How To Check If A Form Is Hidden

May 7, 2011

Is there a way of checking if a form (the mainform) is hidden?

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How To Check If Form Is Shown / Hidden

Jan 1, 2010

I can show/hide a form, but is there anyway for me to check if a form is hidden/shown? After the form calls InitializeComponent(), and activates the OnLoad Event, it automatically calls the Show() of the form. I do not wish my form's default startup mode to be Shown. I tried overriding onshown method and call Hide in OnShown. It works but this method looks pretty ugly to me though so is there anyway that I can stop the form from even calling Shown when it was first initialized?

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Check If Row Is Hidden?

Apr 6, 2011

I have a little trouble with my code. You'll see. I'm using the developer express ridControl tool. I have a Gridview in it with a table bound to it. The control lets you filter your info. I have a Select all button that works, the only problem is that if you filter the data and press the select button it selects all the rows, not only the ones that are actually shown on the grid, and I need only the shown ones.

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Get All The Id (hidden Column) Of All Check Items?

Jun 18, 2012

I have this issue right now. I have a listview with checkbox. Now what I want to achieve is get all the id (hidden column) of all check items and pass it to arraylist so that I can pass it to SQL like this:

dim intProductID as new arraylist
For i = 0 To lv_list_products.Items.Count - 1
If lv_list_products.Items(i).Checked = True Then


"DELETE * from t_products WHERE f_product_id in(" & intProductID & ")" The reason I do this is to have only one time open of database connection, One of the member suggested it is not good to open and close database specially if it is within the loop. One more issue is the command within the array I need to separate all id with commas so I will not have error on SQL.

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TopMost Form - Messages Form Would Be Hidden By The Main Form

Nov 20, 2009

I have a tool window that I want to stay above the main application form, but not stay on top of all windows forms. Similar to the floating properties window for visual studio - it always stays on top of the main VS window, but if I select another program, like internet explorer, the floating properties window will be behind internet explorer.

What I have is an application that has several forms that may be displayed at the same time. I have a Messages form that displays messages generated by the code in the form, that gives the status of the application. Obviously, the user would not normally be working on this form, but they may want it to be visible to see the status messages from the program (File saved confirmations, etc). So, my two options right now are I can set the form to be on top of all other windows forms or, when the user clicks on the main application form, the messages form would be hidden by the main form.

View 6 Replies : Make Hidden Additional Attachment Hidden And Visible?

Mar 13, 2012

I want to make 5 attachment options in that 4 out of the 5 are hidden.but when he clicks "more attachment" link it will show the other 4.Im using ASP.NET with VB?

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App Form Is Hidden Behind Other Forms?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a new application, and for some unknown reason, it's hidden behind other opened applications. It is shown when launched on desktop only if desktop is empty. How do I force my application to be in front of desktop ?

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Form Is Hidden Behind Other Applications

Mar 27, 2009

I have made a validation application, the application runs in the tray and responds to events of another app such as save document, on this event my application runs, validates the document and creates a pop up message of errors in the document. However the pop-up is hidden behind the other application, the other application is locked because it is waiting for my app to finish. I have tried combinations of show(),activate(),bringtofront () with no success i have also tried SetForegroundWindow() and SwitchToThis Window() for win api but with these the app still just flashes orange in the taskbar behind the other application which is locked.I think it is almost definatly a problem with stealing focus from the other application but im not trying to make an annoying pop-up, it is needed and only appears when there are problems with the document the other application is locked and will not respond untill okay is clicked on the pop-up and it is easy to miss the flashing icon in the taskbar

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Hidden Form Keep Showing

Jul 8, 2009

I wrote an application with multiple forms.One form is used to show any kind of messages helpful to the user (frmMessageWindow).The user has the option to not show frmMessage Window.I would like to hide frmMessageWindowbut keep it loaded and continue to add messages to it so they will be available when the user chooses to show the form again.I use frm MessageWindow.Visible = false to hide the form and this works fine.But there is a check box on frmMessageWindow and if I check the value from another form it makes frmMessageWindow visible.

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Databinding To Hidden Form Fields?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm using simple data binding and have in total 3 fields on my Form and 2 of them are hidden. The two hidden fields are calculated by filling in the first one. bellow you find the code I'm using, when the update is done only the first field that is fill in is written to the Database. How can I change the code to get all 3 of them written to the Database

Public Class frmLicenseKey
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim dsLicenseKeyInfo As DataSet


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Datagridview Seems To Cause Startup Form To Appear Even After Been Hidden?

Feb 15, 2010

I have created a DB with access and imported it into my application. What I am trying to do is startup with regi.vb and test to see if there are any entries into the DB and if so, hide the startup form(regi.vb) and show the login.vb form. have done a test and it loads regi.vb then I enter some details into the textboxes and then after clicking a button, it inserts the info from the textboxes into the DB. It then loads login.vb, which is fine, but then if i exit the app and reload it, it tests to see if there is anything in the DB and when it finds that there is, it reloads the bloody regi.vb(startup form)!!So why, when it discovers that the DB is not empty, it re-opens the startup form??

I have used
Here is the code for the startup form (regi.vb)


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Pass Hidden Variables In .NET To A Completely Different Form?

May 22, 2009

I want to pass a few variables to another page. Currently I'm using response.redirect and passing the variables in the url. I'm not really interested in using Session Variables. Is there a way to pass hidden variables in .NET to a completely different form?

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Reinitialise Form Load Event Once Hidden?

Mar 11, 2010

Form1 Loads data from a Db and has 3 buttons, each button represents showing data from a different table onto form2When form2 is initialise for the first time i can use an onload event, but if i go back to page 1 and click a different button to show a different table i get the table from the origional as form2 does not use the onLoad event again.

To switch between forms i use
Class Form1
Public Shared whichtbl as string


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VS 2010 Show Dialog From A Hidden Form?

Oct 6, 2011

I'm trying to create a program that will look at a website and check it for updates, similar to an RSS feed. It then will show a dialog (Form2) that will inform the user that there is an update.Form1 is used as the configuration form and is able to be shown via a notify icon in the system tray, which is on Form1.Originally I would have Form1 hidden via Me.Hide() and then run a timer which would check for the updates and call Form2.ShowDialog() when there's an update, I found out however, that if Form1 is hidden, the dialog will not show.

Next I tried not Hiding the form, but instead setting its ShowinTaskbar property to False. At this point the program functions correctly, however when I minimize Form1 it sits in a shrunken window near the task bar... Is there any way to completely hide Form1 (when minimized), and allow Form2 to be shown as a dialog?

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Form To Start Up Hidden - Small Taskbar Application

Jun 24, 2011

I want to know how to start a forum hidden. I know I can just add Me.Hide() to the Window_Loaded event, But it's ugly. The user sees the form for a split second then it dissapears. I want to form to start up hidden. Little background on my program, it is a small taskbar application, Has a small notify icon. When the app is loaded. I only want the notify icon to be visible. I have done this by creating my own Main subroutine in a Module that I created. and I am laucnhing the application like so

Imports System.Windows.Application

Module MainModule

Sub Main()
Dim mainWin As New MainWindow


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Popup Closed - Main Form Hidden Behind Other Windows

Oct 26, 2011

Using I've got a main form that displays when application is opened. A popup form can then be opened. If there are other windows opened on the desktop, for example windows explorer, then when the popup form is closed, the main form gets hidden behind windows explorer. You have to move windows explorer out of the way to get to the main form. Is there a way to keep this from happening?

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VS 2010 Splash Screen Hidden By Maximized Form?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a Windows Form Application to which I added a splash screen created using the splash screen template. I also added an MDI Parent Form. In my project properties, I chose the splash screen and the MDI Parent as the loading form.

I want the MDI Parent to load Maximized, so I changed the WindowState Property in the list to do just that. Now here is the problem:

If I leave the WindowState set to Normal, the splash screen loads, does its thing, closes, then loads my MDI Parent just like it is supposed to, BUT, if I set the WindowState of the MDI Parent to Maximized, the splash screen displays for about a second, the MDI Parent loads on top of the splash screen, and the splash screen finishes in the background and then closes.

I tried giving Focus back to the splash screen in the Lost Focus event but that didn't work. I know splash screen is still open and working when it gets covered up because I can hit ALT+TAB and see it just before it closes on its own like its supposed to. I also never adjusted any of it's time settings or any other settings.

How do I keep the splash screen on top while my MDI form is Maximized? or how do I delay the MDI until the splash screen has done its job? I dont understand why I am getting this result.

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Start A Form Hidden - Make The Tray Icon Visible

Feb 26, 2009

My FormLoad event contains a simple line which is Me.Hide. Then I make the tray icon visible so the application can be shown if the user needs it. However, the Me.Hide statement doesn't work during the form load procedure. It seems to work fine after the form has been loaded. So, my question is, how can I simply stop the form from becoming visible in the first place or hide it after it has loaded?

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VB: Getting Checkboxes On Windows Form To Check If Their Values In A Database Field Is Check (True)

May 10, 2011

This is my problem.I have a field set up in MS Access to Boolean YES/NO, this field is populated when the user check a checkbox on a windows form. If the user check a checkbox, the value is written as checked in the data field (MS Access).The problem is when I search for the user information, I need the information from the Data base to populate(return) to the windows form. Example: If I enter a users phone number and the user data is present, the form gets populated with the information the user previously entered which was store in the database.Example: If the user selected checkbox1 and submits the form. When I search for the user info, the check box should check(populate) because the user had checked it on submit.Here is what I have done:


I am getting the check value correctly in the database using a Boolean.Here is one of the errors I am getting. Unable to cast object of type

'System.Boolean' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.I am having trouble putting the codes in a code tag or block

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IDE :: Dual Check Program(check Duplication In Form By Comparing From Access Database Table Fields)?

Apr 9, 2010

Details: I want to compare these above two table1 and 2 . The unmatched records should be save in a new table .


1 Should take input the table and fields we want to match each other.

2 Then after searching or reading the record from table and selected fields save the unmatch records in a new table

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Forms :: Form Settings - Check If File Exist On Main Form

Apr 29, 2011

[Code] I want like to check if a file exist on main form, if not: force open settings form. And then when the user is closing the form with exit button = check if the file exist again. If it doesn't exist, close application. It's a huge application and I need optimized on most parts. Also, the settings form is asking the closing question two times.

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C# - MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge

Sep 3, 2009

experience on how to create an engine using C# (VB.NET is okay too) that is generic enough to handle most cases of MS Word text fields I need to fill with data I'm getting from a database? In short, I'm about to embark on this little Office automation excursion and I'm hoping a little bit of feedback here.

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Creating Single Instance Form In MDI Application - Check Whether Form's Instance Created Or Not?

Feb 8, 2012

creating single instance form in MDI Application. How to check whether form's instance created or not?

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.net - C#: Check If Windows Form?

Jan 17, 2010

How can I check at runtime whether a C# application is a Windows application or a console application?I want to write a generic output library (output to textbox or console when console app).For that reason, if I could check whether it is a asp application would be useful, too.

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Check All Textboxes On A Form?

Aug 6, 2009

i would like to make an IF statement that will check whether all textboxes in the form have been changed. i dont want to check one by one. can i check all textboxes with one simple IF THEN clause in

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Check Form Is Opened Or Not?

Sep 6, 2010

I have question regarding how i can check if the form is opened or not ??

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Check If A Form Is Opened?

May 31, 2009

I have 3 simple questions:

1. How to check if a form is opened?


End If

2. How to play a sound (just a beep or something?)

3. When i have a string with keywords, separated by ","'s, how to convert this into a array? (F.A. Test1,Test2,Test3)


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Check If User Is Using Form And Not Another One?

Mar 6, 2009

I want to check if a form has focus. The .focused property does not return the results I need. When a user is using a control in the form, the property will return false.How can I check if the user is using my form and not another one?

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How To Check If Form Has Been Loaded

Aug 3, 2010

Is there a way to check if a form has been loaded yet? I saw in C# they have a isLoaded property, but it doesn't seem to exist in the VB.Net Form class?

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Check Box In Form Only Edits One Line?

May 10, 2011

I have a form that has a checkbox value for field 4. What I'd like a user to do is to be able to check that checkbox and when they fire the holidaysavebutton event, that my code will look for any of the checkboxes that are checked and save that line of data to my database. As the code stands now, I am able to get the first line to do this, but none of the lines after will save the data.


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