Infralution Licensing Or Quick License Manager?

Feb 5, 2008

I want to buy a license manager. I have read about these 2 products (from his web) but I don't know which is better. which you recommend to me?

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Quick Find And Quick Replace Dialog Windows For 2008 IDE?

Dec 7, 2010

I am developing a VB application using the Visual Studio 2008 IDE. I was making changes to my code using the Quick Replace function when the dialog window stopped displaying. Selection of Quick Find or Quick Replace from the Edit menu, as well as use of shortcut keys (CTL+F and CTL+H) all have the same affect: the IDE loses focus but no dialog windows display. Is this a known issue with an available fix?

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Use The VS2010 License As A Substitute For VB6 License?

Oct 31, 2011

I recently purchased Visual Studio 2010 and am wondering if it is possible to use the VS2010 license as a substitute for VB6 license.

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Setting The Manager Property In AD Without Knowing The Manager's URL?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a function that will allow me to edit the manager property of a user here:

Public Shared Sub SetManagerProperty(ByVal de As DirectoryEntry, ByVal pName As String, ByVal pValue As String)
'First make sure the property value isnt "nothing"


But what if the manager is not in the Company OU? How can I edit this to search for him in the entire domain?

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GPL App Licensing Incompatibility

Mar 15, 2010

I have a vb program that is closed source free program. I am using a CONSOLE PROGRAM licensed under the GPL license. This is not GPL source code, but an actual GPL app.(I am using process.start to run it) and I was wondering if there is a licensing incompatibility or something. I am clueless on licensing. Would I just have to include a license file with it, or would I have to release the code, or what.

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Control Licensing In Windows 7?

Jan 6, 2011

I installed my old Visual Basic programmes in Windows 7 and I have two problems.

1- VB itself which apparently is not compatible.

2- I used some controls which are not supported anymore but I used vbusc.exe for Windows XP and it worked. Now for Win7 what can I do?

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Licensing For VB 2008 Solutions?

Oct 5, 2009

How we create a licensing system for a vb 2008 solution to protect it from unauthorized access? Is there any code to generate a unique system id to identify a machine like CPU ID etc.?

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Application Licensing / Protection Solutions

Nov 4, 2009

I have up until recently developed only in-house custom applications and I have never had a need to protect this software with any type of licensing/ protection mechanisms.I'm now working on a new project for a software app that I plan on distributing to a relatively small number of clients (1000 or so) and I need to consider some type of licensing/software protection solution that I can easily integrate into my application.I'm also looking for specific product recommendations (if possible) based on users experiences. With vast assortment of product offerings out there, I'm having a very hard time wading through them all.

I would like to stick with a software option over a hardware dongle type solutions so that I can make distribution and activation as painless as possible for my customers¦but would consider hardware options if need be.I have tried the KeyLOK hardware evaluation kit but it seems to be a little difficult to implement and it would force my customers to wait days before they could initially activate and use my application. [code] License registration and tracking via Internet..Software distribution is very controlled and it's not a techie type user audience, so hacking is not a major concern but I would like to protect the application as much as possible.

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Product Activation And It Worth The Effort?

Apr 30, 2012

I have created an Excel Ribbon Addin that has some custom features that will benefit a relatively small business niche. The target companies number less than 1,000.I don't want to limit any one company's usage of the Addin...meaning I want them to be able to install and use the Addin as often as they need to, for as long as they need to, on as many computers as they need to.

The thing I want to prevent is sharing of the Addin. There are family members in this industry, that own different companies in different parts of the country...there are close friends in this industry that each own different companies. I want each company to purchase the Addin instead of share it.I have created a License Agreement that they have to agree to before the Addin is installed. But, that is as far as I have gone with it at this point.So, this leads me to 2 questions:

1. Is it worth the investment and effort to create this type of limitation for such a small market?

2. If so, what is the best way to go about accomplishing this?

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Reinstalling VB 2008 And Registration / Licensing And Reactivation

Jun 26, 2009

I need to reformat my HD and will lose everything, including my VB stuff. I can't positively identify all of it's contents/shared folders/assciated files, etc so as to back it all up. I would like to know how difficult will it be to simply reinstall all of the software from MS, concerning the registration/licensing/activation process? Or will I just have to start w/a new copy/registration/licensing ,etc? By the way, I am talking about "Express Editions"

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Visual Studio Light Switch Licensing

Jan 23, 2012

I am already using Light Switch. When i am trying to deploy it is asking license information. If i buy a Enterprice license key then how many programs i can deploy with that same license? I am sorry for the noob question but i can not find anything details about Light Switch licensing.

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Implement A Licensing Schema For A Template That Uses The Follow Code Snippet?

Sep 28, 2011

I�m trying to implement a licensing schema for a template that uses the follow code snippet. (using VS2010 vb.net4)

<LicenseProviderAttribute(GetType(RegistryLicenseProviderSave)), _
GuidAttribute("2de915e1-df71-3443-9f4d-32259c92ced2")> _
Public Class Form1main
��. Form code etc.
End Class

I need to utilize the GUID value in other classes within my application, as an example, as making registry entries.My goal is to have this editable at only 1 place in the template.I�ve created a Friend class that has the GUID string in it, but I�m unable to get the above to recognize the string. I�m sure that the code is simple, but it evades me.I would really like to do is to access the Guid that VS2010 creates (Project->Application->Assembly) shows and insert it into my application.

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VS 2008 Attempting To Make A "Licensing" System

Dec 13, 2009

Im attempting to make a "Licensing" system, but I dont know where to start. I know I would need some sort of "database". Heres the basic idea of what I would like my program to turn out. "License" creator: -I give a "permanent" ID Generator to someone -They get an ID that only works for their computer, and doesnt change unless the computer is changed -They give me their ID -I input the ID into a "database" -Program creates a "License" file using the "permanent" ID Main Program: -Loads the License File -Checks if the License is a valid file (using the database)

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Best Pratice In Inheritance - Three Classes Employee, Manager And Salesman. Manager And Salesman Classes Inherits Employee Class

Jul 27, 2010

I have three classes Employee, Manager and Salesman. Manager and Salesman classes inherits Employee class.

Employee :

Public MustInherit Class Employee
' Field data.
Protected empName As String
Protected empID As Integer
Protected currPay As Single


Manager :

Public Class Manager
Inherits Employee


Salesman :

Public Class Salesman
Inherits Employee


Now I have created a object of salesman and manager using the following code:

Dim objSalesMan as Employee=new Salesman("xyz",1,2000,5000)
Dim objManager as Employee=new Manager("abx",2,5000,"production")

Is this a good programming pratice or should I use:

Dim objSalesMan as new Salesman("xyz",1,2000,5000)
Dim objManager as new Manager("abx",2,5000,"production")

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FTP As Activation License?

Dec 12, 2010

Just looking at various ways to do so.I came accross an article which unfortunatly I can't find anymore. It explained it like this. (I'll try remember all of it)1) Put activation key in textbox12) Press button3) Checks with the FTP server if the title of a file (In the this case the license key) in the FTP server.4) If the file doesnt exist then a message box comes up incorrect license.4b) I the file does exist then my.settings.activate = 15) Next time its loaded up, the program checks if my.settings.activate = 15b) If not then an activation key must be put in and proccess starts again.

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Getting Vb6 License Product?

Mar 27, 2012

how to get vb6 license nowadays?does the visual studio pro 2010have a downgrade path to vb6?

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Picking The Right License?

Jan 20, 2010

My browser will be the first application I'm actually pushing out to the public.Everything else so far was for me and friends or some type of class. My problem is I don't know what license to pick to release it under. It's going to be partially open source and partially not.Whats included that i didn't write or make

GeckoFx - web browser plugin like ie but based off firefox
App Life Update - http:www.kineticju...te/Default.aspx ( I have the free limited license)
Sqlite - used for bookmarks

Other than those to plugins/dll files everything else i wrote myself or followed tutorials on and modified to fit my applications need.

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Set Up A License That Expires?

Jun 19, 2009

We plan on selling an application that I've made and we want to be able to force the user to buy a 1-year license for it. And of course after that 1-year we want the program to stop working and force the user to purchase another license.

I've seen many things in VB.NET with certificates/licensing but I'm just not familiar with them to be able to take it any further. And right now I don't have the labor to spend hours messing around with it.

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Cant Seem To Get The Quick Sort To Work

Feb 29, 2012

I am trying to do my sorts such as bubble sort and quick sort i got the bubble sort to work but cant seem to get the quick sort to work.


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Quick Search In A Richtextbox?

May 13, 2010

I have a RichTextBox where I expect 100 characters per line. Each line can start with the letter A, B, or C. I may have thousands of lines and most of them will start with the letter C.When the cursor is moved from one line to another and is placed on a "C" line, I need to be able to quickly locate the nearest "B" line above it. It may be hundreds of lines away. A loop to search for the "B" line using GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(x) is too slow.

The user may want to paste many lines into the textbox. If necessary, a mild wait after pasting is acceptable.Do you have any suggestions for a technique to accomplish what I need to do? Even just a high level suggestion like "use a linked list"

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Quick Search Of Database

Aug 2, 2010

Could anybody guide me how to perform a quick serch in database?I used to do it in vb6, using FindFirst method.Is anything else like that in i always have to use SQL to check if record under current data exists in the database or not?

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Upgrade From Quick Basic On XP?

Nov 12, 2009

I used to write programs in Quick Basic on my XP computer. I now have a Vista (64bit) computer and everybody knows (except me) that those programs won't run on my Vista computer.I want to be able to write single user programs on my Vista computer like I did with my XP computer. Since I'm somewhat familiar with the Quick Basic language, I want to stay in the "Basic" language family. What do I need to have on my Vista computer that would allow me to write and run simple single user programs?

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Automatically Enter AVG License Key?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a problem with my application. I have got it to the point of running the AVG installer, but it fails because a licence key is needed. I have the licence key, but the idea is that my application makes it easy for the user by them just needing to click through.

Is there a way to automatically input the licence key into the licence key field on AVG's set-up from my application? [code]...

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How License Keys Are Created

Feb 12, 2009

I have completed a project and now i need to set 30 day trial period for the software. what are ideas behind generation of license keys. How it is formed. How we can develop our own license keys without third party softwares for creating license keys.

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License Key System For Application

Mar 19, 2012

I have built an excellent licensing key system which works well on desktop pc's. Basically I run an algorythm on the Hard Disk Serial Number and the Customer Name. While this is not totally brilliant, it seems to work really well (on desktop machines or machines with real hard disks). Now that we come to Tablet PC's, I have found that the Serial Number of the "DISK" which is normallyan SSD is the same from one machine to the next - so all unlock codes end up the same. How about making a unique code for each machine I install my application on?

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Make A Product Key As License?

Sep 14, 2009

I am wondering how to make a product key as a license key for my VB.Net windows form application? Because at the end of the day, i would have to package it as a exe file and i would like to include in a license key for the user.

And also may i know how to package the whole project as a exe file such that after the user excute the installer, everything will run. like how you install windows xp like that.

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Secure Way To License Software?

Aug 13, 2009

What is the best and most secure way to license software? Is there an existing program for doing so? I want to sell a script of mine, but I want to make sure that users cannot redistribute or sell it themselves (of course, if they deactivate the registration on their own computer and choose to resell, that is their choice).

The software language is

Since I am not sure whether or not I could host a registration database of any sort, is there any way to keep licensing self-contained securely? I would like the user to be able to download the demo and be able to upgrade to the full version somehow.

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Seting Up A License Or Something To Act As Key For Software?

Aug 28, 2008

I have an application that will be sold to a verticle market. Our techs will do the install, and the software requires hardware for it to work. But I still need to create something so that each customer has a key to use the software. So what is the best way to approach this. I don't high security, because the softare won't do a customer any good without hardware. But it's required in the bids that we do. I also have diffrent options for the software. Not everybody wan't all the bells and whistles, just the basic pakage.I was thinking maybe using a dongel for hardware key? But that more cost.Your thoughts?

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VS 2008 - How To Protect DLL With License Key

Nov 24, 2009

How can I protect my dll with a license key, I already have my licensing scheme but I don't know where to put it.

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VS 2008 License Check

Sep 13, 2010

The issue, is that I'm developing an app that won't be installed and will be used on a bunch of different PCs. The app is free, but uses some 3rd party tools and code, so the user must be aware of the licensing agreement for those tools.

Since it will be used on a bunch of PCs, I don't want the end user to have to accept this license agreement a million times.

Is there any way I accomplish this with a local resource of some sort?I was thinking I could add a license file that should be moved around with the executable, and that could contain a license agreement code, then i could prevent the app from being used without that file.

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