How To Reference Arrays Via Loops

May 21, 2009

I have 5 arrays named array1 array2 array3 array4 array5. Each array has 5 elements. I want to access each element in each loop via a for next loop the pseudo code would be something like this.

for i = 1 to 5 / this loop calls the individual arrays
for j = 0 to 4/ this loop calls the elements in each array
array (i,j) /do some action on the element here
next j
next i

But as it stands, there is no array called simply array, and I can't figure out how to append the i counter to the word array and thus achieve what I want.
The alternative is to have 5 separate loops, one for each array but I feel sure there must be a better way.

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Index Was Out Of Bounds - For Loops And Arrays

Nov 23, 2009

I'm trying to create two arrays filled with a set of strings from two tables in a database and then compare them. For example:
array1[0]="1101" and

If both respective characters equals 1 then perform an action. But when I run this code I receive the error: Index was outside the bounds of the array. System.IndexOutOfRangeException.

For some reason I believe the problem area is with the following two statements:
comparestringa = userintarray(x) and
comparestringb = eventintarray(x)

When I comment them out, the error doesn't show.
myconnect = New SqlConnection("xxxx")
Dim Table1 As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Table1", myconnect)
Dim Table2 As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Table2", myconnect)
Dim array1 As New ArrayList
Dim array2 As New ArrayList
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 - Arrays And Do Loops With Rows And Columns

Feb 28, 2011

So I am writing a program that uses ArrayA(10) and ArrayB(10) and uses Do loops to output the sum of ArrayA(1) + ArrayB(1) in one column then the difference in the next column, then the product in the next column, then the quotient in column 4 of a Matrix(10, 4) in a listbox. And continues doing this until there are 10 rows of 4 columns. I was wondering for tips on how I can get this done.

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VS 2010 : Space Invaders Alien Loops/arrays?

Oct 2, 2011

Been given an assignment to create a space invaders game. Although there's a long way around, is there a way to make my code smarter.Here's the section to make a row of invaders so far:

Public Class Form1
'number of invaders in a row (horizontal)
Dim numberofinvaders As Integer = 11
'set of invaders (vertical)


So what I want to do more precisely is have the value of setofinvaders to change how many rows of invaders vertically in a loop.

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Loops And Arrays - After The Loop Is Completed - Pull A Value From The Array And Display It?

Apr 15, 2012

i have a array set up, and i need the array to be global, but i can only get vb to accept it in a button, in addition, after the loop is completed, i am trying to pull a value from the array and display it but am getting an error.the code is as follows:

Public Class Form1
Friend staten As String
Friend statea As String[code].....

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VS 2008 Arrays And Loops - Computing Average Monthly Rainfall

Dec 2, 2010

I need to create an console application that computes the average monthly rainfall, number of months with above average rainfall, and the number of months with below average rainfall, given the rainfall amounts for each month in a particular year. The program must read in and store in an array the monthly rainfall amounts entered by the user one by one.

So far this is what I have got
Const intMonths As Integer = 11 'Constant Month variable
Dim sngRainfall(intMonths) As Single 'Rain for the month
Dim intCount As Integer ' Loop Counter
Dim sngTotalRainfall, sngAvgRainfall As Single 'Total and Average Rainfall
[Code] .....

How to set this up properly and I am having a real hard time figuring out how to make the data go from this loop to another and add the data to the total.

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File I/O And Registry :: Opening A Text File Into Multiple Text Boxes Using Loops And Arrays

May 20, 2009

So I'm in the final stages of finishing a program I've been working on for nearly a year now, and this is basically my final hurdle. The Save dialogue is working beautifully, with 'flags' in order to switch it over from the regular input into text boxes to the Listbox input protocol.

However, I'm having a *** of a time getting it to take lines from the text file and put them in the proper text box. Here is an example file:




So with the sample file I provided above, in the textbox named callNameText would appear "SHOWNAME", and so on and so forth. With this build, I get a NullReferenceException on the "Me.Controls(strboxNames(i)).Text() = strAllText(ati)" line.

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Using A Reference To A Button Or Label / Arrays Of Buttons Or Labels

Jul 31, 2011

I am writing a program in which I need a particular set of buttons and labels to perform the same function... in a manner such that only the button next in order can be clicked (following which an input box pops up to offer options) I tried to define a new button and a new label object which is assigned the current label/ button.

B = Button1
L = Label1

but it doesn't work. I'm not sure if this assignment is allowing only the reference to be passed as I require (so that Button1 reflects changes when I write code for B, etc.) Also i learned that arrays of objects are no longer supported in Visual Studio 2010. Is there an alternative way to do it?.... If I could define an array of objects or something similar I think I'll be able to manage..

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Monthly Payment Calculation, For Loops To Do While Loops?

Oct 8, 2011

the purpose of the program is to display the monthly payments on the loan.My homework is to use do while loops instead of for loop.Here is the code for the for loop.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


Now I'm having some trouble displaying the output using the do while loop, and I'm pretty sure it's a loop problem on my code. However, I cannot seemed to find out what's wrong. I looked at the examples of do while loop in my textbook, but I couldn't find anything useful to my problems of my program.This is the output for the do while loop.

Here's the do while loop code

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Referencing Controls - TextBox1, TextBox2, And TextBox3 - Reference Without Adding Extra Arrays

Oct 10, 2009

Lets say that I had three TextBox's and they are named TextBox1, TextBox2, and TextBox3, is there a way to do like TextBox And Rand(1,3).Text = Nothing? Something similar to this where you click a button and it will choose at randomly a textbox to clear?I know I could do like Dim Number = Rand(1,3)if Number = 1 Then TextBox1.Text = Nothingend ifif Number = 2 Then TextBox1.Text = Nothingend ifor use else if and such, but I have 12 different textbox's, not three, so, I want to shorten the code, if you could do something like TextBox And Rand(1,12).Text = Nothing that would defenitely be way shorter, can you do anything like that to put together "TextBox" and the number to reference the control? I am not looking to use the full controls list to search for the right control nor to make an array that contains the controls, I just want to reference them without adding extra arrays or searhing for them.

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Contain Functions(They All Have For Loops) Don't Work In For Loops?

Mar 6, 2011

When I use a For loop in a For loop the Contains Statement dosen't work! Even my custom one! I even tested mine and it works 100% And neither that or the String.Contains function work inside of For Loops And, I know both of them use loops to search through a string.

My function(It will atleast search once):

Function RealContains(ByVal load As String, ByVal needle As String) As Boolean
load = load.ToLower


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VB6 Used Recordsetsor Arrays - .Net Framework In VB2010. Datasets, Dataviews. Tableadapters, Arrays. Enums ?

May 9, 2010

In VB6 I load a recordset containg all of the records (6 fields per record)in a table into an XArray and then manipulate the records in the array and then write them back to the original table. The array issorted by the first field (1 to maybe 8000 or more) I need to find records in the array by an ID field and then move them (because of some external criteria that happens many times) from say number 400 to number 375. Then all of the other records between 375 and 399 were renumbered up 1 to fill the gaps left by the move.

The XArray worked well as it could find and also move to a next record easily to facilitate the revisions to each record quickly. Everything is done in VB6 in code and nothing visual needs to be shown to the user until say 2000 of these external changes are complete. What is the best, most efficient way to do this in the .Net framework in VB2010. Datasets, Dataviews. tableadapters, arrays. enums ?

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Integer Arrays - User Enter In Big Integers Using - Two Parallel Arrays

Dec 10, 2009

My assignment is to have a user enter in big integers using what i think is two parallel arrays. I got this far but now im stuck. I think i need to actually convert the text box input into an array but i do not know how to do that. I am all over the place in this project.

'Created/ Revised by: Jessica Falcetta
'Cap 204 Final Project: Big Integer Project
'Project Purpose: To calculate large integers through parallel arrays


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Passing Arrays Through Fortran Dll From App Turning To Single Element Arrays?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a console app and I am opening a function in a dll written in fortran. I am passing 3 arrays through the function by reference. When they come back out the otherside they ahve all tunred to arrays of only one element And that element is 0.I read on the internet somewhere that when doing this kind of thing it is a good idea to only pass the first element of the array into the function.I tried changing my function declaration to accepting single elements rather than single dimensional arrays, and now the arrays are the same length before and after the function call, but they don't seem to be changing at all, so i'm not sure that this is working

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VS 2008 Arrays Displaying States/searching Arrays?

Oct 30, 2010

the statement Dim state(49) As String and maintain a list of certain states. The list of states should always be in alphabetical order and occupy consecutive elements of the array. The buttons in the program should give the user the following options: (a) Take the state specified by the user in a text box and insert it into its proper position in the array. If the state is already in the array, so report. (b) Take the state specified by the user in a text box and delete it from the array. If the state is not in the array, so report. (c) Display the states in the array. "

Private Sub states_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
state(0) = "Alabama"


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Comparing Arrays :: Possible Without Iterating The Arrays?

May 3, 2010

I was wondering if anyone knows a built in method ( LINQ say or a LAMBDA expression or other way ) that you can compare2 arrays - collections that would be valid for an equivalent 3rd array - collection which is a combination of the 1st two.

As an example consider;
* * *


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Sort Three Arrays (the Other Two Arrays Are In Sync With The First)?

Oct 13, 2009

How can I sort three arrays so they are sorted together (the other two arrays are in sync with the first)?unsorted unsorted unsortedarray1]CODE]....

View 9 Replies

For Loops In VB?

Nov 24, 2011

I have a 5 by 5 matrix I want to populate and I would like to simplify this into for loops. As I understand, I would need 2 for loops to complete this task?

Dim x(4, 4) As Char
x(0, 0) = Mid(key, 1, 1)
x(0, 1) = Mid(key, 2, 1)
x(0, 2) = Mid(key, 3, 1)


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Use Loops In .NET?

Apr 23, 2012

EDIT:I have a ItemList : Dim ItemList As New List(Of String)I wanna append each element from itemlist to a new list for 10 times each, then to start over again.How can I make a loop for each element while there are still elements in the list (10 times each)?I tried this but it's not working.

Private crt As Integer = 0
Private limit As Integer = 0
Private Function getline() As String
Dim line As String = ""


but I didn't know where to add the 10 times limit and also the current item number(crt)

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Error, "Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Nov 28, 2010

I am receiving this error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference on the code I've
bolded within the code body. Here is my code:


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VS 2008 - Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

May 8, 2010

I get this error:Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.When i compile on the following code section:

Private Sub statusBarToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Not ToolStripMenuItem.Checked
statusStrip1.Visible = ToolStripMenuItem.Checked

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VS2010 : Error: Reference To A Non-Shared Member Requires A Object Reference

Jun 20, 2011

when I do something like this: Process.Start [URL] it says that error only on Form2 not Form1.

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Error 'Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference'

Jul 23, 2009

Error 'Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference'?I want to know what a non-shared member is.

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Error - Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Dec 7, 2010

I am opening frmB (variable for FormB - the actual form) from frmA. From btn1 I open frmB like this:

frmB = New FormB()

From btn2 (frmB is already open) I bring frmB to the front from behind frmA:


No problem so far. Now I need to pass an arg to frmB. This is where I am having the problem.

from btn1 (in frmA) I do this:

frmB = New FormB(myArg) '--pass myArg to constructor of FormB -- no problem here

then from btn2 -- this is where I have the problem


I tried placing myArg in FormB.Show(myArg) but that did not fix the problem. What is the correct way to pass myArg to FormB (frmB) in this scenario? Do I need to share FormB or frmB? How do I do this? "frmB" is frmA level variable.

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Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Sep 22, 2009

why i am getting an "reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference" error on format.Yesterday gets the previous days date and presents it in a yyyyMMdd format.vsettlementDates takes the "Yesterday value and requests data from it.

Dim Yesterday As String = format(Today.AddDays(-1), "yyyyMMdd")
Dim vSettlementDates As String = (Yesterday)

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Error Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Apr 27, 2011

I am getting the following error:

Error 1 Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. (on WindowsIdentity.Groups)

Here's my code from that uses the WindowsIdentity.Groups property to display the identity references for the groups the current user belongs to. This code is part of a larger example provided for the WindowsIdentity class.

Public ReadOnly Property Groups As IdentityReferenceCollection
Dim irc As IdentityReferenceCollection


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Error Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference?

Dec 13, 2009

" GridView1.datasource = _MyUsers.Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." error. WHat's wrong with this code

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Error: Reference To A Non Shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Jul 22, 2011

I have the following code below, how the line where it says : For Each c As councillor In councillorList i get the error: reference to a non shared member requires an object reference. Can someone please advise where i am going wrong? [Code]

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Error:Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Apr 6, 2012

Alright, so im getting this error:Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.This is the bit of code the error is pointing to:My.Settings.Bookmarks.Add(WebBrowser.Url.ToString)Why is it giving me this error?Its saying WebBrowser.Url is the problem.

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Errors Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Aug 23, 2011

im sure it is something really simple. Im by no means comfortable with VB. The below code is not mine but i have altered it for my needs. However im getting a couple of errors.

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. I have underlined the errors in the code and they all refer to the above description


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