How To Download Files From A Web Folder

Nov 1, 2011

I have a web folder e.g. "url..." if I open this address in IE it show me all files which this folder have.I want to download all files but I don't want to hard-code name of files. I know I can get the files with webclient.DownloadFiles(@address,@filename). Is this possible to download all files or at least get the name of files from the web folder?

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Download All Files From Online FTP Folder?

Jun 9, 2010

i Would like to know the code how can i download all files from this online directory [URL] to my start path of Application.I'm new to visual basic and i know some of basics but i wanted to make Auto Updater for my friend...and i added progress bar for information of download, so i would like to know code for progress bar of the download (ProgressBar will show how much did i download files percent).

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VS 2008 Download All Files From A Folder?

Dec 24, 2009

Okay so i'm trying to download all files from a folder but no Luck My code My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("mywebsite.comsetup45.exe", "C:setup45.exe")So i need to download all files from the setup folder to the User computer.

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Download All Files Inside Online Folder?

Oct 15, 2011

How can I make my app to download all files inside folder 123 from web [URL]

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Creating List Of Files (remote Folder) And Download

Oct 22, 2009

how to get a list of all the files in my remote folder. I want to have them listed in a listview (whatever) and download them seperately.

This is the code I have so far:
Imports System.Net
Public Class frm_download


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Unzip Function - Receive Download Folder With Files

Oct 26, 2011

I have the following function below, which works fine if you want to Extract a zip file. But, I have a problem, lets take an example, , which will have a folder within called Download which has txt files. Therefore, when I unzip I receive the Download folder with the files in it. Now, instead I want to unzip the zip folder to create a Test folder and within the Test folder the Download folder which will have all the text files. The function I have does ONLY the Download folder and not the test folder.

Private Sub unzip(ByVal filename As String, ByVal targetdir As String, ByVal overwrite As Boolean, Optional ByVal password As String = "")
Dim inputStrm As New ZipInputStream(File.OpenRead(filename))
inputStrm.Password = password
Dim nextEntry As ZipEntry = inputStrm.GetNextEntry()
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Obtain CRC32 Checksum Of Files Within A Folder Then Rename Files And Folder

Mar 4, 2010

in the current project im making i've decided to add in some tools, 1 of which is a renamer based of a renamer app that already exists (called scdtoolz), i want to build my own version of it so i can learn some new things, and build a nice GUI version of it.[code]So what i have managed to determine is that the current app scans the folders contents for the CRC32 Checksum, and renames based of that, since the 456.bin's CRC32 Checksum was 2274F80B, and in the text file 2274F80B is found here 'WWF - Rage in the Cage (T-81015)(U)#2274F80B#'So now i have determined game identification is based of the CRC32 checksums, how would i go about coding a similar ap in i need to make the app scan a folder, but how to return crcchecksum? and then rename if check = XXXX? If MD4 sums are easier/simpler i can use those instead, im lookin at a few hash app sources now, so i think i can see how to get the md5 but not the crc32 yet, or how to rename the 2 files and folder based of the text file.

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Copies Files From Folder(A) Into Folder (B) First It Checks If The Files Exists If Yes It Will Copy Them

Nov 3, 2011

I wrote an application that copies files from Folder(A) into Folder (B) First it checks if the files exists if yes it will copy them and it will over write the them in fodler (B) and is working great , but if I have a file in Folder(B)that is located in a subfolder the file inFolder (A) will not be copied to the new location.

belwo is the code to copy the files if they exist :[code..]

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Calculate The Download Speed If Use A Webclient To Download Files Async?

Jun 10, 2009

how can I calculate the download speed if I use a webclient to download files async

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Upload Update To Share Folder (using Folder Password), Programming Download & Update With Progressbar?

Dec 1, 2010

Now I upload update to a share folder inside the company network I have full
Permission access & everyone read onlyas any one out side the company can't use the program so there no password on the share folderbut I need now to protect the share folder as I have to use real IP on the database connection to allow the company branch's to access the database

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Script That Will Check Files In Certain Folder Against Files In Another Folder

Jul 20, 2009

I need a script that will check files in a certain folder (lets call it folder1) against files in another folder (folder2), if there are any new files, or changed files it updates them in folder2.

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File I/O And Registry :: AVI Header - Program To Download And Play AVI Files The Files Are Large In Size And Long Time Wise

Dec 11, 2011

I wrote a program to download and play AVI files the files are large in size and long time wise. I have the files playing as they are being downloaded but i can't see how long the file is or seek reliably. i was reading that the AVI headers are in the last 512kb of the AVI file *why would't they put it at the start* lol so my question is is there a way to download the last 512Kb of the file i'm downloading. i have the Bytes Read and Length of the file while its downlaoding i'm just not sure where to go from there, or how to do it atleast. If i had the length in time of the Avi file i could set the trackbar to be able to seek properly. or if someone has an idea how i could get the time of the video by using fps and some math i could prob do it that way too but idk how i would tell how i can find how many kb are in the fps i'm sure it changes so think that way is't going to be reliable. how to get the last 512kb would be the best option not sure if it can be done even.

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IDE :: VS 2008 - Setup Project : Adding Folder Structure To The Program Files Folder?

May 13, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Setup project. I need to copy one folder and the sub folders into the program files but when I tried to copy or add the folder to "Application Folder" in File System editor, I am able to add only files and not folders.

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Change Appliaction Folder Path From Program Files To Public Folder

Sep 27, 2011

how to change the install folder path in a setup and deployment project/Installer class from program files to C:usersPublic in windows 7 and allusers folder in xp.Want to add MVP with my name.

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Add All Files From A List To Programs Resource.folder Instead Of A Seperate Folder

Apr 14, 2009

I have made this installation program and everything work just fine, but I wish to improve it a little. Atm. all the files being installed is in a seperate folder, and the installation program simply move them to the right location.There is a builder program too.I would like it to add all files from a list to the programs resource.folder instead of a seperate folder.Atm I add the installation file to the destination folder with the following line. [code]

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Add All The Files From The Selected Folder In A Folder Browser Dialog To A List Box?

Feb 6, 2010

Code so far:

Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

I have managed to get drag and drop working if this is any help:

Private Sub ListBox1_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DragEnter
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then


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Get A Complete File/folder Listing And Then Copy These Files To Another Folder?

Feb 3, 2012

I am wanting to get a complete file/folder listing and then copy these files to another folder.

Here is my


This happens on many folders. How can I get a listing of these folders and also copy these files?

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Searching A Folder For Audio Files And Adding That Folder To An Array?

Aug 23, 2010

So I've been using some code to generate directories and such in a custom treeview, but am looking to expand upon this idea. While it's not using recursive functions, and only calls functions when expanding levels, I'm not quite sure how to put some of these together.find a way to just search through all folders on the PC. If the folder contains audio files, that folder is than added to an array (searching a folder for audio files and adding that folder to an array is done). It's just recursivly searching all folders on the PC.Here is the code I've been using for the treeview (I'm not sure if it can be adapted):

Public Function ListAllDrives() As String()
Dim arDrives() As String
arDrives = Directory.GetLogicalDrives()[code].....

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Folder Selection - Enable The User The Ability To Select A Folder And The Folders Music Files Populate A List Box

Jan 6, 2009

Basically I am trying to enable the user the ability to select a folder and the folders music files populate a list box. I want two list boxes on the page, one with all the contents of the folder and then the other one for files selected from the first box. I have no clue on how to do this at all...

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Download Folder From FTP?

Aug 21, 2010

How do I download a folder with other folders and files in an ftp server?

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Move One File In A Folder To Another Folder With Tons Of Files In It?

May 6, 2010

Ok so i have a program that pulls up all the video files in a video folder. I need a code that will move one of the files in the listbox to a recycle bin i made. But i dont want to replace any of the files in the recycle bin i just want a code to move one file out of one folder and into another. So if there is a code for this then great.

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Download A Folder Into A Directory?

Aug 1, 2010

i am trying to download a folder into a directory. A few days ago Acamar helped me by giving me some code but i get an error when trying to download certain folders. I was wondering if their was a way to fully download an unzipped folder to a path that is in textbox1.

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Download Folder From FTP Server?

Jun 21, 2010

my problem is that the server (accessed through filezilla) wont allow .exe extensions to be uploaded as a result i have added a .new to the end and that allows it to be uploaded. Thus when i download it i simply remove the .file from the end.That's sorted but my auto updater needs to download folders as well. This is a problem as i cannot add a .file to a folder as it does not govern the filetype. I though of using .zip files but i cannot find an program in windows that can extract it (e.g. through CMD, or if you right click a .zip file in Win7/Vista you get the option to "extract all" i cannot find the root of this application). Also if i try to use a external file extractor i cannot be sure that the remote PC has the same program (e.g. 7zip, winrar, etc..)

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Download Unzipped Folder?

Jul 28, 2010

In my program i want the user to click a button and a full fulder would be downloaded from a site and be placed inside an Atari folder on the "c" drive. [URL]so i need the folder and the contents to be downloaded to the Atari folder.

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VS 2010 Download The Whole Folder?

Jul 5, 2011

I was wondering if VB can access a folder on a secured network and just download the whole folder with all the files in it?

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Download File From Internet To Particular Folder?

Dec 8, 2010

in my project i want to download 1 data base file on click of a button to a specific folder and in case if the file is already there replace it.

actually i want to provide a button to update database which will download the new database(MS Access file) and replace any old.secondly will it be possible that instead of replacing, it will rename the old file(MS Access file)


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Watching On Folder For Download From Browser?

Jan 25, 2012

I have application that watching on my folder for download from my browser. When the file is downloaded i want to move this file immediately in some other folder depending on the file extension. Now, the problem is i don't know how to setup FileSystemWatcher properties, because i want to FSW alert mi only after the file is created and when it's able for copying or moving. I 'am really confused about notify filters and which events to control. The event FSW.created is unuseful because it's raised when download starts.

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Move All Files In Folder But Not Delete Folder?

Apr 26, 2012

I need to know how could I move all files inside a folder (for example: C:Folder1) to another folder (for example: C:Folder2), but not delete Folder1 and get how many items have been moved, let me explain;

I need to move all items inside Folder1 (files, folders, sub-folders, sub-files, etc) maintaining directory structure, but without delete Folder1, and if its possible know how many folders and how many files have been moved (only the number of folders and number of files).

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Open All Files In Folder And Save Them Into Another Folder?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a folder that contains master copies of about 50 txt files.

Is there a way to open each of those text files and save them under the same name but in a new folder?[code]....

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Importing All Files In A Folder (all Excel Files) Into A Single Table In An Access Database

Aug 23, 2011

I am trying to import a bunch of excel 2003 files all with A:H columns and they are under the same headings etc. into a table in access 2003 database. This is a module in access im making. Im using a file search to look for every file that begins with Format (which they all do ) to get at all the files in the folder path. is there a more efficient way to do this? somehow select all files in a folder? and import each to the same table in access? The DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet seeems to take each file path individually so I'm not sure how to get each file name in the folder to import it.

I have this at the moment:

Sub Import()
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb


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