Implement ChecKboard Effects In 6.0 Form?

Mar 6, 2010

How to implement checKboard effects in VB 6.0 form

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Implement Sound Effects In The SAPI 5?

Nov 28, 2011

how to implement effekt .echo-reverb in tts sapi 5? I work in the vs2010

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Why Load() Event Of One Web Form Effects On The Other

Jul 5, 2009

I have a web form called "AdminHome" in it in the Page_Load() i have added


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Add Music And Sound Effects To A Windows Form Application?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple game, and as the title suggests, I'd like to know how to add music to it.

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Force A Form To Implement Certain Methods?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm fairly new to VB programming. I have a control which is mounted within a form. I need to implement a callback, so that the control can make the parent form do something. My plan was to create a MustInherit class with MustOverride methods, and make the form inherit the MustInherit class. However, Visual Basic tells me that the form cannot inherit more than one class, which means that it can either inherit my MustInherit class, or System.Windows.Forms.Form, but not both.[code]...

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Implement A Time Delay In A Module, Outside A Form?

May 15, 2011

I'm working on a Windows Forms application with a module, and I want to put a time delay in the module rather than a form.

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Implement Case Sensitive In Login Form?

Oct 29, 2009

May i know how to implement the case sensitive detection in VB for the login part, so if a user registers in "key" for his password and keys in "KEY" for his login, the system will actually kick him out.[code]...

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Implement AddHandler For A Form Or Say Something Like Frm = Application.OpenForms.SelectedForm?

Aug 4, 2010

I have ran into a slight problem and I have not met this issue before today.If I create a Form at run-time with a Button on one Form using a LinearGradientBrushhow can I make the Form maintain the gradient when it is Maximized for every Form that is generated?urrently, if you create 2 Forms using the code below, select the 1st Form created and Maximize it, you will see the problem.This problem does not exst for the currently generated Form however. :-)Would I need to maintain parallel Lists Of Forms or / and LinearGradientBrushes or / and ClientRectangles?

Option Strict On
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class Form1


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Implement An Algorithm To Drag-and-drop A Picturebox In Form

Aug 30, 2011

implement an algorithm to drag-and-drop a picturebox in my form. For example, what Windows does when i want to drag and drop files (or folders) on my desktop.

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Implement User Confirmation Of Exit On An MDI Parent Form?

Mar 17, 2011

We were using the parent's FormClosing event handler to get user confirmation of the exit before continuing, but have just discovered that the child windows get closed before this is run. We only want a single confirmation message box, but I guess that would require the child windows to ask the parent to confirm.

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Form.Print Does Not Implement 2nd Level Printer Dialog Box Choices?

Oct 16, 2009

In the following code, a local printer dialog box shows and its choices are implemented in the printout, but if the user goes to a 2nd-level printer dialog box such as by clicking an Advanced or Properties button, choices made therein (such as landscape/portrait or scaling) are not implemented in the printout (prfPrintForm is a PowerPacks.Printing.PrintForm on form frmPlotTrends). Is there something else that must be done to make the 2nd-level dialogs work?

Dim dlrResult As DialogResult = frmPlotTrends.dlgPrintDialog.ShowDialog()If (dlrResult = DialogResult.OK) Then frmPlotTrends.prfPrintForm.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = frmPlotTrends.dlgPrintDialog.PrinterSettings.PrinterName
frmPlotTrends.prfPrintForm.PrinterSettings.Copies = frmPlotTrends.dlgPrintDialog.PrinterSettings.Copies
frmPlotTrends.prfPrintForm.Print(frmPlotTrends.prfPrintForm.Form, Printing.PrintForm.PrintOption.ClientAreaOnly)End If

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Implement A Win7 Drop Shadow Style Into Border Less Form?

Jun 18, 2011

is there a way to implement a win7 drop shadow style into border less form?

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Transitions Effects On .NET?

May 10, 2012

I'm trying to make an image gallery in and i want that the image move to the left side of the screen and the next image appear from the right side and move to the center when the user click in the next button. Like a slider in HTML sites.I already make some Sliders but the Picture Box leave a trace.

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Enable Effects On SecondaryBuffer?

May 11, 2012

According to this article, to clone a secondaryBuffer you need to disable the EffectCaps.

"Initially, the duplicate buffer will have the same parameters as the original buffer. However, the application can change the parameters of each buffer independently, and each can be played or stopped without affecting the other."

How can i re-enable the EffectCaps on the cloned SecondaryBuffer?

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Giving Effects To Buttons

Mar 6, 2011

Image shows the buttons on my UI in these buttons are having background images. Now what i want is these buttons be shown as inactive when actions corresponding to them are not available so I am making them cmd.enable = false but still on UI there is no visual effect of this disabling them on these buttons. They keep looking same as in enabled mode. So how to give effect of disabled state to these buttons.In the same way i want effect to be visible when mouse is hovered over these buttons and buttons are clicked

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How To Make Lighting Effects

Jun 10, 2010

Is it possible to make simple but good looking lighting effects? I would give a pic but i dont know how. So anyway all i want it to do is light up a object but not have like a square or anything just a lit up area.

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ItemDrag (effects) Not Working?

Jan 9, 2012

I am trying to implement dragdrop for some of my windows forms. Though the ItemDrag event to begin the process is firing, the desired graphics are not showing. Instead everytime I try to drag an object, the mouse icon becomes the black circle with a slash through it. The subsequent events are also not working, and I assume it is because the drag is not starting up right. Here is my test code:

Public Class DragForm
Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.


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VS 2008 Simulating The Effects Of Add-On?

Jul 30, 2010

There's an Add-On for FireFox called FireBug, that lets you edit the HTML of the website in Real Time. Is it possible to do that with a WebBrowser is VB .NET? I basically want to edit the HTML of a website I'm browsing in the WebBrowser Control.

View 2 Replies - Gridview PageIndexChanging - Effects Are Not Shown?

Aug 4, 2011

I am trying to to loop through a dataset's value through the rows in a gridview and color in the text if that row matches.The code below works however whenever I change the page through the PageIndexChanging and this function is ran again, the coloring doesn't work anymore. It still loops through the gridview if there is a match but the effects are not shown.

--variable initialization class instantiation--

--code to connect to db here--

mySQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT ..."[code]....

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Negative Effects Of Using A Generic Function

Oct 26, 2011

My question here is, what are the negative effects of using a generic function such as this? Calling this function does work, and in a test console module, it compiles perfectly fine. I do know this is not a strongly typed function, and is %100 bad practice. But it works perfectly. The purpose of a function like this, would be to handle string input that needs to be inserted in a particular format depending on the type. I also read some other questions on this here on stackoverflow, and suggestions pointed to using (Of T) functions, and variations like that. Why not do it this way? or is there another simple way of accomplishing this without creating a whole nothing class or larger amounts of code.[code]

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Winforms - Giving Effects To Buttons?

May 5, 2011

All these buttons are having background images. Now what i want is these buttons be shown as inactive when actions corresponding to them are not available so I am making them cmd.enable = false but still on UI there is no visual effect of this disabling them on these buttons.

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Add Effects To Sounds That Are Playing Using The Mediaplayer Control?

Sep 15, 2009

is it possible to add effects to sounds that are playing using the mediaplayer control?. i have tried using directsound which works good and i can add effects to the sounds playing but it wont play mp3 files and i have looked all over for information on directshow which does play mp3s but all the examples i managed to find all have about 50 lines of code just to play one track and dont show how to add effects.

i need to play several sounds at the same time and add different effects to each track and also be able to play - stop - pause each individual track at will mediaplayer i can do this but dont know how to add effects directsound i can do all of this but cant play there any way to add effects using mediaplayer control? or does anyone please know where i can see a code example in directshow that adds effects to the sounds playing?

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Play Music And Sound Effects From My.resources

Oct 18, 2009

i'm writing a game in vb 2008 and i want to play music and sound effects from my.resources at the same time,but when a sound effect plays the music stops playing.

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Bitmap / Image Manipulation Effects / Methods?

Apr 18, 2012

Back when I used to use an 8 bit home computer I dabbled in machine code with an old version of BASIC which allowed you to POKE values into memory and then call the 1st memory location to execute that code. I used the equivalent HEX values for the processor which ran a series of ROR ( ROtate Right ) or ROL ( ROtate Left )commands through the carry bit as each line of the bitmap consisted of a series of bytes which were an 8 bit BYTE followed by the next BYTE in memory. The effects that I manage to create "in assembly language" as it were:

Scroll leftScroll right By manipulating full bytes in memory I created routines to:Flip the image horizontallyFlip the image verticallyTurn the image upside down Anyway, if you were to try this with the BASIC equivalent to GET and SET pixels, obviously the BASIC was a LOT slower. I am also interested in creating animated bitmaps from one or two images such as the following:Page turn effect.Sliding-in of an image in any direction.Ripple effect.Scratch effect.

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Create Some Effects For The Pictures Provided By The User?

Mar 14, 2011

I am working on a project called "My Digital Diary" and I need to create some effects for the pictures provided by the user.

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Use A WPF Control In WinForms To Achieve Transparency Effects?

Feb 10, 2011

Is it possible to use WPF in WinForms, to implement the idea used in this question. I am trying to create a semi-transparent panel.

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VS 2005 CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False: Side-effects?

Apr 4, 2009

Is there any cause that this property's value isn't false by default?. When you work with threads, you always require to update user interface from the child thread, I think that may be false is not the default value because of its side effects, wich I don't know.

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.net - Duplicating Effects: Dreamweaver Pong Easter Egg Beep?

Dec 28, 2009

I don't want to actually MAKE the pong easter egg, but for anyone with Dreamweaver, try typing 'dreamweaver' into the color selection box to play a round of pong.The bit that I want to know how it works is the bit at the end once you lose.After your loss, it will immediately play a small tune, whether or not your volume is on. In fact, it plays whether or not you have speakers, which makes me think the sound card itself is playing the tune.How can you achieve a similar effect, playing notes without sound or speakers, in I would imagine this requires P/Invoke, seeing as there is no obvious way inside the framework.I don't need a whole song, a simple beep or the ability to change frequency of the beep will suffice.

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Apply Effects Such As DropShadowEffect Class To TextBlock Run Element In WPF?

Jul 7, 2009

How do I apply effects such as a DropShadowEffect class to a TextBlock Run element in WPF?

Think of it as a way of highlighting certain areas of text in a TextBlock where the Run element is located, but applying an individual effect to that area instead.

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Bitmap Effects (Firmware 2.0) Change The Source Of An Image In WPF

Sep 2, 2009

I think that changing from WinForms to WPF just because the blur effect is easier to do in WPF is the stupiest thing i can do right now it took me time to understand how the windows form application works i dont even how change the source of an image in WPF so here we are again. how to blur a speciefied image using CODE ONLY ?

See what im trying to do:

1. Imagine that you turn on your pc. takes some time to load.
2. Finally for the first time you are on the desktop.
3. Before you do something after every icon is loaded my program
takes a picture of the desktop and blurs it.
4. then it runs fullscreen showing the desktop behind as blurred and
not giving you access to the desktop.
5. a login/register border pops up
6. if you login the program closes if you dont it stays there
waiting for you to login or register.

I wont use it that way im planning to do it on the startup of my program only blur the window not the screen (i mean the content of my window) untill you login or register then it clears again. What i need to learn:

1. How to take a screenshot of my program (only yhe content of the window) [Progress: 1% (cause i know how to take a screenshot of the desktop)]

2. How to blur that image [Progress: 100%]

No need for third party programs or dlls i mean isnt there a default function in the stupiest way to do it?

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