Forms :: How To Remove Blue Bar Are Appearing From Switching Of One Childform Into Anather In

May 11, 2011

My application having one mdiform in that form six child forms are there.Switching of one form into anather form blur bars are appearing form at the title of every opened child form.These six child forms are opens in to remove the blue bars are appearing from every opened child form in to remove blue bar are appearing from switching of one childform into anather in mdiform using how to remove these blue bar.

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Remove Blue Bar Are Appearing From Switching Of One Childform

May 10, 2011

My application having one mdiform in that form six child forms are there.Switching of one form into anather form blur bars are appearing form at the title of every opened child form.These six child forms are opens in to remove the blue bars are appearing from every opened child form in to remove these blue bar.

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Remove Blue Bars Appearing From Opening Of One Child Form Into Anather

May 12, 2011

My application having one mdiform in that form six child forms are there.Switching of one form into anather form blue bar is appearing form at the title of every opened child form.These six child forms are opens in to remove the blue bars are appearing from every opened child form in to remove these blue bar.I have tested this "NewMDIChild.Location = New Point(x,y)".but blue bars are not remove in the opening of mdichild form into mdiform.This bars are appearing in the opening condition of mdichild form after clicking any button in the mdiform.

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Remove Childform / Form Controlbox?

Mar 29, 2011

I already set this code up but still no luck.

childform = PIS
childform.MdiParent = Me


See the image. Both border of the form is set to none and their control box also and maximize,minimize box.

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How To Remove The Blue Windows State

Aug 22, 2009

how to remove the blue windows state in VB application?I am curently on a project and grapchicly it looks nicer without, is it posible to remove it, without the X button and the maximaze box and the mimize box?And how to remove the windows taskbar while running an application?thx-pbandov-

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Remove The Blue Highlight Line From Item When It Is Selected?

Jan 13, 2011

How would you remove the blue highlight line from item when it is selected. And ones a the user clicks on item how do i automatically check it.

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Remove Bluebar Appearing From Opening Of One Child Form Into Another?

May 12, 2011

My application having one mdiform in that form six child forms are there.Switching of one form into anather form blue bar is appearing form at the title of every opened child form.These six child forms are opens in to remove the blue bars are appearing from every opened child form in to remove these blue bar. I have tested this "NewMDIChild.Location = New Point(x,y)".but blue bars are not remove in the opening of mdichild form into mdiform. This bars are appearing in the opening condition of mdichild form after clicking any button in the mdiform.

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Forms :: Opening Childform Creates New Instance Of ParentForm

Dec 31, 2011

I am in the process of upgrading a VB6 Project to My problem is that when I open a child form in my project from within the Parent form a new instance of the Parent form is created. The code is fairly simple:

frmnewContract.MdiParent = Me

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Forms :: ChildForm Pops Parent Main Tool Strip?

Oct 2, 2009

The Parent has a Tool Strip and on the tool strip is a button that when clicked loads the child, this works fine.But when I set the child form to maximize its title-bar jumps over the Parent tool strip. Pushing it down a bit. I do what this. I would like the child to be completely contained within the Parent including the Parent forms tool strip.

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Switching Between Different Forms

May 2, 2012

I have some forms in my application and need to switch between them. I dont want to open another form over other form, in short I want the user to get a feel that he is working on one form only. Right now I am doing something like this but this is not what I want


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Switching Between Forms In VB?

Aug 16, 2011

In my project, I want the abiliity to switch between forms without closing them. What is the best way to do this? I have a "Login Splash Form" that you sign into, and then a Main Menu Form opens in Full Screen. I want this form always to stay open with the ability to open up other forms from this main menu screen as needed.

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Switching Between Forms Lags Computer?

May 10, 2010

So the program I have is an overlay for a bit of software that has a main Video out. Whenever I go between forms the video freezes for a tiny bit but is noticeable. I am using the following to go between forms,

Form6.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized

Is there a better way to cause less work for the form, making there be no lag at all?

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Forms :: Coding A Timeline - Update Every Second And Advance The Blue Bar By 1 Pixel Every Second

Jun 2, 2010

I'm working on a project where I need a timeline similar to what you would see within a video editing program. Picture of my timeline - [URL]

So far, I've designed the timeline using nested pictureboxes. The main area of the timeline is a picturebox, and each track (marker and test) are children pictureboxes contained within the first. The marker dots are custom controls that are children of the marker picturebox. The idea will be for the slider to control zooming of the information in the timeline and the scrollbar to control panning of the timeline. Live data will be added to the timeline. This live data will include the marker dots and painting on the bitmap contained within the test picturebox.

I've got portions of the timeline functioning, but I'm stuck on how I should go about panning and zooming. I would like the timeline to update every second and advance the blue bar by 1 pixel every second. The problem starts when the blue line reaches the end of the timeline. Once the blue line reaches the end, I want everything on the timeline to start scrolling off the left side. What would be the best way to go about doing this and still be able to maintain the data written to the timeline? This could be a lot of data if the program runs for several hours.

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VS 2010 Switching Forms & Close Events?

Jul 20, 2011

The problem I'm having is with the .close() event. Basically I've created the below code to prompt the user when closing the form they are currently viewing.

Private Sub Form_closed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
If MessageBox.Show("Do you wish to exit?", "Program Name", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) =


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Switching Between Windows Forms A Few Unclear Instances [VB2010]

Sep 27, 2010

I am making a visual basic game. And in the game I have a few instances where I want to call open a window (let's save to save the user's preferences) from a form, then I want to go from that form to another one.


The user has completed the new game page. I have the users choices in a host of string, integer, and boolean variables. Now I want to use a generic saving screen I made with a progress bar. When I open up the saving box, I want to close or hide the new game setup menu (whichever I need to do). Then when it is done saving I want the Saving bar to return and cause the new game form to open the actual game form and close itself.

So I guess my question is this: What is a reliable(or correct) way to poll for a return in form to signal it to go ahead with execution?


This is similar to the first question. Instead of keeping the first form open when I use the saving form; is there a way I can save the name of a page I want the saving bar to go to once it's done?

I want the user to enter their prefered username before they start a new game for the first time. So I poll the saved username setting I have and if it equals "username" I want the Username entry form I made to pop up, but once it's done I want it to immediately call the new game screen. I also want to use this username entry form on the options screen so that the user can change their accepted name at anytime; but I want this screen to return back to the options screen.

What is the accept way to do this? Is it done through stacks? (form information -> stack : load new page : Do stuff: load stack value -> goto)


Do I have to keep a window open (not close it) to access the variables that I have defined in it, and have stored values too? Does this apply to hiding too?

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Forms Designer - Controls Declared But Not Appearing On Form - Can't Even Rename

Jun 22, 2010

I am desinging a form with mutiple controls on a tab page control and was moving controls between tab pages by cutting and pasting them. The forms designer obviously got confused at some stage and I now have controls that are declared in the designer.vb but do not appear anywhere on the form.

I can't even rename the controls that are there which have been given generic names to the names I want because they apparently already exist. I realise I could edit the designer.vb and remove the references to these controls but that seems fraught with danger?

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Specify A Color (eg And Then Be Able To Paint The Blue Version?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a alpha mask (grayscale)... and want to specify a color (eg and then be able to paint the blue version of the new image(using the solid color with the alpha mask) to the screen using graphics...

How is it best to do this?

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BindingNavigator Position In Childform?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a bindingNavigator and some textboxes connected to the bindingsource, in a childform, a form inside another form.I have a third form, a search function, and I need to change the bindingNavigator Position, when I choose a number in my "search" form.I have some code in my "Search" Form, but I caannot get it to update the bindingnavigator in my child form:

Dim IndexNumber As Double = Me.TblMainVoyBindingSource.Find("ID", Me.TblMainVoyDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value)
frmEditVoyage.TblMainVoyBindingSource.Position = IndexNumber


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Make A Childform With Textboxes?

Dec 4, 2010

in An MDI form , i make a childform with textboxes. these textboxes are produced by the code, like this:

For i As Integer = 0 To number Step 1
Dim TextBox As New TextBox


In another sub within the MDI class i want to read the data from the textboxes, but got an error that says txtBox1 is not a member of 'WindowsApplication1.Form1'.This is true because they do not exist yet. How can i handle this? I think it has something to do with "delegate and invoke", but this seems to be hard to understand.

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Close The Opened Childform With Menustrip?

Jun 12, 2009

i create a mdiparent form and a form1, all i wanted to do is to close the mdichild form(form1) with a close in the menustrip.When i want to close the opened childform with menustrip (i create a button close in the menustrip)

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Enable A Toolstrip For Childform Of Mdiform?

Aug 11, 2011

I have an mdi project that has different toolstrips for different child forms. how I can have them merged into the MDIParent toolstrip as they show within the Parent. have all the toolstrips on the MDIParent and enable/disable depending on the childform?

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MDI Form & ChildForm (with Show Dialog)?

Sep 16, 2009

I has 4 form

1. Main.vb (IsMdiContainer = T)

2. Form1.vb (has textbox1 , Button1)

3. Form2.vb (Has button1)

4. Form3.vb ( has textbox1, button1)

i start with Main.vb, and show Form1.vb (

code :
dim frm1 as new Form1
frm1.MdiParent = Me

at Frm1 i has 1 textbox (textbox1) and button1, if i clickk button1, form2 show with dialogform

at button1 click

in form2, i has button1 if i click, form3 show with dialogform too


in form3 i has textbox1. and button
if i clock button1. i'll put textbox1 value into form 1 textbox.
code : at button1 click.

form1.textbox1.text = me.textbox1.text

but the textbox1 in form1 not has value ?

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Save/Update Database From A ChildForm?

Apr 21, 2009

I have one table and one dataset namely Registration.db and IGregistrationDataset I created a Registrationform, from it, I load a second one namely complaintForm by parsing the current Registration_ID.

From ParentForm (registration) i did this:

Dim row As IGRegistrationDataSet.RegistrationRow
row = CType(CType(Me.RegistrationBindingSource.Current, DataRowView).Row, IGRegistrationDataSet.RegistrationRow)

Dim frm As New ComplaintProfile(Me.IGRegistrationDataSet, row.Reg_ID)


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Forms :: Cant Remove Items From A Listbox

May 23, 2011

simple problem that i just cant figure out. here is the code


this code works fine as long as i dont remove ALL items, the error i am getting is index is out of bounds of the array, i have tried -1, -2 0 +1 +2 and all are still giving this error, i cant just create code for remove all as i wont always need all removed so i kinda of have to get this code or something similar to remove only checked items. the code below is code i have tried


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Forms :: Remove Button For Two ListBoxes

May 28, 2010

I need so that I click the button once it deletes from both listboxes. For example a till... listbox1 had items listbox2 has prices to remove an item I want the price to go aswell with same click... I already have a clear all button.

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Forms :: Remove Time In Datetimepicker?

Oct 9, 2011

how can i remove the time when i inserted into the database using datetimepicker??.

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Access A MDI Parent's Menustrip Without Merging The Childform Into It ?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm trying to accomplish something and not sure it can be done or rather if I'm approaching it correctly. Is there a way to access a MDI Parent's menustrip without merging the childform into it? I've done the merge before and that works fine. Reason I'm trying to figure this out is that I've started toying with a windows ribbon control and am wondering how the menu functions are performed with this control. In other words you wouldn't create one on each child form and have some how merge them so there must be a way to do this from the parent control.

Things I've tried thus far are to create a public sub in the childform that will save the data to a database. Once the save button is clicked in the mdi parent's menustrip and determines the activechild it will then call that sub procedure on the childform. However it doesn't persist the data, in other words passes a whole lot of nothing to the database even though the values don't dissappear on the child form.

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Buttons On Main Form Displayed Above The Childform?

Aug 11, 2009

Even i have use the "BringToFront" keyword for the childform but its not working. The buttons on the main form are still displayed above the childform. But when i open another form from the childform, it is displayed properly

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MainForm And ChildForm TopMost Activated/Deactivated?

Feb 24, 2011

I have 2 FormsOne is my mainform, one is a "child" form.The childform has no control box.he mainform has a toggle button to show and hide the childform.

Private Sub ButtonShowHideChildForm_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonShowHideChildForm.Click
If ChildForm.TopMost Then


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Opening Report_Viewer_Form From ChildForm Do Not Load Data?

Mar 12, 2011

I am developing an application with and SQL Express. In my application I have many forms as : some of my forms are :


Forms load normally and also show all data in form_report. With this code these forms open as new windows, but I want to open windows as child window.

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