How To Define Variable As Global

May 14, 2009

I have no idea as to how I can define a variable as "GLOBAL" in VB Express 2008. I used VB V 3.0 and if I remember correctly the statement "Global varName as Integer" allowed me to use the variable across different forms. I've tried the statement "Public varName as Integer = 0" on Form1 but Form2 tells me the variable is not declared.

The statement (in Form1) "Form2.Label1.Text = CStr(varName)" displays the value on Form2 in Label1 but I cannot then use the value again in Form2, e.g. "Label2.Text = Label1.Text". How I can transfer a variable value from one form to another and manipulate that variable in the second form?

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Define Property (IsInEditMode) And Global Variable (isEditMode) In ASP.NET?

Mar 9, 2009

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private bool isEditMode = false;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


What is the VB code equivalent for the above C# code. Mainly how to define Property (IsInEditMode) and Global variable (isEditMode) in ASP.NET?

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Global Conditional Define (#const) Statements

Dec 7, 2010

Is there a way to define a conditional define, i.e. #const, in a asp/ app that it accessible across multiple source files? I want to use, for example, #const useOracle=TRUE but to be able to change it's value in only one place.

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Define Some Global Variables Of A Class - Variables Occupy Memory?

Mar 23, 2012

I define some global variables of a class as follows:

Private Class MyClass
Private var1 as Decimal
Private list1 as List(Of string)[code].....

But I found that after this form is closed, all above variables, var1, list1, list2 still exist in memory. I thought they should be collected by gc since the form is already disposed as I confirmed.

Add: I have monitored half an hour after the form is closed. But these variables are not collected by gc. I have an automatic update procedure on the form which uses above variables.Since the above variables still hold values, the automatic update procedure is always called which causes exception. (One quick fix is to check if form.isDisposed in update procedure. But I do not think this is elegeant. Besides, these variables occupy memory.)

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C# - Define A Variable Of Different Types?

Feb 8, 2011

i wonder if it's possible to define a variable/property of more than one type. Let's say i want a property TextWebControl that is a WebControl and also implements Web.UI.ITextControl(f.e. like a TextBox or Label). But i don't want to enforce that it is a TextBox or Label, but only one that inherits from WebControl and also implements ITextControl so that it also would work with controls added in future releases of .Net-Framework.

.Net-Framework 4.0

Edit: I have retagged the question and added VB.Net because it's my default language. Normally it's no problem for me to understand C# also, but i must admit that it's difficult to translate generic stuff to VB.Net without experiences and it's also better documentated in C# than in VB. So i would appreciate(and aceept) a working example of a generic type of ITextControl/WebControl.From Marc's answer i understand that i need a generic class. But how do i instantiate it in SomeClass? This won't compile:

Class SomeClass
Public Property info As InfoControl(Of WebControl, ITextControl)
End Class
Public Class InfoControl(Of T As {WebControl, ITextControl})
End Class

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How To Define Variable From Sql Query

May 18, 2010


I have remplace the keyarr definition by my SQL query: With the code above, I can print both keyarr in a console. What should I change in the _sqlReader.Read() function in order to get keyarr definition like the first code. I would like that keyarr could be
interpreted by the rest of my code.

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Define A Type For Each Session Variable?

Sep 18, 2011

Im trying to grasp session varibles, i understand what they are etc but i would like to know how to define a type for each session variable.Iv written it like this

Session("Title") = txtTitleContent.Text

How can i tell it what type of value is going to be in it, because at the moment im only playing about with strings, but what if i have an integer and want to pass it back to the back end to save it will throw an error saying "conversion from string to integer is not valid" should i use Cint to deal with this?

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Define A Variable That Is A Collection Of Interfaces?

May 6, 2010

I want to define a variable that is a collection of interfaces - it could be any interface that is defined for use in my app.

e.g. Dim x as New List(Of InterfaceBase)

Is there a base type for all interfaces that I can use for InterfaceBase?

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How To Define Datagrid And Chart Name As Variable

May 3, 2012

Is it possible to define a datagrid and chart name as variable? I'm planning to put the result into the predefined datagridview inside FOR and NEXT loop. I've been trying but getting different sorts of errors..

For i = 1 to 10


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What Is Different Between Global Variable And Public Variable

Jul 15, 2010

What is Different between global variable and public variable?

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.net - Value Of Global Variable Won't Change

Dec 22, 2011

I have a variable whose scope needs to be global, because it needs to be called in a function as well as in a button press. So I declared the variable in a Module so it would be global.The problem is that the value of this variable needs to be equal to the value of the text property of a textbox in the form.You enter a string into the textbox, in this case I entered "Hello". Then you click the button and it displays what you wrote.You click OK in that message box and change the value in the textbox. In this case I changed it to "Goodbye". Then I hit the button again, but the variable did not change values and the messagebox displays "Hello" again.


Here is the entire source code:

Module Module1
Public strDataValue = frmTest.txtDataValue.Text
End Module


Note: This is just a demonstration of a problem I'm having in a much larger program so the variable does have to be global.

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Access A Global Variable In C#?

Sep 21, 2011

If we declare a global variable in module in, we can use that variable in anywhere in project.

How can we achieve same thing in C#.

Previously when we tried to convert a project to C#, we succeeded in removing the syntax error but we can't access global variable in a form.

I need some solution or guidance. Where I am making a mistake?

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Can #Const Be A Global Variable?

Feb 6, 2010

VB2008: I would like to set a #Const value in a module and use it throughout my project. Is this possible? It appears that the #Const scope is limited to the function it's in.

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Create A Global Variable?

Oct 11, 2010

How Can I create a Global Varibale for my project. When I LongIn I want to keep the user Id in a varible and I will Use it in deferent Forms. And The User name will be saver in the varible untill I close the Software.

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Declare Out Global Variable?

Nov 11, 2010

how to declare out global variable? i tried out but get error.. below is my orginal code


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Global Variable Across All Machines?

May 31, 2009

I'm focusing on Networking programming and I had found something that was very interesting to me in Remoting, which is the ability to have some how a "shared global variable accross applications" ... Here's a quick example of what I'm saying (which is stripped and modified from one found example on internet):

In the Remoting class:

Code:Namespace remoteclass Public Class xx Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Public Shared_Var As String 'This is our share variable
End ClassEnd Namespace


I found that I can eaisly use this red-marked variable (Shared_Var) acrross all application clients without any extra line of code to update its value ... without using even what is called "singlecall" and "sigletron".

But I have concerns:

1) This is only applicable for simple types of variables (e.g. string and integer) but an array or DataTable for example are not updated! and I don't know why!!

2) Would that load the communication network (I mean the content of these shared variables (few KBs to 1MB) will always be communicated across machines all the time without any management) ... Actually I don't how this works from inside, Does it update on change or cyclic ...

3) And finally, can I found something like this in WCF?

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Global Variable In Website?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm wanting to declare a variable as below for use in several pages on my site. I assume rather than declaring it once per page I can do it globally? I've tried it in a class (app_code folder) and in the global.asax page but my code can't seem to find it. I may be going abo9ut it all wrong though? Code as below...

Dim myUser As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser()

So basically as it stands my pages can't find the 'myUser' variable.

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Global Vs Local Variable

Mar 22, 2010

I'm writing a subneting calculator in VB.NET.I'm using the IDE SharpDevelop.Well my problem is I'm using a function to do some calculations and then to figure out the class of the IP addresses.Well I pass a variable from the subroutine, that is accessed when a button is clicked, to the function then the variable is passed back to the subroutine and then the variable is passed again to another function but when it reaches this second function it doesn't retain the value it was given in the first function.I'm not sure if I'm just passing the variable wrong or if this is how it works.I know I can make this work probably by using global variables but I'm not sure if this is proper. So my ultimate question is what is the difference between local and global variables besides just scope and should I try and use one more than the other.

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Loading Value Into Global Variable

Jan 13, 2010

I have a problem to load a value into a global variable, I am using VB Net (2005) in Windows Forms, this is a multi-Forms program. Here is my problem, as I start my program, it check if my form "Setup Option" has been loaded ounce, if it did it, it does skip it. When "Setup Option" is loaded the first time I have written 2 values into 2 textboxes using My. Settings and on form Closing it does work, if I re-open "Setup Option" form I can see the 2 values in the textboxes E.g.: txtGst.text=5, txtPst.text=6.5, so good so far. Now what I would like is to be able to use the contains of them 2 textboxes and place them into global variables, I already have a Module "modGlobals.vb".

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Pass A Global Variable From A Dll To A Exe?

Sep 20, 2010

How can i pass a global variable from dll project to a exe file, after this i want to run the exe also from the dll.

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To Make Variable Global?

Jul 28, 2009

Private Sub NoteTabToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NoteTabToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim NewTab As New TabPage


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Use Of Global Variable In SelectCommand`?

Apr 1, 2011

I have set a global variable in a module, which I then set the value in form1.I then wish to use this in form 2 in a Select Command for a dataadapter, it however says the variable is not declared although if I call it in a MsgBox on loading form2 it tells me the variable.

My code for the select is:
Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT Amount, [Record Number] FROM [" & _
"Test] WHERE ([Record Number] = ?)"


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Assigning Variable To A Label In Global?

May 11, 2011

I'm working on my final for VB.NET, and maybe it's just late...but here's how it goes. I need to make a variable named intMoney and it will be used to keep track of how much money you have and the value will be displayed in a label. Since this 'game' will have a lot of things going on, it needs to be available in a lot of places, not just one click event.

But I need to set intMoney to a starting value of 200 and then assign intMoney to a label called lblMoney. I can't assign intMoney to lblMoney in global. I get build errors. Where should I put the lblMoney.Text = intMoney?

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Create A Combobox As A Global Variable?

Jul 28, 2011

Where and how do i create a global variable for a combobox? I need to use it on different forms.

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Declare A Global Variable And Access?

Jun 21, 2010

I need regarding declarations of global variable.. I created a module here is the script.


and then I set the value of that variable in my Login form and then my PROBLEM is when accessing it on the my Main form and I want to display the data of that variable in a textbox, the variable does'nt hold the value that I already set. I'm waiting for replies!

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Declare A Static Variable As Global?

Oct 25, 2006

How can i declare a static variable as global in static variable)

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Defiine A Global Variable For The Whole Application?

Aug 26, 2009

How do I defiine a global variable for the whole application so that it does not have to be defined in all the forms that need it.

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Display Image With Global Variable?

Oct 29, 2009

My program involves selecting up to 2 images and having them displayed on another page. I'm currently using global variables to pass the image name (for example apple) to the 'results' page with the following [code]...

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Disposing A Global Font Variable?

Aug 13, 2010

I have declared Fonts at class level to use it through my methods in that form. Form 'frmA' is shown with ShowDialog and when it closes or stops using fonts I'd like to properly dispose fonts.When I run code analysis FxCop it complaints with:CA2213 : Microsoft.Usage : 'frmA' contains field 'frmA.Font1' that is of IDisposable type: 'Font'. Change the Dispose method on 'frmA' to call Dispose or Close on this field...How to properly dispose globally declared fonts so that is "by the rules" and FxCop does not complain any more?How to 'Change the Dispose method on 'frmA' to call Dispose'?

Option Strict On
Public Class frmA


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Error Creating Global Variable?

Sep 19, 2009

I have got a bit of code which creates an error when you start debugging. the code is:

Dim Gravitee As Decimal = TrackBar1.Value / 100

This code is a declaration (outside of a sub) so that it can be used in any subs I choose. I don't know why this causes an error?

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