Java: Switch Statements & Optional Parameters?

Apr 27, 2011

Is there an equivalent in Java to VB.NET's optional parameters?Also is it possible to switch on anything other than integers in Java?

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.net - Utilize Optional Parameters In Delegates?

Aug 6, 2010

However, I am wondering if there are any workarounds or plans for incorporating this feature into VB.NET in the future?What I'd like to do:

Public Delegate Function Deserializer(Of T)(ByRef Buffer() As Byte, optional ByRef BufferPosition As Integer = 0) As T
'Implementation of a func that matches the delegate'
Class A
Public Function Deserialize(Byref Buffer() as Byte, optional Byref BufferPosition as integer = 0)

In the absence of specifying "optional" inside the actual delegate itself, it'd at least be nice to be able to do it in the function implementation only:

Public Delegate Function Deserializer(Of T)(ByRef Buffer() As Byte, ByRef BufferPosition As Integer) As T
'Implementation of a func that matches the delegate'
Class A
Public Function Deserialize(Byref Buffer() as Byte, optional Byref BufferPosition as integer = 0)

At least this second way, the functions for the delegate will always have a value mapped to each parameter, although some may come from the function side and not the calling side.

View 2 Replies 1.1 - Assign Null Value To Optional Parameters In .NET 1.1?

Dec 21, 2010

I tried DbNull.Value but no luck. How do I assign a default value as null to a string parameter that is null in VB.NET? Its litte strange to see that VB does not have anything like plain null as most of the other languages do. Also what is the difference between null and DbNull and Nothing.

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C# - Handling Optional .NET DataSource Parameters?

Aug 9, 2011

What is the standard way to implement optional query parameters in a .NET WinForms application?In other words, only query on a field if the value of a corresponding control is not null.

EDIT: I use a FillBy method which calls a query in my Access database. In the TableAdapter query editor, I just used WHERE (field1 = ?) AND (field2 = ?) ... I just can't find the "hook" to bind form controls to the table adapter query parameters and so that if a form uses the default value to not query on it.

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Error : Optional Parameters Must Specify A Default Value

Jan 21, 2011

Public Function Foo(ByRef a As AClass, _
Optional ByRef b As BClass = Nothing, _
Optional ByRef c As CClass = Nothing) As XClass

Error : Optional parameters must specify a default value.

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Optional Parameters Cannot Have Structure Types?

Jan 12, 2010

I would just like to know why. optional parameters cannot have structure types?

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Calling A Vb Function With Optional Parameters With A C# Call?

Nov 3, 2010

I am interacting with VB code on a different tier, using a client-side c# program. The VB function signature looks like this:

Public Sub toggleExclusion( _
ByVal mouse As Double, _
ByVal study As Integer, _


I get an error saying no overloaded method of toggleExclusion takes 2 arguments?

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Databind To Object Parameter That Has One Or More Optional Parameters?

Mar 22, 2011

I have an object, called 'PERSON' This person object has a title, firstName & Surname property as well as many other which are at the moment irrelevant. It also has a read only property called Fullname which concatenates the two or three parameters mentioned above depending on an optional parameter 'withTitles' passed over when you call PERSON.FULLNAME

PERSON.FULLNAME(true) <- Will add titles if there are any

PERSON.FULLNAME(false) <- Will give the name without the title

Public ReadOnly Property FullName(Optional ByVal withTitle As Boolean = False) As String


I get an error: PERSON does not contain a property of 'FullName'. If I change this to any other property that does not take a parameter it works as expected. Now I'm guessing that the binding procedure can't handle optional or mandatory parameters for object properties, is this right? Is there a better way to do it? I thought about looping through the collection to add them manually but that kinda defeats the object of DataBinding!

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Optional 'Color' Variable Parameters In Classes?

May 27, 2010

Is it possible to make Color variable parameters in custom classes Optional?Everytime I try, it gives me a "Constant expression required" error.[code]

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Optional Parameters Versus Method Overloads?

Oct 6, 2009

I was familiar with the optional parameters in vb 6 and it made sense given the capabilities of the language but why the heck does VB.Net support optional parameters when there is method overloading? Which one should I use and is there a difference? If there is a difference when should I use each one?

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VS 2010 Optional And Named Parameters In An Attribute?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a custom Attribute class where the constructor takes one fixed parameter and two optional parameters. It is my understanding that one can supply one or more optional parameters by using 'named parameters' such as this:

Private Sub CallMethod()
Me.OptionalMethod(-1, z:=1)
End Sub


Well, I thought, perhaps Attributes don't support named parameters. I know they can behave a little weird (they don't support all types in their arguments for example I think), so I thought little of it.But then... I noticed something else. If you take a look at my code of the attribute class again. Notice that I am using an attribute on that class as well... And what do you know: named parameters. Working just fine... The AttributeUsage attribute has the exact same configuration: one fixed parameter and two optional parameters. I seem to be able to call them using named parameters just fine, where I cannot call my own attribute constructor with named parameters...

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.net - Inheriting A VB Class In C# And Overriding Constructors That Take Optional Parameters?

Jan 12, 2010

Most of our code base is in VB.NET. I'm developing a project in C# that uses a lot of the assemblies from the VB.NET code.There are three relevant classes in VB.NET:


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Sql Server - Optional SQL Parameters For Binary File UPSERT

Sep 16, 2010

I'm using a stored procedure to updateinsert data into a table using MERGE. One of the items being inserted is a VarBinary file. Now if I wish to add a new file it's just a case of using ReadAllBytes as below, to remove the file I pass DBNull. Now what if other fields are being updated but the file is not being changed? I want the field to remain untouched unless I'm replacing the file or deleting it as above. I cannot add the file via the parameter again as it may only exist in the database, unless I read it first and write it back which seems pointless. [Code]

View 1 Replies - Building A Valid SQL Query With Optional Parameters For Search Function?

Oct 20, 2011

I have a search function de build.We are using pure ASP.NET w VB.NET We have multiple DropDownLists and we're building a search query with whatever was selected in those DDLs. My question is, how can I handle the blank values (unselected dropdownlist values) with the SQL Query ? I'm using AND operators in the query so if anything is blank it'll fail the search. If the dropdownlist has no selected value, i don't want the value to be part of the search. It would be easy to code with just 2-3 parameters, but we're looking thru at least 10 items and doing a SWITCH CASE or multiple IFs would soon become mayhem.

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DB/Reporting :: Using Parameters With Multiple SQL Statements?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a connection to a MS SQL database, which I understand is capable of handling multiple SQL statements in one Execution, ie

Using cmdExe As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
sSQL = "Delete * from mytable where UniqueID=123;Insert into mytable (UniqueID, Field) values (123, 'something')"
cmdExe.CommandText = strSingleSQLLine
End Using

will delete from "mytable" and insert a new record all at once. This is great, but I want to expand upon that to use parameters because using string concatenation in my SQL queries is a bad idea. Now my question is this. If I add a parameter which is used in multiple SQL statements, do I have to add the parameter VALUE twice to the command object? ie, will the following code work?

Using cmdExe As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
sSQL = "Delete * from mytable where UniqueID=@uniqueID;Insert into mytable (UniqueID, Field) values (@uniqueID, 'something')"
cmdExe.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uniqueID", 123)


There are two questions here actually...can I add the parameters before setting the command text, and do I have to add the same parameter over and over again?

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Vb6 Declaring Functions - Error - "optional Parameters Must Specify A Default Value"

Oct 19, 2011

I just got upgraded from VB6.0 to VB2010. I'm trying to move some of my program functions over and I'm getting an error on the ones where I use optional... Public Function GetFolder(ByRef FTT As String, Optional InitFile As String)

I get the error at the end of the line, after the close par...the error is "optional parameters must specify a default value".

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Program That Will Generate A Pattern Using Do While / If Else Statements / Do Until Statements

Oct 11, 2009

Can someone give me a site to a tutorial that will help me write a program that will generate a pattern using do while, if else statements,and do until statements. I have been using google but I can't find anything. I need to generate patterns a certain size 6 by 6 or similar such as something like a checkerboard but where the ^ symbols is there a suppose to be a blank space..

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Optional Date Value In One Of My Sub - Handle The Default Value For An Optional Date?

Mar 6, 2010

I am trying to have an optional Date value in one of my sub but since you cant set Date to nothing, this doesn't work. And i cant set it to the Date.minvalue inline.

Private Sub abc (ByVal A As String, Optional ByVal B As Date = Nothing)
End Sub

So, i went and set it to some date in the past.

Private Sub abc (ByVal A As String, Optional ByVal B As Date = #1/1/2001#)
End Sub

what would be the proper way to handle the default value for an optional Date?

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If Statements Inside If Statements?

Mar 14, 2012

I am trying to figure out how to do this:

if (phrase = hello) then
"say hello"
if (phrase = how are you?) then


So basically, I want it to work like a timeline. If I say hello, then it will respond and move onto the next if statement. Get it?

Here is the code I have now:

If phrase.Result.Text = "hello" Then

synth.Speak("Hello to you too")

If phrase.Result.Text.Contains("How are you") Then


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C# - Search For Names In The Database That Matches Whole Parameters Or Any Part Of Parameters

May 13, 2011

I'm writing a query to select all records that has any part of parameter. I have one table called Employees. Some people have name like this: John David Clark If the parameter is


I should be able to get result back as long as there's a match in the parameters. If I use Function Contains (q.FirstName & " " & q.LastName).Contains(employeeName), I will not get any result back if employeeName is "John Clark" Function Contains looks only for next words from left to right. It doesn't match a single word at a time. So that's why I used this in the Linq to SQL:


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Error [07002] The # Binded Parameters < The # Of Parameters Makers

Aug 30, 2010

I am getting error [07002] the # binded parameters < the # of parameters makers, i checked both parameters were perfect even though i am getting this error here is my code


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C# - Difference With Parameters.Add And Parameters.AddWithValue?

Feb 6, 2012

Basically Commands has Parameters and parameters has functions like Add, AddWithValue, and etc. In all tutorials i've seen, i usually noticed that they are using Add instead of AddWithValue.


since it saves my coding time. So which is better to use? Which is safe to use? Does it improves performance?

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Get The GET Parameters And POST Parameters In Just One Function?

Aug 6, 2011

is there a way to get the GET parameters and POST parameters in just one function or Collection in ASP.NET? Like using $_REQUEST in PHP? I'm using VB.NET.

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Convert Optional Into C#?

Jun 26, 2012

I'm trying to convert come code into C# from another programmers old work but came across optional in one of the functions.[code]...

It seems like instead of using overloading, VB.Net has an option to create it into one method/function. Does C# have a similar equilvalent or do I have to create a method for each possbility?

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Using Optional Third Party DLL?

Dec 21, 2009

I have a third party dll that contain a class, SampleClass1

Public Class SampleClass1
Public SomeValue As Double
Public Function Test() As Double


My intention is if the dll is found, use it. Else ignore it. However, if the dll is not found, the program throw an Invalid OperationException.

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.net - Optional Where Clause In Query?

Jan 27, 2010

I have an application that does a search of our database (exposed via EF) for records meeting certain conditions. We have two main tables (Jobs and Recipients). Recipients are linked to the Jobs table by a Job ID.The job record has various fields (Process Date, NameJobType). The recipient has a lot of Name and ID fields (e.g. Account Number, Surname, etc)

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Adding New Optional Node On XML?

Oct 15, 2009

I currently have this XML schema :


if user want to add a new option, the final schema will be :


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Isnothing(foo) And Optional Args?

Mar 30, 2012

I'm looking at an old module to add some new features. I noticed this in a subroutine declaration:sub foo(...,optional fum as integer = 0)the later if not isnothing(fum) then <do something>I'm wondering, will <do something> ever be executed? I'm guessing not, since fum has a default value, but I want to be sure I'm getting this correctly.

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Optional Structures As Arguments?

Mar 16, 2011

It says that I can't have structures as optional arguments.That's really annoying for my program. Isn't there any way to circumvent this?

Sub fa(Optional ByVal colz As System.Drawing.Color = Color.AliceBlue)
End Sub

This example cannot compile

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Optional Where Clause In Query

Apr 25, 2012

I have an application that does a search of our database (exposed via EF) for records meeting certain conditions. We have two main tables (Jobs and Recipients). Recipients are linked to the Jobs table by a Job ID.The job record has various fields (Process Date, Name, JobType). The recipient has a lot of Name and ID fields (e.g. Account Number, Surname, etc)I want to present a search screen where they see a list of fields to search on. The code then sees which textboxes the user typed in (or selected), and builds a query based on that. [code] Where I'm stuck is figuring out how to add in additional where clauses. Should I just use Entity SQL?Can this return strongly typed EF objects as well? And is it possible to return both the Jobs and Recipients objects?

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