How To Get Real IP

Feb 25, 2011

How to get my real IP using

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Cannot Add Real Player

Jul 7, 2009

I have problem, when I add Real Player in form. This one..

This is a problem...

I reinstalled real player , and nothing happened , the problem still with me.

The VB in the attachment....

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Convert Integer To Real

Sep 4, 2009

I have written a VB (6.0) progam that pulls data from a Comm Port. I get two bytes back everytime I real the data (i.e. FF E1).Does anyone know how to represent this as a Real number (or floating point)?

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Cannot Add Real Player In Form

Jul 10, 2009

My Program is Visual Basic 2008 professional..I have problem, when I add Real Player in form.url...When I add Real Player In the form, I cannot open the form, and it comes this error.url...This is important information..My laptop is HP, and I have vista 64 bit.I have new version of Real Player.I added the Real Player to form from here,,url...How can open the form with Real Player?

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ConnectionString On Real Website

Jul 29, 2009

How does a real life connectionString look like? I my sample application, I have this in the app.config file:


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ConnectionString On Real Website?

Jan 16, 2010

ConnectionString on real website

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Generate A Map Of A Real Place?

May 19, 2011

I am working on a project in which I would like to generate a map. It should be in bitmap form, and should include such things as roads and cities. I DO NOT want to generate a map of a real place.

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Get Real Assembly Version?

Feb 24, 2011

Get real assembly version? [code]...

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Get Real Top Window Hwnd

Mar 13, 2011

If an external window (external to my program) is set to TopMost it will be always visible, even if it is not the active window.This means that, for example, if I press a Internet Explorer page, the external TopMos window loses it active state, but remains over the IE web page.Now the question is: How to retrieve by a Timer routine the Hwnd of the REAL Top windows, intending for Real Top windows the ones that MY EYES see as top windows?If the TopMost window is not active both GetForegroundWindow() and GetActiveWindow() get the Handle ot the Internet Explorer window....

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Get The Real Size Of A Flowlayoutpanel?

Jul 2, 2011

i've a flowlayoutpanel that will be filled with other controls dynamically. this flowlayoutpanel will not have scrollbars. now my problem is to get the real size, comprensive of the invisible part of the flowlayoutpanel.

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How To Get Real Serial Number Of A Cpu

Sep 16, 2011

what i want is to get the serial number of my cpu.i have used the code you give at your website,that refers at the function GetProcessorId, at 3 different pc's,where all these pc's were using cpu's of the company my problem is that i took the same ID from the 3 pc's i used. is there any way that will make me able to get a real serial number from a cpu,that this serial number is unique?i am using visual studio you have something to suggest?

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Real-time Spelling In .net?

May 24, 2010

Is there any open-source component for VB.NET that offers real-time spelling (i.e., as you type) much like word? I found some free and open source components but without that ability.

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VS 2010 - How To Get Real IP Address

Feb 1, 2012

In a WinForm application, if you want to get the IP address of the machine the code is running on (for instance, to log in the database what the IP address is when a user deletes a record), I would use this

Dim xEntry As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName)
Dim ipAddr As Net.IPAddress() = xEntry.AddressList
blIP.Text = ipAddr(0).ToString()

While the code works, and it returns the correct IP address (for example:, Visual Studio doesn't like that code, and tells you that GetHostByName is obsolete, and needs to be replaced with GetHostEntry.

But if I do that, then I get back something that does not look like an IP address:
So my question is, if I'm not supposed to use GetHostByName because it's been replaced by GetHostEntry, how come GetHostEntry doesn't give me the IP address?

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Checking For Entered Value - Real Number

Nov 14, 2009

Imports System.Math
Public Class Form1
Dim var_ghost As Object
Dim var_number As Double
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

My question is; when you enter a variable to inputbox like "100.5" it shall return a numeric value at line1 and "100,5" too. But when I need to check for entered value is a real number or not (Look line2) CDbl("100.5") returns 1005 CDbl("100,5") returns 100,5.

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Convert A Drawing To Real Points?

Aug 25, 2009

I have an application which draws a graphicspath in dot style using pen.dashstyle = dot. after all, i need to send the drawing points to another hardware. I have to extract the points out of the drawing in order to send them to hardware. the background of the drawing is totally black and the dots were drawn in yellow color. as an example suppose a simple circle drawn in dots with fixed distance in yellow on a black background. how i can convert this drawing to an array of points()?

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Convert OEM Keys In REAL Keyboard Value

Nov 13, 2010

I have the e.keyvalue (or e.keycode) of a pressed Key. Now the problem is, when is pressed a Oem key, to know the real $char of the key, depending from kekboard and language. In few words, starting from the e.keycode (that is not the ascii code), I would like to get the $char that the pressed key whould write in a text box....

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Display Real Time On Form?

Apr 7, 2010

How can I display a running stopwatch on my form? I am creating a timer but I do not want to use the timer class.

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FTP Chat Update In Real Time?

Jun 15, 2011

I making a simple online chat using an ftp server by downloading and uploading text. I use a thread to update the chat log continuously. But it doesn't update in real time. Is there a way to create a server that clients can upload to and download from extremely quickly? How do programs like MSN messenger or better online multiplayer games do it?

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Generate Real Random Numbers?

Jun 30, 2009

I need to generate 'real' random numbers from 0 to 500 (e.g. 247.214, 477.125, 1.247, 54.078, 147.001 ......etc). I am using this method:

Dim Myrand As New Random
Dim Res As Double
For i = 1 To 10
Res = Math.Round(Myrand.NextDouble, 3)

This method gives numbers between 0 and 1. if I use: Res = Myrand.Next(0,500), then this gives Integer numbers.

The questions is: Is this possible with (Dim Myrand As New Random) or I have to try another way (e.g. Rnd() ) for doing this?

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Get Cursor Position In Real Time?

Nov 17, 2009

What would be the proper way to get the cursor position while the mousebutton is held down? I've tried using a do while loop with a background worker, but it freezes up the application.

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How To Cache Real-time Data

Jan 14, 2009

I'm working on a windows forms application (.NET 4.0).My form contains a 'Fast Line' chart using the Microsoft chart control included in VS2010.The chart gets filled with about 20,000 datapoints.My application then starts receiving market data from a server via DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) in real-time and adds it the chart.

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How To Send Real-time Data Over UDP

Sep 19, 2010

I have to send a sequence of video frames over UDP as fast and real-time as possible and while I got the basics working, I am running into all sorts of difficulties. Some of my goals:Data will normally be sent over dial-up (hence UDP instead of TCP), but also needs to support fast Ethernet.It's OK to occasionally drop frames (hence UDP instead of TCP).Need low latency. The frame the remote receives should be one that was recently sent (no more than a few frames waiting in buffers).I need to be able to detect the effective bandwidth so that I can compress the frames more or less to keep frame rate up.I break up frame data into one or more datagrams of about 500 bytes and each has a sequence number and other info. The receiver reassembles the entire frame and detects if any datagrams are missing.If the receiver detects more than a certain percentage of dropped frames (e.g. 50% over the last 10 frames), I send a TCP message to the sender to slow down by 50%. Sender than slowly increases speed by 5% each subsequent frame.Using System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient to send and receive the data.I have a separate TCP channel used for control messages back to sender.My main difficulty right now is detecting the effective bandwidth and dealing with latency, especially over dial-up (max ~4,000 bytes/sec). For example, if I try to send 100,000 bytes/second using TcpClient.Send() they ALL seem to arrive (no dropped datagrams) but with large latency by the time last datagram arrives. I think the TcpClient.Send() function is blocking until the buffer is able to send which messes up my current algorithm.

Can anybody point me to any sources of information for how to:Detect actual bandwidth over UDP.A better algorithm for dynamically adjusting bandwidth to suit the available pipe.Send data smoothly at the desired bandwidth.A way to detect and keep latency down to a minimum.I have been spinning my wheels over the last week and every time I solve one problem it seems another rears up is head.

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Make An Application That Actually Listens To Real FM?

Apr 20, 2011

Is it possible to make an app (with VB.NET or any other language) that actually listens to real FM? not internet radio, or XM Radio, or any of that, but actual (Signal) FM radio, the type you listen to in a car or with a radio? if it's possible, is there any special hardware that's needed? I mean, if i wanna make it will all the consumers be able to run it? or only a selected few? Im sorry if this question is too long...

And is radio dead now or is that what people say? Am i the only one that stil listens to radio?

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Make Real Time Chart?

Feb 22, 2011

Make real time chart?

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Making A Real Anti-Virus?

Sep 12, 2009

I'm developing a new Anti-Virus with a more friendly interface. I looked on youtube, and i followed the example of a Fake Av, but i'm making it real, with scaning options. So, down are some use-full informations,before asking:It's a three forms application, so down i'll post the hole code, for future askings:Form 1:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


So, when i choose a drop-down option from the combobox and hit scan key, the AV will scan the listed files, and also show to a listbox in the 2nd form, when i hit clean viruses. It's a little bit complicated, it hink, but it must work. Another problem is that, the timer isn't setted for when fnishing scanning the system files, but is setted after a period of time. I want it, to Stop when the AV finsihed scanning dor the suspicios files and folders, if they exist.

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Mirror Real Time Text?

Apr 6, 2012

I created a form with MS Access with some dropdown menus and some check boxes. The main reason is for when the user select a check box or an option from the dropdown menu a specific phrase will appear on a Note box I created on the bottom of the form. Where I am having the problem is because I added a Text Box in Access where the user can type something in it. What I need is when something is typed inside of the text box the content should be mirrored inside of the Note Box on the bottom of the form. I was able to create the functions using VB for the dropdown menus and the check boxes but for the Free Form Text Box I dont know how to mirror the real time texting.

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Publish A Program To A Real Installer Exe?

Jun 14, 2009

How do i make the program into a real exe installer? like the normal ones you use for other apps.

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Read GIF File At Real Speed

Sep 27, 2009

I made a GIF file by Easy GIF Animator 5.0. The GIF file has 33 frames, with 1/100s per frame. That means the GIF length is 0.33s. However, if I use picturebox (and even view by Windows Picture and Fax viewer) to load that image, it lasts for more than 1.5s. If I use ACD See, it show exacly 0.33s. How can I do like ACD See?

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Real Player/ WMP Embedding Onto A Form

Jan 9, 2011

im creating a stock management system for a cycle shop and i had a thought about creating an interactive help video e.g.

how to add a customer - featuring the steps shown and how to handle errors. I have seen tutorials for flash player embedding but im unsure as to whether they have it installed on their workstation.

How would i go about streaming a video that is stored in the debug folder of the program onto a live form that includes stop, pause, play and volume buttons?

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Real Reason To Use The Panel Control ?

Aug 14, 2010

I have been programming for almost a year now, and I still havent found a real reason to use the Panel control. Is there some kind of use for the panel that I dont know of? It must be here for a reason, but I just cant figure out why? Does anyone use this control?

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