Kill Multiple Processes By Clicking Button?

Dec 2, 2008

I do computer repair for my local store and I have been noticing a ton of computers coming in with a fake antispyware program called antivirus 2008. I am trying to make a program that by clicking a button I can end the processes it loads. For now I just need to kill these processes.[code]...Kill Multiple Processes By Clicking Button?

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.net - Kill Several Processes In VB?

Apr 11, 2012

I currently have the following up in VS 2010

Dim myProcess() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("calc")
For Each myKill As Process In myProcess

However I cannot seem to get it to kill more than one process. Example I've tried


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Kill 3 Different Processes In One Shot?

Feb 5, 2012

I have a snippet how to kill multiple instances of one proccess

Dim pProcess() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad")
For Each p As Process In pProcess

If i want to kill multiple instances of "notepad","excel" and "word" how the code should look?

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Kill All Non Essential Processes?

Oct 14, 2010

I made an application that helps facilitate malware removal by running a bunch of different CLI scanners at once; among other things.

The app was made to run in normal and safe mode. The problem, is that since it has been made to run in normal mode, it essentially becomes useless if the malware has installed a rootkit that kills executables as they open or if they've messed with the exe file association in the registry.

So, to get my app to run, I thought to do 2 things.

First, change the file association of my app to either .com, scr, or .pif so that it can still launch but won't be affected by messed up reg keys or identified by the rootkit.

But, I still need to worry about that rootkit for the other apps.

So I thought to just kill all non essential processes.

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

I thought of two different ways:

I could either have a pre-compiled list of system processes that need to stay running or when looping through the processes, I can identify each by a specific property, like company name or something else.

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Kill All Processes In A ListBox?

Jul 3, 2011

I'm trying to create a small productivity program to keep myself focused when programming; specifically, to close any processes that might distract me from doing my job.What is the easiest way to kill all processes listed in a listBox? I already know how to add the processes to my listBox with this code: [code]This adds the processes to the listBox very neatly and all, exactly how I want it. I have a timer that gets enabled with the press of a button that should close all processes in the listBox.

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Kill Processes Off Of ListBox

Apr 10, 2010

Wazzup everyone I'm trying to make a program that manages my processes. I'm having trouble killing processes off of a listbox. I know how to kill a process just not off of a listbox because it returns in the following format:

Here's what I've tried so far.
Killp = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString
Dim pProcess() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(Killp)
For Each p As Process In pProcess
DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to kill this process?" &
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 - Kill Processes By Window Title Not By EXE Name?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a snippet below how to kill multiple instances of different processes by the name of exe file
For Each processName As String In {"notepad", "word", "excel"}
Dim pProcess() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(processName)
For Each p As Process In pProcess
But if user will change the name of exe file it will not work. So the question is how to kill them by window title which contains {"notepad", "word", "excel"}?

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Select Multiple Files When Clicking On The FileUpload Browse Button In ASP.Net?

Apr 13, 2012

I want to be able to select multiple files when I click browse on the FileUpload browse button. I have it now to where I can choose one file and add it as a list using a jquery but would I would like is to select multiple files to be added when I click open. Is there a simple way of doing this and is there maybe some kind of javascript that might be able to handle this event?

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Chrome.exe Is Running Then Kill All Chrome Processes?

Oct 20, 2010

here is what I'm trying to do (partly in pseudo code):

Public Sub KillProcess(ByRef strProcessToKill As String)
Dim proc() As Process = Process.GetProcesses
For i As Integer = 0 To proc.GetUpperBound(0)
If proc(i).ProcessName = strProcessToKill Then
End If


The killprocess part works fine. However, if I try a "For Each App As Process In Process.GetProcessesByName("chrome"") approach and have several chrome windows open then it will display the question 5 times if there are 5 chrome processes open.

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Clicking The [X] Closes But Clicking Exit Button Does Not?

Jul 11, 2011

When the user clicks the Exit button it closes the forms and if there was an open file it asks the user is they would like to save. But after the application closes there is still memory being held in Processes by the application. However, when pressing the [X] in the top of the form the application closes again but in this instance it is not held in Processes. How do I write the close for Exit to take into account how the [X] works and close the application cleanly?

Friend Sub CloseAllForms()

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Multiple Processes With Same Name?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a need to search for a specific process in task manager and attach (dock) my application to the window for that process. I have this working just fine. The problem I'm having is that sometimes this process may be running more than once (for example: running two Internet Explorers would put two iexplore.exe entries in Task Manager).

Is there a way to get the one that was opened first? I'm not sure how they get "sorted" in the Process list, but currently I am retrieving the first occurrence of the process and docking to it, but I'm finding that it isn't always the correct one. How can I make it always dock to the process entry that was opened first?


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Monitoring Que With Multiple Processes

May 21, 2010

We recently have one problem started where we have two processes monitor the same queue, but the diff b/w both is, one does the PEEK only and the other process it as soon as the message arrives (event driven). Do you think that pointing these 2 processes to the same que cause any problems OR are there something special sync things we need to do?

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.net - Open A File From Multiple Processes?

Oct 6, 2010

Basically, I'm trying to get a program to behave in the following way:First instance of the program opens up on PC1, opens a file for Read/Write access and then acts as the master program, doing a bunch of work on some other files I don't want a whole bunch of users accessing at once.Second instance of the program starts up, tries to open the file for Read/Write access, fails, enters Slave mode, opens the file for Read access, and periodically reads the status of the other files from this file.

That's the plan, anyway. If anyone can suggest a better way to handle the master/slave decision-making.Anyway, as a lead-up to implementation, I've got two instances of Visual Studio open. One is running a project called "GetFile", the other is running a project called "TryGetFile"."GetFile" has a Private myStream As IO.FileStream object and opens the test file using this line:

myStream = IO.File.Open("\[network path] est.txt", IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, IO.FileShare.ReadWrite)

This works fine and, as far as I can tell, should leave this file accessible for further Read/Write access by any other process, which is fine for this stage of the testing."TryGetFile" also has a Private myStream As IO.FileStream object, but it attempts the following open code:

myStream = IO.File.Open("\[network path] est.txt", IO.FileMode.Open,
IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read)

This doesn't work at all. I get an IOException, which reports that test.txt is opened by another process and I'm not allowed to play with it.Basically, I don't see what the problem is; I don't think "TryGetFile" is asking for any file access which "GetFile" forbids it from having. As far as I can see, "GetFile" shouldn't be forbidding any kind of access at all...


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Proper Way To Launch Multiple Processes/

Jul 12, 2010

I have a quenstion to discus: I'm using Process.Start() and somettimes it's not worked properly. I meanin start application instantly or with random delays, even with hang's. So, as i wrote in title, there is a some proper way to launch another aplication?

I'm trying to write a some sort of launcher for user specific application based on createble profiles. In each profile user can set a file name (*.exe) with must be launched one or several times.[code]....

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VS 2010 Check Multiple Processes?

Oct 16, 2011

how to check if one process is running but how do i check multiple processes running in the same check


Dim check As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("Steam")
If check.Length > 0 Then
For Each process As Process In check


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Running Different Processes In Multiple Threads Without Overlapping

Jan 13, 2012

I have a sub-procedure which I want to run a different process, depending on what is currently running. I thought the easiest way to do this was by using an ArrayList of each of the campaign details & adding an 'Inuse' field to check to see if the Inuse field is set to 0 or 1. The problem that I have is that when running the process it is all happening at once & the integer hasn't been changed before the next thread kicks in so my threads are running the same campaigns. I tried to avoid the problem by adding a Thread.Sleep(100) delay inbetween starting threads but this led to exactly the same problem.

Here's an example of what I am trying to do:
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Private Campaigns As New ArrayList
Private ProcessRunning As Boolean = False
Friend StopProcess As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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Difference In User Clicking The Button OR Calling The Button Click Event Inside The Code?

Aug 23, 2009

I believe there wont be any diff if user clicks the button on the form and the click event is fired OR if we call the button click event / function in the code. Because in one my project, this does make diff. If I click the button on the form, the App works great but same button if I click it thru the form code, the whole process crashes. This happens in Vista /

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Display All Open Excel Workbooks In A Listbox Multiple Processes?

Jan 5, 2012

I would like to display all open workbooks in a listbox.The problem being that there may be a number of Excel Processes running.[code]...

View 7 Replies - Trigger Asp:button's Click Event By Clicking Another Asp:button

Mar 6, 2012

i have two asp:buttons.. say button1 and button2, what i would like to do is fire button2's click event when I click button1.. is there a way to trigger click event on an asp:button through code behind? please help, newbie here.

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VS 2008 Call Another Button By Just Clicking On One Button?

Oct 30, 2009

How can i call another button by just clicking on one button?

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Allow Enter Button Also To Be Used Rather Than ONLY Clicking 'OK' Button?

Nov 5, 2009

I have a message box pop up if a practice doesnt exist in my application. However, the user MUST select 'OK' on the message box to accept the message. When you use enter button on the keyboard it doesnt work.Is there anyway I can allow enter button also to be used rather than ONLY clicking 'OK' button.

If saved_prac = "" Then
MsgBox("This Practice doesn't exist", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "GCPM")
End If

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Clicking A Button Twice?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm having problems with a button.I want my button to Show something on the first click.. Then, when the user is ready, another click of that button will life that something that was shown.

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How To Get The Same Value Without Clicking The Button

Oct 6, 2011

2 textbox in the Form (textbox1.text, textbox2.text)

Once user entered the value in the textbox1 means automatically textbox1 value should appear in the textbox2 without clicking the buttons.

In which event i have to write a code instead of button clicking event.

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.net - Clicking The Button That Is Picture?

May 19, 2011

I am making program that will login to a site, then rate something (Bot), so on login there is no button, but picture and i used this:

For Each logn As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
If logn.OuterHtml.Contains("/images/login_button.png") Then


Its picture like the first button, but i can't click it with same function... Site is [URL]

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Add A Value To Textbox By Clicking A Button?

Oct 31, 2010

I'm brand spanking new and trying to learn on my own but am doing a horrible job. It seems I can follow basic tutorial instructions and do them correctly but not learn how to do things on my own.

Anyway, I'm trying to do simple stuff first like have a textbox and a button that I click that adds 1 to the value in the textbox and makes the textbox output that value but I can't get it to work for the life of me. I know it's probably something really easy but yeah, I just can't figure it out after scouring the net now for about 45 minutes.[code]...

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Clicking A Button In Browser

May 25, 2012

How can i click button in : [URL] the button that creates an account, tried almost everything :S also the button does not seem to have an ID

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Clicking A Button In Browser?

Jan 24, 2012

How can i click button the button that creates an account, tried almost everything :Salso the button does not seem to have an ID

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Clicking A Button In WebBrowser?

Sep 11, 2010

I figured this would be simple, but I can't seem to figure it out. I can't make WebBrowser click the button I want without any errors involved.


I'm trying to make the program click on the "Join" button on that website, and with the code above it does click on the join button, but it seems to ignore any type of javascript involved with the button, therefore giving some type of website error. Is there a better way to click that button so it won't produce any website errors?

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Clicking A Button On A WebPage?

Jan 22, 2011

I've been trying to automate clicking of a few buttons in a website but although i have achieved success in most of the web pages but on one such page i haven't been able to click it.I've been using this syntax to click:

Dim ele As Object
For Each ele In WebBrowser1.document.getElementsByTagName("input")
If ele.Value = "Attack!" Then ele.Click:


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Clicking A Radio Button?

Aug 3, 2010

I've come across this page, and I'm trying to click the radio button of the webbrowser. Here's the HTML source:

<div align="left" style="padding:2px;">
<input type="radio" name="choicepick" value="ABA">A
<div align="left" style="padding:2px;">
<input type="radio" name="choicepick" value="ABB">B

I've tried: Webbrowser1.document.getelementbyID("choicepick").setattribute("value","ABA")to click the 'A' radio button but it's not working.

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