How To Remove The Blue Windows State

Aug 22, 2009

how to remove the blue windows state in VB application?I am curently on a project and grapchicly it looks nicer without, is it posible to remove it, without the X button and the maximaze box and the mimize box?And how to remove the windows taskbar while running an application?thx-pbandov-

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Remove Blue Bar Are Appearing From Switching Of One Childform

May 10, 2011

My application having one mdiform in that form six child forms are there.Switching of one form into anather form blur bars are appearing form at the title of every opened child form.These six child forms are opens in to remove the blue bars are appearing from every opened child form in to remove these blue bar.

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Remove The Blue Highlight Line From Item When It Is Selected?

Jan 13, 2011

How would you remove the blue highlight line from item when it is selected. And ones a the user clicks on item how do i automatically check it.

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Forms :: How To Remove Blue Bar Are Appearing From Switching Of One Childform Into Anather In

May 11, 2011

My application having one mdiform in that form six child forms are there.Switching of one form into anather form blur bars are appearing form at the title of every opened child form.These six child forms are opens in to remove the blue bars are appearing from every opened child form in to remove blue bar are appearing from switching of one childform into anather in mdiform using how to remove these blue bar.

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Remove Blue Bars Appearing From Opening Of One Child Form Into Anather

May 12, 2011

My application having one mdiform in that form six child forms are there.Switching of one form into anather form blue bar is appearing form at the title of every opened child form.These six child forms are opens in to remove the blue bars are appearing from every opened child form in to remove these blue bar.I have tested this "NewMDIChild.Location = New Point(x,y)".but blue bars are not remove in the opening of mdichild form into mdiform.This bars are appearing in the opening condition of mdichild form after clicking any button in the mdiform.

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Checking Windows License State Or For Genuine Windows?

Dec 27, 2011

I am trying to find a way to accurately verify if a Windows 7 machine is currently using an active license and activated. I believe I can initiate a 'cmd.exe' command to run a cscript (slmgr) and parse that information but that seems like an inefficient method.I have came across an unmanaged windows API called SLGetGenuineInformation [url] however I am not familiar with how to call this in VB.NET or what the variable types should be. I believe VB6 came with some sort of APIViewer that Visual STudio 2010 does not seem to contain.

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Specify A Color (eg And Then Be Able To Paint The Blue Version?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a alpha mask (grayscale)... and want to specify a color (eg and then be able to paint the blue version of the new image(using the solid color with the alpha mask) to the screen using graphics...

How is it best to do this?

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Windows State Control In WindowsApplication?

Jul 27, 2010

i have created a windows application, which contains buttons that open up a new browser and points it at various different links, here's a sample of it, from the top :


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C# - Deep Copy System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser Object/Restore State?

Apr 27, 2009

Essentially what I want to do is copy a WebBrowser object such that I can do the equivalent of "Open In New Tab" or "Open In New Window" actions, maintaining any posted data. I don't just want to navigate to the same URL as in the original WebBrowser object, rather I want to repeat the HttpWebRequest.

View 1 Replies Object - "disabled State"

Jun 21, 2010

is it true that if the AllowEdit property is set to false, any DataGridViewComboBoxColumn that my DataGridView has will be in a "disabled state" (will not allow the user to change the value of the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn) AND there is no way i can make it in an "enabled state" unless i switch the AllowEdit to true?

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Remove A Windows Printer And Its Drivers?

Sep 1, 2011

I am creating a small application for my tech support department to remove a printer and it's driver. I can stop the printer spooler service and delete files related to these printer but, I can't delete the printer from printers and faxes window. I can run printui command to delete the printer in command window but in shell line the double qoutations are giving me problem.

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Remove An Embedded Windows Menubar?

Oct 28, 2009

how can i remove an embedded windows menubar?

heres what i have so far, which embeds the window + removes the titlebar:

Dim proc As New Diagnostics.Process
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "calc.exe"


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Windows - Remove File If Application Is Not Running?

Apr 6, 2011

Not sure whether this is possible, but I'm creating a file encoding applcation. When a file is decoded, it is saved temporarily in a temp directory, after which it can be opened regularly. However, I actually need to be certain the file is removed as soon as the application that has opened it, has closed it (e.g. has shut down). Otherwise, the decoded (secret) file is just hanging in the temp directory without supervision.


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[2010] Remove User Password [Windows 7]?

Feb 1, 2011

I have already build a application where you type in your username and password and it changes it to the specified password. Now I want to make a "User password remover" application. (It should be the same as "Control PanelUser Accounts and Family SafetyUser
AccountsRemove Your Password").

The program should check:

1) Which User is currently logged on and using the program.

2) Check if the User has a password.

3) If No then Exit the program, else Step 4.

4) If YES then allow the User to type in his current password, press a button and Windows should remove the password.

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Using Microsoft Windows Common Control 5.0 COMCTL32.OCX - Remove Interop Dll In Migrated Project

Jun 3, 2010

I am migrating VB application in VB.NET. In VB application , there are using Microsoft windows common control 5.0 COMCTL32.OCX. When I add this component in migrated project, it becomes interop_mscommlib.dll. I want to remove any interop dll in my migrated project. So my question is : Is there any .net supported COMCTL32 which i can use and from where I can get that.

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Add Word 'blue' At End Of Each Line

Apr 9, 2010

I want to add the word "blue" at the end of each line. [code]

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Blue Border Around A Button?

Jul 7, 2011

How do you put a blue border around a button used in a VB form? I cant seem to figure it out!

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Change Blue Color To Some?

Mar 11, 2010

I need the change some controls colors. I have a preview;

How to change the blue color to some color?

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Code All Blue Words?

Dec 23, 2009

You know in the code all the blue words?well can they not be turned into pictures or say like barry trotter cards then we could have a wizard class in vb or a barny set themed one or ma fav idea at the momnet parite ones.Me heads a shed and me lifes a dream, Its all for fun and mostley free.

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Want To Change Value Of Column Red And Blue

Sep 16, 2009

I have lines like this in my text file [code] I want to change the value of column red and blue. Column red=X Column Blue=Y. The user will input the first value of X and Y. Let say user input is X=100 Y=100. The column should be divide half. The value will be like this.. [code]

View 19 Replies

Black And Blue (color Testing)

Aug 4, 2010

Provided the following Private Function isBlue(ByVal aRGB As Color) As Integer
If aRGB.R < 30 And aRGB.G < 30 And aRGB.B > 170 Then


I use it with the following: Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim img3 As New Bitmap(DirectCast(CameraTable.Controls("camera" & z.ToString), PictureBox).Image)
For x As Integer = 10 To 16

Works great. Takes a small square and tests for the blue color indicated by the aRGB value.

What I am trying to do now is test for all Black (as opposed to blue). I want to copy that isBlue Sub to a "isBlack" Sub and perform a like test, but I do not know what to use for this part:

If aRGB.R < 30 And aRGB.G < 30 And aRGB.B > 170 Then explain those values and what changes to each one does?

I've edited the code some: Dim bluepixels As Integer = 0
Dim blackpixels As Integer = 0
Dim img3 As New Bitmap(DirectCast(CameraTable.Controls("camera" & z.ToString), PictureBox).Image)


And in the sub I am testing for an R, G, and B value less than 3 (black should be all 0's) I'm still interested in how to manipulate those RGB values to test for other colors, or very specific hex colors.

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Blue Screen When Attempt To Debug?

Jun 22, 2010

When i run the debugging tool for visual basic my computer crashes (Blue screen). it's rather constant with the VB forms, even ones without code at all... Any help on the matter? All the forms were originally built on this computer but don't work any more, they however work fine on other computers so it has to be my computer.

View 7 Replies

Blue Screen When Stopping Execution In IDE?

Jan 13, 2012

Using this code, before I added the funky "abort" button code - stopping it using the Stop Debugging button in the IDE blue screened my computer every time, PROCESS_HAS_LOCKED_PAGES - Anyone care to try it ? Win7 Ultimate , VS2010 SP1. This machine has never blue screened since it was built. Code is by no means exotic in any way.

Public Class Form1
Dim Abort As Boolean = False
Private BStart As New Button


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Combobox, SelectedValue, Blue Color?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a question for a combobox in Visual Studio 2008 (VB)If illed a combobox from a table and the use the following statement: Me.cmbProduct.SelectedValue = 1 (or another number)The problem is now that in the form the value is selected but with a blue color. I have on my form several comboboxes but i don't want that blue color.

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Getting A Blue Squiggly For Expression Expected?

Sep 19, 2009

Dim Randomizer As Integer
Randomizer = Int(Rnd() * 51) + 1
If Randomizer = 1 Then
picCard1.Image = Image.FromFile("Picture Filepath") And
TheCount += 1
End If

On the d of the And I'm getting a blue squiggly for Expression expected.

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ListView Control - How To Get Rid Of Blue Highlighting

Nov 10, 2010

I use VB2010 Express on a Win7(x64) desktop. I use the following code to select items from data listed in a ListView and then save the selections to a database when I have finished choosing. I use the following code

[code language="VB.NET"] Private Sub ListView1_Click(ByVal
sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.Click
Dim z As Byte = ListView1.SelectedItems.Item(0).Index
Dim n As Byte = 0
[Code] ......

Each time I click on an item in the list, that item is highlighted in Blue. When I click on another, the highlighting transfers to the new item and the previously selected item is green. The HideSelection has no effect on the highlighting, nor does transferring the Focus to another control. How to get rid of the blue highlighting as the only way I have found is to click in the listview control below the data which is counter intuitive.

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Red, Green, Blue To HTML Output?

Jan 30, 2010

I have three HScrollBars(for the colors red, green, blue and maximum to 255), a picturebox(to see the output color) and a textbox which gives the color in HTML output. For example: 0xE60000FF >> This is a red color.I know I first should make a code and paste it here, but I really don't have any idea how.

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[2008] SerialPort Blue Screen?

Jan 22, 2009

I was attempting to clean up my serial port example that is in the code bank. I had decided to use a modem, thinking that a lot of computers still had them. By using the loopback feature of the modem I am able to simulate / emulate various features of the serial port.All was going well, and then I got a Blue Screen with this error after running for 10 minutes or so:DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUALSTOP 0x000000d1 etc.I then went back to using my GPS receiver, which sends messages constantly to a serial port. This test ran for several hours(4). It received messages correctly during the entire test.I then created a new, not as complex, version and it also receives the Blue Screen. I have made sure that the modem drivers are up to date, searched for the error, etc. My gut is telling me that it is the modem driver. I have attached the project. This is the scaled back version, but it uses the same functionality.

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Blue Ring Round A Tabbed Button?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a calculate button, somehow it is hi lighted with a blue ring. when it is tabbed to it reacts as clicked. useful i guess, just not right now. Any ideas what propertie i inadvertantly changed. i think my track pad is way to sensetive as i often get small issues like this, i just cant figure this one out.

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Blue Screen When Closing VB10 Application?

Mar 8, 2012

I am developing a simple application in VB10 that uses to store data in an Access database, and gets input via a serial port RS232. It works well, but is not fully debugged. Unfortunately, a problem has recently started where as soon as i close the program I get a blue screen. Makes it hard to debug. The solution does not even have to have run; it just has to have been loaded and then exit VB10. The blue screen aslo happens to most of the other example solutions that I have downloaded.


1)How do you capture the STOP error codes (probably stupid question)?

2) Is there an easy solution that rings a bell? My IT support is trying but not getting anywhere. Have to believe it is hardware related, but the hard drive checks out with testing.

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