How To Load Multiple Same Forms Location

Sep 20, 2010


How to load multiple SAME forms location? I have no problem to load 2 different forms' location but the multiple same forms' locations.

The following code is for loading the different forms:

Private Sub Menu_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Me.Location = My.Settings.Location
Me.Visible = True

'Usually i have multiple Form1 are opened when i close app.
Dim f1 As New Form1
f1.Location = My.Settings.test
f1.Visible = True

End Sub

Thank you for the helps!

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Forms :: Control The Load Location Of An App?

Mar 19, 2009

I am developing a windows app in VS2008 to be used along side ESRI�s ArcMap. Most ArcMap users will have dual monitors and I would like the user to be able to choose which monitor my app is loaded on to.

When I deploy the app using the standard install package, the app will load onto which ever monitor the user places the desktop shortcut. However, when using the ClickOnce method of deployment, the placement of the shortcut does not matter and the app always loads on the primary display monitor.

Is there a way to control where an app is loaded by code or any other method?

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Forms :: UnBound DataGridView Location - Grid Must Be In The Correct Location According To The Pixel Point?

Dec 19, 2011

i am using an unbound datagridview so i can dynamiclly add rows. all that is working fine. but the grid is not is the location i have coded.. i am using the defualt form as a base then coding the unbound stuff in.. should i just create a blank class file and do everything? the only problem i am having is the grid must bees in the correct location according to the pixel point that i have given it. Right now it is placing the grid at point (0,0) no matter what point is entered on the line for location. so what am i missing??????

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Load In Image / File From Location Of Program?

Sep 7, 2009

If I create an array of bitmaps, something like Dim PictureArray(10) as New Bitmap..How do I then load my pictures into the array? If I try Picture Array(1) = "("c:image.bmp") I get an error.Also, can someone remind me of how I load in an image/file from the location of my program? Do I just use ("image.bmp") or do I need to specify curdir or something?

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Load Form2 On Top Of Form1 Everytime No Matter Location?

May 25, 2009

How can i get form2 to to load exactly center of form1 or a location within the form when i get form2 to show, no matter the location of form1.[code]...

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Redirect Image Load Requests In A WebBroswer Control To A Different Location?

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to make a html editor that allows you to preview the code as you type.

The users are able to see a live preview of the text they're typing. What I'm trying to do is get the webbrowser to load images from a different location. So, when the user changes the text in the richtextbox, the webbrowser.documenttext is changed to the text of the richtextbox and the page is loaded. But, if the code contains images, the webbrowser won't load them because there isn't any file, just the documenttext. The richtextbox is linked with the actual file itself, but I can't make it constantly write text to the actual file because that would make the save function pointless. Writing the text to another file in the same location isn't an option either, because that is too slow.

So, how can I make the webbrowser read the images from a self-selected directory?

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Control The Starting Location Where On The Desktop Those Four Windows Will Appear When Load (Open) The Window?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a game that will open four windows on the desktop using VBE2008.How do I control the starting location where on the desktop those four windows will appear when I Load (Open) the Window?

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Avoid Multiple Login From Different Location?

Jun 27, 2010

How can i avoid multiple log into the application at the same time from different locations? If one user is logged in and the other user uses the same ID and PW to log in then he/she will not able to log in.

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Copying Multiple Folders From One Location To Another?

May 17, 2012

I recently designed a web application using VB.Net and tried to copy a folder (containing multiple files) from one disk drive to another but unfortunately I didn't succeed.I tried using a file upload but that is only for single/multiple file selection however I want to select a complete folder instead of multiple files.

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How To Set Tip Forms Location

Mar 18, 2011

I have a project in (2008) .net 3.5 in which I have a mainform (Not a MdiParent) and I created another form I want to use as a tip form. I'm trying to set the tip forms location to the lower right of the mainform no matter what the size of the mainform's height and width.

I tried this :
TipForm.Location = New Point(Me.Width - TipForm.Width, Me.Height - Me.RibbonControl.Height - Me.statusbar.Height * 1.5 - TipForm.Height)

View 7 Replies

.net - Keep A Class In A Central Location And Reference It From Multiple Websites?

Aug 19, 2009

We have several VB.NET websites running internal applications. These sites are often modified with minor changes, and are maintained on the server as uncompiled code. I'm looking for the best way to maintain classes so that we can reference them from multiple websites.

Specifically, we're looking to put some common functions (error logging, common database calls, etc.) into a centralized location where they can be maintained separately from the sites and called as needed. And we'd prefer to have this on the server as uncompiled code, so it can be uploaded without precompiling. I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but what is the best way to set this up?

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Build A Menu From Multiple Xml Files In A Central Location?

Nov 1, 2011

I am wanting to build a menu from multiple xml files in a central location this will be to help with adding crystal reports after application has been deployed to an end user.I am able to get the list of all the xml files in a folder it is just the adding the ReportName to the different menu buttons i have set up.

Dim dirs As String() = Directory.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath & "Reports", "*.xml")
Dim dir As String For Each dir In dirs Dim xe As XElement = XElement.Load(dir)Next

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Placing Multiple Pictureboxes To Different Location By Using Keypress Event?

Dec 19, 2011

I have this code. credits to jmchiney. My goal is when I press a certain key, the picturebox corresponding to that key should be moved to a certain location. Exactly like in the text twist game.

I have a code running and doing what I want but It is only applicable for single letter. For example the word alabama. all letters without duplicates are placed properly but for letter a, only one letter a is being accepted and moved. that goes for all letters.

Here is the

Dim pb As New PictureBox
Select Case (e.KeyChar)
Case CChar(letterPicbox1.Tag)


Another one. when a certain letter is already placed to the location I set and once I press again the same letter, the location changes. What I want is when I already gave pictureboxA a location and then I press "a" which correspond to pictureboxA again it should be stationary and check if there are other letter "a" in my pictureboxes and move the next detected letter "a" to the next position. Like i said. just like text twist game.

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Forms :: How To Change Location Of Panel

Mar 7, 2009

i want the panel to center itself evertime i change the size of the window. how do i do it? panel1.location.x=form1.location.x doesent work.

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Forms :: Unable To 'Call' From Another Location

May 13, 2009

I have a form which has a button and a toolbar.

The button has code which works and deletes a record in a database:

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click


I can put similar code into the toolbar button just changing the Button5_Click to the name of the toolbar button but I thought it would be better if I 'called' the already written code.

I changed the Private Sub Button5_Click etc. to Public Sub Button5_Click then in the Toolbar button click event I put 'call Sub Button5_Click()'

I get errors stating that ' argument not specified for parameter 'e' ' and can't progress.

I will be using this code in a few other forms so would like to 'call' possible.

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Managing Modal Forms Location

Oct 3, 2010

I've got a "Loading" form which I display as a modal form when doing lengthy processes. I'm using the below to keep the form centred within the child form performing the process. However, when minimisingmaximising the "Loading" form appears before the parent making it look a little unprofessional. Anything I can do about that (Delay it appearing or attaching it in a different way)?


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MDI Forms Location/Class-function?

Jan 8, 2009

I want to create a function (class?) that will have stored the coordinates(values) of my mdiforms, so I can call it whenever I want to dispaly the mdiforms. I want to avoid retyping again and again (in every mdi form) the above Me.Top=5 Me.Left=150 on forms load.

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Save Forms Position / Location?

Aug 6, 2010

Does anyone know how can I create a function to save the forms position / location and load the previus forms position / location when next time the app is started.

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VS 2008 Location Of Child Forms?

Aug 11, 2011

I have a Midi form with controls I always want to be displayed even when child forms are open. I can position the location of the child forms when the project is first opened with no issues. The problem I have is if more than 3 child forms are open and I enter the middle form one of the others is no longer visible. Me.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.Cascade) will reorder all the forms but it starts at location(0,0). Have tried the other options available with midilayout and they all do the same thing

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Application That Has Multiple Front Ends Developed Using Windows Forms / WPF / ASP / Compact Framework Mobile Forms

Apr 9, 2010

I have the requirement to create an application that has multiple front ends developed using Windows Forms, WPF, ASP and Compact Framework Mobile Forms.I would like to be able to create a series of obejct representing the business logic and have this logic accessible from the various front ends available. My first thought was to use remoting as I'd like to be able to pass the business objects back and forth between client and server but the compact framework doesn't support remoting and also transferring a full framework business object to a compact framework business object doesn't seem possible.My next thought was to use web services but again the passing of business objects seems to be very hard to accomplish. Without doing this I would have to create individual web methods for each business operation.

Finally my next option is to use sockets and write the whole client/server logic within some classes and expose them to the UI/Business layer. My only problem with this is it is not scaleable should the number of clients increase dramatically whereas using remoting or web services I can host the solution via ASP.Net.Does anybody have an ideas on the best way forward for this or even have any input on how they would write an application that required a windows form, wpf, asp website and mobile device GUI all of which want to use the same business logic?

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Forms :: Copy A Control And Place It In Another Location?

Sep 10, 2011

Does anyone know how to copy a control (button, panel etc...) and place the control with the same click event on another part of a form while keeping the original in the same location? I have a custom user control that I created that has special features on click. If I have the control on the left side and want to drag it over to the right side I want the control duplicated, as this control can be duplicated unlimited times, and still have the same click event.


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Forms :: Copy Files From A Dynamic Location?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm developing an application which relies on several files to be copied over to a specific location on the users hard drive ("C: est") when they run the program for the first time, and am having a hard time wrapping my head around how to account for the fact that the original location may be in a different location for each user.

Any ideas for either getting the path where the files would be and then copying them to the desired destination?

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Forms :: Determining Opening Location Of A Form?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a button on my form. When I click it, I want a form to be opened exactly on the location where the button is.

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Forms :: Picturebox Flickering When Location Changed?

Aug 3, 2010

i am making an RPG game with visual basic...The character is a picture box.The problem is when i move the charactor with the arrow keys it flashes black for a milisecond. I think added animated walking where it slowely moves 32 pixels but not it goes black the whole time... what can i do sto stop it going black everytime it moves?

Old movement
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
player.Image = My.Resources.mainplayerright
moveto = New Point(playerx + 32, playery)


That code moves the player slowely but causes a big black line to merge then just ends up teleporting the player..How can i get rid of the black flash during movement?

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Forms :: Read A File Location From Textbox2?

Feb 16, 2011

I need to read a file location from textbox2 and replace it with file from textbox 1 at button click but I'm a beginner when it comes to system command calls

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Forms :: Save The Location Of The Object And Redraw?

Feb 12, 2011

I have developed an application where i am drawing line using the mouse like a pen (it can be of any shape) i want to save the location of the object and redraw it later using the drawn location saved on any xml or text file. Instead of saving the edited image i want to save the location only to save the space in the sql server.

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Forms :: Show Form Random Location?

May 26, 2009

im working on a little project and i need my form1 to basically spam itself in random locations...

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Saving Object Location/Information On Forms?

Apr 12, 2011

I am making a program to organize grainbins in seperate yards.In this program, the grainbins need to be moved around and thier position to be saved when the program is closed. I also need to save information such as backcolour and text.I am specifically referring to GroupBoxes, OvalShapes, Textboxes, Labels, and ComboBoxes.

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C# - Calculate Location And Number Of Intersections Between Multiple Date/time Ranges?

Apr 29, 2010

I need to calculate the location of intersections between multiple date ranges, and the number of overlapping intersections. Then I need to show which date/time ranges overlap each of those intersecting sections. It is slightly more complicated than that so I'll do my best to explain by providing an example. I am working in VB.Net, but C# examples are acceptable as well as I work in both.

We have several high risk tasks that involve the same system. Below I have three example jobs named HR1/2/3/4 with start and end date/times.

HR1 {1/6/2010 10:00 - 1/6/2010 15:00}
HR2 {1/6/2010 11:00 - 1/6/2010 18:00}
HR3 {1/6/2010 12:00 - 1/6/2010 14:00}


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Forms :: Multiple Forms, Closing Events And Sub Routines?

May 25, 2010

I have googled high and low to find an answer to this but I must be searching wrong.I have an application which has a listview displaying some items that are stored in a SQL Compact database. I am using a second form to add new items to this list directly into the database.When the second form closes I want to call the sub in my first form to refresh the list from the database.

How can I get it to fire the form1 sub routine on the close event of form2

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