Identify Unique Records Between Two List (of T)?

Nov 9, 2011

I have 2 List (of T) populated with the following

Dim curweekFolder As String
curweekFolder = String.Concat("c:", curweek_date.SelectedItem)
Dim preweekFolder As String
preweekFolder = String.Concat("c:", preweek_date.SelectedItem)


I first wanted to identify which files matched in filename and list those in ListBox1, the following that was suggested on this forum worked very well (I added the minus last 19 characters as they would be different).

ListBox1.Items.AddRange(curlist.Where(Function(fi) prelist.Any(Function(fi2) fi.Name.Length - 19 = fi2.Name.Length - 19 AndAlso fi.LastWriteTime = fi2.LastWriteTime AndAlso fi.Length = fi2.Length)).ToArray)Now I need to populate ListBox2 with the files that do not match in each List (of T), again without looking at the last 19 characters. So for example if the first List (of T) had A.txt, B.txt and C.txt and the second List (of T) had A.txt and B.txt then ListBox1 would have A.txt and B.txt while ListBox2 would have C.txt.

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How To Identify Empty Records In A Database

Aug 27, 2011

I am a newbie using Visual Basic 10 (Visual Studio 2010) and I am having a hard time working with my database. I have a table, let's say, TableEmployee with Fields Name and Position. On the Position Field, some of the records there were empty.My table is displayed in a datagrid and what I want to do is to insert a code that will identify whether the record under the position field is blank/empty and if that condition is true then display a messagebox that says "the particular record is empty"

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Using CheckBoxes To Identify Records Within Master File

Jun 12, 2011

I would like to bind data with a CheckBox. I am using VB 2008 Net 3.5. I want to use several checkboxes to identify records within a name $ address masterfile. Any given name can be identified in one or mre ways. For example John Smith can be an employee, a vender or a client. I have setup seven fields in my database as bits and in data sources I have labeled them as CehcekBoxes. However, I can not bind a CheckBox to a field.

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Get Only Unique Records From 2 Txt Files?

Jun 27, 2009

I collect 1 text file lets call it google1.txt, i visit all of the google links inside to check on websites, lets say 20,000 of them.Then I re-collect (using the same keyword) a week later. It's saved as google2.txt.(it will contain many of the same links as google1.txt & i do not want to re-visit those links)How can I reference google2.txt to google1.txt & end up with google-new.txtWhich will only contain NEW links, that are not in Google1.txt

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Way To Get Unique Records From Datatable?

Aug 13, 2011

I have a DataTable with multiple columns including AccountNumber, Year, and Month. I am exporting the information in this table to an Excel workbook. Since this table has the potential to be extremely large, I must check the number of records in the table (since Excel can only have 65536 rows or something like that. If the original table is small enough, I need to put all of the records in a single worksheet. If there are too many records for one worksheet, I need to separate the records into multiple worksheets based on AccountNumber. Additionally, if there are too many records for a specific AccountNumber then I need to split that AccountNumber into multiple worksheets based on

Worksheet Name ---- Number of Records
1111 ---- 150,000
2222 ---- 50,000


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VS 2008 - Create A Linq Filter To Select Only Unique Records For TableName + PKs

May 22, 2011

Basically i have a list(of TransRecord)

vb Public Class TransRecord
Public TableName As String
Public PKs As String


And want to create a linq filter to select only unique records for TableName + PKs (group by) ... but want it to select only the record with the highest ID for this group by.

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Unique Items In A List

Nov 7, 2010

I am new to VB.NET 2008 and a few users on this forum have suggested using Generic Lists instead of the old VB6 model of Collections. I need to add to the list of several items to the list, but what is happening it it is changing the first item in the list when I add the second, so there are now of the same item in the list. How do I add unique items to the list? Also, in the collection world, I could define a index of an item by placing the index value into second item of the Add Function.


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Sort An Object In A List On A Non-unique Value?

Dec 17, 2011

I'm trying to categorize articles by stored keywords. I have a list of keywords for a category, and I want an article to get assigned a category that has the most keyword count.

For Each keyword As String In category.Keywords
category.tempCount += Regex.Matches(article.Item("title").InnerXml, Regex.Escape(keyword)).Count


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List Of Files To Read And Have To Append Them All To One Unique File?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm having some problem here. I have a list of files to read and have to append them all to one unique file. the problem is that when i open the first file to read. I read the first line and discard it. when i read the second line, its empty ! but it is not in the original file. what im doing wrong ?


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Repetition For List Of Settings With Unique Variable Names

Aug 12, 2011

this website seems great and this is my first post. Sorry if this has already been answered but I have been searching for a long time. I have a program with a list view in details mode. I have it load column settings (visibility, display index, width, etc.) when the form is opened and save them when closed. There are many columns...about ten so folder, file, size, etc. Is there a way to access variable names from the values of other variables?


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Using LINQ To Find Unique Values In A List Of Objects?

Jul 3, 2011

I am having so trouble with the ToUpper() procedure with strings. I am using LINQ to find unique values in a list of objects. In that whole process I set the values to compare to all lowercase in order to get a proper list. My goal is to populate a dropdown list with the values. I'm attempting to set the first letter of of the string to uppercase and keep the rest lowercase however the toUpper() procedure is not working?

Private Function FixCase(ByVal strIn) As String
Dim strOutput As String
Dim intStringLength As Integer = strIn.Length - 1
strOutput = strIn.Substring(0, 1)


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[2005] Sort And Get Unique Values From List (Of Type)

Feb 24, 2009

I have a List (Of Type) which contains many instances of a class with three properties, IPAddress, AlertDate and AlertTime.There can be many duplicates of IPAddress in this list :-


I need to be able to pull out just the latest (by date and time) entry in the list for each unique IPAddress. Is there any simple way of doing this?

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Create A List (of My Custom Structure) To Hold Only Unique Items?

Mar 8, 2012

How can I create a list (of my custom structure) to hold only unique items? This list should be created from another list.[code]...

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Algorithm - Combine Multiple Lists, Resulting In Unique List And Retaining Order

Apr 28, 2010

I want to combine multiple lists of items into a single list, retaining the overall order requirements. i.e.:

1: A C E
2: D E
3: B A D

result: B A C D E

above, starting with list 1, we have ACE, we then know that D must come before E, and from list 3, we know that B must come before A, and D must come after B and A.If there are conflicting orderings, the first ordering should be used. i.e.

1: A C E
2: B D E
3: F D B

result: A C F B D E 3 conflicts with 2 (B D vs D B), therefore requirements for 2 will be used.

If ordering requirements mean an item must come before or after another, it doesn't matter if it comes immediately before or after, or at the start or end of the list, as long as overall ordering is maintained.

This is being developed using VB.Net, so a LINQy solution (or any .Net solution) would be nice - otherwise pointers for an approach would be good.

Edit: Edited to make example 2 make sense (a last minute change had made it invalid)

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Sql Server - Linq - Limit List To 1 Row Per Unique Values Based On Value (minimum) Of Single Field

May 3, 2012

I have a stored procedure (I cannot edit) that I am calling via linq.

The stored procedure returns values (more complex but important data below):

Customer Stock Item Date Price Priority Qty
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £30 30 1 - 30
CUST1 TAP 05-04-2012 £33 30 1 - 30
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £29 20 31 - 99
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £28 10 1 - 30

I am trying to limit this list to rows which have unique Dates and unique quantities in LINQ. I want to remove items with the HIGHER priority leaving rows with unique dates and qty's.

I have tried several group by's using Max and order by's but have not been able to get a result.

Is there any way to do this via linq?


Managed to convert brad-rem's answer into

Syntax below if anyone needs it:

returnlist = (From p In returnlist
Order By p.Qty Ascending, p.Priority
Group By AllGrp = p.Date, p.Qty Into g = Group
Select g.First).ToList

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Create A Fixed-length Unique String From Another Unique Numerical Value That Is Too Long?

Feb 13, 2012

I am using VB .Net to access the eBay API and store all completed orders in a database. This database is then fed into a proprietary shipping system, which can not handle an order number larger than 20 characters. eBay returns an order number like so 230407279314-680141236013 which is too long. The order number is always 12 numbers a hyphen and 12 more numbers. What I need to do, is turn this (the result can be alpha numerical) into a shorter, unique order key to store in my database alongside the true orderId (so that this can be referenced by the shipping software instead of the actual order number). The reason for the 20 character limit is the barcode algorithm used. Is there any way to achieve this in VB .Net 2010? This number can be anything unique, so long as it does not exist already (even a good uniqueid function would work, but I would have to query the database to make sure it isn't taken)

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[2008] Datagridview - Duplicate Cell Values [non-unique To Unique By Appending]

Jan 10, 2009

I'm using the datagridview. This is the sample data:


How do I parse through the grid to rename the duplicate values in a particular column (in this example it's the l_name field) into such a format?


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Take A Comma Delimited Text File And Then Select All Unique Records Based On One Of The Fields In The Text File?

May 7, 2010

i want to take a comma delimited text file and then select all unique records based on one of the fields in the text file. should i read the text file into a data table or just use a data reader?

View 7 Replies - Unique Number For Unique Visitor On Button Click?

Mar 21, 2011

How generate the unique no. 1,2,3 and so on .... on button click of each new user ..

the code mentioned below is a readwrite coding in ...

but the problem is it generate the same id for different users on button click event... but i want the no. of times button clicked the new ids will be generated

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim FILE_NAME As String = Server.MapPath("counts.vbi")


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Unique Constraint - Columns Currently Not Have Unique Values?

May 8, 2011

Unique constraint - these columns currently doesn't have unique values..?? I have created Unique Constraint with 3 columns. My code works perfectly but once - two users @ same time entered same data and somehow it saved in DB; after that incident. This UniqueConstraint gives me error - These columns currently doesn't have unique values. How can I check if user enters this kind of entry or how can I restrict the Entry?

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Create A List Of Records In .net Using The 1.1 Framework?

Jun 29, 2009

I am essentially trying to create a list of records in using the 1.1 framework.It seems that I should be using an object even though I have only properties but no methods (more like a traditional record), I would like to store a list of objects, how can I create the list and add an instance of the object to the list.I do have sample code that almost works but it is too poor for public display.

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Filling Records From List View To Database?

Feb 22, 2011

how can i add records from list view to database ex. im going to have a transaction i will add products as many as i ordered in my listview and then i insert it into my database with the 1 transaction number it should be like this:


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Sorting Thousands Of Records - Linked List?

May 6, 2009

I'm looking for a simple and efficient way to sort up to 60,000 strings that are 3000 chars long in reverse order and save them back out to a text file.

I originally thought of a doubly linked list, but then I realized that we aren't privileged enough to have pointers.

Is there some other way I can create an efficient linked list without pointers?

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Use Datagridview / List-boxes Or Something Else To Display Records

Apr 25, 2012

I have created a database with a couple of records to get started, also I have attemted to implement the database in my forms. I want to add, delete, edit and save new records into the database so when I use it or re open the program the entered data will still be there. Also, after I have implemented these things, I would like to be able to import data from the database into textfields or comboboxes. I have a basic email client and I would like to import these contacts into the datafields. However, I will be trying to achieve that later.I am trying not to use the data connection wizards as I am learning the code as I go along. I have been reading up on databases for about 2 days not and i'm still struggling.This is to add contacts with the fields.I have 7 labels with text boxes, using the naming convention lblFName or txtFName etc;

-First Name,
-Last Name,
-Phone number,
-Address and

I have 4 buttons;

-Add record
-Delete record
-Save record
-Next record
-Previous record

I don't know whether to use datagridview, listboxes or something else to display the records.This is to give you an idea of what I have done so far.However, I cannot find a way; despite my best efforts over the last 5 days to link the database that is located in the same folder as my program.If anyone could point me in the right direction on how to code this into my program, or post some links of which I can read, learn and understand the code.

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Data Combo Searching System For Records In List

Aug 5, 2009

In general Combo Box looks for the strings in the list that Start with the text that typed in the textbox portion of combo box.

I want a feature in combo box which do not just look in the starting of the strings, insted they shold search the maching strings within any part of records i.e. If User types 'Ja' in textbox portion, the the list should show following maches with highlighting the mached records

Micle Jackson
Sandeep B Jakhotya
Javid Akhatar
Suresh Jadhav
Jackie Chan like this.

Similar control is already used by Yahoo Web Site for Search Assistance in its Web Search Combo box. Here if we type say 'bush', it will populate following records

george w bush
jenna bush
bush shoe
bush game
hot dog bush

I want the same with Visual Basic for Windows Form Applications.

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Forms :: Create A List Of Records Then To View That Record

Feb 26, 2010

I have been playing with VB6 for quite a few years now and I can normally get by ok on my own.I finally made the move to, but I am totally lost.I have started writing a program that is basically a planner. It helps the user organize and plan activities with a client.I have created the ui and have added a BindingNavigator and it happily pulls in the records from my Access database which I can cycle through.What I would like it to be able to do is, allow the user to see all the current records (maybe in a flexgrid), select which record he/she would like to view, then the entire record is populated into the ui.I would have no problem in vb6 of course...but I could do with a little help in (2008).My main problem is I think is, once the flexgrid is populated, how to create the event that allows the user to view and update that record once in the ui.

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Forms :: Create A List Of Records Then To View That Record?

Mar 10, 2010

I finally made the move to, but I am totally lost.I have started writing a program that is basically a planner. It helps the user organize and plan activities with a client.

I have created the ui and have added a BindingNavigator and it happily pulls in the records from my Access database which I can cycle through.What I would like it to be able to do is, allow the user to see all the current records (maybe in a flexgrid), select which record he/she would like to view, then the entire record is populated into the ui.

I would have no problem in vb6 of course...but I could do with a little help in (2008).My main problem is I think is, once the flexgrid is populated, how to create the event that allows the user to view and update that record once in the ui.

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Save Records In List View Into Ms Database Table?

Jun 5, 2012

i'm having problem saving my records into database here's my code


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String Searching - Find Records That Does Not Have This List Of Strings In

Jun 12, 2011

I have a problem finding strings that do not exist in a column in a database. I am going to use linq but its more the 'way' of doing I am concerned with.

I have strings like;
EXLG ...etc

I need to find records that does not have this list of strings in, so for example DBML BUT sometimes I can have the string MEALDBML, or more concatenated. So this is a known string of MEAL and unknown string of DBML. I would then want to see that record. I do not know the unknown strings up front, so its a case of feeding in the strings I know are ok, and finding one that are outside that list. I was also thinking of regex?

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VS 2008 - How To Display Records From Database Into Dropdown List

Mar 30, 2011

How to query a record in using combo or textbox via linq to sql like the search engine? Just like when you search in google or youtube, once you typed in the initial string on the textbox or combo box it will show a drop-down list. I tried to use it in my application using linq method but the problem is it would duplicate on the first string that you entered on the dropdown list if that record exist on your database after you press the space key. I used the code below which duplicates the records on the drop-down list when you type in your string after the space key.

I just want it to be like in any search engine that when you type in the string or your initial string, it will display on the drop-down list all the records from the database that contains the string you entered without duplication. In my case, I'm trying to query a name from my database. This is how it should work, For example, if you type an initial string in the textbox or combo box a named 'Mark', it should display all the names from the database containing 'Mark' into the drop-down list before it changes into its final string that you entered.

Here is the codes I used:
Private Sub ComboBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim db As New MultipleDatabaseOperationDataContext
Dim search As String
search = ComboBox1.Text
[Code] .....

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