IDE :: Treeview With Imagelist Inconsistent Behavior?

Dec 10, 2009

I have a treeview with Imagelist assigned to it. I find inconsistent behavior with the Images being displayed in treeview. When I run the app sometimes the images show up and sometimes they don't.

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.net - Inconsistent Behavior From Declared DLL Function?

May 21, 2010

Why might my GetRawData declared function return a correct value when called from my VB.NET application, but return zero when called from my ASP.NET page?The code is exactly the same except for class type difference (Form / Page) and calling event handler (Form1_Load, Page_Load).

Note: In the actual code, #DLL# and #RAWDATAFILE# are both absolute filenames to my DLL and raw data file respectively.

Note: The DLL file was not created by Visual Studio.

Public Class Form1
Declare Auto Function GetRawData Lib "#DLL#" (ByVal filename() As Byte, _
ByVal byteArray() As Byte, _


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VS 2008 - Checkbox On Treeview - Collapse And Expand Treeview When Click Plus Sign (+) On Treeview

May 14, 2011

I have a problems with my application..

1. collapse and expand treeview when i click plus sign (+) on treeview, treeview didn't expand subfolder but when i click image, treeview expand it.

2. showing path that i check on treeview when i check the treeview then i'm click the button, then return path that i check

This is my code..

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Inconsistent Combobox Behaviour?

Sep 12, 2011

I have an application which was developed in vs2005 with numerous forms which use the combobox for selecting from lists of items. The usual setup is as follows:

Combo.Datsource = BusinessObject

Combo.DropdownStyle = DropDownList

Combo.AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend

Combo.AutoCompleteSource = ListItems

However, compiled under vs2005 when tabbing to a combo and typing a number of characters the combo would highlight the first matching item and on pressing tab, would select it and the user would move to next field.

With vs2008 the same item might be highlighted but pressing tab doesn't select the item unless its the only item matching the first character. The only way of selecting the item highlighted from the suggestappend is to press enter prior to the tab key.

I also noticed some users experiencing the same behaviour when the app was compiled with vs2005 on some PC's but not others as if it had something to do with the PC config.

Has anyone any ideas how to get around this as it can lead to errors in data capture.

Kind regards.

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Reasons For Inconsistent .NET Syntax?

Jul 8, 2010

Does anyone know if there's any particular reason that VB.NET construct syntax isn't consistent? For example:

If End If Select End Select You'd assume it would be for... end for, while... end while ... but instead we have:While.Wend For Next This has mildly frustrated me for a while, and I just got to wondering whether there was any conscious decision behind it. Or was it just an initial not-so-well-thought-out design decision that can no longer be changed because of backwards compatibility problems?

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.net - Xaml TextBlock Width Inconsistent ?

Jan 18, 2012

Look at this simple bug :

<textblock (...) Width="0" />

Working great, the textBox appears to be 0px thin. Works with value like, 2, 3, 4...

Now that is NOT working :

<TextBlock (...) />
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource WidthConverter}">


Why can i set zero value to TextBox.Width in xaml and not in code behind ? By using a converter, when returing 0, the TextBlock.Width is not set to 0 but to "auto", i can read the text

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IDE :: Inconsistent Behaviour When Filling Arrays?

May 29, 2010

This works:

Dim zArray(5) As String
zArray = (From zS As String In zArray Select "HelloWorld").ToArray

This doesn't:Dim zArray(5) As String = (From zS As String In zArray Select "HelloWorld").ToArray

It seems inconsistent to me, though I may be missing a subtle difference instead of it being an IDE inconsistency?

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Inconsistent Line Endings Error

Apr 17, 2011

I wrote a software for auto-generating some lines of code. However when I do a copy and paste of that code in a class after reopening it again I confront an Inconsistent Line Ending Erros.[code]...

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VS 2005 Contextmenustrip - Inconsistent Dropdown?

Apr 6, 2009

I've got a contextmenustrip with a couple levels of dropdowns (submenu items). Let's say I right-click the form and show the "main" set of items, one of which is "Food". If I move the mouse over Food (not click it), a dropdown (submenu) for Food should open, which it does. But then, say, one of the food items is "Fruit". When I move the mouse over "Fruit", the Fruit submenu should open automatically - but it does not always - sometimes it does, but sometimes I have to click it to open it. Furthermore, once "Fruit" has been clicked once to open, any other dropdown items (let's say we had "Veggies" and "Meat") will automatically open as I expect; and then "Fruit" will behave as expected also.

Any ideas on how to correct this inconsistent behavior? (i.e. all sets of dropdowns associated with a contextmenuitem should open when the mouse is moved over it, a click should not be required)

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OLEDB For Excel: Inconsistent Insert Results?

Jan 13, 2010

OVERVIEW:I am currently having an issue loading a large number of rows into Excel. I say large because the attached code in fact correctly inserts 50 rows into an Excel worksheet, however, as the number of rows increases to no more than500 rows the data is not inserted into the worksheet. No error is thrown by .net and the .xls filesize actually shows an increase in size, however, when the file is opened there are no rows in the spreadsheet..... Then, when the .xls file is closed the filesize is once again reduced.

Again, the code works for a small number of rows. Are there any known bugs with the OleDB driver for Excel?ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS:I have tried inserting rows to both Excel 2003 and 2007, same issue.I have tried closing the connection after each insert.... performance if horrible and it does not fix the problem.I have wrapped the ExecuteNonQuery in a transaction.... no go....


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Parallel.For With Nested Loops Causing Inconsistent Iterations?

Dec 23, 2010

I'm trying to implement parallel computing using .NET 4 on an website housed on a clustered server consisting of 6-8 dual core servers. My original script contains two nested For...Next loops iterating through a range of values in a grid of x by y.

For each point in the grid (x,y), we should perform a computationally intensive subroutine called MakePartsMatrix which accesses a SQL server database with dataviews and manipulating the local variable "unfilled" which is passed in ByRef.

Without the parallel implementation, the nested for loops work fine except its slow -- taking about 60 seconds to run.

When I parallelize the outer For loop, the script is about 50% faster, completing its calculations in 20-30 seconds which is great. However, I have noticed that the parallelization causes random parts of the grid to be either completely skipped (eg, grid (1,5) is never evaluated by the MakePartsMatrix), or some points in the grid (eg, x=10 & y=5) to be evaluated multiple times, resulting in duplicate work.

When I parallelized only the inner For Loop, the script execution time also improves by 50%, but now the last row (y-1) in the grid is skipped entirely and the results in "unfilled" are completely wrong.

When I comment out the "MakePartsMatrix" subroutine, the parallellization (either inner or outer For loops) does appear to visit every point of the grid (x,y) once, and only once.

Dim ConcurrentListofResults As ConcurrentQueue(Of FindBestResults)
ConcurrentListofResults = New ConcurrentQueue(Of FindBestResults)
Dim FBSResultsItem As FindBestResults


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Unit Test Inconsistent Pass Or Fail Result?

May 16, 2011

One of my unit tests seems to randomly pass or fail when I run it. The only thing that makes sense to me for why this is happening is if the data in the database is getting into a different state each time the test is ran, but I use transactions to rollback the database in each test - unless it's not working right. Here's my base unit test class and the unit test class that's having the problem. Can you see anything I might be missing or what else I should look for?

This happens with TestDriven.Net and the Visual Studio Unit Test Framework.


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Cannot Open Newly Created File - Inconsistent Line Ending

Jan 20, 2010

I wrote a program that writes to a new created file a line of text. Anytime I try to open the new created file, I see a dialog box titled "Inconsistent Line Ending". I do understand why I receive this message. I wrote this program in VB.NET.

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Chart X Axis Labels - Label Display Is Inconsistent - VS 2010

Aug 2, 2011

I'm seeing a strange problem with the labels on the X axis of my charts. I've setup two chart areas and aligned them (which displays fine) and the user can manipulate the chart by selecting different date resolutions (Year, Month, Day, Week, Hour) and different time periods.

The issue I'm seeing is that if a user selects say Months as the date resolution the X axis label display is inconsistent. If a fairly broad range for the dates is selected the X axis displays absolutely fine but as the date range narrows the X axis starts to duplicate labels ( please see the attached images). The second Image had a date range of 1st of May to 1st of August and as you can see the labels are duplicated. This is my first go with the chart control so I could be missing something basic. [Code]

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VS 2008 - Process.Start() - Inconsistent - Load A File On Network

Oct 22, 2009

Im simply trying to load a file on my network. The file is a database file for access.. This code opens the file on my computer. However on the four computers tested 2 of them throw an error stating that the user canceled the operation. However the user didn't do anything. The error is thrown automatically. The other two are working perfectly fine.


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IDE :: Inconsistent Error "Reference Required To Assembly Containing The Base Class?

Mar 3, 2009

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution with project A referencing project B as a project reference. Project B references System.Data.Linq, but project A does not. Everything compiles and runs fine. I like this arrangement because avoiding a reference to System.Data.Linq in project A ensures that it uses project B methods instead of directly accessign System.Data.Linq methods, which I want to avoid.

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VS2010 Inconsistent Exception Thrown And Handled: AccessViolationException - Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory - Is This A VS Bug

Oct 2, 2010

I have a class library that uses the IApplicationAssociationRegistration Interface [URL]

Heres the code:

Class Library
IApplicationAssociationRegistration Class:
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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Treeview - Display The Selected Contents Of Treeview Into The Listbox?

Mar 2, 2010

i have a treeviev and listbox.i want to display the selected contents of treeview into the code is working for file but not for folder. means i want, if the all contents of folder ABC(i.e all files) are selected then in listbox i want to show the only path of folder not the seperate path of each file.

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Get Name Of Image From Imagelist?

Feb 29, 2012

how to get name of image from imagelist. I can't find any 'name' property in imagelist1.images.

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How Does Imagelist Work

Aug 12, 2009

how does imagelist work

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How To Add ContextMenuStrip To ImageList

Jul 3, 2010

Is it possible to add a contextmenustrip to an imagelist item.

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Imagelist : Get Name Of Image?

Apr 1, 2012

I have got an imagelist with many images, many of which have a critical name which can be changed in the desinger, however, since Im NOT using this imagelist in another control (e.g. tabcontrol) I am not able to use imagekey. Therefore, how am I able to get the name of an image in my imagelist?

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ImageList Is Retarded?

Sep 24, 2009

Does anybody else think that it is just plain STUPID that you can add images to the imagelist at design time but you can't add a key?? What kind of brainless moron designed that?Now, everytime I change (add, delete, etc.) an image in the imagelist, I have to modify my code that accesses any image after the changed image(s). What REALLY boggles my mind is that it is still this way several years later. If I could at least access the image's name from code, then I could get by. But, NOOOOOO! That also would make too much sense

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VS 2008 - ImageList Looks Like %&#$

Aug 25, 2009

Why these two different ways of assigning a background image work differently?

When I load the image into an ImageList, and then reference the ImagaList.Images collection to set the background Image for a control, it looks llike crap. The smooth blend I had set up is stratified.

When I load the image directly from the Resource, it looks great.

I assume this has something to do with the bit depth of the image once it is stored in the Image list collection? Or some other conversion issue. However, I can't find a way to adjust these properties on the image list (They are read only).

Here is the way that looks like crap:


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Add Image To Imagelist Via Code?

Feb 19, 2009


I tried using the above code to add an image to an IMAGELIST but it is to no success.

I want to know if there is a way to add an image to an image list via code as opposed to using the collection.

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Changing Size Of Imagelist?

Dec 27, 2009

How do i change the size of Imagelist images at runtime?

ImageList1.ImageSize = New Size(18, 18)

But it isnt working..

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Copy All Images From One ImageList To Another?

Jul 8, 2009

How can I copy all the images in one ImageList to another ImageList?

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Forms :: Add Images To A Imagelist?

Apr 12, 2011

I use this line of code to add images to a imagelist, and link it to listview, but it is very very slow. Up to 40 seconds to add 100 images.

Private Sub create()
Dim img As System.Drawing.Image
Dim imagepatha As String


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Getting BitMap From ImageList And/or PictureBox?

Jun 11, 2007

I'm in the process of replacing ActiveX ToolBar / ImageListwith the Toolbar / ImageList provided with the VB .Net 2003. The Bitmaps that were used originally to populate the imagelist are nowhere to be found.Is there a way to extract the bitmaps that are in the old imagelist back out to a .bmp file that can be used or to the new ImageList?Is there a way to extract bitmaps that have been placed in a PictureBox?

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How Simulate Imagelist.Overlay()?

Dec 4, 2009

Is a way to get the same in've tryed with DrawImage but it doesn't work.

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