like Online/Offline, running at battery mode or not, having high or low voltage, having input frequency high or low

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Get The MSI Installation Status?

Mar 14, 2011

I am writing a installation program that will copy embedded MSI's to the local disk, install each one then delete the MSI's and I don't know how to get the MSI installation status so that my application knows when the installation is completed for each one.

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How To Use Status Strip

Jan 31, 2012

i'm using mysql database and i have a table (UserLog), 2 fields username password with user level when i sign in the program how my username and user level can be seen in the status strip with date and time?

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Progress Bar In Status Bar?

Sep 16, 2009

i am asking about using the progress bar into the status bar to move when i load any child form inside the MDIParent form . have a code 4 it

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UsedPhysicalMemory Status?

Apr 4, 2009

I am using following code that provide me the available RAM

Dim ramCounter As New System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes")
Dim c As String = ramCounter.NextValue() & "Mb"
Label4.Text = c


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Getting Live Status From Other Application

Dec 15, 2011

With my application i call an external commandline tool that converse iso's to other fileformats. Right now i just call the iso converter and it will run in the background, when you would run the iso converter via commandline you see what it is doing, but in my application it just runs in the background.

Right now it only gives me the status after the isoconverter is done in a textbox, how could i change this so i can see live status? like i would see in the command line tool?

This is the code that i'm calling to execute the isoconverter.


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Adding A Status Strip?

Jul 13, 2009

I was wondering if someone could tell me how to add a date and time strip to the bottom of my form in one step, instead of having two individual strips.

View 10 Replies - Keep Changed Status Of CheckBoxList?

Feb 29, 2012

So, I'm running 3.5. I have a dynamic list of server names, and I want to put them in a CheckBoxList. The list is populated and, using that same list, I make a graph of the performance for each server listed. I want to be able to check and uncheck the checkboxes representing servers and, when I lick an update button, it'll create a new graph and graph only the servers that are still checked. I noticed that the page still loads before the button click is handled, so the CheckBoxList will repopulate itself before being able to read the current CheckBoxList. This is my load. And I populate my checkboxlist inside ShowView()

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then


And I wanna try to preserve the checkboxlist values when I do an event handler for an update button.

Private Sub btnUpdateGraph_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdateGraph.Click
'insert code
End Sub

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Backgroundworker And UI Status Update?

Jun 29, 2011

I am writing an application that calls data collectors (via ip or modem), collects data from them and reformats it. I had this much written when I was asked to make it multi-threaded so that I can collect from multiple sites at one time. I have that written using backgroundworkers and it appears to be working well. On my UI I have a text box that needs to update with status details like, dialing, collecting, reformatting, etc. I planned to simply write the status updates to the text box from an UpdateStatus routine. Found that had all sorts of nasty threading issues, so I added a delegate to call the status update routine. Problems seem to be fixed except that the updates to the UI are coming in chunks instead of one by one as they really occur. Can anybody tell me how to force the status update in the text box to update more asynchronously?

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CMD Status Displayed In Textbox

May 9, 2012

i'm just new in VB 2010, but i want something like this:A CMD status ( what it displays) be shown in a textbox1 or richtextbox1, also a input like a textbox2.just like to make your own CMD.So what i have in mind for the form needs to have:1 Textbox/Richtextbox (for display the CMD status)1 Textbox (for input, example: dir (Shows the dir list))1 Button (To send the input to the cmd)

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Ftpwebrequest To Get The Status Of The Connection?

Apr 29, 2010

is there a way in ftpwebrequest to get the status of the connection? In VB6 using inet component you can use Statechanged, is there a similar way to do the same with ftpwebrequest?

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