How To Compare Textbox Files To Ones In Directory

Jun 1, 2010

I want to compare some files from a textbox to ones in a directory.
[Code] .....

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Compare Two Directory Trees - File & Directory

Feb 1, 2010

I am attempting to compare two directory trees. I have the program map the network drive and copy a directory. I need it to verify that the files copied successfully by comparing the source to the destination. If comparison returns equal then perform action1, if comparison returns unequal then perform action2.

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Check When Files In A Directory Equal To Text In Textbox?

Apr 9, 2011

Im trying to use this code to check if files in a directory equal to the text typed in these textboxes. The files end with extension ".ldb". The code doesnt seem to work

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Scan A Directory And Copy All Excel Files To A Single Directory?

Feb 28, 2009

am trying to scan a directory and copy all excel files to a single directoryhere is the codeTry

For Each foundFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("e:datainventory_resultsarchive", FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.xls")


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Get Files From A Directory And All The Sub Directory's To Show In A Checked List Box?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm trying to get files from a directory and all the sub directory's to show in a checked list box. This is my first time working with arrays?here is the code

Public Class add_to_play_list
'IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory & "\x"'
Dim Home As String
Dim Fi As New ArrayList


I have a sansa fuze and i have to make my own playlist for it so i want to have the program read the songs that are on there and show it to you in the list box and you can check off the ones you want then it will read the mp3 files to make the playlist, it needs the path, name, and duration from the mp3 file. i can get the name and the path so far...

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Select A Directory And Move Files From The Directory

Apr 8, 2011

I am going to need to create a windows form for work that we can connect to a database table, select a directory and move files from the directory that are in the table and move to another folder. The directory will have sub directories that I need to search for the file name and move. I would like to have the table hold the file name (or path) and move all files that are in the database. There might be 20 files or 1000. Depends on the client we are processing for.


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VS 2008 Copying Files From Directory To Directory

Dec 25, 2009

I'm using a dialog box to select multiple files and move them to the directory "C:/Playlist". I guess you can say I'm having trouble with 2 things.

1. The Loop

2. Use of the dialogs FileNames function


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Open Directories To Compare Directory / File Names And Other Properties?

Aug 16, 2010

I have several groups of files with idential names, but the files inside may or may not have identcal names, and may differ only in the size or date stamp. I want to combine them to save all unique directory names, and unique file names, and if the date/sizes are unique, then add some number on the end of the file name to make them unique as well. Only idential file sizes and names and dates will be discarded. How do you open directories to compare directory/file names and other properties?

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VS 2008 List Files In A Directory + Write The Result In A Text Files?

Dec 14, 2009

I am trying to create a program which will read the files that exist in a directory, and then write in a text file the specific information (full file name, date created)i have found several code in the site but i cant make it work, the machine i am running the code is XP and i am using VB2008.The code i have found is the following:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.String


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Reconcile A List Of Files And A Directory With Subfolders/files To Find Changes?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a SQL Server table with a list of files (path + filename), and a folder with multiple layers and files in each layer. I'm looking for a way to reconcile the two without having to process the list twice. Currently, I'm doing this:

For Each f as FileInfo In FileListFromDatabase
If f.Exists is False, mark it as deleted in the database


Is there a better way to do this? I'd like to avoid converting all the matching files (of which most will be) to FileInfo objects twice. Since I'm a T-SQL developer first, I'm picturing something like an OUTER JOIN of the two lists where they don't match. Something LINQ-ish?

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Copying Files From One Directory To Another Directory

Oct 13, 2010

i am trying to move a file (test.txt) from say from:[code]I understand from the MSDN forum, i can use this File.Copy(pathA, pathB) OR Directory. Move(pathA, pathB) where pathA = C:folder_ est.txt and pathB = C:folder_ est.txt

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Directory Listing - Write A Simple Program That Will Let Me Choose A Directory And Get A Listing Of All Files?

May 8, 2010

All I am trying to do is write a simple program that will let me choose a directory and get a listing of all files in that directory and its sub-directories and show it in a RichTextBox. I got as far as being able to select the directory but when I click "OK" I get "access to c:documents and settingsstevedesktopmp3 is denied".The code I am using is listed below.


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Compare All Files With MD5?

Oct 21, 2011

I just put 2 datagridview in form1 and both datagridview got filename and MD5 hash. but some data in datagridview1 and datagridview2 got different MD5 hash but same filename.. but how can i compare both MD5 hash and put it into another datagridview (datagridview3)

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Way To Compare Two Files

Aug 12, 2009

I have two files containing lines in the following form

56) switch= bodlookleft

57) Switch= smile

I need to compare the files line by line and write the different lines into a third file.

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.net - Compare Three Text Files

Apr 18, 2011

I have a program in which i must compare three text files(two against one) and verify that they are all same. Even if there is one change i must know where the change is, which text file and which line. The format of the text file is like this


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Compare Between 2 Txt Files And Save It In New Txt?

Apr 2, 2009

I have many txt files, and i have to select any txt file to search and compare match fields with file: CompareText.txt. My text file format:



, I can get the same result (depend on the third column to compare), then i must save this result to new txt file . Examples, this result from 2 txt files:


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Compare Files In Two Directories

Jul 7, 2010

I need to check files in one directory that end in 'ilk' and compare it to another directory with files that end in 'txt'. If the file name matches (with the exception of the extension), then I want to delete the file that ends with 'ilk'.

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Compare Sound Files In Vb?

Feb 16, 2009

how i can compare sound files in vb.

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App To Compare Data From Various Text Files

Dec 7, 2010

I've been tasked with writing an app that reads in various text files(.csv, .txt) in different formats with different delimiters.I then need to compare certain data in these files and report the differences.There are a couple of columns that are common between the files, but they aren't in the same place, and there is inconsistent and unnecessary header info.There is extra data(columns) in these files that I don't need.Should I parse these files into a datatable? Should I create an object for each file type to format the data and get rid of the unnecessary info?I'm not sure about the best way to tackle this problem.

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App To Compare Data In Various Text Files?

Dec 7, 2010

I have been tasked with creating an app that will read in various text files(.csv, .txt) and compare some of the data contained within.

I thought I would read in the files and convert them to datatables. Once I had them in a datatable I figured I could remove the unnecessary rows/columns and then sort and compare the pertinent info for differences. The difficulty is that the various files are formatted differently so I will need to get each type formatted correctly. Is this the best approach?

I have read in a .csv, parsed it into a datatable, but I'm having trouble with the logic/coding to get rid of the rows and columns that I don't need. Also, I'm not sure how to handle a row that has a cell with a comma seperated list of values that will need to be split into individual rows.

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Compare 2 Large Size Xml Files?

Jan 29, 2010

I have created an windows application. In the application i have 2 xml files (e.g., Pre.xml & Post.xml) & the 2 files are same structure.

My requirement is compare the pre & post xml files and get the differences between xml files. Like what are all the newly added nodes, removed nodes and modified nodes as well.

I tried with XmlDiffPatch.Dll, it is working for small size xml files, but in my case xml file size should be upto 100+ mb.

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Compare Two Files By Time Stamp?

Mar 31, 2010

I need to compare 2 files one on a PC in country X and 1 on a PC in Y.Country X and Y could be any country in the world.

When I compare the last modified dates of the files, it returns the local modified time, so they are always different.

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Get A Code For Compare Between 2 Text Files A.txt And B.txt?

Mar 17, 2010

i want a code for compare between 2 text files A.txt and B.txt all record in file B.txt includes in file A.txt but with different value.the digits with color red are accounts and the digits with color blue are values.i want to compare between A.txt and B.txt based on accounts,when find the accounts from B.txt in A.txt copy the full record for these accounts from A.txt and print it in new file C.txt

File A.txt:
ABC20100317201000000 -----> Header


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How To Compare Two Text Files Quickly

Mar 13, 2008

I want to create my special full-text index using text files, without database.I saved records ids for every word in index, in text file..Now if I want to search for tow words together; I have to get ids that is shared between these words by comparing text files of these words ids; and saving the result in other text file.[code]But now the problem if the first word has 100,000 ids and also the second word same it; the loop will take too long time! It will loop 100,000 * 100,000 times!How can I find another way to compare these files quickly; or another idea for my full-text index with text files?

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Compare - Open Text Files Into RichTextboxes

May 31, 2012

Well, I have a MenuStrip1 with submenu "Open File1" and "Open File2".

An OpenFileDialog1, two RichTextboxes and a button called "Check".

When I open txt files into RichTextboxes, by clicking the check button i want it to compare the two contents and focus the differents with a color (let's say yellow).

I have created a simple project and at the end it only says with a MessageBox if files are the same or different.

Here is my



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Compare Extracted Information From Multiple Files?

Feb 16, 2009

Ok, stay with me on this one.I have a bunch of css files with classes defined in them.They are like this:.toolbar{......}.addpage{......}

I have managed to extract the just the classnames with a bit of help from a fellow i have another bunch of .vb, .aspx files which use these css classes in them. they in the form:<id=23441:cssClass="toolbar">Now I have to extract the classnames after the 'cssClass' key word and then compare all the classnames with the previously extracted ones and determine which Classes are not being used.

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How To Copy, Delete, Show Files, Show Current Directory, Change Directory, Make Folder, Rename Folder

Jul 22, 2011

how to copy, delete, show files, show current directory, change directory, make folder, rename folder. My problem is i have a method on deleting a file and copying a file, but i don't know how to pass the method so that when i click the delete button it would let me choose what file to delete. By the way im using buttons on each function.[code...]

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Compare And Merge Multiple Files Text File

Jun 23, 2011

I have a multiple text files that I need to merge. but I need to compare the reference number before merge it.[code]What will be the fastest way to deal it read line by line to compare. the text file consist of thousand of line

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Compare Two Text Files In Visual Studio 2010?

May 16, 2012

I have a monster of a problem and don't know where to start. I need to create a simple application that will: have two open file dialog boxeseach file box, one can choose the .txt file to compareonce each box has a file location, click a button that starts. My boss man wants the results saved as :


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VS 2008 Compare And Display Results Of Two Text Files

Dec 10, 2009

I started with not knowing anything and I have built 2 programs over the last month and a half and have learned valuable information from the help of this board. I have 1 last hurdle before I am done and I am hoping to get another tip for this. First of all let me start by explaining what I have done.


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