How To Recognize Versions Of Objects Placed In Isolated Storage

Oct 20, 2010

We are building application that stores objects to isolated storage using .NET runtime serialization. Problems occur when we update application by adding some new properties to the classes of objects we are serializing. So we want to do some kind of versioning of the objects in isolated storage so we can check if they are obsolete before they are deserialized.

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Creating Isolated Storage?

Jan 12, 2011

I was reading an article about isolated storage and thought of doing the following.Encrypt files.Add them to Zip.Unzip the file,decrypt the content and copy all the files and folders into an isolated storage and then load a specific file into a web browser and launch lets say an HTML page I got stuck on the Isolated Storage thingy

here is a part of my code

'So far i unzipped the content of the Zip file
'Setup file streams to handle input and output.
fsInput = New System.IO.FileStream(strInputFile, FileMode.Open, _


Encrypt files.Add them to Zip.Unzip the file,decrypt the content and copy all the files and folders into an isolated storage and then load a specific file into a web browser and launch lets say an HTML page)

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Deployment :: .NET App Updates And Isolated Storage?

Jul 2, 2009

The Windows Application we are coding uses an XML to store connection settings etc. The application also needs to update automatically online. The problem is that the config file is replaced when the application is updated and the user has to set up the application again (definetly not ideal!).I placed the XML file into isolated storage, no problems doing that. But still when the application is updated the isolated files get replaced/removed and the user has to reset their settings..

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Isolated Storage For Log File On XP And Windows 7

Sep 10, 2010

I'm restricted to .Net 3.5 so I can't use isolatedstorage.getfilenames() as in .NET 4. What I have below isn't working yet. I do get to the messageBox included in the code below but I can't find the file "IST_Log.txt" anywhere on Windows XP where I ran the program. I saw the messagebox appear 3 times meaning AppendLog was being called. What do I need to do to write this file on either XP or Windows 7?

Public Sub appendLog(ByVal message As [String])
' Get the isolated store for this assembly
Dim isf As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForAssembly()
Dim format As String = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"
Dim isfs1 As IsolatedStorageFileStream
[Code] .....

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Where Are Files In Isolated Storage Stored On Pc's Harddisk

Sep 12, 2010

I have a little problem with finding a file I stored in an isolated storage on my pc harddisk.The application stores a Hashtable ( Called example ) in an isolated storage like this:[code]

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Getting Runtime Error 3447 - Jet VBA File (VBAJET.dll For 16-bit Versions Or VBAJET32 For 32-bit Versions) Failed To Initialize When Called

Aug 19, 2010

To the board: Lately I've been getting Runtime error 3447 ("The Jet VBA file (VBAJET.dll for 16-bit versions, or VBAJET32 for 32-bit versions) failed to initialize when called. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error") when attempting to open a certain program (not one that I designed, just downloaded and installed). I installed this program in January 2009, but this error began happening only this past July. someone else to information about the files vbajet32.dll and expsrv.dll. One site said that the problem was probably caused by the file expsrv.dll being absent, but I checked my System32 folder, and it's there. As far as I can tell, it has always been there (the computer was made in 2008, and as I said the program had always worked before). Vbajet32.dll is also there. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, but error 3447 still occurs. I also tried uninstalling the program and installing an older version, but 3447 is still there.

I tried replacing expsrv.dll, thinking it might have been corrupt, but that didn't help, and I cannot register that dll anyway. I can't figure this thing out. Both of the files are there, and I didn't change any settings or anything anywhere between last January and this July. By the way, I am on Vista.

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Create An Isolated Context Which Allows Declare Two Variables

Nov 29, 2011

I put "isolated context" in quotes because I don't know what else you would call it. Basically, in C#, you can do this:

{ int i = 0; }
{ int i = 1; }

The curly braces create an isolated context which allows you to declare two variables with the same name in the same method or property logic. Is this possible in VB.NET? Also, what do you call this aside from an isolated context?

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Make Objects From The ToolBox Using Code Instead Of Changing Existing Objects Invisible Then Visible Later?

Dec 5, 2011

make objects from the ToolBox using code instead of changing existing objects invisible then visible later?

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Sql - Error The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects, Not Int32 Objects?

Jun 23, 2012

I am getting this error, Not sure why it is happening "Error The SqlParameterCollection only accepts non-null SqlParameter type objects, not Int32 objects."I have tried with all sorts of possibilties, now try to enter default data as dummy data,

Using connection As New SqlConnection
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DentalDeviceConnectionString").ConnectionString

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Modifying Objects Inside For Each Loop Sets Properties Of All Objects With Values Of Last One?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a program like this.

Module Module1

Public Class Mstr
Public Property Prop1 As String
Public Property Prop2 As String[code]....

But it is not working as I expect it to. You can see it from.The DtlsB properties of all three DtlsA objects are having values from last iteration.

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Random Objects - Let The User Input Objects To A Richtextbox 1 Object On Each Line?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to let the user input objects to a richtextbox 1 object on each line, and somehow use Random.Next to select pseudorandomly a few objects, the number 'few' inputted in a textbox.

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The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects Not String Objects?

Jan 18, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using conn As New SqlConnection("Database=Clinic_Management_System;Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Clinic Management System.mdf")
Dim cmdRecord As SqlCommand


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VS 2008 Inherit ListView - Dispose Of Two Objects When The Form's Disposing Of It's Objects

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track?


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Cannot Recognize Enter Key

Dec 23, 2010

i am using this code below to compare two strings then count the no. of mistakes when text is added into textbox2[code]but when enter key is pressed the code doesn't recognize the enter even thought it is correct and counts it as a mistake.

View 22 Replies

Get Keyup To Recognize A TAB Key?

Jun 19, 2009

I have an data application I made for a company. I want them to be able to hit both the Tab and the Enter key to select the next control in the tab order. I would also like to turn the background of the currently selected control a color other then white. I have been trying for days to find a solution but trying to interpret the msdn library is making my head spin..For some reason, the below code only recognized the enter keyup and not the TAB key.My Code here:

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As


View 6 Replies

Child Objects Raising Events In Parent Objects?

May 1, 2009

long story short, I have created a ListView type control, using UserControls for the parent control and the ListViewItems. Most the of the control is written and works fine, right up to the point where I tried to replicate the 'Control.SelectedItems(0).Index' property and the 'SelectedIndexChanged' event.

Each child object knows its index value, and could pass this value via the SelectedIndexChanged event (assuming this is how it works in a normal ListView control -- user clicks on an item, and that item fires an event updating the selected index value in the parent object).

How does the child object raise an event in the parent object? I have a feeling this could be done with Delegates, but I'm still learning about their usage.

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How To Storage Some Information

Apr 8, 2010

I need some input how to storage some information.The information I wish to store is a list (1-300) that contains the following:

-Raw material (string)
-An array of Value (double or long)
-An array of Date (string preferably)

My first approach to this was looking at the structure statement but I couldnt figure how to use the array within the structure statement.

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IDE :: Not Enough Storage Space Is Available?

Nov 30, 2006

Almost every one hour, when I run the project

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Storage Fpr SSL Files?

Dec 30, 2010

I am using a MySQL Server on the net and a Windows Forms client program, which connects to this server.

I want to use SSL and have prepared everything, that this can be used. My primary question now is as follows:Where / how to store the files for the SSL certificate as best way? As embedded resource? as external file? As part of the My.Settings environment?

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Use Memory As Storage Instead Of HDD?

Mar 31, 2012

I have been trying to do this for about a month now (hard to get answer quick because of school), but i need to decrypt a file into memory. I know you have to "write all bytes to memory" but i have two problems with that, 1. I have never touched on that itself and don't know how to write the bytes of an executable to memory, 2. I still wouldn't know how to decrypt it in memory. Right now my code is:

ElseIf entype = "rc4" Then
If File.Exists(thepath & exerandname) Then
Kill(thepath & exerandname)


it checks if the file exist then deletes it, then it opens the file and decrypts (_4reversecr.enc) the file(Cutter(1)) with the key (key)?

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Can't Get It To Recognize That GCD Is A Function Rather Than A Variable?

Feb 3, 2012

I am trying to teach myself visual studio 2010 using VB. However, I am having trouble with functions. I have created one that looks as the example code given in the text but I keep getting an error message.I include my code but whatever I have tried, like declaring Dims all over I can't get it to recognize that GCD is a function rather than a variable.

Partial Class Intergers2
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub SubmitButton_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SubmitButton.Click[code]......

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C# - Recognize Barcodes In A PDF File?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a PDF file with n pages, I need to split it to n files. On each page I have barcode, I need to recognize/read barcode. If I have two files with the same barcode I need to merge them.Can anyone recommend an .net component or exe or something else that will help me? It can be commercial.I have tried:itextsharp - only split and merge files dotimage/aspose/idautomation - only recognize barcodes and it very expensive a-pdf - not always recognize the barcode and not merge/split two files.

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Forms :: Recognize The Process End

Jan 20, 2009

I create a simple form to call an process, is there anyway that the form can recognize that I have just ended that process

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Get App To Recognize My Voice After I Name It Pookie?

Aug 9, 2009

i would like to be able to type a complete word, and if that word is in my list of sound wav's, then to play that wav.. basically, i need it to find the space before the word and the space after, so when i press the spacebar, it will only try to locate the last word in between those spaces, and if the word is tru , then it would say tru , if i type in tru jade, it would say tru . . then say jade .also, if possible, to pick up the first typed word also, which would not contain the space before it.. how to get my app to recognize my voice after i name it pookie ,so when i say " pookie, load vb ", it would say, " sure tru jade, you are the best, of course i wil l " and shut down my p.c.

the loading of the app should not be a problem for me.just getting my app to listen for pookie, and a command..links are also welcomed to other good pookie sites..

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How To Recognize Time Past

Sep 1, 2009

How do I make my program know that time is passing and interact with it? Currently I'm trying to use a method like this:
Imports System.Globalization
Private Sub CurrentTime_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CurrentTime.Tick
Dim date_info As DateTimeFormatInfo = _
ToolStripLabel1.Text = Now.ToString(date_info.ShortTimePattern)
End Sub

That sets the current time to ToolStripLabel1.Text it looks like: 10:25 PM. Then I made another timer, realizing I couldn't interact with Toolstriplabel1.text because the time contains " : and PM", and this timer does this:
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
TextBox48.Text = Val(ToolStripLabel1.Text)
End Sub

Basically it takes the value of toolstriplabel1 which would be "10" it gives a variable 1-12 in accordance with the current time. Then I have another timer that handles the main process, and in My.settings I have a variable:

So I was going to use My.settings.12hourspassed as a variable such as My.settings.12hourspassed = My.settings.12hourspassed + 1 - whenever the time (textbox48.text) goes to 12.
Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick
If Val(TextBox48.Text) = 12 Then My.settings.12hourspassed = My.settings.12hourspassed + 1
If Val(TextBox48.Text) = 12 Then TextBox48.Text = "1"
End Sub

The problem is that I cant do textbox48.text = "1" because another timer is making it the value of the current time.. So whenever textbox48.text = 12 it constantly does: My.settings.12hourspassed = My.settings.12hourspassed + 1...

I know that this method completely skips an hour and such.. accuracy isnt all that huge. Any way to tick off whenever 12 hours have passed? and if the program is turned off a way to compare the current date with the date the program turned off at to see how much time has passed while the program is off?

View 14 Replies

Recognize A Generic Class?

Mar 19, 2010

How can I recognize (.NET 2) a generic class?

Class A(Of T)
End Class
' not work '
If TypeOf myObject Is A Then

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Recognize Newlines In Program?

Jun 10, 2011

I am stuck on what 'should' be a fairly simple thing to solve, however after a good search i haven't got very far.

Basically i am pulling data from a database which might have multiple lines of data, however for one particular task i only want to grab the first line of text (as a sort of preview).[code]...

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Recognize Specify COM Port And Use In ComboBox?

Dec 6, 2010

i want to recognize the gps port and use in my program to send a command, i have the script to send the command through the serial port but now i net to put the com port manually and i want this automatic.

The code today:

Public Class Form1
Dim comPorts As Array 'Com ports enumerated into here
Dim rxBuff As String 'Buffer for receievd data


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.net - VB In Program Information Storage?

Oct 7, 2011

I'm making an installer that needs to have information stored inside the exe itself.I cannot use my.settings because it is stored outside the application and if it is changed and the exe is moved to another computer it will reset to default.

And I cannot use resources since I cannot add/edit resources after the application is build.

Is there any way I can store and change info even if the application is moved to another location?

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Add An Array To A Storage Collection?

Feb 15, 2012

I currently have the following bits of


I want to add an array to the class `StopwatchStorage` but can't figure out how without some ambiguous warning or error popping up. The Array will contain TimeSpan type elements (essentually an array of Stopwatch.Elapsed values)

How do I declare and add a dynamically sized array to the class. I know that I will have to use the UBound function each time I want to add a new array.

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