Isolated Storage For Log File On XP And Windows 7
Sep 10, 2010
I'm restricted to .Net 3.5 so I can't use isolatedstorage.getfilenames() as in .NET 4. What I have below isn't working yet. I do get to the messageBox included in the code below but I can't find the file "IST_Log.txt" anywhere on Windows XP where I ran the program. I saw the messagebox appear 3 times meaning AppendLog was being called. What do I need to do to write this file on either XP or Windows 7?
Public Sub appendLog(ByVal message As [String])
' Get the isolated store for this assembly
Dim isf As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForAssembly()
Dim format As String = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"
Dim isfs1 As IsolatedStorageFileStream
[Code] .....
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Jan 12, 2011
I was reading an article about isolated storage and thought of doing the following.Encrypt files.Add them to Zip.Unzip the file,decrypt the content and copy all the files and folders into an isolated storage and then load a specific file into a web browser and launch lets say an HTML page I got stuck on the Isolated Storage thingy
here is a part of my code
'So far i unzipped the content of the Zip file
'Setup file streams to handle input and output.
fsInput = New System.IO.FileStream(strInputFile, FileMode.Open, _
Encrypt files.Add them to Zip.Unzip the file,decrypt the content and copy all the files and folders into an isolated storage and then load a specific file into a web browser and launch lets say an HTML page)
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Jul 2, 2009
The Windows Application we are coding uses an XML to store connection settings etc. The application also needs to update automatically online. The problem is that the config file is replaced when the application is updated and the user has to set up the application again (definetly not ideal!).I placed the XML file into isolated storage, no problems doing that. But still when the application is updated the isolated files get replaced/removed and the user has to reset their settings..
View 1 Replies
Oct 20, 2010
We are building application that stores objects to isolated storage using .NET runtime serialization. Problems occur when we update application by adding some new properties to the classes of objects we are serializing. So we want to do some kind of versioning of the objects in isolated storage so we can check if they are obsolete before they are deserialized.
View 4 Replies
Sep 12, 2010
I have a little problem with finding a file I stored in an isolated storage on my pc harddisk.The application stores a Hashtable ( Called example ) in an isolated storage like this:[code]
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Oct 19, 2009
I have and application written that works great on XP. It is VB.Net 2008, using .net 3.5. I install and Access database to the program file directory. In Vista, I get an error that is permissions related as even admins don't have default write permissions to the Program Files directory and access creates a .ldb file when in use. To solve this, I have had the users give themselves permission to the folder.
Is that the best solution? If not, where should data be stored in Vista and in Windows 7? Also, I have an update feature of my software that will download updates to the program files folder. Is this out, too?
View 20 Replies
Sep 4, 2010
I'm trying to run an instance of the Azure Blob Storage in the Azure Visual Studio 2010 development environment, but keep getting the followingrror:System.InvalidOperationException: Not running in a hosted service or the Development Fabric.The stack trace is pointing to these lines:
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient
View 2 Replies
Jun 2, 2009
Looking for an idea of where the best place to keep files for a program. I use them frequently and they interact with the program directly. I want to place them in a place where they won't be easy to find if someone is just cruising thru the directories. Any ideas?
View 7 Replies
Aug 1, 2010
Is it possible in VB.NET to get the directory of a file copied/moved to a removable storage device?
For example, I have msword document on my desktop and move it to my storage device. A dialog box will appear or anything that will show the directory of the document.
The idea is whenever you move a file into the specific device, it will automatically processed. I will be using this to compress a file automatically when it is moved or copied to the storage device.
View 2 Replies
Jun 18, 2009
im looking for code to copy the files from the floppy drive to a removable drive on the computer.For example:
Copy A:contents to Z:contents
View 3 Replies
Nov 29, 2011
I put "isolated context" in quotes because I don't know what else you would call it. Basically, in C#, you can do this:
{ int i = 0; }
{ int i = 1; }
The curly braces create an isolated context which allows you to declare two variables with the same name in the same method or property logic. Is this possible in VB.NET? Also, what do you call this aside from an isolated context?
View 1 Replies
Jan 15, 2010
When you signon/re-signon one of the things that occurs as the system re-establishes your desktop is the re-creation of the "windows" that were open the last time you were logged on. The information is (must be) stored in the registry. My question is - where is the information stored (in the registry)? Sometimes, when my machine chrashes and I log back on none of the windows are restored. I'd like to have some kind of means to restore them to their same location and size after such an occurance. from where (in the registry) I can retrieve the information and store it (XML) for later use (using VB!)?
View 2 Replies
Apr 8, 2010
I need some input how to storage some information.The information I wish to store is a list (1-300) that contains the following:
-Raw material (string)
-An array of Value (double or long)
-An array of Date (string preferably)
My first approach to this was looking at the structure statement but I couldnt figure how to use the array within the structure statement.
View 2 Replies
Nov 30, 2006
Almost every one hour, when I run the project
View 12 Replies
Dec 30, 2010
I am using a MySQL Server on the net and a Windows Forms client program, which connects to this server.
I want to use SSL and have prepared everything, that this can be used. My primary question now is as follows:Where / how to store the files for the SSL certificate as best way? As embedded resource? as external file? As part of the My.Settings environment?
View 3 Replies
Mar 31, 2012
I have been trying to do this for about a month now (hard to get answer quick because of school), but i need to decrypt a file into memory. I know you have to "write all bytes to memory" but i have two problems with that, 1. I have never touched on that itself and don't know how to write the bytes of an executable to memory, 2. I still wouldn't know how to decrypt it in memory. Right now my code is:
ElseIf entype = "rc4" Then
If File.Exists(thepath & exerandname) Then
Kill(thepath & exerandname)
it checks if the file exist then deletes it, then it opens the file and decrypts (_4reversecr.enc) the file(Cutter(1)) with the key (key)?
View 5 Replies
Oct 7, 2011
I'm making an installer that needs to have information stored inside the exe itself.I cannot use my.settings because it is stored outside the application and if it is changed and the exe is moved to another computer it will reset to default.
And I cannot use resources since I cannot add/edit resources after the application is build.
Is there any way I can store and change info even if the application is moved to another location?
View 1 Replies
Feb 15, 2012
I currently have the following bits of
I want to add an array to the class `StopwatchStorage` but can't figure out how without some ambiguous warning or error popping up. The Array will contain TimeSpan type elements (essentually an array of Stopwatch.Elapsed values)
How do I declare and add a dynamically sized array to the class. I know that I will have to use the UBound function each time I want to add a new array.
View 3 Replies
May 30, 2009
what is the best solution to save data in structured storage?
i need this for a wpf application
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Nov 1, 2010
Could anyone provide me with sample code for using a WAV file as the input to the Windows speech recognition software on my machine (Windows Vista)?
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Mar 12, 2010
I have a .net Windows Service developed in I have a settings file in the root directory called Connections.XML and I am setting the basedirectory [code]...
When I schedule the service this is working absolutely fine in my Windows XP machine. But when I installed the same service in our development server (Windows 2003 64 bit Server) for some reason it is not able to locate this file.
View 1 Replies
Jul 4, 2011
I am having a windows application. That downloads files from server and write into the local directory. It works fine. When we try the same appliication in Windows 7. IT shows an error Access to the path denied (While writing to the local directory).
View 1 Replies
Aug 3, 2010
I recently changed a For Each loop to a Parallel.ForEach loop. I'm concerned about an object being declared outside the loop but assigned while iterating in the loop. Here is the simplified code.
Dim results As ModelResults
Dim noResultsModel As New List(Of ModelResults)
Dim lock As New Object
Is there a potential race condition with the results object? Would anything be different if I moved the declaration of results into the for loop?
View 1 Replies
May 14, 2009
I'm trying to access a USB Storage device, however the device although appearing in the commputer / Drives section, is not allocated a Drive letter, thus when I itterate through the attached drives link text it does not appear, I've taken the "Location" from a file on the drive (properties) and it comes up as COMPUTER/Q1/Datacasts but this doesn't work when I pass it to the FileInfo Object (network drive cannot be found) And I'm at a bit of a loss at which way to procced
View 1 Replies
Jul 7, 2009
I am attempting to add a document storage module to our AR software. I will be prompting the user to attach a doc/image to thier account. I will then put a copy of this file into our folder so that we can reference it without having to rely on them keeping the file in its original place. This system is not using a database but instead its using multiple flat files.
I am looking for guidance on how to handle these files once they have attached them to our system. How should I store these attached files? I was thinking I could copy the file over to a sub directory then renaming it to a auto-generated number so that we do not have duplicates. The bad thing about this, is the contents of the folder can get rather large.
View 2 Replies
Jan 21, 2010
I have an ASP.NET site in a web server and the images are stored in NAS (some kind of lacie external storage), I tried UNC and other things but no can I access images from external storage in ASP.NET
Update: The images are reachable from the server but when I try to access in ASP.NET throws me error.
View 2 Replies
Aug 19, 2010
I have a listbox (ListBox5) and what i want to happen is when, and only when, a USB mass storage device is inserted a list of the files will appear on the listbox - and then when your press the button marked "Remove File" it will delete the selected file off the USB
View 5 Replies
Apr 30, 2010
I have an idea of making a chat program with someone over the internet. So my understanding of what i have to do is create a server that holds a text file that can be manipulated by both parties. Then create a program to read the file and change it. So my question is am i on the right path? Also, How do i acquire a server/online storage?
View 5 Replies
Jan 26, 2012
I'm a junior VB programmer and looking for some advice on this subject. I'm trying to create a chunk of code that will create dynamic storage for variables for use later by dynamic custom controls.
For example:
An INI file might have an entry in it that looks something this:
[var1] <-- this becomes the Storage name
description=My Variable
type=System.Int32 <-- this could be any valid VB type
last_val=456 <-- Other code would save the last value
And I want to access the data using a standard "property set" like so after it's created:
var1_reference.value = 55
I've tried using a generic class which works ok as long as I declare the variables at design time from within the design environment. But when I try to create them from the INI file it gets messy.
Here's the simple generic class i've constructed to test this:
Public Class GenericVar(Of T)
' Generic Symbol Class for data storage
Private VarName As String
Private VarType As Type
[Code] .....
Also, as each object is created (and they could be different types) I store a reference in an array to make it easier to keep track of, but I'm having a hard time getting access to the objects and their properties, and certainly cant seem to assign an event handler to it once its in an arraylist because the design time code doesn't know what "Type" it is in the arraylist of objects.
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Dec 2, 2011
Where should I store my programs user data so no one will have trouble accessing it?
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