IDE :: How To Make Stopwatch With Elapsed Times

Oct 2, 2009

I have VS 2008 and wow is it different from the old VB I used about 10 yrs ago! What I am trying to learn is how to create an ap that has a window that displays elapsed time like a stopwatch. Then I would like to be able to click a button to pause that time and start another timer, and then have yet another button to reset all. I have the form designed using a RichTextBox but am not sure that is the best way to display the times.

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VS 2008 Finding The Elapsed Time Between 2 Times

Oct 21, 2010

Bit stuck on this one, have seen alot about how to do it just cant seem to get it right. I want to have 2 text boxes with times in them.. at the moment i have them on click events then it just runs a Now for the time and fills the boxes from the system time. But then i want the 3rd box to find the elapsed time from the 2 times in the previous boxes but i just cant seem to figure it out


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VS 2008 Finding The Elapsed Time Between 2 Times?

Feb 19, 2010

Bit stuck on this one, have seen alot about how to do it just cant seem to get it right.I want to have 2 text boxes with times in them.. at the moment i have them on click events then it just runs a Now for the time and fills the boxes from the system time.But then i want the 3rd box to find the elapsed time from the 2 times in the previous boxes but i just cant seem to figure it out

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Way To Make Both Threads Continuously Fire Its Elapsed Event?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm using 2 System.Timers, which spawns a worker process during its elapsed event. If 1 of the events is busy doing something, the other thread elapsed event doesnt fire until the 1st thread has completed.Is there any way I can make both threads continuously fire its elapsed event??

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Make A Simple Stopwatch Application

May 7, 2009

i just want to know what functions that prove to be useful when creating such, thx

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Stopwatch Ticks - Trigger An Event For Each Tick Of The Stopwatch Without Missing Any Ticks?

Oct 5, 2011

So a timer's maximum interval is 1 which is a thousand ticks a second. A Stopwatch's frequency is 2238906 ticks a second on my pc...

I am wondering if there is a reliable way to trigger an event for each tick of the stopwatch without missing any ticks...

If I can somehow get a Tick event for the stopwatch, I believe I can increase the resolution of my input recorder....

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Make Loop To Make Certain Thing Happen About 10-30 Times Without Taking In Too Much Memory / CPU?

Oct 16, 2011

A few years ago I have been busy creating this application but it didn't succeed, now Im coming back to it and similar problems occur. Basically I use SetPixel on a given window to draw a line, work fine, but the line goes away as the window redraws itself.The problem: I have been putting timers and threads on it to make sure the line is being drawn. Is there any way to make a loop to make a certain thing happen about 10-30 times without taking in too much memory/CPU?

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Make A Coin Toss Program Where One Toss A Coin A Certain Number Of Times Then Repeat It A Certain Number Of Times?

Nov 21, 2010

i am trying to make a coin toss program where you toss a coin a certain number of times then repeat it a certain number of times.
the problem i have is "heads(counter2)" the word "heads" has a blue error line under it how do i sort the error out and also is all the code right

Public Class Form1
Dim tosses, repeat, heads As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Make Interval Of A Timer To Be Between Two Times?

Feb 6, 2010

How would you make the Interval of a timer to be between two times.

E.g if you wanted an event to occur between every 7 and 20 seconds?

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Make Webbrowser1 Refresh A Certain Amount Of Times?

Jun 5, 2012

How do I make webbrowser1 refresh a certain amount of times?

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Click Of A Button The Stopwatch Starts Then On The Click Of A Second Button The Stopwatch Stops

Mar 23, 2010

One the click of a button the stopwatch starts, then on the click of a second button the stopwatch stops then states either in a msgbox the time taken between the two button clicks.

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Forms :: Make A Button Click Only So Many Times Until It Becomes Disabled

Jan 17, 2010

I would like to know how to make a button click only so many times until it becomes disabled.

I would also like to know how to keep what is put in a RichTextBox there, without erasing the other text;

Example: Two buttons, the first puts "1" into the RTB, and the second puts "2" into the RTB. However when I press the second button, it over writes the first value.

How can I prevent this?

You Can Ignore this question below;

Old Question: I am working on a counter, and want to know how to make a button show itself if I hid it.

I have:


And would like to know how to make one of the buttons visible again, with one big button.

I know it has something to do with an "If" statement.

Answer: Button#.Show()

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Forms :: Make WebBrowser1 Navigate (x) Times On A Particular Website?

Jun 10, 2011

WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://" + TextBox2.Text + "/robbery/index/humanhunt/1")

How can i make this code execute the times that TextBox1.Text indicated?It should be some kind of loop. but i want it to repeat this every 100 milliseconds?

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Make A Form That Takes User Input 3 Times?

Nov 6, 2010

I'm trying to make a form that takes user input 3 times, and each time compares it to the correct Answer... which is an array of {"C", "D", "A"}.Each time the user's input matches the correct answer ("strCorrectAnswer()"), then I'll add 1 point to intUserScoreCounter. I'm wondering why this code is returning an error (hilighted in blue)? Can I not compare a String to an Array?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnterAnswers.Click
'Handles Enter Answers functionality
Dim strCorrectAnswer() As String = {"C", "D", "A"}


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Make A Timer That Beeps 3-5 Times And Runs A Progress Bar?

Jan 9, 2009

I am trying to make a timer that beeps 3-5 times and runs a progress bar. All it has to do is click start (timer set for 2 minutes starts) and as time runs out the progress bar fills. When the time is up 3-5 beeps happen. I am missing the coding for the 3-5 beeps and design parts for it and all coding for that along with code for setting the 2 minute timing. There is no label for telling the time left or to go just a progress bar. Here is my code so far.


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Make RadioButton Only Usable A Limited Number Of Times?

May 15, 2009

I need to know to limit the number of times a radio button can be used. Maybe the number of times the radio button has been used can be stored in an XML file, and when the user wants to reset the counter all they would have to do it delete this file. I really don't know, that's why I'm asking you. But,the program will append a string every time a button is clicked with a radio button selected, I just need to know how to, for instance only allow RadioButton2 to be used in this manner say... 15 times.

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Make The WebBrowser1 Refresh Infinite Amount Of Times With A Click Of A Button?

Nov 25, 2008

how i can make the WebBrowser1 refresh an infinite amount of times really fast and with a click of a button?This is the code i have right now:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End SubThe above code only makes the webBrowser1 refresh 1 time, but i want it to refresh infinite times with a click of a button.

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Enlarge An Image Up To 32 Times Or 64 Times Bigger Than Original?

Dec 12, 2011

I want to enlarge an image, possibly up to 32 times or 64 times bigger than original dimensions (so that the user can see each pixel) if possible. The following is a simple function that I have to enlarge an image.

Private Function xEnlarge(ByVal Source As Image, ByVal Rate As Double, Optional ByVal Quality As Drawing2D.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic) As Image


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Forms :: Find If Times Is Between 2 Times?

May 13, 2009

I have just started using and I have a checked list box with times throughout the day shown as

00:00 - 00:14
00:15 - 00:29
00:30 - 00:44
00:45 - 00:59

What I am trying to find is a way to get the current time and find which list item it fits into. What I think I need to do is to first of all get the current time and then go through the list splitting each item into 2 times and seeing if the current time fits. For example: Split the item 00:00 - 00:14 to 00:00 and 00:14 and then check if the current time is more than 00:00:00 but less than 00:14:59 and if so do certain to go about taking each list item and splitting it into 2 separate times so I can check between them?

View 2 Replies

Calculate Elapsed Time?

Aug 12, 2010


textbox1.text has a value of 08:00
textbox2.text has a value of 16:00


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Restart Bw After Timer Elapsed?

Apr 20, 2011

Is this the way to restart bw after timer has counted down?

Timer1.Interval = 30000 '30sec
Dim timercountdown As Double = Timer1.Interval / 1000
ToolStripStatusLabel2.Text = Nothing[code]....

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Forms :: Make A Model Form, And Copy That Form As Many Times?

Mar 28, 2009

I'm making a program like PostIt! Well, i want to make a model form, and copy that form as many times i want.I think it works with something like frmPostit1 = frmModel.clone()

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Calculate Cost From Elapsed Time?

May 27, 2010

I am trying to calculate a total cost from an elapsed time. Dependant on how long the time is, this will calculate the total cost. It has to be 3 to every hour. The elapsed time is displayed in label6 in "hh:MM:ss" format and the total cost needs to be displayed in label8.

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How To Add Elapsed Event To Timer In VB 2005

Jun 14, 2012

I'm a starter in VB I just need to Know how to add elapsed event to timer in VB 2005 The timer has only Tick event

( if that not in vb 2005 what version of vb that supports the elapsed event )

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Start And Display Time Elapsed?

Feb 6, 2009

When I click a start button I want to start and display the time elapsed if HH:mm:ss. Best way to tackle this?

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Calculating Elapsed Time Based Upon Two Values

Jun 26, 2005

I have one text box that contains a value for the "Start Time" and another text box that contains a value for the "End Time."Both of the values are expressed in a format for military time (i.e. 1200, 1300, 1430, etc.).When the "End Time" text box loses focus, I would like the "Elasped Time" (expressed in minutes) to appear in a third text box.Seems easy enough...right?Well the problem I'm having is since the first two numbers in military time are base 24 and the last two numbers are base 60, a standard calculation subtracting the "End Time" from the "Start Time" does not yield an accurate result.

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Get A Formula To Find How Many Minutes Have Elapsed Since A Given Date At 7:00 AM?

Aug 6, 2009

I need a formula to find how many minutes have elapsed since a given date at 7:00 AM. So as of this posting it would be Now()-8/6/2009 07:00 AM.

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Get The Elapsed Minutes And Seconds Which Will Then Be Displayed To User

Aug 30, 2009

I am using a stop watch to get the elapsed minutes and seconds which will then be displayed to user. How to I go about getting the elapsed time in the following format: 00:00

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Mutltithreading - Timer To Calculate The Elapsed Time

Feb 23, 2009

Im using the express edition of VB.Net to do my project. I have several threads in my program which run fine. However, im stuck at this problem. I have a button in my form, which if I click I will call ThreadA (works fine), If i keep it pressed for more than 2 sec i need to call ThreadB (doesnt work), and if the time is more than 2 min, i need to stop and send a msg to the user. I have tried the timer to calculate the elapsed time, so the tick function would call the thread. BUT this doesnt work... Im not sure what do to.

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VB Function To Convert Decimal To Elapsed Time?

Jun 21, 2009

display a Decimal (or double) to elapsed time [h]:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds)using


if you were to type "1.34666666666667" into a cell in Excel then choose Custom Format [h]:mm:ss The result is an elapsed time of "32:19:12". Using the OADate function only runs on a 24 hour clock so this does not work for longer durations unfortunately...

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