List(of Rectangle), Rectangle.offset(x,y) Doesn't Work?

Jul 26, 2010

i've got a little problem with List(on T) variables.


It works perfectly fine. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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Game Programming :: Rectangle.intersectswith Doesn't Work?

Jul 23, 2008

I'm trying to find out when the ball strikes the paddle. So what I did was made two rectangles, one around the ball and one around the paddle.


The problem is, the ball goes right through the paddle!!!! Shouldn't the ball deflect off the paddle and move in a new direction depending on angle? Why does the ball go right through the paddle?

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TextRenderer.DrawText Rectangle Area Offset For BorderStyles

Dec 5, 2010

Drawing text on a picbox I notice if the picbox has a border style set then the TextRenderer.DrawText rectangle area needs to be adjusted slightly otherwise text may be drawn very near the picbox borders and the text doesn't look as clean, but I'm not sure what those offsets should be, I hard coded them in, see code under "' area to draw". btw, the code draws the first word of text in bold and then the other words as regular. 'One button, One picture box needed.


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Identify Subtriangle Within A Rectangle Given A Coordinate In That Rectangle?

Feb 22, 2010

Given a rectangle of width w and height h. and a coordinate x,y in that rectangle I would like to identify which triangle I am within.

i.e. the function should take parameters(x,y) and return a,b,c,d or a zero based number representing that triangle index i.e. (0=A,1=B,2=C,3=D) if they are in that order.

I think this would be something like >= the formula of the red line and >= the formula of the green line?

I'd like to implement this in VB.NET

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Draw Rectangle Divided To Four Rectangle?

Dec 3, 2011

This code is to draw rectangle. How can I draw rectangle divided to four rectangle or more

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Coral, 50, 200, 30, 40)

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Drawing Rectangle Inside Another Rectangle?

Jul 26, 2009

I'M creating a kind of photo viewer, and I cannot figure out how to orient the scroll buttons with the photos I want to draw because they all are different sizes.This is really hard to explain so please ask questions if you don't understand.I'M thinking if i could draw every photo on a single rectangle and then the scroll bars will position that rectangle up or down. but is there a way to make a rectangle inside another one so it only shows inside that rectangle?

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Accessing A Rectangle's Value?

Apr 14, 2011

myObject.rect.X = 100

myObject has a property called rect (which is a Rectangle). During runtime I will want to chage the X position of such rectangle, but I am given this error:

Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment.

Then, how am I supposed to change such values?

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Moving Rectangle In VB?

Feb 1, 2010

It is my understanding and experience that VB.NET does not perform well with moving graphics from point A to point B in a form. How do I draw a rectangle or a line and move it from point A to point B? Is there a reliable way to do this without seeing a black rectangle around the moving object on every frame? I've tried this with bitmaps before but it doesn't work. I see the frame rendering and it's way to slow. Perhaps there is an animation Control or library?

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Take Screen Of Rectangle?

Jul 21, 2009

How to take screen of rectangle I know how 2 take screen shot but I can't make it screen shot at coordinates 100, 100, 120,120. [cod]...

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Add A New Floating Rectangle With An Image?

Mar 16, 2012

i want to add a new floating rectangle with an image inside it to my form when i click on a button control and then use a timer control to move it in a straight line across the Form. the problems I'm having are:

1) Drawing and filling the RectangleF on the screen.

2) Animating/moving it from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2

3) Triggering the Drawing and movement with a Button Control

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Assigning A Rectangle To This Constructor?

Oct 15, 2010

Im having trouble with assigning a Rectangle to this constructor

fTrainAdmin = New TrainAdmin( )

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C# - Move A Rectangle Around A Canvas?

Sep 4, 2010

I have a canvas in the middle of my application with controls around it. I have a socket that recieves Points and saves them in a list.

I draw small 4x4 rectangles on the canvas for the number of points in my list.. say theres 4 points.. theres 4 rectangles.

I want to be able to move the rectangles when the points change with code.
is this possible without storyboards or any 'animation' class?

I have tried:

'Dim nr As Rectangle = New Rectangle() With {.Width = 4, .Height = 4, .Name = "r" & P.Name, .Fill = Brushes.Red}


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Change Cursor As Rectangle Box?

Aug 5, 2009

i want to change the cursor style i change from properties of form but there is only limited availability want to change it like square box or rectangular. i have image when i place the picture on picture box the cursor will change to box?

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Click Rectangle In WebBrowser?

Aug 8, 2010

In java, if you've ever scripted java, there is a class called "Rectangle" in which will click in the specified Rectangle. Well in a WebBrowser, is it possible to click a certain Rectangle? (Only in the webbrowser), or a certain point

So navigate, wait for DocumentLoad, then click in rectangle?

View 8 Replies

Create Rectangle By Percentage?

Aug 25, 2011

I am attempting to draw and fill a rectangle using percentages passed through the text properties of 4 textboxes. I am attempting to do this in VB 2008. For example:

textbox1, 15%, green
textbox2, 35%, blue
textbox3, 40%, red
textbox4, 10%, orange

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Draw A Rectangle Around A Textbox?

May 17, 2011

is this possible to draw a red rectangle about a text box? How?

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Draw A Rectangle In A Cell?

Oct 3, 2010

I have a datagridview in my application. and I have created a function for searching different words in datagridview. When the functionfind the word in one cell of datagridview, the cell is selected, but I want to draw a red rectangle in the selected cell when I found the searched value.

I have made my application in visual basic.

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Draw A Rectangle In A PictureBox?

Oct 5, 2009

I am trying to draw a rectangle in a PictureBox (100 x 50)

Using gr As System.Drawing.Graphics = Picbox.CreateGraphics
Dim rect As New System.Drawing.Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 30)
gr.DrawRectangle(Drawing.Pens.Blue, rect)
End Using

From looking at the examples in my book, I "think" it should work, but alas, tis not working - nothing is drawn.

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Draw A Rectangle In Class?

Apr 29, 2009

Public Class Form1
Private opsets As New List(Of OpSet)
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
opsets.Add(New OpSet(Me, 100, 300))


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Draw Rectangle In A Circle?

Mar 12, 2011

User launches the application, enters width of circle, then enters width and height of rectangle and presses the button. Then app draws the circle with rectangle inside of it (if it fits). App should output the coordinates x1;y1 , x1;y2 , x2;y1 , x2;y2 (corners of rectangle) somewhere on form and would be great if it could post those coordinates on x and y axes (optional).

View 23 Replies

Draw Rectangle In Picturebox?

Oct 30, 2011

How can i draw a rectangle in picturebox using coordinate(X , Y) and size of rectangle from textbox?

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Draw Rectangle Outside Of Form?

Jun 6, 2011

Draw rectangle outside of form?[url]...

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Drawing A Rectangle Around The Panel?

Apr 24, 2010

I have used this code to draw an rectangle around the panel


Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.PaintWith Panel1 e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, .Left - 1, .Top - 1, .Width + 1, .Height + 1) End WithEnd Sub

but when the form is resized the rectangle isnt drawn properly.The panel has Left,R,T,B anchor.

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DrawString Within Bounds Of Rectangle?

May 2, 2011

I have this code where I'm wanting to draw text inside a defined rectangle and if it's too wide I want it to be slit onto multiple lines and if it's too tall, I was it to only paint what it can which right now it's not cutting it off it continues on below the bottom border.Here's my

Dim NotesRect As New RectangleF(mMargins.Left + LeftIndent, m_PagePositionSingle, mMargins.Right, mMargins.Bottom)
e.Graphics.DrawString(NotesString, m_ItemFont, Brushes.Black, NotesRect, New


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GDI+Rendering Rounded Rectangle?

Feb 16, 2011

Working on some UI stuff, but I am having a problem drawing 'Top rounded' rectangles when the two top corners are rounded. I have methods to draw all four corners rounded and bottom rounded rectangles and they render fine.

I have attempted the graphics methods in CreateTopRoundedRect() in a variety of different orders, drawing the other corner first, the bottom line first, the bottom line before the left line, etc. In this function you can see a diagonal line splitting the shape. If you were to switch the bottom and left lines only half of the shape would be filled.


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How To Draw A Rectangle In All Direction

Sep 28, 2009

i've found this code on the web that allow me to draw a rectangle and keep the Image inside this. But there is a way to make draw this rectangle in all the direction and not only from left to right and top to bottom?

Public Class frmSS
Private Declare Auto Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32.dll" ( _
ByVal hdcDest As IntPtr, _


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How To Move Rectangle In Program

May 14, 2011

I am raw hand. I want a simple function, when I press a button, I change a Rectangle position and size. so the code is:


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How To Move Rectangle Using Key Event

Jul 10, 2009

I am doing windows application in, now I want to move the rectangle using key event.

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Label Which Looks Like A Rectangle To Flash?

Feb 20, 2011

I have been programming for about 1 year now... and I'm only 14 but currently I'm making a game in visual basic.In this game on I want a Label which looks like a rectangle to flash.

Private Sub Start_Click
gamestart = True
Timer1.Enabled = True
Timer2.Enabled = True
Start.Visible = False
Next1.Visible = True
End Sub

timer1 is the stopwatch.and i want timer2 to make the label which looks like a rectangle to appear every 5 seconds..

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ListView Selection Rectangle In .NET?

Jun 25, 2009

How can I temporarily disable listview selection rectangle, so when someone clicks the listview and holds the button down & moves the mouse, the rectangle is not shown? And how do I enable it again after that? (VB.NET)

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