HFScrollBar To Increment Number In TextBox

Nov 7, 2011

I have a HFScrollBar on my design page, and a TextBox Right above it. I want the text in the textbox to start at zero, and what I want to do is make it where if i move the scrollbar to the right, it increments that number, and if I move the scrollbar to the left, it decrements that number. I have tried to code this, but realized i was about 1,000,000 miles away from where I am supposed to be lol. So, I wont bother posting what I've tried. A simple straight-to-the point tutorual on this subject would suffice, though.

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Auto-increment Number(in A Textbox)?

Apr 27, 2012

I want to create auto increment number in vb.net like : -

01, 02, 03, 04 etc.. so it is in order.

I am using VB NET 2008 EXPRESS connection OleDb to MS access

I want to do the auto increment for my textbox MemberID

I have tried multiple ways and had no luck such as : -

If txtMemberID.Text = "" Then
txtMemberID.Text = 1


I want to write the code not use the autonumber in Access as my lecturer does not want me to do it this way

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Number Beside The String And The Number Will Increment Which Time The Button Is Clicked?

Jan 31, 2009

I created a listbox using VB.NET. When the user select an item (it is a string format) in the listbox and click on a button, there will be a number beside the string and the number will increment which time the button is clicked. Anyone know how to do it...?Below is the coding I'd done, but I don't know how to do the increment part. Anyone know what coding I need to add?

Dim no As Integer = 0
listBox.Items.Add(listBox.SelectedItem & no)

View 7 Replies

String ID Number Increment?

Apr 15, 2012

i have ID number which is string and i went to do query for maximam ID but it was not come

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C# - Increment A Version Number Programmatically?

Jan 28, 2010

How do I programmatically increment a given version's number to the next version of the highest one?

For example if I have a file Program.exe with the following version numbers :


The next version number in this case would be

What's the easiest way to implement that?

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Generate Auto Increment Number

Jun 22, 2010

im working with my thesis, to generate auto increment number. for example,when the form load for the first time it will appear transaction 1, and then next time i'll load the form it will be transaction 2, so on and so forth. i am using a VB.net and SQL server.

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Asp.net - LINQ To Objects Auto-increment Number?

Feb 25, 2009

This feels like a completely basic question, but, for the life of me, I can't seem to work out an elegant solution.

Basically, I am doing a LINQ query creating a new object from the query. In the new object, I want to generate a auto-incremented number to allow me to keep a selection order for later use (named Iter in my example).

Here is my current solution that does what I need:

Dim query2 = From x As DictionaryEntry In MasterCalendarInstance _
Order By x.Key _
Select New With {.CalendarId = x.Key, .Iter = 0}


Is there a way to do this within the context of the LINQ query (so that I don't have to loop the collection after the query)?

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Regex : Increment A Number In A String And Zero Fill It?

Mar 25, 2011

In VB.NET, I would like to increment a number in a string and have it zeroed filled. Here is the sample string with the 5 digit number: R00099 What I would like returned after incrementing it by one: R00100

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Update A Row Using Sql Query And Auto-increment Number

Dec 19, 2011

i want to update a row in an ACCESS DB in vb.net using sql query. the way to point to the row is using the primary key. the problem is that i was an error saying that there is a data type mismatch in criteria expression. the primary key type is auto-increment.[code]

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VS 2005 : Auto-increment Build Number?

May 28, 2009

I've been using some recommended code from successfully for a couple of years now to auto-increment the build number in my project.


But I just updated my workstation from XP Pro x86 to Vista Ultimate x64 and now it isn't working any more. Everything else works, but not this. It increments the build number when I build the application, but then VS gives the following error:Error 4 Unable to apply this change while debugging. File 'D:My ProjectAssemblyInfo.vb' was reloaded. You must revert the change or stop the debugging session.So essentially I can't do anything in my application, or at least I can't run in debug mode because of the error.

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Increment Characters And A String Of Text / Instead Of Just A Number Or Numbers?

Jul 9, 2010

In order for me to increment a Number, It's just too easy.Here's How to Increment a Number.[code]

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Set An Windows Forms Project To Auto-increment Version Number?

Feb 3, 2011

It was very practical to keep build number in VB6, as it auto-incremented that number every time that i "compiled" the program.

There is any equivalent feature in VB.Net? I am using VS 2005.

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Creating VB Code To Increment The Number Of Fields In An SQL Create Table Statement

May 8, 2012

I have an SQL statement which i need to code in vb:


Notice the fields prodno1 and prodno2 in the table structure.. this is part of a number of sql statements i need to run and put inside a loop. my problem is i want to automatically use this same code such that on the next loop, this sql statement is going to be:


Note that in this "2nd loop"

- the table name is now r3 from r2 in the first SQL statement
- there are now prodno1, prodno2 and prodno3 instead of just prodno1 and prodno2
- in the WHERE clause, the p.prodNo becomes p.prodNo2

And so on and so forth.. so for the 3rd loop

- there's going to be r4
- there's going to be prodno4
- in the WHERE clause i will use p.prodNo3

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Auto-increment Textbox In Program?

Mar 14, 2010

How do I get to increment a textbox content after clicking on a button?

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VS 2008 Increment Date With Value In TextBox?

Apr 16, 2010

i want to Increment the Date in textbox3 by the value in textbox1and the incremented value should get displayed in textbox2

if i enter values


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Textbox Value To Increment Based On Mysql Query?

Sep 27, 2011

i am trying to insert/save the listview item/s on the database.what i am trying to do now is if the product is being entered/saved for the first time.the fcode should be 1, and increments after that.i have a combo box and a text box.the combo box items are from the database [ product table ]

let say user choose product 1

and the list view has 2 items [ a, b ]

and then save

the table would look like

fcode -- prod_id -- prod_name -- item
1 1 product 1 a

1 1 product 1 b[code]......

View 8 Replies

Auto Increment Value To Textbox In Ms Access 2003, Vs 2008

Nov 4, 2011

I have a form and some controls as dropdown and textboxes..

The situation is that when the form loads, i want the value in textbox to be incremented, everytime it loads..

This is something i tried.. I get the value '1' everytime !! It shows no sign of increment..

However, i also want it in the format 0001,0002 if possible..I tried something like this..

Private Sub Order_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
textBox1.ReadOnly = True


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Auto-Increment Textbox Gives Negative Integer In Application?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a visual basic .net application. It has a sql server database and a dataset for it. I have created an interface to the database (passing through my dataset) to add, delete, save etc records in a table.

The ID entry has identity specification:Yes and increment seed 1 When I add a record, instead of giving 1,2,3... as id in the textbox it produces -1,-2,-3 (Negative integers)

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Auto-Increment Value To Textbox In Ms Access 2003, Vs 2008?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a form and some controls as dropdown and textboxes..The situation is that when the form loads, i want the value in textbox to be incremented, everytime it loads..This is something i tried.. I get the value '1' everytime !! It shows no sign of increment..However, i also want it in the format 0001,0002 if possible.

Private Sub Order_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
textBox1.ReadOnly = True


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Increment Textbox Value - Display In Textbox8 While Clicking On Button?

Jan 15, 2012

I have 2 buttons (Pizza & pepsi),the price should display in textbox8 when i click on button, here the price had shown in Textbox8,but it is not getting added with next price when i click second button.


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Use Post Increment And Pre Increment Operators

Mar 17, 2008

Do we have increment operators in VB.Net? I want to use post increment and Pre increment operators in VB.Net.I want touse the statement like, i++ and ++i.

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For Barcode - Input A Item Number In Textbox And If That Number Will Match In Your Database

Mar 7, 2012

I have a txtbox(for barcode).. if i input a item number in that txtbox and if that number will match in your database, the other information(shall we say, product type, item ID, etc..) will display in my other txtboxes..

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Phone Number Or Landline Number Validation In Textbox Code?

Feb 11, 2012

validation in vb.netemail_id validation,name,mobile number,Telephone number,zip_code,address i want to all code the textbox

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Set A Default Number And You Type In A Textbox A Random Number?

Mar 15, 2012

i want to set a default number and you type in a textbox a random number it should tell you whether it's high or low ,and when you typed in the right nmber it a lable should says something like you win .And also how can you change PART of a lable by typing in a text in a DIFFERENT FORM

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Check If A Number In A TextBox Is An Even Or Uneven Number?

Mar 24, 2010

Is there a way to check if a number in a TextBox is an even or uneven number?

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Get Line Number And Column Number Of Textbox

Mar 2, 2012

I'm doing a notepad project, just because, and in Ms's notepad there is an option for a statusstrip. I'm just having probems getting the line number and I know it's not called column number, more like selection start. When I do the selection start, it works, just not how I want it to like so:


but when I use that, it acts funny. I have it in my textbox's.keydown event. So if I were to use the arrow keys to navigate around text then it gets thrown off very easily. How would I do this?

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Multiply The Number In Textbox1 With The Number In Textbox 2?

Dec 13, 2010

i am creating a currency calculator and need to multiply the number in textbox1 with the number in textbox 2 (exchange rate) i also have a £ or a $ depending on the currency selected.

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Validating A Number In A Textbox?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm writing a part of an application for a movie ticket program.

Basically, I have to write an If statement verifying the age put in a textbox, based on a radiobox that is checked.

So, if the radiobox "PG" is checked, the age in the textbox has to be equal to or greater than 12. If "Restricted" is checked, then the textbox has to be equal to or great than 17.

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Allow Only Character (a-z) And Number(0-9) Only In Textbox?

Mar 23, 2010

Currently i try this code but[code]...

but i want to allow only a-z character and 0-9 number. not allow any symbol

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Count Number In Textbox?

Aug 8, 2010

Can I do it,Like this..

I want to count the total number 0 - 9 in Textbox and put in to ListBox



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