Delay Form Restore From Minimised State?

Oct 16, 2010

I've created a "Loading" borderless Form that's displayed when loading records etc. I'm using the following to keep the loading dialog centered within it's parent.Works great except fo when the form is minimised estore- The loading form appears instantly while the parent (Owner) maximises with the usual VistaWindows 7 animated maximise.

What would be the best method to prevent the loading form appearing before the main form?


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VS 2008 Restore Form From Minimized State?

May 29, 2010

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Diagnostics
Private Const SW_HIDE As Integer = 0


The program is in foreground on click, but fails to maximize/restore.

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Datagridview Restore To State Of Launch

Dec 13, 2011

Is there a simple way to restore the state of DataGridView1 to it's original Form_Load state?

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Forms :: Restore To Previous State?

Aug 3, 2009

i'm making a vb aplication (only my second one so dont be to cruel) and i'm just wondering how to make it so that when somebody closes my aplication down and open it back up it restores it to the same state, i've had a look on google and the only thing i can find are how to remember the size and position of the form using the registry and also using flat file databases to hold the values of all the text box's but is there an easier and more elegant way

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Restore Forms Original State

Feb 25, 2011

If i use the form.showdialog method to open a form, then input data.. when I close the form then re-open it the data is still there.Is there a way of restoring the forms original states, as it is on load?

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Stop Command Execution And Restore To Initial State?

Nov 24, 2009

I am checking to see if a textbox contains a number, or is null. If it is non numeric or null a message box appears asking the user to input the proper value. When the user clicks OK on the msgbox the program will continue to execute the code. I want it to stop executing the code and revert back to its default state as it would be if you just opened the program. What is the command for doing this so I can add to the if statement?

Dim numCheckV as boolean
numCheckV = IsNumeric(Vinput)
If numCheckV = False OrElse TextBox1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please enter voltage!")
End If

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C# - Deep Copy System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser Object/Restore State?

Apr 27, 2009

Essentially what I want to do is copy a WebBrowser object such that I can do the equivalent of "Open In New Tab" or "Open In New Window" actions, maintaining any posted data. I don't just want to navigate to the same URL as in the original WebBrowser object, rather I want to repeat the HttpWebRequest.

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Concurrency - Restore A Dataset To The Previous State Before Updating The Database With A Data Adapter?

Dec 10, 2009

How do you restore a dataset to the previous state before updating the database with a data adapter? I have a concurrency update problem that I believe to be caused by this. The update fails during the update and a rollback command is issued using a SQLTransaction object. However, now the rowstates of the rows that did not have errors have been changed to unchanged. So this record is no longer availible to be inserted into the database. When I updated the value that could not be null and then test the second update which runs just as the first does then I get a concurrency error. The update code is below:


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Application To Sit On The Desktop And Not Be Minimised?

Oct 3, 2009

I want my application to sit on the desktop and not be minimised? Can I do this some way??? not showing on top either?

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SendKeysSendMessage API To Minimised Window?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm trying to start an application an initiate a save by sending Ctrl m + Ctrl a then Alt Gr O to confirm a dialog.


This works great if the window is active and focused, I would much prefer this process to be done silently (It spawns it's own progress dialog) but SendKeys requires an activefocused window.

I think SendMessage is going to be the answer but I cannot see any way of sending the required key combinations?

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Minimize A Form And Restore To Normal The Form Is Being Resize?

Jun 10, 2009

when i try to minimize a form and restore to normal the form is being resize.It's resize getting extending a form when time to minimizing a form and restore form is set to formborderstyle is fixedsingle and i'm using namespace. why is hapening like that...i don't know why

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Cancel A Database Restore SMO ( Restore.Abort() )?

Jun 17, 2010

[url]..I'm trying to use the Restore.Abort function during an SMO restore process - What would be the best method?


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Time Delay - Make GUI Program To Delay Before The Next Command

Dec 21, 2009

I know that time delays have been covered before around almost everywhere. however a method that forgoes forcing the GUI to become temporarily non-responsive, is all but a myth, or at least to my findings. i have the need for a GUI program to delay before the next command, however using the current method, detailed following, it causes the desired effect however it dose make it much less polished as when you click anything else on the GUI it goes un-responsive for the directed time. [Code] make a sub called say Tdelay( milseconds as integer) and have it run a loop as many times as the milseconds variable indicates and each time making the thread delay for 1 milsecond and then update the GUI/form in some way, then re-loop.

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Restore Form In Program?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a search page in one form(Search.vb) and another form(Form1.vb) to display the details of selected data from the search form.

I already have back button in Form1.vb which returns to some other form say (Action.vb).

In case of searching data it returns to Form1 to modify the selected data, In this case if i press the back button in Form1.vb it should return to search.vb with the details that i entered for searching.

Is there any way to save and restore the form whenever needed with its details?

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Controls Disappear On Form Restore?

Aug 22, 2010

I experience very strange behaviour of a windows form written in VB.NET 2005.
The form contais DataGridView with data.

I minimize the form to Windows task bar, then I restore it. The form appears, but the DataGridView and other controls are not displayed. In order recover from this situation, I need to resize the form or maximize it.

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Form Freezes When Going Delay Sub

Feb 25, 2010

I can grab if keypressed when form active, i mean not in sub procedures..but my form freezes when Going Delay sub.. its working.. no error but cant use any control or event of form while waiting 10 seconds.. (Form's keypreview property set to true.. )

U can use This if u want to wait applicaiton but u cant doing anything when apication in waiting period..

i think i must to check keystroke in this delay sub.. or am i call Delay sub in wrong time.. i mean i call it form activate event.. should i call it another event ?[code]...

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Put Delay Without Freezing Form

Jun 12, 2009

put delay in without freezing form

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VS 2010 Delay Form Opening

Jun 22, 2011

I am making a simulation of windows loading,Ive made it show the startup screen (startup.vb) and ive got the login screen (login.vb), how can I make it stay at the startup screen for a few seconds before using the command.( if I can use that command?)

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Form Restore Not Showing Form

Oct 26, 2009

I'm currently using VB.Net 2008. The project has the "make single instance application" checkbox checked. The application works by hiding the form when the form is minimized.


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Maximize/Restore Form With Message.create And WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK?

Mar 19, 2009

I am trying to create my own title bar, but left-double-click does not maximize/restore the form; however, double-clicking any of the remaining buttons on my mouse (right, middle, 'forward', and 'back') maximizes/restore the form. This 'feature' is caused by MouseDown event. If the MouseDown event is removed,the DoubleClick event operates as expected.Can both events be used concurrently (at the same time) with out any loss of functionality?


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Save/restore A Form And Controls Between Program Runs?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a complex form to allow the user to configure my app.

What's the best way to save the form state & reload when the program next runs.

I mean text he has entered in list boxes, the selected item of combo/list/radio, whether a checkbox is cheeked, etc

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VS 2005 : Disable Restore Button In MDI Child Form?

Aug 20, 2009

Is there anyway to disable/remove "Restore" button in MDI Child form while child form is in Maximized state?I have set "ControlBox = False". Although this remove the whole control box including "Close".Case is I want this "Close" button but not "Minimize" or "Maximize/Restore" button.Is there anyway to do this without using API?

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MDI Form Size - Child Form Doesn't Appears In Maximized State

Mar 15, 2012

I am developing a application where I have 1 parent from (windowstate of Parent from is set to Maximized) and 2 child forms. In my Parent form I have a menustrip with following code to activate child -


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Display Load Advance Form - Delay Is Not Always The Same

Jun 12, 2012

I have some forms that are slow to open, I want to do is to show you something the user is loading, the time delay is not always the same, as is done

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Implement A Time Delay In A Module, Outside A Form?

May 15, 2011

I'm working on a Windows Forms application with a module, and I want to put a time delay in the module rather than a form.

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Splash Screen Load Delay Next Form

Jul 5, 2009

Let's say I want to put a 10 second delay on my splash screen before loading the next form or app.I use a timer, but would it be a simple integer value or several different lines of code?

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Forms :: Restore A Windows Form Which Is Minimized And Has Lost Focus?

Dec 2, 2009

I have created an app which has a timer control which, when activated and meets a certain criteria, launches a second form with an alert for the user to review and action. this works just fine. Except.... when the main app is minimised and has lost focus, instead of launching the second form to a normal windows state it opens and sits in a minimized state itself and just flashes. How can I get the the second form to restore to a normal windows state?I have tried form2.focus and tried the windowsstate=normal etc but I'm still barking up the wrong tree.

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Game Programming :: Way To Minimize Or To Remove Lag Or Delay Of Form

Sep 28, 2010

I have created a game similar to plants vs. zombies or simply called a tower defense game. I have already completed it. but I have 1 big problem. and this is the game is very very lag / high delay. structures , explosions , enemies , projectiles are created using picturebox and declared it using an array and now to my question. Is there any way to minimize or to remove the lag or delay of the form?

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Splash Screen Delay Before Loading Main Form?

Dec 18, 2009

Im trying make my application display my splash screen for 5secs before loading my main form. I have read lots of threads on this and they all seem to point to the following:Add the following code to the New() sub of the splashscreen.

My.Application.MinimumSplashScreenDisplayTime = 5000

I have also seen a suggestion to add the following code to the OnInitilalize event in the ApplicationsEvents file.

Me.MinimumSplashScreenDisplayTime = 5000

I've have tried both ways, and although it successfully makes my splashscreen wait 5 seconds before closing, it doesnt prevent the Main form from waiting for the splashscreen to close before loading. The mainform simply loads over the top of the splashscreen.This thread is exactly what im after but i cant seem to get mine to work.


I have application framework enabled. I have my startup form set to my main form, and i have set my splashscreen in the application tab of my project properties. Im using VS2008.I also noticed that when i clicked on the "View Application Events" button in the application tab of my project properties, the file was blank. I have seen that some other people have had problems with this. I just cut and paste the following code into my ApplicationEvents file. Potentially an issue??? Any reason why the code was not auto-generated to begin with?

Namespace My
' The following events are availble for MyApplication:
' Startup: Raised when the application starts, before the startup form is created.


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VS 2008 Change To Form Backcolor From One Colour To Another With A Time Delay Of 1 Second

Oct 22, 2010

I am trying to change to form backcolor from one colour to another with a time delay of 1 second. I have tried various things without success and this is the best I can come up with:[code]The problem I am getting is the colour is not changing until the loop has finished.

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