IDE :: DesignTime Compiler Constant?

Jul 26, 2011

I need some of my initialization code to be blocked off if I am in Design Mode. This code is ran in the new method of the form, so it runs before the DesignTime Property can be set. Is there, or is there a way to setup, a compiler constant which indicates whether or not you are in Design Time. The Debug Constant doesn't work because when I run the application in Debug mode I want it to run

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VS 2010 : Get The Control.Name At Designtime?

Jan 22, 2011

i have to port some projects to .net and of course rebuild some custom controls i made over the years.I have a control based on a simple panel and doing some drawing stuff on it.When the control is thrown on a form, i just want to draw a text with the controls name (<GroupPanel1>).But accessing the controls <Name> property always returns me an empty string.In the designer the control is named correct with <GroupPanel1>.

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[2008] Composite Controls And DesignTime?

Mar 10, 2009

On my custom control I've added a Property 'DisplayMode' that, at run time, does a great job of showing or hiding different sets of the standard controls. But, at design time - no matter what I seem to do, my control shows all of the child controls associated with it

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VB2010: Which Compiler Errors Can Be Detected Out By VB Compiler/interpreter?

Sep 25, 2009

which compiler errors would be detected out by VB compiler?

I have searched out some compiler errors list for C#, for example, see the website at [URL]

MS provided us the information about C# compiler error. Does MS provide VB compiler errors information as well.VS

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Public Constant Versus Private Constant?

Aug 13, 2011

When building a class library which contains many classes, all classes uses a lot of common constants and functions, what is the best to do:

1- Declare these constants and functions as public in a module.

2- In each class declare constants and functions used by individual class as private.

The first choice is good for easy and fast implementation, but re-using a class in a different project will require importing the module to the other project.The second choice require a lot of copy/paste for code snippet but a class can be re-used in different project easily.

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Obsolete Codedom Compiler New Method Of Compiler?

Nov 11, 2010

Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Public Class iCompiler
Public Shared Sub GenerateExecutable(ByVal Output As String, ByVal Source As String, ByVal Icon As String)[code].....

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VB Compiler Is Unable To Recover From The Error: System Error &Hc0000005& (VB Internal Compiler Error)

Jul 1, 2011

This error first appear to occur randomly. Steps to recreate:Open Visual Studio and load a solution (some files automatically opened) - this is when the problem occurs Close all open files Restart visual studio and load solution (no issues)Open Exactly the same files again, restart visual studio and load solution so files open automatically (problem occurs!)

However, when trying to narrow it down to a single file (that is automatically opened when the solution is loaded), I couldn't reproduce the problem. Now with all the files open again the problem doesn't occur!!! So it looks like it is fixed - though this happened before and eventually the issue came back.

I think it is to do with one of the user controls with DevExpress controls on it - when the error occurs, the designer displays the error. Though I can't reproduce it at the moment to confirm that.

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Is The C# Compiler Smarter Than The .NET Compiler

Feb 9, 2012

If I look at the IL that is created in Linqpad for the two following code snippets, I wonder what happens here.

In c#
int i = 42;

results in the following IL code

IL_0000: ret

whereas in VB

Dim i As Integer = 42

it is

IL_0000: ldc.i4.s 2A
IL_0002: stloc.0

Apparently, the c# compiler understands the the value is never used and thus simply returns nothing. In VB.NET the actual code is translated.Is that due to differences in compiler optimization or is there anything else at work?

Update: Just to clarify this - I just enter this one line into LinqPad and look at the IL it creates (most definitely by running the respective compiler). There is no program.

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Is Vb6 Is Interpreter Based Languge Or Compiler Based Or Both Interpreter And Compiler Based Language

Feb 9, 2011

1) is vb6 is interpreter based languge or compiler based or both interpreter and compiler based language?

2) is VB.Net interpreter based languge or compiler based or both interpreter and compiler based language?

3) if any of above mentioned is both interpreter and compiler based so tell me please when it compiles and when it interprets?

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C# - Declaring Hex Constant In .net?

Apr 20, 2012

How can I convert the following code into VB.Net?

private const UInt32 temp = 0xE6359A60;

I tried the following but it doesn't work.

Public Const temp As System.UInt32 = 0xE6359A60

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Declaring Pi As A Constant?

Apr 12, 2011

visual basic 2008 express

' the following lines declare the variables and constants
Dim intDiameter As Integer
Const dblPI As Double = 3.14159
Const dblAREA As Double = 140125
Dim intLabel As Integer

Private Sub PizaSliceCalculator_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


I made a working program to calculate piza slices, i was told i needed to declare pi and the areas as constants. when i rewrote the program it no longer works. the result keeps coming back as 0.

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Getting A Constant From A Form

Mar 13, 2010

I am looping through all of the forms in my app, and I am needing to get a value from the form somehow.Example, say if I have the form named "This Form" and somewhere in that form, dont know if you can use the tag property for this or not, but I need to put a word like "Tall" for an external reference to the form.[code]"How do I get another value like the forms tag or something else".

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Gravitational Constant ?

Jan 10, 2010

Explain or send me in the right direction.

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Use String As A VB Constant?

May 17, 2012

I have strMyColor = "Red".I would like to make lblMyLabel.BackColor to be red.Without using a variable the code would be this:


I tried using the variable like this: lblMyLabel.backcolor="Color." & strMyColor

But the error is that a string can't be converted to System.Draw.Color. I understand that, as the string "Color.Red" is not the same as the VB constant Color.Red.Is there a way I can construct a valid vbConstant from a string?

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Can't Declare Constant In Namespace?

Dec 25, 2009

I mean why? I mean to organize things I often turn modules into classes where all the methods are share.But then I thought, why not organize them into namespace?But then we can't declare constant in namespace.

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Constant Cannot Be Target Of An Assignment

Jun 12, 2011

i am making a program on visual basic 2010 and part of my objective is to calculate the tax, i am trying to calculate the TAX so this is part of my code and this is the only part which gives me errors:[code]

1. Constant cannot be target of an assignment

2. value of type 'string' cannot be converted to ''.

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Constant Expression Is Required

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to make following subroutine work. The problem is this part of the statement.[code]I've tried everything and can't seem to come up with a constant to use here.[code]

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Constant Expression Is Required?

Apr 27, 2010

I have created a program that creates a blank database in a users account (each user has a seperate folder when registered) by pressing a command button, i have got it to create the database but when i try to populate it with a table to go to the correct folder i get an error

Constant expression is required
the code im using for this is:
Const strConnection As String = ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


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Constant Values For Windows?

Jun 25, 2009

where i can find out constant value used to control the windows. like i'm using wndproc to disable validation and i use constant value for closing of form and that value is &HF060&

i was also looking for constant value for leaving the form. is there any place where i can find out these values?

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Constant Window Flashing?

Jun 16, 2011

Alright, So i have two forms open. One in a listview and i have another window with a browser control in it. The browser is adding data to the listview but i made it so it hides while doing this using Me.Hide(). I can make it appear if i click the menu item "Show browser" i made.when im on Form1 (the listview) and its doing its thing with the browser window hidden. It keeps making form1 flash. Well not flash but like the browser window is poping to the front (while hidden) causing me not to be able to click on anything on Form1.This happen everytime the web browser navigates somewhere.Making Form1 always on top fixes it, but it also gets on top of other programs like my web browser . I want it to be on top only to the web browser.

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Declaring Constant On VB 2010?

Feb 11, 2012

Having problem declaring constant on Visual Basic. rents is $200 per hour and is charge by minutes this is what I have so far.

const TOTAL_CHARGE_GROUP as Interger = 200 ©

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Difference Between Enum And Constant?

May 13, 2009

What's the difference between enum and constant?Are they useful in real-life programming? or do they exist solely to make coding more tidy? Do they serve any real purpose?

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Display A Constant Value In Text Box

Sep 7, 2011

I want to display a constant value in a text box. I have a constant of 2% calculated and the function works ok - as planned but i would like to display the tax rate of 2 % in the form at the time of calculation.[code]

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How To Use Constant In Structure In VB 2008

Aug 8, 2009

I want to know that how we access a constant which is declared in a public structure, with an instance of that structure?

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Keep A Constant Table Size?

Nov 23, 2010

I currently have a table that has a few hidden text boxes... The text boxes become visible when certain actions are performed.

The table though changes size according to when the textboxes are visible or now. Ex. When the textboxes are visible the table grows, and vice versa.

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Magic Number Vs Constant?

May 11, 2012

I save a lot of settings in an INI file as 1 (enabled) and 0 (disabled), all around the project's module i have this check If setting = 1 then ' do somethingEnd If ' OR If setting = 0 then ' do somethingEnd If

My question, is it good for performance to declare public constants to hold 1 & 0 and use them in such above checks instead of using real number?

In general, if i use value like 8, 9, "", "$", etc... in just two different places, should i declare constant for it?

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Possible To Declare A Dynamic Constant?

Nov 13, 2009

I have situation where I read a source file, create a temporary text file of the source and modify the temp file. If I open the file twice it appends to the end of the first temp file even though Ihave StreamWriter append set to false. Only if I close and reopen my application does it not append. It like there is buffer or something not getting cleared.Below is the syntax I'm using.

If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Using objReader As New IO.StreamReader(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)


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Put Spaces In A C# Enum Constant?

Jul 13, 2009

Is there any way to put spaces in a C# enum constant? I've read that you can do it in VB by doing this:

Public Enum EnumWithSpaces
[Constant With Spaces]


That implies to me that the CLR can handle an enum with spaces.

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Use A Keyword As A Constant In An Enumeration?

Jan 19, 2011

I would like to use a keyword (reserved word) as a constant name in an enumeration.The reason I care about the name is I set a ListBox.DataSource to the .GetValues of the Enum Type.This way the list of constant names show up in the list box and the ListBox.SelectedValue can be tested to determine which constant value has been selected.What I would like to be able to do is as follows:



This was an attempt to override the Name property from S to Single However I get a pre-compile error stating: "Too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()'."

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How To Create A Compiler

Sep 28, 2009

how to create my own programming language,I can create a compiler for a language like itself. Essentially, the user inputs code, they get a .exe. By NO MEANS do I want to write my own language, as it seems other compiler related questions on here have asked. I also do not want to use the compiler itself, nor do I wish to duplicate the IDE.

The exact purpose of what I wish to do is rather hard to explain, but all I need is a nudge in the right direction for writing a compiler (from scratch if possible) which can simply take input and create a .exe. I have opened .exe files as plain text before (my own programs) to see if I could derive some meaning from what I assumed would be human readable text, yet I was obviously sorely disappointed to see the random ascii, though it is understandable why this is all I found.

I know that a .exe file is simply lines of code, being parsed by the computer it is on, but my question here really boils down to this: What code makes up a .exe? How could I go about making one in a plain text editor if I wanted to? (No, I do not want to do that, but if I understand the process my goals will be much easier to achieve.) What makes an executable file an executable file? Where does the logic of the code fit in?

This is intended to be a programming question as opposed to a computer question, which is why I did not post it on SuperUser. I know plenty of information about the System.IO namespace, so I know how to create a file and write to it, I simply do not know what exactly I would be placing inside this file to get it to work as an executable file.

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