How To Define Datagrid And Chart Name As Variable

May 3, 2012

Is it possible to define a datagrid and chart name as variable? I'm planning to put the result into the predefined datagridview inside FOR and NEXT loop. I've been trying but getting different sorts of errors..

For i = 1 to 10


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C# - Define A Variable Of Different Types?

Feb 8, 2011

i wonder if it's possible to define a variable/property of more than one type. Let's say i want a property TextWebControl that is a WebControl and also implements Web.UI.ITextControl(f.e. like a TextBox or Label). But i don't want to enforce that it is a TextBox or Label, but only one that inherits from WebControl and also implements ITextControl so that it also would work with controls added in future releases of .Net-Framework.

.Net-Framework 4.0

Edit: I have retagged the question and added VB.Net because it's my default language. Normally it's no problem for me to understand C# also, but i must admit that it's difficult to translate generic stuff to VB.Net without experiences and it's also better documentated in C# than in VB. So i would appreciate(and aceept) a working example of a generic type of ITextControl/WebControl.From Marc's answer i understand that i need a generic class. But how do i instantiate it in SomeClass? This won't compile:

Class SomeClass
Public Property info As InfoControl(Of WebControl, ITextControl)
End Class
Public Class InfoControl(Of T As {WebControl, ITextControl})
End Class

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How To Define Variable As Global

May 14, 2009

I have no idea as to how I can define a variable as "GLOBAL" in VB Express 2008. I used VB V 3.0 and if I remember correctly the statement "Global varName as Integer" allowed me to use the variable across different forms. I've tried the statement "Public varName as Integer = 0" on Form1 but Form2 tells me the variable is not declared.

The statement (in Form1) "Form2.Label1.Text = CStr(varName)" displays the value on Form2 in Label1 but I cannot then use the value again in Form2, e.g. "Label2.Text = Label1.Text". How I can transfer a variable value from one form to another and manipulate that variable in the second form?

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How To Define Variable From Sql Query

May 18, 2010


I have remplace the keyarr definition by my SQL query: With the code above, I can print both keyarr in a console. What should I change in the _sqlReader.Read() function in order to get keyarr definition like the first code. I would like that keyarr could be
interpreted by the rest of my code.

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Define A Type For Each Session Variable?

Sep 18, 2011

Im trying to grasp session varibles, i understand what they are etc but i would like to know how to define a type for each session variable.Iv written it like this

Session("Title") = txtTitleContent.Text

How can i tell it what type of value is going to be in it, because at the moment im only playing about with strings, but what if i have an integer and want to pass it back to the back end to save it will throw an error saying "conversion from string to integer is not valid" should i use Cint to deal with this?

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Define A Variable That Is A Collection Of Interfaces?

May 6, 2010

I want to define a variable that is a collection of interfaces - it could be any interface that is defined for use in my app.

e.g. Dim x as New List(Of InterfaceBase)

Is there a base type for all interfaces that I can use for InterfaceBase?

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Define Property (IsInEditMode) And Global Variable (isEditMode) In ASP.NET?

Mar 9, 2009

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private bool isEditMode = false;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


What is the VB code equivalent for the above C# code. Mainly how to define Property (IsInEditMode) and Global variable (isEditMode) in ASP.NET?

View 5 Replies

VSTO - Excel Chart, Subtitle For Chart - Access Chart Text Box From Code?

Oct 14, 2011

I have a chart in Excel that I'd like to use a subtitle on. There is no SubTitle Property on the chart object, so I looked in the Excel User interface and found that you can only create a sub-title by using a text box. The text box looks like its associated with the chart, not the worksheet, so how would I access that text box from code?

View 1 Replies - Populating A Chart Control And A Datagrid Using The Same Datareader?

Apr 9, 2012

I have a chart control and datagrid in the same page.

I want in a single button click, to populate them both using a datareader.

I have this code:



The problem is that only one of them is populated (the first databind in the code) and the other databind isn't working.

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Make A Query From Datagrid To Create A Chart?

Apr 16, 2011

How to make query from mutiple datagrid so that the data from datagrid will create chart?

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Variable For A Range In An Excel Chart Output

Sep 29, 2011

So I created a loop that collects data from the user that runs for a time dictated by the user. It then stores all the data in excel and outputs a graph.The problem I am having is that I cant seem to figure out a way to set the range of the graph for the points taken.since it runs on a loop i have i = i + 1.where the the output into the excel file sequentially writes to the next cell [code]which doesnt seem to work like I would have hoped.Also, there is one other thing that my program keeps doing that I cant seem to figure out.One of the outputs to the excel file is decimal number, it shows perfectly in the textbox, but when I export it to excel it rounds it to the nearest whole number.[code]

View 11 Replies

Send Mail Using A Variable To Define The "From" User?

Jun 2, 2011

The company I work for has an application where various users can log in and add their own "clients". Currently, via sql mail a confirmation email goes out to the client who has been added but the "From" value is generic What we need is a way for an email message to be sent to the new client but have the "From" email be that of the user adding the new client. When a user registers to use our system they supply basic info including their email, so when they log in and then add a client we would like to have an email sent to that client but have the "From" address be that of the logged in user instead of the generic one from our company. The email would have to be sent from our company's server but we want the sendee to be able to directly "reply" to the sender's email.

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Why Define A Variable "As Long"

Apr 20, 2011

Why define a variable "As Long"? And how does it differ from "As Variant"?

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Define "what My Variable Will Be"?

Jan 27, 2011

So I have this:

Dim aBoolean As Boolean = True

Will it make any difference to just do this?

Dim aBoolean = True

In other languages, I believe it was a good practice to also define the type of variable it would be, for performance or something. I am not entirely sure with VB.NET.

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How To Get A DataGrid Value To A Variable

Jul 31, 2011

I can get the datagrid to work, Which will only filter only one record which is what i require, I need the 'Ref'to equal what is in the Reference column of grid.[code]

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C# - MS Chart Customize Value Label And Draw Line Series Across The Chart Area

Aug 25, 2010

I'd like to get suggestion in both C# and VB.NET I created Chart like the following image:


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C# - Make XY Scatter-type Plot Chart Using Chart Control?

Jul 19, 2010

I have X and Y data columns coming from database.

I have to show scatter plot chart with Linear, Exponential, Log, power using chart control.

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Graph - Chart Axes - Connect The Data From The Array And Use It On The Chart

Mar 7, 2011

My requirement is to graph (scatter graph) data from 2 arrays. I can now connect the data from the array and use it on the chart. My question is, how do I set the graph's X- and Y- axes to show consistency in their intervals?


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VS 2008 Making Chart Form Txt File With Ms Chart Tool?

Mar 23, 2009

I'm trying this example but it doesn't seem to work. It gives a IndexOutOfRangeException:I'm using a txt file where the columns are Tab seperated.)

Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Set Datagrid Colume To Array Variable?

May 9, 2011

I have a datagrid with 5 columes. I also have 5 array variables, Im looking to put Row 1----Columne 1 value into a[0], Columne 2 value into b[0]...

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VS 2005 : Get Datagrid Cell Into A Variable?

Nov 25, 2009

I am reading in a mdb table into a datagrid, and with a sql command I am able to pull up a row, but now I am trying to figure out how to get a particuliar "cell" value into a variable, how do I do that? Lets say I want length 87 how would I assign that to say this:

Dim x As Integer = (??Length 87??)

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Dynamically Add And/or Remove Chart Series From WinForm Chart?

Mar 23, 2012

How do I dynamically add or remove a chart series on a WinForm. To date all my MS Charting experience has been dealing with ASP.Net charts with static sql select statment to a SQL Database. In the new project that I have been assigned I have different cities with different amounts of points that they want monitored. One city might have 3 an another might have 5 or 7 so I can't hard code the amount of series that I need. It needs to be set up so the amount of series can be flexible depending on the city selected and then display those points on the chart.

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Print Data Chart The Resolution Of The Chart Changed

Feb 17, 2012

When i'm tryed to print Data chart the resolution of the chart changed as shown:

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Get From The Datagrid Or The Dataset The Data Of One Column In One Variable?

Oct 4, 2009

I have a table with two columns (id and number1). How can i get from the datagrid or the dataset the data of one column (number1) in one variable?

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Loop Through A Datagrid Column To Add Values To A Variable?

Feb 9, 2010

how to "loop through a datagrid column to add values to a variable

in VB6 it was something like:

do while not .eof
myvariable = myvariable + datagrid1.collumns(6)

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Put Multiple Data In One Variable And Display It On Datagrid?

Apr 12, 2012

My problem is how can i insert multiple data? like ordering a producc, customer have many item.

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ASP:Chart Control - Databind Pie Chart From Datatable

Apr 16, 2010

I've got a datatable with two columns "Status" (string) and "Total" (integer).

Status Total
Success 34
Missing 2
Failed 10

I want to databind this into a pie chart with each Status per slice but I'm not sure what method of data binder is required?

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Microsoft Chart Controls Runtime Chart?

Nov 5, 2010

I am using microsoft chart controls in The graph data currently comes from my database, but all the series and chart formats were made before runtime. I want to know how to make charts on runtime, being able to select the x axis from my dataset and multiple y columns from my dataset.

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MS Chart AxMSChart1 - Getting Chart To Display Labels

Jul 4, 2009

I can not figure out how to get the chart to display the labels. When I try and add labels, the lines get messed up. Also, if I try and do multiple lines it does not always work out very well. I tried different ColumnLabels and they behave very strange as well. What I want is to be able to have several lines. Each with their own label. And also, I want to specify text for each point at the very bottom of the graph. Let me know what suggestions you have. [Code]

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Pie Chart And Bar Chart Using .net Of Visual Studio 2005?

Apr 21, 2010

i wish to create line chart, pie chart and bar chart using of visual studio 2005.Second question is i wish to copy a few data into datagridview from microsoft office tools such as access or excel using shortcut key 'ctrl+C' and 'ctrl+V'.code to do the 2 functions above without installing additional tools?

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