VS 2008 Compare And Display Results Of Two Text Files

Dec 10, 2009

I started with not knowing anything and I have built 2 programs over the last month and a half and have learned valuable information from the help of this board. I have 1 last hurdle before I am done and I am hoping to get another tip for this. First of all let me start by explaining what I have done.


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Search Text Files And Display Results?

Aug 26, 2011

Simply put, I have a text file full of reg values. I want to search the text file for X number of reg values. I want to then, have those values and their dword values (whole line + next 3 to 4 lines in the file) listed in either another text file or an Excel spreadsheet. Regardless of the format, I would like to have the values sectioned off for each of the values searched (probably tables of some sort).[code]...

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VB: Searching For Text Within All PDF Files And Returning Results Of PDF Files Where Text Are Found On

Jun 20, 2011

On a image file (PDF), the OCR has recognised the picture and text. However on Visual Basics, how do you search for a text on this image file? The primary goal is to allow a text search (i.e POxxxxx) on all the image files (PDFs). The returns of the search will be the assciated image files where the text (i.e POxxxxx) is found on.

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.net - Compare Three Text Files

Apr 18, 2011

I have a vb.net program in which i must compare three text files(two against one) and verify that they are all same. Even if there is one change i must know where the change is, which text file and which line. The format of the text file is like this


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VS 2008 Display Files From A Directory Into A Text Box To Manage?

Dec 19, 2009

how I would be able to make the click of a button scan a certain directory for certain files like .txt files, and display those files in a text box, or if not a text box some other viewer.

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App To Compare Data From Various Text Files

Dec 7, 2010

I've been tasked with writing an app that reads in various text files(.csv, .txt) in different formats with different delimiters.I then need to compare certain data in these files and report the differences.There are a couple of columns that are common between the files, but they aren't in the same place, and there is inconsistent and unnecessary header info.There is extra data(columns) in these files that I don't need.Should I parse these files into a datatable? Should I create an object for each file type to format the data and get rid of the unnecessary info?I'm not sure about the best way to tackle this problem.

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App To Compare Data In Various Text Files?

Dec 7, 2010

I have been tasked with creating an app that will read in various text files(.csv, .txt) and compare some of the data contained within.

I thought I would read in the files and convert them to datatables. Once I had them in a datatable I figured I could remove the unnecessary rows/columns and then sort and compare the pertinent info for differences. The difficulty is that the various files are formatted differently so I will need to get each type formatted correctly. Is this the best approach?

I have read in a .csv, parsed it into a datatable, but I'm having trouble with the logic/coding to get rid of the rows and columns that I don't need. Also, I'm not sure how to handle a row that has a cell with a comma seperated list of values that will need to be split into individual rows.

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Get A Code For Compare Between 2 Text Files A.txt And B.txt?

Mar 17, 2010

i want a code for compare between 2 text files A.txt and B.txt all record in file B.txt includes in file A.txt but with different value.the digits with color red are accounts and the digits with color blue are values.i want to compare between A.txt and B.txt based on accounts,when find the accounts from B.txt in A.txt copy the full record for these accounts from A.txt and print it in new file C.txt

File A.txt:
ABC20100317201000000 -----> Header


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How To Compare Two Text Files Quickly

Mar 13, 2008

I want to create my special full-text index using text files, without database.I saved records ids for every word in index, in text file..Now if I want to search for tow words together; I have to get ids that is shared between these words by comparing text files of these words ids; and saving the result in other text file.[code]But now the problem if the first word has 100,000 ids and also the second word same it; the loop will take too long time! It will loop 100,000 * 100,000 times!How can I find another way to compare these files quickly; or another idea for my full-text index with text files?

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VS 2008 Best Way To Display Large Text Files/Slow Controls?

Mar 24, 2009

I am new to VB.Net, but I can tell you so far I love programming. That said, I'm building a tool basically to parse and display simple plain text log files. I'm hitting one stumbling block that really has me frustrated.

Other tools are able to load huge log files (500MB even) in a number of seconds. My tool, basically hangs loading a file that is maybe 5MB.

I'm using the MyString = StreamReader.ReadToEnd to read the contents into a string, and then RichTextBox1.Text = MyString to display the contents. That said, I really want to display the contents in a datagrid, but there has to be a better way of doing this?

How can I get my application to load larger files and display them faster? What am I doing wrong?

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Compare Text In 2 RichTextBoxes And Display Differences?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm trying to create a little program that compares the text from two richtextboxes and displays the differences in text between the two. I.E. one text box contains "i like cheese" and the other contains "i like blue cheese" I want it to display the word blue in a 3 richtextbox. I'm just not sure what the best way to go about it is

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Compare - Open Text Files Into RichTextboxes

May 31, 2012

Well, I have a MenuStrip1 with submenu "Open File1" and "Open File2".

An OpenFileDialog1, two RichTextboxes and a button called "Check".

When I open txt files into RichTextboxes, by clicking the check button i want it to compare the two contents and focus the differents with a color (let's say yellow).

I have created a simple project and at the end it only says with a MessageBox if files are the same or different.

Here is my



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Compare Between 2 Text Files And Save It In New Text?

Apr 2, 2009

I have many txt files, and i have to select any txt file to search and compare match fields with file: CompareText.txt. My text file format:



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Change Display Of Query Results In Text Box

Jan 19, 2011

ill get the obviuose out of the way. I have XP Pro, VB2010, query(read only) to an ODBC db, displaying several results in a text box. How can I make the data display w/o the the numbers displaing decimal places. These are quantities that are to be displayed not pricing, ie. the result would say 7.0000 qty on hand, and it should say 7 on hand. The code is below,


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Display Current Results In Text File?

Apr 5, 2010

How can I display only the most current results from a text file? I have a button the user can click that needs to display only the most current results from the text file.

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Compare And Merge Multiple Files Text File

Jun 23, 2011

I have a multiple text files that I need to merge. but I need to compare the reference number before merge it.[code]What will be the fastest way to deal it read line by line to compare. the text file consist of thousand of line

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Compare Two Text Files In Visual Studio 2010?

May 16, 2012

I have a monster of a problem and don't know where to start. I need to create a simple application that will: have two open file dialog boxeseach file box, one can choose the .txt file to compareonce each box has a file location, click a button that starts. My boss man wants the results saved as :


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Display Results Of An Operation To A Text File Temporarily?

Oct 21, 2009

I am writing my own script for a simple calculator that determines if a number is prime, and its prime factors.[code]The loopcount = compare - 2 means I want the loop to be 2 less than the square root of the answer so that when do a descending calculation (loopcount = loopcount - 1) it doesn't see if 1 or 0 is a factor of the answer. for the calculations after that, I want, every time n1 = n2 (a whole number factor of the answer), I want to report those results to a text file (n2 and n3) in this format "(n2, n3)" then go to the next line. and continue to execute the loop until the loopcount is zero. Currently, when I run the code, the application closes when I click the prime button (button that runs this code) and I don't know why. This is my first semester in school, and have never coded before, so I am a definite laymen with code, but I really really want to learn it (hence why for fun im just creating algorithms for different things).

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Catch Block In Text.vb And Display The Results In Default.aspx?

Feb 26, 2010

Catch block in text.vb and display the results in default.aspx

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VS 2008 - Convert The Vba Macro And Display The Results To A Dataset

Jun 28, 2009

I currently have an excel spreadsheet that has a macro that displays information from my sql server. Everything works fine with it. Im trying to embed that into my vb project though. Anyone know what the best route to go would be to do this. Should I try to convert the vba macro and display the results to a dataset?Or should I try to recreate the connection through VB to display the results? or is that sort of the same thing? Or should I try something different? [Code]

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Can Retrieve VS2005 Sln Files And To Get 'convert' Button To Display Text In 2nd Text Box.

Jan 6, 2011

I am building a vb.net application with VS2010. The aim of the application is to change sln. files from VS2005/2008 versions into VS2010.I am using a Form with 2 text boxes and 2 buttons. When I click the 1st button it reveals the sln file in the text box. Then i have a 'convert' button that I want to use to 'convert' the file that appears in the first text box. I have come quite far with the source code but am just a bit puzzled as to how i can retrieve the VS2005 sln files and to get the 'convert' button to display the text in the 2nd text box.[code]

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Compare LINQ-to-Entity To Date Results In Error?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a simple If..Then like so:

If rhcexists.First.SignatureDate > Date.Today.AddMonths(-6) Then
End If
rhcexists is a simple query to the Entity Model:


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Cryptography - Command Line Argument To Compare The MD5 Results

Jun 11, 2009

I have a file called Test.txt with a one line of String equal to 'This is String', and I've created a command line argument to compare the MD5 results, why am I not getting a match?


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Compare Date - Compare Textbox1 And Textbox2 Text

Mar 3, 2010

I have two textbox in my application.


Textbox2.Text="Jan 2010"

May I know how can I compare that Textbox1 and Textbox2 text is within same month and same year?

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VS 2008 Compare Text Docs

Jan 27, 2010

I'm reading a text doc from my hard drive. I'm reading it via a stream reader.

On a button click i'm reading it again, because the contence of the text doc may have been updated, what I want to do is show in one textbox the actual file and in another one just what is new. How can I compare them?

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VS 2008 Compare Lines Within A Text File?

Jan 20, 2012

I would like to read a txt file and then check if the same name exist within its sublevel.If found within the sublevel, delte those line.sample txt file:

3786687.ASM M1 -- BLOC CLIM AUTO


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Compare Two Text Files Line By Line?

May 1, 2010

I've been trying to compare two text files line by line but I was only able to compare the file lengths. I'm creating a dance mat game and I have a text file of the steps that should be taken to get a perfect score and a text file of the actual steps taken by the user. Each text file contains a time stamp and a binary value indicating which arrow was stepped on. I'm using streamreader and streamwriter to write and read the text files.

Private Sub Score_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Display Read And Write Files To Text Box

Nov 18, 2010

I am a new to visual basic 2010 and I am creating a small game program that will have players names and keep their scores in a text file. I placed the text file in debug folder for debugging purposes. The code below has been simplified for demonstrating purposes only.


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VS 2008 - Compare Text File From Server With Local And Download

Jul 20, 2009

I'm willing to compare a textfile (whatever) which contains a few lines of text. After the comparison it should download and replace the "changed" folder/file. E.g.

(Local txtFile)
maps: 1.0.0
db1: 1.0.0
db2. 1.0.0

(Server txtFile)
maps: 1.0.1
db1: 1.0.0
db2. 1.0.0

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Read/display Directory Files In Listbox To Rich Text Box?

Mar 14, 2011

my knowledge of VB.net is limited and i'm really trying hard to figure this problem out...

what i did was create a list box and populate it with a directory ("C:Documents and Settingsuserfolder1")...

once the listbox displays the files from the directory, i want to select a certain file and that file will be opened up in a rich text box.What i found to display the directory in a listbox is:

Dim directory As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:Documents and SettingsjtanDesktopRECV")
Dim diar1 As IO.FileInfo() = directory.GetFiles()
Dim dra As IO.FileInfo
Dim files As String


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