How To Toggle Between Hangul / English From Program Code

Jul 19, 2011

How can I toggle between Hangul/English from program code. When the program changes input language/region from Hungarian/Hungary to Korean/Korea Korean language will appear with English keyboard layout. So I have to press the Hangul/English toggle key manually extra before I could use Korean layout.I have Windows XP and with a Korean keyboard. I use IME 2002 for Korean input.

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English IDE Setup Project Installs English .NET Framework Even Though Localization = German?

Apr 30, 2009

I'm facing a major problem with a Deployment Project I created to install one of my applications.I am using the ENGLISH IDE of the Visual Studio 2008 - even though my end users will have German environments. This is why I set the

Localization = German

Property in the Deployment Project's Properties. The UI of the generated setup is German, so all's fine there. However, the setup installs the ENGLISH .Net Framework. I have not found any way around this.The problem are at least twofold:

1. An English Framework on a German PC might cause instabilities.

2. It's a big flaw to see UI inconsistencies (i.e. the UI and Setup of the application is German while the NET Framework shows certain elements in English, e.g. the DisplayName property of cultures)how can I get the project to install the localized .NET Framework?

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Code A Button So That When Clicked It Will Toggle The Sound On/off On A Web Browser?

Oct 24, 2009

I'm using visual basics 2008, and I want to code a button, so that when clicked it will toggle the sound on/off on a web browser, while the volume of the system stays unaffected. I browsed the web and I found this code:

Public Class Form1
Private Const APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_MUTE As Integer = &H80000
Private Const WM_APPCOMMAND As Integer = &H319


but this DOES mute the whole system which isn't what I want.

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Force Asc To Use English Codepage On Non-english Systems?

Jun 15, 2012

I want to simulate a way to "force" the ASC function to use the english codepage, even on a system having the "language for non-unicode" different than English.[code]On a system having "language for non-unicode" set as English, currently the result is 140..On a system having "language for non-unicode" set as Slovakian, currently the result is 79..The twist is I CANNOT user AscW (for reasons I cannot disclose)In the particular example above I would need for the code to always return 140.If there's a way to force the whole program to use the english code page I could work with that as well.[code]

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Piece Of Code Which Loads Either French Or English Text?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a piece of code which loads either french or english text and 2 link buttons that allow to switch between.

if publierFR = 0 Then
if publierEN = 0 Then


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VS 2008 Code - Making An English To Pig Latin Translator

Apr 16, 2011

i can always get the first word to translate but the other words jumble together and sometimes repeat themselves. The rules for this program are as follows: To translate an English word into a pig Latin word, place the first letter of the English word (if it is not a vowel) at the end of the English word and add the letters ay. If the first letter of the English word is a vowel, place it at the end of the word and add Using this method, the word jump become umpjay, the word the becomes hetay and the word ace becomes ceay. Blanks between words remain blanks. So far this is what I've got:


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Create A Program That Translates English To Another Language?

Jun 3, 2009

Im trying to create a program that translates english to another language. i have no clue how to begin doing this, i have the program designed and all of the buttons besides the "Translate" button has 2 radio button to choose which way you are translating, (English to german, or German to english) the input is a textbox, and the output is a label. and its going to be nothing more than a "replace this word with that word" kind of program. Im also going to connect to a database where the list of words will be held.

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Create A Program To Translate English To Text?

Jun 2, 2009

Im trying to create a program to translate english to text, or text to english. I have the design of the program finished and i have alot of comments, but the person that was helping me on it is no longer reachable. so far i have :


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Make A Program That Translates Text From Swedish To English

Aug 16, 2009

I'm going to make a program that translates text from Swedish to English..

I got 2 textfiles "svenskaengelskaA.txt" and "engelskasvenskaA.txt"

Inside the program I got 2 textboxes and 1 button, If I write like "�pple" in TextBox1 I want it to write out "Apple" in TextBox2 when I press the button "Translate"..

But for the translate button to work it needs to read the 2 files..

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Using Full English Dictionary Text File In Program?

Sep 30, 2011

In my debug folder I got this "Full English Dictionary" .txt file which I use in my program. But I don't want to send the whole folder, I just want to send the .exe file.. So is there a way to somehow "add" the dictionary file to the .exe file? Like get it inside it or something?

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Program - That Arranges The English Alphabets (A,B,C,.....Z) In Ascending And Descending Order

Oct 5, 2010

I want to write a program in that arranges the english alphabets (A,B,C,.....Z) in ascending and descending order.

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Writing Program That Will Display Numerous Labels In English And Spanish?

Jan 18, 2012

I am writing a program that will display numerous labels in English and Spanish. The problem is I have the formatting correct and labels aligned for English, but when I hit the button for Spanish the labels on the left overlap the labels on the right. I did set the text on the Spanish side to include 10 spaces before the text, which does align it properly, however there has to be a better way to do it. I tried padding the label on the form which works good, but I would like the padding to only take effect when the selected language is Spanish. Once English is selected I would like the formattting to go back to normal.

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Choose Us English Or Uk English

Mar 26, 2010

my teacher gave me this text document call english.dic.... it has 196000 words or maybe more. can anyone know how to do if i want to run the program, i can choose if i want uk english or us english. at the moment i have this button1 and listbox1.and when i press button 1 it would list all the words.


this is my code for button1 and listbox1. can i use a radiobutton and select uk english or us english and only those words will be shown at listbox1? or there's no way i can do it cos it depends on the file already?

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How To Tweak A Toggle

Feb 13, 2010

I am having an issue with my code. I have button1 and button2 each attached to an mp3 file. When I click button1, track 1 plays. When I click it again, the track stops...same with button2. Problem I want to fix is that I want to be able to click button2 while button1 is playing, and have button1 return to the "stop" state while track 2 starts playing.


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IDE :: How To Use Toggle Button

Nov 26, 2010

In my project I have to use a toggle button. I could not find any such control in the Toolbox list.

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Toggle Does Not Work?

Feb 23, 2010

Following some excersises I came across a visibility toggle for a menu item which does not seem to work:

Private Sub mnuMenuSize_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuSize.Click
If mnuSize.Text = "Short Menu" Then


If I click mnuSize on the menu it changes the text allright but leaves the visible property of mnuUnderline, another menu item, as it was. In the watch window before entering the click procedure mnuUnderline.Visible and "not mnuUnderline" are opposites allright(as they would have to be) but no swap occurs at the toggle line: mnuUnderline.Visible = Not mnuUnderline.Visible and the code doesn't report any errors either. mnuUnderline is indeed one of the available menu items. If I change the statement to mnuUnderline.Visible = mnuUnderline.Visible (bit of a weird statement allright) it will toggle exactly one time for no appearent reason.

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.net - Toggle Shift, Control, And Alt Key?

Dec 6, 2011

I have been able to toggle CAPS, NUM AND SCROLL lock using the method below but using the code below that although no error occours when I click the button nothing happens?The code which works for caps, num and scroll


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Make A Toggle Button?

Dec 22, 2009

I was wondering how would I go about making a button a toggle button. what I mean is I press it once and it appears pressed.Press it again and it apears released,and have have the event set a boolean value?

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Toggle 2 Checkboxes In A Datagridview?

May 6, 2012

I have a datagridview that is showing Yes and No in 2 checkbox cells. (Logically I should have just one checkbox but it is a legacy program (from Excel VBA)). So what I want to do is if the user clicks one checkbox cell to make the value True then the other checkbox in the row needs to be set to False. I have googled and searched the Forums here for an answer for this but found nothing really specific. The envisaged problem here of course would be that the events are mutual so they should not keep firing continuously in a "loop" when one or the other is changed - that might be the really difficult bit.

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Toggle A LED With Timed Intervals?

May 4, 2010

I have a piece of hardware that is controlled via USB.There are 8 LEDs on the output byte. One LED per bit.I like to toggle the outputs based on selection of checkboxes and given frequency entered in TextBox.I inserted 8 checkboxes to allow me to select the desired LEDs to be on.I select the checkboxes to select the required LEDs.The checkbox gives me the byte value. XORing the byte value with 255I can see them toggling very fast. I have a while loop to blink forever until I click on stop button.The stop makes the seq=false and this should stop the blinking but it keeps going.How can I insert desired delay of flashing frequency in my output routine?How can I stop on demand to change pattern without exiting the program.

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Toggle Macro Using ColorIndex?

Jul 2, 2010

I am really new at writing macros and want to keep them simple, but can't quite get this one to work. Here it is:

Sub HighLight()
Dim switch As Boolean
switch = Not switch[code].....

I created a toggle button and assigned this macro to it. However on the first click of the button, it only executes the first half of the macro--highlighting the requested cells yellow. Yet, when I click the button again, it does not turn the cells back to the un-highlighted state. From querying the web, most examples use the If-Then-Else.This is a macro that I got off the web and it works beautifully (and simply written):

Sub ToggleHideRows()
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("H:H")
If cell.Value = "X" _[code].....

I was trying to write the first macro to act in quite the same manner as the second macro. Also, with the first macro I would like to add "cell.Offset(0, -7)" along with "cell.Offset(0, 2)".

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Toggle Selection Of DataGridViewRow?

Jun 30, 2009

How can I toggle the selection of a datagridview row?If I pick the Row once it should "highlight"If I pick the same row again I want it to "unhighlight"this is what I have so far in a mousedown event:

Selected_RowNM = Selected_RowNM_Temp Then
End If

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Alternate Or Toggle Response.Redirect?

Oct 7, 2011

I'm fairly new to and this is my first post on this forum.I'm creating a website in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express in ASP.NET/VB and I'm trying to find out how to alternate a Reponse.Redirect, basically I'm looking to redirect every other visitor to go to a different site.

For example:

Visitor 1 gets: Response.Redirect("")
Visitor 2 gets: Response.Redirect("")
Visitor 3 gets: Response.Redirect("")
Visitor 4 gets: Response.Redirect("")
and so on

Also, if there is a way to set a cookie for that visitor, so if they visited within let's say the last 90 days, they will go to the same site they visited before, and not be redirected by the Response.Redirect.

View 4 Replies - Create A Toggle Button Using .. Jquery?

Nov 26, 2010

I want this type of toggle button please click the link below to see my requirement: [URL]

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Button To Toggle Between Charts On A Form

Jun 22, 2010

I have a form with two seperate charts placed on top of each other.I am trying to set up a toggle button that works in sequence i.e. loads second graph over first on click. When clicked the second time it loads the first one and so on.I realise i can do this by making one visible then making it not visible but i am having troubles with the circular click requirement.

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Forms :: Toggle Each Button Push?

Oct 10, 2009

I'm making kind of home autmation system with a usb interface card.8 digital & 8 analog inputs and 8 digital & 8 analog outputs.The status of the inputs is refreshed with a timer.tick and written to variable.Now the problem.I want to make an digital output active when a button(real button, not a switch) is pushed and when it is pushed again the output should be set to non active.

action() is called every timer.tick
StatusDigInput1 = status of digital input =true when pushing button
StatusDigOutput1 = status used for displaying output status


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Getting Toggle Button Control In .NET 2008?

Jul 8, 2011

Is there any Toggle button control in .NET 2008? I know there is one in VBA but I can't find it in the .NET tools . I know I can use a Check box instead , but just for the visual aspect of my current form I'd like it to be a toggle button .

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Javascript - Toggle Dropdownlist Visibility

Dec 30, 2009

i have a dropdownlist in aspx ( that i have 2 dropdownlists. i want to show the second dropdownlist based on the value of first one. they are data wise interconnected, so if after selecting a certain record in first, if the second one has more than one record, the dropdownlist should be visible, else it should remain hidden. am sure this can be done with javascript, but i just dont know how.

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Toggle Button - Property Set To True

Jan 23, 2010

I want to create a button such that on pressing it, a property is set to true and remains true until the user presses the button next time. How is this done?

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Toggle Mode On Menu Strip?

Oct 9, 2010

I want to include two modes in my application. The user should be able to select one of the modes from the MenuStrip. When any of the modes is selected, a check sign should appear next to it as is seen in many application. Both the modes cannot be selected together and there is default mode when the applicaition is started.

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