Know When Laptop Lid Is Closed?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a laptop with windows 7 and I am trying to make a program for it. I want it to do is after a certain time of day when I close the lid of my laptop it will make it go to sleep. But at every other time of the day I want it to stay awake when I close the lid.

I have been looking all over the internet and i don't understand what people are saying.

If anyone can tell me a way of knowing when my laptops lid is closed in that would be fantastic.

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.net - DataReader Not Closed When Connection Is Closed, Consequences?

May 31, 2011

for example i have this code :

Sub Month()
Dim Conn As New Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection
Dim Cmd As New Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand
With Cmd


What will happen to the datareader when the Connection is closed ( Conn.close)

Will the Cursor that is used by the datareader be freed ? or will it stay open ?

If the cursor that is used by the datareader is still open , when will it be automatically closed ? or should i just closed it manually ?

Will it cause the dreaded "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" ?

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Made A .NET Program On Laptop?

Mar 2, 2010

I have made a VB.NET program on my laptop. It works just fine on the laptop. But when I install it on another computer it wont open (when I click on program it wont open form). I think I had this problem once before, but cant remember what I did to make it work. Its Win XP on the machine that wont open program and Win Vista on the one that it works on.

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OleDbException On Laptop But Not Desktop?

Jan 20, 2009

I have a laptop with Vista Ultimate and no Office Suite Installed. I have a Desktop with XP Pro SP2 with Office 07 installed. Beloiw is my code and I get an updateable error on comand.executenonquery.

Dim connection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=C:\agentinfo.mdb")
Dim sql As String = String.Empty


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Activating The In Built Web Camera On A Laptop?

Oct 25, 2011

I want to activate the built-in web camera on a laptop for my application using .NET

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Build A Radar Connected To Laptop

Feb 20, 2009

I'd like to build a radar connected to my laptop. I know there are computer programs that will allow me to do that, but as far as I know they require the radar to be operated via a built-in computer, but I want my laptop to act as its computer. How do I do this?

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Change Screen Orientation On Laptop?

Dec 29, 2009

How can I change screen orientation on (XP) laptop by VB.NET Code?

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Checking Laptop Battery Life By .NET?

Apr 27, 2012

In my VB.Net project with framework 2.0, i need to get the current buttery life of laptop or notebook by coding.

It is possible to get the current battery status information?

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Differentiate Laptop And Desktop Screen

May 19, 2011

I created an application in I have a user control having datagridview and some other controls. Grid rows is not fixed and so size is calculated dynamically so that grid do not have scroll bars . when I run my application on different desktops it works perfectly. But when I open the application on laptop for same resolution it shows the scroll bar. Do I need to write different code for laptop and desktop for user control size or any property which need to be set to check it. one more thing Grid is set dock and user control is also set as dock in a panel So I do not wrote about anchor property.

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IDE :: How To Know Current Power Level Of Laptop

Jun 11, 2009

How to get the current power level of my laptop and if my charger is connected to my laptop. I want to make an application which tells me to put in the charger if my power level is under 40%, cause it has happened way to many times to me that my computer is shutting down when I etc. watch a movie or is programming. I'm using a HP DV9850EO.

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IDE :: User In To A Network From A Laptop Connecting By VPN?

Apr 18, 2007

In a batch file that logs a user in to a network from a laptop connecting by VPN, the command window displays both the user's login name and the password. Is there some way I can prevent the password from being displayed? How do you hide characters in a command window?

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VS 2005 Moving Project To Laptop?

Nov 20, 2009

I developed a project that uses Access 2003 db on my Vista 32 bit desktop. I recently bought a Vista 64 bit laptop and upgraded it to Windows 7.I installed Visual Studio on my laptop and Office 2003.I copied the project from my desktop to my laptop using the exact same paths. When I try to build the project on my laptop I get this error:"Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store"So, I tried creating a simple project using an Access 2003 DB and when I try to run it I get this error:"MicroSoft.JET.OLEDB.40" Not registered on this machine".I went to the "windowsSysWOW64" folder and ran "regsvr32 msjetoledb40.dll"and it ran successfully, but it didn't solve the problem.If I use the Server Explorer in the IDE, it displays the data.

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VS 2010 Detecting Laptop Lid Close

Nov 16, 2011

I've been searching this for quite a while now, but I've come up with very little so far. I need to figure out how to determine when a laptop lid has been closed so an execute an action when this occurs. But the power settings will be setup to where the laptop does not go into sleep or hibernate mode.

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Application Crashes At Run Laptop, But Works On Netbook?

Jul 2, 2010

I seem to have a problem with an application i made. I hope you can help me with this as it has puzzled me for awhile now.


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Communications :: IR Task - Sending Keystrokes On Laptop

Sep 11, 2011

I need to send keystrokes using my InfraRed port on my laptop. As simple as a TV remote control. -being able to send numbers: 1 .. 2 .. and left right etc ... How to access the IrDA port?

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Detect Laptop Lid State Close And Open

Dec 28, 2006

I was investigating on Google wether there was any sort of code that would return the current state of a laptop's 'lid'. I need to be able to find the state of the lid and be able to execute code before the defined event in Windows Power Management is executed.I have come across ExCreateCallback and stuff on MSDN however I wouldn't have the faintest on how to implement it into VB.

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Installing Company Application In Colleague's Laptop?

Feb 15, 2011

I had developed a windows forms application for my company. It is working fine in our company. The database of that application is maintained in a separate server. I had direct connection to that database through sql connection in my application.Now one of our colleague wants that application to be installed in his laptop so that he can work on it when he is at home. How will I do that? The application will get installed but the problem is that the data won't get saved (as he won't be connected

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Know What The Port Number Is For A USB Plug Pluged Into My Laptop?

Jul 10, 2010

I want to send On and Off Signals to a USB Cord Connected to my Laptop.Universal Serial Bus, right? In my IDE, I have put a SerialPort Object onto my form. But I don't know how to detect or how to find out at what port number the USB 2.0 Cord is connected to? I wanna start working with Motors and Stepper Mototos with VB.NET. But I fear I am not smart enough to mess with it. I have done many different things with VB.NET, I wans to start messing with Serial Ports, and Serial Communication. It Says COM1, a USB Cord Connected to my laptop is not a COM1.

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Sending Data From Handy To Laptop Via Bluetooth?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a project to read the data from Window Mobile phone 6.5. I want to send the data from handy to laptop via bluetooth. I try out to find samples but it rarely hard to find.

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Sharing Data Between Server And Moving Laptop

Sep 2, 2010

I have a PC with sql server 2005 express, my application works with it great, is it possible to install another copy of my application to a laptop that will move around and wont have access to the data all the time. trying to find something like SQLCE has(RDA)so it can see the data make changes and when it returns it submits all the changes. Is this possible and how can it be done.

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VS 2008 - How To Control Camera Using Wireless From Laptop

Apr 20, 2011

I have 1 computer (have usb camera) and 1 laptop ( have How I can control that camera using wireless from my laptop to other computer using

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VS 2008 Detect When A Laptop Is Docked Undocked

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a way to detect when a laptop is docked or undocked? I know how to get the "dock" status of a laptop using GetCurrentHwProfile. So is there some type of event raised when a laptop gets docked/undocked that we can catch? I did do something similar in the past for the detection of USB devices using a ManagementEventWatcher ...

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[2008] Programmatically Turn On/off The Backlight On Laptop?

Feb 10, 2009

1st. I want to programatically turn on/off the backlight on my laptop. I believe it can be done with the user32.dll, but I can't find the exact code.

2nd I want to programatically turn on/off my WiFi adaptor, just to interupt my internet connection for a few seconds.

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Using A Hp Touchsmart Tm2 Laptop With A Built-in Validity VFS-301 Fingerprint Reader?

Aug 19, 2010

I am using a Hp Touchsmart Tm2 laptop with a built-in Validity VFS-301 fingerprint reader. I would like to know if there is any way to incorporate fingerprint security directly into my VB 2010 program.

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Visual Express Does Not Seem To Recognize Microsoft Chart 2.0 On Laptop

May 10, 2010

I'm using Microsoft chart 2.0 in one of my university projects.At home im using visual basic express 2008 on Windows Vista (32bit) and everything works fine. However I have to demo my project in the university next week.I was going to use my laptop for the demo, which runs on Windows 7 (64bit).I changed the compile settings to 64bit however Visual Express does not seem to recognize Microsoft Chart 2.0 on the laptop. I tried adding the dll file but still no luck.

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VS 2008 - Project - Saved It On A Flash Drive - Use From The Laptop

May 12, 2011

I have a project I wrote a while ago and saved it on a flash drive. I now have a laptop and wish to save it, and use from the laptop. How do I do that ?

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Controlling Output To A TV Display While Control Panel Is On Laptop Screen?

May 21, 2011

I have a program written in VB.Net with Visual Studio 2008. I have one window form to display on a laptop that controls the information seen/sent on another form that is to be continually displayed on an output from the laptop to a TV, Projector or Monitor. Or I would like to accomplish this:

Computer/laptop - Has window form 1 that controls the program TV/Ouput - Has window form 2 that shows updated data on the screen for people to see I do not want people to see the control form that is on the laptop.Is their a way to assign a form to use an output to other screen only?

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Integrate Laptop Keyboard In Visual Basic And Can Be Read In Other Applications?

Apr 10, 2011

Public Class Form1


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Use To Send And Retreve Files From An External Harddrive Through Older Laptop?

Jul 7, 2009

I am currently working on a program that only I can use to send and retreve files from an external harddrive through my older laptop. But I have only just started and need help with the login form. I want my password and user on labels placed on form 2 and need form 1 to retreive them then I click the login button, however I want form1 to close if the user or password are incorrect. How could I go about placing an if then statment for if correct then it opens a new window if wrong then end program. Heres my login code so far.

Private Sub Login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Login.Click
If User.Text = "*********" And Pass.Text = "*******" Then


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Winforms - Form Controls Shift Position When Solution Opened On Laptop?

Mar 8, 2009

I developed a VB Winforms application in VS2010 Pro on my Win7 x64 desktop computer. I also have VS2010 loaded on my Win7 x64 laptop and when I open the same solution the application's form controls are shifted out of alignment and appear slightly stretched horizontally. The VS IDE settings are identical on both computers. Any idea why the solution looks perfect in the IDE when on my desktop, but when opened in the IDE on my laptop, all the controls shift out of alignment horizontally

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