How To Change Root Namespace

Feb 28, 2010

How to change root namespace of my program

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.NET Web Service Root Namespace

Jan 6, 2010

I'm trying to set up a .NET 3.5 web service project in Visual Studio. My goal is to include a namespace in this web service that I can expose to web applications that references this web service.I have added the namespace "MyWebservices", but I am not able to find it after referencing the web service.[code]I have also attempted to modify the "Root Namespace" property of the web service project, but I can't get that to work for me either.

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Way To Escape Root Namespace

Aug 21, 2009

[code]How do I do this in VB, while having a root namespace in the application, is this possible?

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Find The Root Of A Number Such As The Square Root, Cube Root 5th Root Or Whatever

Sep 23, 2011

For those of you interestested in mathematics you can find a root of a number in two different ways. Lets say you want to find the 5th root of 27.


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VB - Root Namespace In The Domain Project Is Blank

Feb 10, 2010

I have an VS2008 solution with 2 projects, WebUI and Domain; WebUI references domain. The Root Namespace in the WebUI project is:MyCompany. MyProjectName.WebUI. The Root Namespace in the Domain project is blank. (Namespaces are manually declared for all classes). So everything has been working fine, until I tried to reference a class in Domain via a fully qualified path: [Code]

Does this make any sense? So, then I cleared my WebUI Root Namespace, and voila, the fully qualified declaration then does work. However, doing this then seemed to invalidate the registration of all my user controls on my pages. The only thing that seemed to solve this was in the codebehind of each user control, manually add a namespace of MyCompany.MyProjectName.WebUI. which might make sense as perhaps the namespaces of the pages somehow had still retained the root namespace value. But, if I was to create a brand new aspx page and drop a user control on (this is before manually adding the namespace), even that page couldn't properly register it. Yet, the user control properly rendered in design view. so the VS UI seemed to be able to properly resolve it, but the compiler seemingly can't.

So from what I can tell, I can at least get things to work by manually wrapping user controls in the proper namespace. Why this is necessary for aspx pages, that have no namespace specified, to see the user controls, seems to make no sense. Is there some fundamental principle I am misunderstanding??

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VB 2008 - Setting Root Namespace Name Of A Project

Feb 9, 2009

I VB 2005 you can set the root namespace name of a project under the project properties. Where can I set this using VB2008?

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Programatic Access To Project's Application Root Namespace Properties?

Jan 25, 2010

How does one gain programatic access to the information that is entered into the "My Project" properties Application section?I am able to pick up the assembly name from those properties, but I haven't been able to pick these up.Below is the line of code that makes me interested in picking this up programatically. I have found that if the name within the quotes for Sections (GenConfig) doesn't match exactly what is entered in those properties, I will get an application error during run time.How do I reference that property?Is there a better way to pick that value up?

Dim applicationSettingsSection As ClientSettingsSection = config.SectionGroups("applicationSettings").Sections("GenConfig.My.MySettings")

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.NET Namespace Regarding Explict (named) Versus Implicit (global Or Root) Namespaces?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a solution that contains many projects all using the same root namespace. No code files explicitly name a namespace. So lets say the root namespace is ExampleRootNamespace.Now a problem comes into play when I want to add an explicitly named namespace to one of the code files I am working on. I want to be able to isolate this code from the rest of the assembly to be able to run FxCop against it. So I add something like Namespace Interfaces.CSV to the code file.

This causes any code that references this assembly to need to say Imports ExampleRootNamespace.Interfaces.CSV. So far so good. I can even run FxCop against the assembly. The problem now is that in other assemblies I cannot say any longer things like:

Public class frmInputBoolean Inherits

Visual Studio is now asking me to rename the namespace to:

Public class frmInputBoolean Inherits

There are hundreds of errors related to this. So my questions are:

1) Why would basically naming a namespace under the root for the first time cause issues with the program?

2) Are there any workarounds to this issue without renaming?

I also want to add that with regards to ExampleRootNamespace.Interfaces.CSV I am not referencing this anywhere in the codebase. I'm currently just referencing it from a unit test project. So I don't see why adding this namespace causes an issue.

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Change Pinvoke SHFileOperation Root Directory?

Aug 13, 2011

I want to delete, copy, move, and rename files using the actual Windows confirmation dialogs.I am using SHFileOperation. My problem is, that, when I want to move a folder with this path:

And I set the destination to:


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Change The Namespace Of A Highly Referenced Class?

May 12, 2009

I am attempting to move a highly referenced class from one namespace to another. Simply moving the file into the new project which has a different root namespace results in over 1100 errors throughout my solution.Some references to the class involve fully qualified namescape referencing and others involve the importing of the namespace.

I have tried using a refactoring tool (Refactor Pro) to rename the namespace, in the hope all references to the class would change, but this resulted in the aforementioned problem.Anyone have ideas of how to tackle this challenge without needing to drill into every file manually and changing the fully qualified namespace or importing the new one if it doesn't exist already?

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Adding Namespace Attribute To XElement - Prevent Blank/empty Namespace On Child Elements?

Mar 17, 2011

I need to read an xml document from a database record into an XDocument object in order for it to be deserialized. So that the deserialization will work, I need to apply a specific namespace to each of the level 1 elements. So XML looks a bit like this:


How do I prevent the blank/empty namespace being added to each child element of the element to which the required namespace has been applied?

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ERROR : 'Namespace' Can Occur Only At File Or Namespace Level

Jan 29, 2012

Imports System.Windows.Forms

ERROR : 'Namespace' can occur only at file or namespace level

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Type Or Namespace Name 'Messaging' Does Not Exist In Namespace 'System

Apr 10, 2010

The type or namespace name 'Messaging' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

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Close Application Root Folder Or Sub Root Folder At The Time When Application Is In Running Mode?

Oct 8, 2009

how to close application root folder or sub root folder at the time when application is in running mode?

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System Namespace Conflict With Sibling Namespace

Nov 16, 2011

This class is located in the namespace Acme.Infrastructure.Interface.A class with the same name EventArgs exists in the System namespace.In another project in my solution I have a class Acme.BusinessModules.MyModule.MyClass.When attempting to use the EventArgs class I have to fully qualify the class name or the compiler thinks I am using the System.EventArgs class.My understanding of namespace resolution was that the compiler would first look for the class in the current namespace, and then its parents. It seems that the compiler checks in System before it checks in sibling namespaces. Is it correct that System is checked before the sibling? Or is this behaviour caused by other issues (Imports order?)?

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Change Namespace / Class Names For "Windows Application" From Default My.MyApp?

Feb 3, 2012

I'm using SharpDevelop and .NET 4.0.

My question is this: If you start a new project with a "Windows Application" template, it generates a Program.vb with the following contents[code]...

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'Namespace' Statement Must End With A Matching 'End Namespace'?

Dec 8, 2011

I am getting this error,here is my code.

Public Class Sample2
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles Button1.Click


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Keep Root Array Value As Remove Another Array Value That Is Assigned By Root Array

Sep 8, 2011

I have short code like this :

Dim arr1 As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 1 To 100


My problem is : after RemoveAt command is value of array 2 is change this is true, but why it effect to array 1 , i don't want array 1 value change

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Add A New Root To A Treeview?

Mar 19, 2012

How would it be possible to add a new root to a treeview for example:



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.net - ASP.Net Routing From Website Root?

May 11, 2011

I have a website What would be the best way to determine when users attempt to access pages like[URL]..I've done some research and found that Request.PathInfo works quite well when the user visits but it does not work without having the Default.aspx portion included in the URL.

Right now all I get are 404 errors when attempting this with the built in IIS server in VS2k8 and on a published website. I'm using ASP.Net 3.5 and IIS 6 if those things matter.

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Add An Attribute To A Root Node?

Jan 22, 2010

[code]...Add an attribute to a root node?

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Any Way To Find Cube Root?

Apr 23, 2009

Math.Sqrt is used to find square root but if I want to find cube root or 4 or 5, how I can do?

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Back A Folder Root ?

Jul 29, 2010

Ill just show u a fake vbnet code and u make it into a real one i want ot make it have a string and go up a directory


so the Delete url turns into C:/Main/root/log.txt orange mean that its not in the url it was removed underline is the correct url

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C# - ASP.NET - Get A Root Leaving Routing?

Dec 1, 2011

I have already managed to get friendly urls working with my cms; however, what i want to know is: with 4.0 routes options, how do i get a root leaving routing? When user types in, which is aboutus, it goes to the page cms.aspx but leaves the other routes intact:


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C# - How To Redirect To Root File In

Jun 20, 2012

My loging page in root/Account/Login.aspx page when I click on contact us i need to redirect to root/contactus.aspx page. I used Response.Redirect("~/contactus.aspx") in Master page (Site.Master) Protected Sub lbContactUs_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lbContactUs.Click


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Copy Folders On Root?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm trying to copy the directories located on a root drive (J:) to another location (c:vagtilleder..)The problem is, the first folder isn't beeing copied.Example:


After the copy it should look like this at the destination:


But for some reason, "rootfolder" is not created at the destination, making the destination look like this:


where the error is located? OS: Win XP Pro VB 2008 Express.

Dim copytardir As String
Dim copydestdir As String
copytardir = ("J:")
copydestdir = ("C:VagtBilleder" & StrInput)


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Find Root Of A File?

Jul 24, 2011

I am trying to find the folder that my file is in so I can use it else where. I am using an openfiledialog. So, if the path of the file is "C: est est.text". I want to be able to get "c: est" without the file

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Finding The Square Root?

Dec 4, 2009

Well, the code I have only gives the the number IF its like 2 x 2 or 4 x 4 is in the text box (4 or 16), but if its a number that can not be multiplied together to get the value in the textbox, it has an arithmetic overflow, what can I do to make it work for all numbers?

Dim Value As Integer
Dim ValueToMultiply As Integer
ValueToMultiply = 1


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Managing Root Certificates?

Jan 19, 2011

When I try to use the add/remove metho9ds for an x509 store on the root authority (code below) I get confirmation dialogs.Is there any way to avoid those dialogs??

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MapPath To Root Folder?

Sep 22, 2009

This is my first post on the .Net Forums - I hope I don't break any rules in the first post,I'm trying to make a VB based .Net page return a file to the user from a location external to the website.The file itself is a software setup that needs to site outside the Web Directory, basically, the page needs to pick up this file and send it to the user when the page is loaded, I've done some research into the problem and it does seem that ASP .Net will not be able to let the user download files from outside the WebDirectory (in this case, WWWROOT).

Does anyone know if this can be done? I've pasted the code I'm playying about with below - but, I wouldn't be suprised if this is completely wrong


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