How To Remove Groups Of Pixels From Image
Nov 22, 2010
I am looking to remove groups of pixels that are less than 10x10 in size. The pixels are generated from scanned fax reports and are solid black, so they should be able to weed out easily. Our fax machine is rather old, and it generates random block dots along our documents. In other words, I have several images with random solid black dots that need to be removed.
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Jul 27, 2009
I'm trying to make a -what i thought would be simple app.My intention was to build program that:1) i'd provide a grayscale image2) the program would count the black pixels the grey pixels the more grey pixels etc. (the hue) and the white3) would make the percentage sum of all pixels, that is: 300.000 black pixels (rgb 0 0 0) etc. given that 0 is the black, 100 the white. e.g a simple grayscale image is 55.2 white
This was my way and i don't think that is useful:
First of a button to convert the image to greyscale:
Dim bm as new Bitmap(source.Width,source.Height)
Dim x
Dim y
Secondly, -and that's the stupid way- i did -or better i wanted to do- this: i put the code to dynamically create labels, each label having the colour of a pixel as background colour and as text the colour converted to rgb
The third step which i intended to do (i couldn't get pas two) was to sum up the labels etc.
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Nov 11, 2011
How can we get the pixels of an image in a fast way?
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Feb 22, 2010
how can i get a full code or full information how to work with image and pixels i want to work with image by pixels as integer number not as color?
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May 28, 2012
what would be the fastest (best) way to make transparent all pixels in one image that are white on other image?
Let's say that have 2 transparent images (.png) and want to delete some portion of the first image. Pixels to be deleted (made transparent) are defined as white on the other image (some kind of deleting mask).
View 3 Replies
Jun 9, 2011
I need to map the location of all the back pixels in an image into some kind of structure. The program later uses the structure to select a random pixel location. It then removes the location, to prevent it being used again. The problem is, there is a huge number of black pixels (close to 40,000) so an ordinary array takes forever to search for and eliminate the "used" pixels. Is there some other "Faster" data structure?
View 3 Replies
Oct 14, 2009
I have an Image object. I'd like to save that image on my hard disk, using a specific resolution. As a default, the image is saved in 640X480.
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Dec 16, 2009
I come straight to the point without going too far. I need to scan all the pixels of a generic image and for each pixel derive the RGB components. I started with the following function that performs its task very good and returns 3 array (R, G, B) with the different values, but unfortunately is too slow.
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Jun 1, 2012
I'm using Visual Basic 2006 and i'm a newbie so excuse me if my question is not complete. I basically have a picturebox, in which i am displaying an image from a webcam. Now the user clicks on two points on the image and i need to get the distance between the two points in terms of the number of pixels. I did think of and try the pythagorean theorem, but i'm confused as to what units the answer turns out in. Is it in terms of inches? or pixels? Do i need to set the Scale Mode propety to pixels to get it in pixels? And if so, is there a way to get the number of pixels per inch? Sorry for asking so many questions but i've been reading other forums and i'm confused!
View 12 Replies
Sep 30, 2011
On forms size and such, is it in points or pixels? I'd assume pixels, however, it seems when i make a image that is in the same size, (i put the size as the dimensions for pixels), the image seems not the same size. I'm unsure of how big a "point" is, but i am aware of a pixel.
View 7 Replies
Aug 18, 2008
How can I evaluate pixels within a Binary Image?What I have done so far is to take the image and use it's "getPixel" method and do a comparison of this pixel to black/white. But that can't be right... Can it? It's a binary image, I should be evaluating each pixel as true/false. Correct?
View 6 Replies
Apr 26, 2011
I'd like to check for all colors in an image. I've already came up with this:
Dim lst As New List(Of Color)
Dim img As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("C:image.jpg")
For x = 0 To img.Width - 1
Unfortunately this needs to sweep through all the pixels, and it's EXTREMELY slow... method to get all colors in an image without sweeping through all pixels?
View 8 Replies
Oct 13, 2010
I want to programatically delete some pixels that are unused in order to reduce the image size.Can anyone tell me how to reduce the size of an image file without changing the pixels values..
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Jun 21, 2012
i want to create image with width and height 64 and set all pixels to black
dim b as bitmap
b.width = 64
b.height = 64
the code not working
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Feb 25, 2010
how to remove a image
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Feb 16, 2009
I need code for removing background from an image. Background should become transparent.
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Apr 25, 2010
Recently the study but I still have not figured out how do I remove an image or an executable from the resource. If I put an image and add to the resource and I would extract C: foto.jpg
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Dec 1, 2011
I need to remove the "padding" or "image place holder" before the text on a ToolBarButton (not a ToolStripButton). There is not ImageList set for the ToolBar, but there is still a blank space before the text on the left hand side of the ToolBarButton.
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Feb 28, 2009
i have a problem with the Size in VB.Net I think the Control Size in VB.Net Is Pixels so I want to enter this size cm/inch
I want To Convert Pixels to cm/inch or cm/inch to Pixels
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Sep 2, 2011
How to remove image in my excel header. I generate the excel using export command using gridview as source data[code]...
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Feb 26, 2010
Im displaying an image in a picturebox when i mouse over a button PictureBox1.Image = (My.Resources. Get_Info_icon) But when the mouse leaves the button how do i remove the image and have a transparent background, so u cant actually see the picturebox ?
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Apr 23, 2011
I have a TreeView with several nodes that have child nodes. Whenever I create a child node, it sets the image to a seemingly random icon in my ImageList. There are a couple of properties for the TreeView that have this icon, but nothing happens when I change it to a different one. And besides, it won't let me set those properties to "None."
I tried look at the properties of the child nodes, but everything is set to none and nothing changes. Does anyone have any ideas? In the photo below, you'll see the Internet Explorer node and its child nodes that have the Chrome icon. I need the child nodes to be blank.
View 10 Replies
Mar 14, 2010
I have a TreeView with several nodes that have child nodes. Whenever I create a child node, it sets the image to a seemingly random icon in my ImageList. There are a couple of properties for the TreeView that have this icon, but nothing happens when I change it to a different one. And besides, it won't let me set those properties to "None."
I tried look at the properties of the child nodes, but everything is set to none and nothing changes.In the photo below, you'll see the Internet Explorer node and its child nodes that have the Chrome icon. I need the child nodes to be blank.
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May 25, 2009
How to remove or change the form back gorund image to "none" through runtime?
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Oct 16, 2009
i`m trying to find in cm or mm the area of a frame (capture image).The picturebox has dimensions height:456 and width:553 PIXELS.So the total number of pixels are 456 x 553 = 252,168
If i compare image 1 with image 2 i can locate and draw a rectangle around that area of pixels that are different.i can get the width and the height of this rectangle in PIXELS.e.g Height:49 Width:33 PIXELS
How can i covert these into cm or mm. What i need to know for the conversion?
I know dpi: dots per inch but what`s the value for my rectangle?
View 8 Replies
May 25, 2010
I would like to believe that this code will display a horizontal line halfway across the PictureBox pbxData. In fact, what it does is create the BitMap and then blow up with a memory violation when trying to copy the BitMap into the PictureBox. The code that alters the array is commented out because I don't know how to address the elements of the array.
how to make this into useful code?
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1
Private b1 As Bitmap
View 13 Replies
Aug 28, 2009
Was just wondering if there is a way to quickly clear all pixels in a bitmap without creating a new one?
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Mar 18, 2006
Is there a way of converting pixels to points? The dimensions in VB are in pixels, but Office COM such as WordApp.Resize are expressed in points. So trying to align app windows is a mess.I guess the ratio of pixels to points varies from one monitor to another(?), so this would need to be calculated at run time.I tried a nifty trick of doing Me.Font.SizeInPoints / Me.FontHeight but that doesnt seem to be quite right or a very sensible way of doing it.
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Sep 16, 2009
Is there a "MOUSEEVENTF_Click"? Also,How would I change this code so that it will click when I move/click my mouse wheel?
Call mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Call mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)
End If
EDIT: How would I move the mouse down? Like -10, -10 pixels? or something like that.
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Feb 14, 2009
i made this class to get certain pixels from screen:
Now i have lets say and array of pixels Example: Pixel 1 position X:100 Y:200 Red: 200 Green: 30 Blue: 40 Now i need to search all the sreen to find that pixel witout knowing its position. I need to have an output of number of results found and their position tnx.
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