Hiding Adobe Menus And Toolbars - Just Displaying PDF?

Dec 16, 2011

I am using the "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Browser Control Type Library 1.0" control to view PDF's in my vb.net application. I want it to show just the PDF with no menus and toolbars.

I have used the following code:
AxAcroPDF1.src = "C:ShippingForm.pdf"

I am still getting the Navigation Panel on the left side of the panel. Does anybody have information on which method would disable this or maybe a list of all the methods?

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Customize Toolbars And Menus With A Custom Renderer ?

Oct 17, 2009

In VB.NET Tutorials I was following the tutorial Customize your toolbars and menus with a custom renderer and with the folowing code I get an error 'Declaration expected'


What am I missing?

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Pull Up Word Doc In Read ONLY Mode Not Toolbars Or Menus?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm using VB.net 2005. I want to open a Word doc from either the VB app. It can either shown on the form or in Word itself. Either way is fine. I tried using the WebBrowser control method, but it had the annoying "Open or Save" dialog that pops up and I don't want the users to get that. So now I am trying by opening up Word uses the sample code I found below. The problem is I want the users to ONLY be able to READ the doc. No Editing, Printing, or Saving. How Do I remove the Menubars, tool bars, and anything else that would allow them to print or save. Even if they tried to edit it would then do them no good without print or save.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Opens up doc in Word
Dim file_name As String


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Open A PDF Document In Adobe Print It And Close Adobe Reader

Oct 28, 2011

I'm using the following code to open a pdf document in Adobe reader print and close Adobe reader. It works well in XP but when i try the same in win server 2003 or win server 2008 I get a message in Adobe Reader saying it could not locate the file to be loaded. Any thoughts or guidance to resolve this behaviour will be great.


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Asp.net - Refactor To Design Pattern: Displaying/hiding Different Combinations Of Controls Based On State?

May 26, 2009

Assume you have controls A, B, C, D and E all with a Visibility property. You also have states 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in which various combinations of your controls would be displayed. Currently this is being handled by switch statements for each state: i.e.

Select Case PageState
case "1"
a.visible = false
b.visible = true


As you can imagine, this becomes a pain as every state needs a show/hide statement for each control. How can I refactor this so that adding controls and/or states becomes trivial?My first instinct is to extend the control and add a collection of states that it should display for but this sounds like overkill.

Edit:I was deliberately vague in my question in case this has other implications. In my current instance the "controls" in question are ASP Panels. Does that change anything?

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Custom Toolbars In Browser?

Dec 6, 2009

I've been working over the past year or so to make a very advanced web browser in visual basic, with features like speed dial, password remembering, popup handlers, phishing filters, advert blockers, etc. The final step of the way for me is to add in a toolbar feature. I don't want the source code - that would be asking far to much, but if someone has found any code which might point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. My code is allready around 15000 lines?

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VS 2008 Toolbars On Forms?

Aug 20, 2009

How would i set a toolbar on a form much like the ones a word document?

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Making Vista Style Toolbars In VB?

Mar 26, 2011

i am trying to make toolbars in VB that change their style according to the color scheme of your computer.if you don't know what i am talking about, look at the toolbars in IE, Firefox(with default theme), Notepad++ ect.i can use a boackround image for toolstrips, but they won't change for different OS's, i tried a toolbar control, but had the same theme problem and the buttons won't do anything?

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Add Custom Icons Created Outside Excel To Toolbars?

Feb 6, 2010

I want to use icon files that reside outside of Excel on my Excel toolbars for macro buttons I have created (I don't want to use the customizing function within Excel, but rather, icons that have already been created). In some prior life, I have done this and have some neat-looking icons on the Excel that resides on my desktop. I don't know how I did it, but I know it's doable!

Alternatively, if someone could tell me how to copy over the customized Excel setup, that would work too. I tried copying over my "Book 1" file, but got a message about macro security and digital certificates.

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VS 2008 Show/hide Toolbars Cleanly

Jul 20, 2010

Hi. I have 2 toolbars and want to show only one at a time.

But when I swap them using .visible, it updates the form each time I switch one on/off, so it's all flickery and slow, and other controls resize to suit the indermediate state.

How can I do it cleanly?

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Binding - Centralized Control Of Data Forms From Toolbars

Dec 24, 2009

what I want to achive is to have a centralized control of my data-forms from my toolbars (toolstrip), like navigating (PREV-NEXT), SAVE, DELETE, CANCLE and so on instead of having it in every form. it worked beautifully in my VB6 projects. below are the codes i did in .NET and it don't seem to work and I guessed it about my use of late binding in .NET.

This is what I have done that don't seem to work. In my project module, frm is declared Public as form object Public frm as system.windows.form().form

Im my childforms i want as soon as the forms are load, activated or have focus, should instantiate or create the form object in my frm. [Code] while in my menu or main form (parent form) with toolstrip buttons, this actually where all individual forms are called. [Code]

and it's flagging an error there:
frm.CloseForm is not a member of System.Windows.Forms().Form

and I must say here that I declared all the subs im calling in the childforms PUBLIC, and of-course frm being a late binding type may not have all the Public Method on it.

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Showing Toolbars For Excel File In A Windows Forms Control

Apr 2, 2012

I'm showing an excel file in a WebBrowser control on my form, but it doesn't show any toolbars. The customers wants the ability to make changes in the control and save them, hence the need to show the standard toolbars.

I've tried many different things including:

For Each cb As CommandBar In xlApp.CommandBars
cb.Visible = True


how I can get toolbars to show in the WebBrowser control?

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Using Explorer Style Toolbars/menu Strip On Windows Forms In Vb2005?

Dec 25, 2009

I wish to add a toolbar that looks like the one in windows explorer to my windows application in my visual basic 2005 application. Although I have currently deployed the default 'toolstrip' that is avilable among the controls but I don't understand how should i change the appearance of the toolstrip from office 2003 to the one present in windows explorer.Please provide a solution to the above problem.

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Using Adobe 10 In Vb6?

Apr 18, 2011

I have severval pdf docs that a generated from Crystal reports in a VB6 app that I need to merge into one pdf document before displaying to the user. I have Acrobat 10 and I defined two variables as:

dim currentdoc as Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc and dim newdoc as Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc and further in the code I set each to craete an object
Set currPdfDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
Set newPdfDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")

This is where I get a "The required component cannot be created" error. I have used this code before when we had verision 8 or 9, but I;'m trying to figure out how to get version 10 to work with VB6.

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Adobe Pdf Form To Submit To SQL Maybe Using .net?

Aug 17, 2011

How can I create a form like this [URL]and would like to submit it to a MSSQL database using vb.net or should i use another approach?Are there any books that go over this on amazon that i could purchase? I did try searching but frankly do not know exactly what to search for so that is why I think I am having trouble finding learning material on this topic. Tried Interactive PDF, tried submitting pdf form using vb?

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Adobe Pdf Form To Submit To SQL Maybe Using VB?

Jun 29, 2011

there any books that go over this on amazon that i could purchase? I did try searching but frankly do not know exactly what to search for so that is why I think I am having trouble finding learning material on this topic. Tried Interactive PDF, tried submitting pdf form using vb and was hoping someone would already have knowledge on a book i could read to handle this.

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VS 2008 Closing Adobe From VB

Jul 6, 2010

looking for an easy way to close Adobe Reader from VB if it's open.

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VS 2008 Read An Adobe Pdf With Vb App

May 17, 2011

I want to read an adobe pdf with my vb app. I have an example how to so but I don't know what is: AxAcroPDF1, how can I get this tool in my form , it looks like a picturebox with white backgroud and an icon of pdf in center . does anyone know how to get the AxAcroPDF1 tool?

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Display A PDF In An Adobe PDF Reader COM Component?

Aug 17, 2010

I am trying to display a PDF in an Adobe PDF reader COM component in VB.NET.

All i do is:

AxAcroPDF1.LoadFile("file path here")

But for some reason it's not displaying the PDF.

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How To Include .Net And Adobe Reader Into A Program

Jul 6, 2009

More exactly: First: check if net and adobe reader is installed on the host computer Second: if not, install it(them)

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Load The Adobe Photoshop Images?

Oct 11, 2011

how can i load the adobe photoshop images

picture1.picture = loadpicture ("c:image1.PDD")
image1.picture = loadpicture ("c:image1.PDD")
picture1.picture = loadpicture ("c:image1.PDD")

i also use the extension PDF or Adobe photoshop .

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Pre-filling Adobe Form Using .net (vs 2008)?

Mar 1, 2011

I have written a 'windows' app, that uses some Adobe 'forms' that I created using Adobe Pro 9.0 they are certificates of completion. I can open them, but I want to pre-fill the fields in the form before opening them. Such that, all the person can do, is to print the form with their name/date/other-info.which 'references' I need to add? which properties to set? etc.?

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Suppress Adobe Window While Printing?

Dec 2, 2011

I am trying to print a PDF document from VB.NET program. The following code works but the Adobe blank screen comes up while printing. Is there a way to supress this window?

Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
startInfo.FileName = "Test.pdf"
startInfo.Verb = "print"


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Use Webbrowser With An Adobe Flash Webpage?

Aug 15, 2011

Last year my team wrote a VB .Net project that used the webbrowser control to automatically fill out user forms, click images, action buttons etc. for a web application used in our company. This year, the web application was upgraded to version 3.0. We got the application in our area so that we can adjust the code in our application to work with the upgraded web application.However, the new web application is loaded with Adobe Flash. We cannot "right-click" in the window to retrieve the Source Code (this is how we got the information from the last web application, right-click and read the HTML). When we right-click, we only get options to change Adobe settings.How do I find the source code for the web page that uses Adobe Flash in order to use our application to communicate with it and fill out the fields, click buttons, etc.?

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Using Adobe PDF To Replace Requet Document?

Apr 23, 2009

<VB.NET 2005, SQL server 2005> We have a Human Resource system that peole can request a vacation or sick day, but employees still have to fill out request form thru paper.Is it possible implementing Adobe PDF into my application, then user can fill out the request form thru Adobe PDF file directly theu my application. I saw it is working with PowerBuilder, but I am not sure whether it is possilbe or not with and how to do it.

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Add Menus To Projects?

Jan 28, 2010

I want to start learning how to add menus to my vb.net projects. how to code and design them.

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Get Menus To Collapse?

Aug 29, 2009

The situation is that I have a menu strip on the form from which the user can select an item, which opens a sub-menu, which opens another sub-menu which contains a combo box listing some options.

Eg. File>Project>Load>combo-box control

When the item is selected in the combo box, the code executes and modifies values on the same form, but the menu system does not collapse by itself.

I have to click on the form and then the menu system collapses.

I tried setting the focus to the form, but that does not collapse the menu system.

Does anyone know how to get the menus to collapse automatically?

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No Icons In Menus?

Jan 11, 2010

I was wondering if ToolStripMenus and ContextMenus support icons? (e.g having an icon next to the text), please tell me that they do because I cant find any property like that and if they don't that's a real shame :)

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Adobe PDF Can't Have Summary Information Written As OLE Property

Jun 28, 2011

Adobe PDF does not have summary information written as an OLE property set into a stream named "05SummaryInformation" off the root storage. It uses another method that Microsoft stopped supporting in XP.

Using DSOFile I have added Summary Information to a PDF. This works...or at least I assmume so as after closing and opening the file the Summary Information is visible (Using a DSOFile viewer not Adobe)!

This is a simplified version of the code to save Summary Information to the PDF. Note this will not work on all documents for example Office 2007 docs. I use WindowsAPICodePack.dll for docs that this does not work on![code]...

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Adobe PDF Reader Control Not Working Win7 32 Bit?

Sep 1, 2011

I have an application that I developed (and worked) in Windows XP. Now that I try the same exact program on Windows 7, it doesn't work. It's a simple test of the Adobe plugin, so it's nothing fancy. Here's the code:

Public Class FrmMain Private Sub BtnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnOpen.Click


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