Getting BitMap From ImageList And/or PictureBox?

Jun 11, 2007

I'm in the process of replacing ActiveX ToolBar / ImageListwith the Toolbar / ImageList provided with the VB .Net 2003. The Bitmaps that were used originally to populate the imagelist are nowhere to be found.Is there a way to extract the bitmaps that are in the old imagelist back out to a .bmp file that can be used or to the new ImageList?Is there a way to extract bitmaps that have been placed in a PictureBox?

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Use An ImageList Load Into PictureBox?

Jan 26, 2009

I want to make an image display when mouse enter in my following buttons...

I have a 6 buttons....button1, button2, button3 ,button4, button 5 and button 6....

And i have also a pictureBox1

Now if the mouse is enter for each buttons my pictureBox1 will display a different image for each button in one control called "PictureBox1"

Do i Need to use ImageList?

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Load Images From Imagelist To Picturebox Randomly In

Jun 18, 2011

i have 6 images in a listbox, and i want to show the pictures in a picturebox randomly...i'm using the following code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Rnd - Imagelist And Picturebox - Same Image Doesnt Get Repeated More Then Once?

Jul 23, 2010

how can i do it so the same image doesnt get repeated more then once. so when two of the same images are already picked, it goes on to select a different image until there are pairs of everything. This is my code

Dim intPic As Integer
Dim rand As New Random
intPic = rand.Next(0, ImageList1.Images.Count)[code].....

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VS 2008 Imagelist - Check What Image Is In The Picturebox?

Jan 16, 2010

I have an image box full of images , im using a code to select a random image from the imagelist and display it in a picturebox.

My problem now is how can i check what image is in the picturebox and then have it do something else.


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Can't Make A New Bitmap From A Picturebox

Nov 25, 2010

The error that I get is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."[code]...

And is it even possible to do a vb6 style implementation? As I see it, this will clone the picture image while the vb6 implementation will just read directly off the image? and is lockbits like getdibits? I need to process 60 bitmap images of about 200pix by 200pix every second.

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Draw A Bitmap In Picturebox?

Apr 8, 2009

How to draw a bitmap in a picturebox based on coordinates of the bitmap inside the picturebox not the form

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Editing Bitmap In Picturebox

Jun 14, 2011

As a side project, I'm trying to see how much of Microsoft's Paint Application I can recreate. So far I have it where I can "paste" the image into the application. What I am stuck on however is allowed the image to be edited - being able to edit the individual pixels. How can I "edit" the pixels inside this picturebox? - Jordan If you find an answer , click the button. If you find an answer to your question, mark it as the answer.


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How To Convert Picturebox To Bitmap

Nov 18, 2011

I want pixel color value of the picturebox I assigned text to the picturebox & now want to get the value of color of each pixelWhat is method of picturebox or i should convert it to bitmap? How?in vb6 there is getpixel() method to get color value

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Using A Bitmap Type In Picturebox?

Sep 27, 2011

I've got Dim bmp As New Bitmap(10, 10), and I put some more data in the bitmap, but now I want to display it inside a picturebox but it doesn't work because it's not an image type. How can I display a Bitmap inside a picturebox?

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VS 2008 Picturebox To Bitmap?

May 15, 2012

= DirectCast(Picturebox1.Image, bitmap)--I keep getting this stupid error after i debug!! it's driving me crazy.

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Something Like Bitmap That Will Draw Images Onto A Picturebox?

Jun 15, 2010

Ok well im making a game maker =) but there are some problems that need to be fixed =(. Ok well the first one is bitmap, It takes up to make space and it has a size limit. Is there something like bitmap that will let me draw images onto a picturebox or something like that with unlimeted space and it deos not to up much memory space? cause there are some game makers with huge maps and they used visual c++ but how i dont know

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Copy Background Of A Form To Picturebox / Bitmap?

Oct 4, 2010

Using a blank form I draw simple colored shapes to the form(x800 - y600 @ x0 - y0).

I'm using a picturebox(x800 - y600 @ x0 - y0), how do I copy whats on the form to the picturebox?

I want a mirror image copy.

Also, how do I copy from picturebox to form?

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Runtime Picturebox.image Update From A Control Owned Imagelist.image

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to update pictures boxes with images of controls stored in an imagelist owned by a control. The images stored in the control.imagelist do not showup in the picturebox. I'm working on simplifying the code to post, but for now could use help.If I store the image in a member variable owned bythe control it woks fine.Something to do with persistance of images in control owned imagelist? [code]

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.net - Graphics.Drawstring Looks Nice In PictureBox But Horrible In A Bitmap?

Aug 5, 2010

I am trying to use DrawString to write text as an image and then rotate it 90 degrees. It works fine with both a bitmap or directly on a PictureBox, but the big difference is in the quality. The PictureBox text drawn has great quality and looks nice. When I draw it on an image it looks horrible and blocky. I've made a few changes to try and get it to look nicer, but it doesn't look nearly as nice as it should.

Sample code:Use a Windows Forms project and place 2 picture boxes on it and a button and run it with the following code to see what I mean:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Get A Picturebox's Image Into A System.drawings.bitmap Object?

Nov 28, 2009

my goal is to copy the content of a picturebox, to a System.Drawing.Bitmap object, called tempBMP. but i didnt even use it i just tried to declare it there's an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

here's my

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Dim colors(sizeX - 1, sizeY - 1) As Color


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Interface And Graphics :: Rotate A Bitmap Image In A Picturebox?

Nov 12, 2008

How do I rotate a bitmap image that has been placed in a picturebox? I need to make it appear upside down or rotated according to user input. I can't find anything in the properties to do this

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Delete A File That Was Previously Used With PictureBox.Image = New Bitmap(PathName)?

Jan 9, 2012

delete a file that was previously used with PictureBox.Image = New Bitmap(PathName)?

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Change Image In Windows Forms App. System.Drawing.Bitmap In A PictureBox

Jul 19, 2010

I have a VB.NET Windows Forms app with a logo image on the form as a System.Drawing.Bitmap inside a PictureBox.I used the Visual Studio Designer to add the logo .bmp image so I don't currently have any VB code doing anything with it.I'd like to make the current logo a clickable object/button so when I click on it a file browser dialog opens and I can select a new image to replace the current image.The current image is a local resource and is set in a PictureBox as a System.Drawing.Bitmap.How would I replace that System.Drawing.Bitmap with a file selected from the file browser dialog?

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System Memory In Bitmap - Using Bitmap To Show Picture Box Like Slideshow Using Timer

Jul 3, 2011

I'm using Bitmap to show picture box like slideshow using Timer. For each timer interval, I've to go for new instance of Bitmap, there System memory increases to 1MB, How to resolve this, 'BG is picture box

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tic Dim img As Bitmap

img = New Bitmap(System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles


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Use A ToolTip Directly To A Bitmap Object (System.Drawing.Bitmap)?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to use a ToolTip directly to a Bitmap Object (System.Drawing.Bitmap), aparently I can't do this because Bitmap isnt a Windows Control.

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Create Monochrome Bitmap From Semi Transparent Bitmap?

Sep 17, 2011

how can i create a monochrome bitmap from a semi transparent bitmap in the bmp is for a transparency mask image for an icon i'm trying to create with the CreateIconIndirect API function.

i'm using vb2008 .Net3.5, but i would prefer an answer that would also work in vb2005

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Extraxct A Rectangle Bitmap From A Big Bitmap?

May 26, 2011

Here is a short program to demonstrate my question. I just want to extraxct a rectangle bitmap from a big bitmap.Code as follows:

Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,[code]....

Execution stops when hitting the Dim cloneBitmap statement, which should have created a bitmap out of the rectangle cut out.The message is:

"MissingMemeberException was unhandled.

No default member was found for type 'bitmap"

I just don't get it. Seems that the method Clone(Rectangle, PixelFormat was not found.

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Parameter Is Not Valid - Bitmap Bmp = New Bitmap()

Feb 10, 2010

I have a grass image located here in my directory. I want to just create a Bitmap, but I am getting an error. (Parameter is not valid.) Immediate Window: A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("grass.jpg");

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Creating .BMP File From Bitmap.Save(Path, ImageFormat.Bmp) Differs From Using Bitmap.Save(Path)?

Oct 1, 2011

The code below reads an Icon from an .ico file, converts the Icon read to a Bitmap and saves the bitmap using:

Then does:
PanelShowWrittenIconA.BackgroundImage = New Bitmap(PathA)


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Get Name Of Image From Imagelist?

Feb 29, 2012

how to get name of image from imagelist. I can't find any 'name' property in imagelist1.images.

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How Does Imagelist Work

Aug 12, 2009

how does imagelist work

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How To Add ContextMenuStrip To ImageList

Jul 3, 2010

Is it possible to add a contextmenustrip to an imagelist item.

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Imagelist : Get Name Of Image?

Apr 1, 2012

I have got an imagelist with many images, many of which have a critical name which can be changed in the desinger, however, since Im NOT using this imagelist in another control (e.g. tabcontrol) I am not able to use imagekey. Therefore, how am I able to get the name of an image in my imagelist?

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ImageList Is Retarded?

Sep 24, 2009

Does anybody else think that it is just plain STUPID that you can add images to the imagelist at design time but you can't add a key?? What kind of brainless moron designed that?Now, everytime I change (add, delete, etc.) an image in the imagelist, I have to modify my code that accesses any image after the changed image(s). What REALLY boggles my mind is that it is still this way several years later. If I could at least access the image's name from code, then I could get by. But, NOOOOOO! That also would make too much sense

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