Implement A Time Delay In A Module, Outside A Form?

May 15, 2011

I'm working on a Windows Forms application with a module, and I want to put a time delay in the module rather than a form.

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Time Delay - Make GUI Program To Delay Before The Next Command

Dec 21, 2009

I know that time delays have been covered before around almost everywhere. however a method that forgoes forcing the GUI to become temporarily non-responsive, is all but a myth, or at least to my findings. i have the need for a GUI program to delay before the next command, however using the current method, detailed following, it causes the desired effect however it dose make it much less polished as when you click anything else on the GUI it goes un-responsive for the directed time. [Code] make a sub called say Tdelay( milseconds as integer) and have it run a loop as many times as the milseconds variable indicates and each time making the thread delay for 1 milsecond and then update the GUI/form in some way, then re-loop.

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VS 2008 Change To Form Backcolor From One Colour To Another With A Time Delay Of 1 Second

Oct 22, 2010

I am trying to change to form backcolor from one colour to another with a time delay of 1 second. I have tried various things without success and this is the best I can come up with:[code]The problem I am getting is the colour is not changing until the loop has finished.

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VS 2008 Have Noticed That A Form's Keydown Method Has Slight Delay First Time Hold Button

May 20, 2010

I have noticed that a form's keydown method has a slight delay the first time you hold a button. How do I get rid of it?

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Multi-threading Scoping - Enclosing The Test Module Portion That Hosts The Delay In A Synclock Results?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm on my way to MSDN but thought I'd stop by here first because the answers are usually more cogent.I have a test bed that mimmicks my product app. The general architecture is a factory that builds/instantiates a number of objects (device controllers) that are scalable in number based on requirement. Each object has a threaded portion that reads a device. This way, each object can read its own device simultaneously with all the others. To perform the read, the object calls a routine in a Module that houses the device interfaces. Interestingly (and happily), it seems like each thread has its own copy of the Module routine.

The test bed seems to verify what I'm seeing in the app. In the testbed, a 500 mil second delay is substituted for the device call. Even enclosing the test module portion that hosts the delay in a Synclock results in multi-threaded execution of the pseudo device call. I haven't tested for data yet, but this seems to indicate that when the module routine is called from controller object, it too carries it's own copy of the data just like the calling object. As a long time c++ programmer...that don't quite seem right.

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.net - Leaving Time Delay - Freezing The UI

Apr 9, 2011

this is urgent. i have a form in which i need to give timedelay of 3 seconds before each line executes. But when i try system.threading.thread.sleep its freezing the UI and furthermore all delays are executing as one single delay. that is


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How To Use Timer Function Just As Time Delay

May 29, 2010

What line of code would I need to use the timer function just as a delay, so like as lines are being executed, once it gets to this timer it waits for say 1500 milliseconds before execution is continued.

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Slide Show - Allow User To Set Delay Time For Each Photo?

Apr 26, 2011

I was asked to create a slide show in Visual Basic 2010 that had to meet certain requirements but I've run into a few difficulties. I have a slide show that works but it doesn't meet my friends standard and I'm not sure how to go about this process.He asked me to meet these requirements: The Slide Show Project requirements of your project are:

1. The use of if statements.

2. The use of arrays.

3. The use of loops.

4. The use of graphics.

5. The use of key/mouse controls.

6. The use of images.

7. Allow user to set delay time for each photo.

8. Transition effects 1: Fade in, fade out

9. Transition effects 2: Fly in, Fly out

10. The use of timers.

11. Borderless, always centered.

12. Introduction Screen, Credit Screen.

13. innovations, special feature.

The code that I had previously came up with was as follows:

Public Class Form1
Private ImageFileNames As New List(Of String)
Private CurrentImage As Integer = -1[code].....

I pre-loaded my own photos into the slide show but I just want to know how to right this code in order to satisfy my friend.

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Implement Trigger That Fired Based On Time?

Mar 9, 2012

i want to implement trigger in my project i am using sql server 2005 that come with vs 2008. all that i need to do is i want to create database trigger that fired on every day at say for ex. 9:00 a.m.

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Why Can't A Sub Implement An Interface And Handle Event At Same Time

Apr 12, 2011

Why can't a sub implement an interface and handle event at the same time? The following gives my a syntax error:[code]I know I could handle this kind of logic with another method, but that is not the point. I just want to understand the reasoning behind this.

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Form Freezes When Going Delay Sub

Feb 25, 2010

I can grab if keypressed when form active, i mean not in sub procedures..but my form freezes when Going Delay sub.. its working.. no error but cant use any control or event of form while waiting 10 seconds.. (Form's keypreview property set to true.. )

U can use This if u want to wait applicaiton but u cant doing anything when apication in waiting period..

i think i must to check keystroke in this delay sub.. or am i call Delay sub in wrong time.. i mean i call it form activate event.. should i call it another event ?[code]...

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Put Delay Without Freezing Form

Jun 12, 2009

put delay in without freezing form

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Add BindingNavigator At Run Time To Which Made A Public Method In Module.vb?

Mar 27, 2010

i want to add BindingNavigator at run time to which i made a public method in module.vb, and want to run buttons withEvnets on it

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Delay In Server Response Time While Executing Stored Procedures On Mysql Db Server?

Sep 7, 2010

I am using stored procedures in my application using, while executing stored procedures on mysql database server thru application, the response time from the server is more. Is there any settings that i need to set on mysql db server or any changes in connection string or in code.

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VS 2010 Delay Form Opening

Jun 22, 2011

I am making a simulation of windows loading,Ive made it show the startup screen (startup.vb) and ive got the login screen (login.vb), how can I make it stay at the startup screen for a few seconds before using the command.( if I can use that command?)

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Implement A Counter In Label Which Decrements Every Time Page Is Loaded In

May 14, 2010

how to implement a counter in label which decrements every time page is loaded in It would be better if that counter value is accessed from and updated into database..

I've tried this on buttonclick but the value is reset automatically to intial value everytime as the button is insert and page is reloaded

Protected Sub InsertButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim entries As Label = FindControl("label1")
entries.Text = entries.Text - 1
End Sub

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Delay Form Restore From Minimised State?

Oct 16, 2010

I've created a "Loading" borderless Form that's displayed when loading records etc. I'm using the following to keep the loading dialog centered within it's parent.Works great except fo when the form is minimised estore- The loading form appears instantly while the parent (Owner) maximises with the usual VistaWindows 7 animated maximise.

What would be the best method to prevent the loading form appearing before the main form?


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Display Load Advance Form - Delay Is Not Always The Same

Jun 12, 2012

I have some forms that are slow to open, I want to do is to show you something the user is loading, the time delay is not always the same, as is done

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Splash Screen Load Delay Next Form

Jul 5, 2009

Let's say I want to put a 10 second delay on my splash screen before loading the next form or app.I use a timer, but would it be a simple integer value or several different lines of code?

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Game Programming :: Way To Minimize Or To Remove Lag Or Delay Of Form

Sep 28, 2010

I have created a game similar to plants vs. zombies or simply called a tower defense game. I have already completed it. but I have 1 big problem. and this is the game is very very lag / high delay. structures , explosions , enemies , projectiles are created using picturebox and declared it using an array and now to my question. Is there any way to minimize or to remove the lag or delay of the form?

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Splash Screen Delay Before Loading Main Form?

Dec 18, 2009

Im trying make my application display my splash screen for 5secs before loading my main form. I have read lots of threads on this and they all seem to point to the following:Add the following code to the New() sub of the splashscreen.

My.Application.MinimumSplashScreenDisplayTime = 5000

I have also seen a suggestion to add the following code to the OnInitilalize event in the ApplicationsEvents file.

Me.MinimumSplashScreenDisplayTime = 5000

I've have tried both ways, and although it successfully makes my splashscreen wait 5 seconds before closing, it doesnt prevent the Main form from waiting for the splashscreen to close before loading. The mainform simply loads over the top of the splashscreen.This thread is exactly what im after but i cant seem to get mine to work.


I have application framework enabled. I have my startup form set to my main form, and i have set my splashscreen in the application tab of my project properties. Im using VS2008.I also noticed that when i clicked on the "View Application Events" button in the application tab of my project properties, the file was blank. I have seen that some other people have had problems with this. I just cut and paste the following code into my ApplicationEvents file. Potentially an issue??? Any reason why the code was not auto-generated to begin with?

Namespace My
' The following events are availble for MyApplication:
' Startup: Raised when the application starts, before the startup form is created.


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Create Dynamic Buttons At Run Time Based On Database Records And Implement Events For Them

May 11, 2010

I have to create buttons at rum time based on database records and implement their events.

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VS 2008 Setting A Delay - Allow Another Form To Load After My Program Display's

Feb 28, 2010

I need a way to allow another form to load after my program display's an introduction cut-scene without loading the form in the middle of the cut-scene. Sort of like a delay.

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.net - Finding Out Which Instance Of A Form Initiated Another Form Or Module

Oct 5, 2010

I'm trying to figure out the best way to reference a control on a form from within a module. Unfortunately the form is just an instance, so it's not as easy as calling form.control...

Dim ChildForm As New frmSearch
' Make it a child of this MDI form before showing it. '
ChildForm.MdiParent = Me

That form has an option for printing, which calls another form where certain options are chosen. The print form in turn calls a function in a module, which tries to reference back to the origional form.

childform as new frmSearch -> frmPrintForm -> sub okToPrint (in module Print)
okToPrint tries to reference a listview on frmSearch, but can't find it.
For Each itmX In frmSearch.lstResults.Items

So the solutions I can think of off the top of my head are:

1. Somehow divine which form is the caller of frmPrintForm

2. Pass ChildForm to the frmPrintForm as a variable to be passed on to module Print..

3. Use frmSearch directly instead of using an instance of it.

Number 1 would be my preference, as I don't want to have to pass forms around like that.

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Get Form Name In Other Module?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a connection module in which I have written the open and close database connection.... if database connection is an error it will return false else if success it will return true the function of the modules will be called from the form code....

what I need is if the connection is an error the module should also get the form name which returned the it possible???

check my below code....

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Module DBConnection


now what I need is if the functions Open_DB_Connection() or Close_DB_Connection() returns error it should prompt the form name....

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Port SolutionEvents From C# - Run-time Errors ("COM Target Does Not Implement IDispatch")

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to use the SolutionEvents interface in Visual Studio and the sample it have is in C#. When I try to port it I get compile or run-time errors ("COM target does not implement IDispatch"). The problem is with the bold line on the bottom with the "+=" which does not work in VB. Removing the + causes a run-time error.

The C# code is:

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Control Form From Module?

Jun 20, 2012

I recently have convert my project from VB6 to VB.NET2008,after the convert here is a sub that control form from a module that i create,the error was something like

"cmdAdd is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.Form"
Public Sub ButtonSet(ByRef frmObj As System.Windows.Forms.Form)
frmObj.cmdAdd.Visible = True
frmObj.cmdCopy.Visible = True
frmObj.cmdEdit.Visible = True


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Editing A Form Through A Module?

Jul 14, 2009

How can I edit my a form through a module? I am using this code in the module.

Here is where I get an error: Private Sub ExtendedWebBrowser_NewWindowExtended(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WebBrowserNewWindowExtendedEventArgs) Handles Me.NewWindowExtended Button1.Text = "New window event just triggered!"End Sub

The code editor will not recognize when I type Form1, and I obtain the following error when I manually type it:form1' is not declared.I sense there is something I can do here which is very easy to fix this, but I have not worked much with Classes before.

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How To Refersh A Form From Module

Jul 22, 2011

he form has a listview control. The form call a function stored in a module VB file. In the function, I will do something. I want to add a monitor in the function. When finish somethings, the function will add some message to the

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Notify A Form Sub From Module?

Nov 21, 2010

I am writing a program in VB2010 Express that handles serial port communication. All subs and functions that handle writing to, and reading from the serial port are in a module. These subs and functions are typically called from a form, e.g. by pressing a button. The command is then sent to a device attached to the serial port, and this device replies with a number of bytes as a result. A 'ReceivedDataHandler' is used to handle the serialport.datareceived event. [code]....

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