Listbox And Changing Items?

Mar 4, 2010

I am looking for a way (or an event) that works whenever I add or remove an item from a listbox. I was looking through the events and will give the textchanged event a try, but was hoping for something like a collectionchanged or itemschanged event?

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Listbox Items Colour - Two Types Of Items Populating In A Listbox (checked Listbox)

Apr 28, 2009

I am using VB.NET (version 2008). I have two types of items populating in a listbox (checked listbox). For example: lets say one is type "A" and other is "Type B". Their names maybe same so if the user sees those items in listbox then he won;t be able to determine their type until he click on them and checks out its properties. I wanted that I add each item to listbox and colour them so that blue for example means type "A" is there and red means the other. So this way I will be able to know at a glance that how many item of what type is present. I guess it may not be possible to do that in a standard checkedlistbox. I am also using component factory's krypton controls which enhance the gui of an application. But I dunno if I can progress using that.

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Listbox Remove Parts Of Items Containing And Blank Items?

Mar 27, 2012

So I want it to remove any text in the list box that has a "Job" in it and just replace it with a blank nothing.

Like if the listbox looked like this


then it would change it to this


I also would like a way of removing any blank items from the listbox.


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.net - Clear Listbox Items Except For Searched Items?

Jan 2, 2010

I am using the below code to find all the items in a listbox using 2005. But how can remove the non searched items from the listbox after searching?


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Remove Items From ListBox A Based On Items In B?

Nov 5, 2011

I am trying to remove items from a listbox based on the items on another listbox, this seems simple but apparently[code]...

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VS 2008 Move All Items From Listbox To Another Listbox?

Sep 25, 2011

probs a simple answer but my mind is blank atm. I have this code to move all items from listbox3 to listbox1 but it wont move them unless i select 1, then it moves all items.


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C# - Changing Repeater DataSource When There Are No Items?

Apr 19, 2009

I want to place a image with the text "NO IMAGE" in my Repeater when there is no image.What changes must i make in order to achieve this? I want my Repeater datasource to point to an image inside my IMAGE folder in my root directory.


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Changing Items In Listview From Another Window?

Feb 19, 2010

How do i change the values inside a listview after inputing some values from another window. The window with the list view doesn't close. There is a button where you can open another window that will store a value in a variable. then after closing the 2nd window, (ok button) how will the value appear?

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VS 2008 Changing Combo Items On The Fly?

Oct 18, 2011

I have two combo boxes. box1 and box2 both on same form. Depending on what is selected in box1 will determin the items in box2. I would like box2 to change in real time (not pressing a button!)

Whats the best way to do this? use a timer on the form with lots of if else (or case) statments?

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Directory Items TO Listbox Items?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm making an application that does some stuff involving the given subject, so this is very crucial to the completion and efficiency of my application.What I'm in need of today is simple (well, "seems" simple). I have one listbox that I want to populate with directories file's names. I don't mean the files inside the directories, but the names of the folders inside the directory.So, I have "c:empdog", I'd click on my button or whatever and search for the directory and I choose "temp", said listbox would show "dog".

UPDATE: Oh, BTW. It doesn't HAVE to be a listbox, it can be anything (IE: Textbox, Labels, Etc.).

View 7 Replies - Listbox.SelectedIndex Is Not Changing After Some Asp Property Changes?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a form with a dropdownbox two listboxes and two buttons on it. I removed a "select" button as I just used the DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged, but the event would not fire until I used the suggestion from:Why DropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire?

It involved changing the AutoPostBack='true' and EnableViewState="true" properties

So now the DropDownList works but with the two listboxes, the SelectedIndex stays as -1 and does not change even when selected.


I think it has something to do with post backs, page_load or the selectedindex changed event of the listbox, it worked perfectly before I made the modifications.

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Changing Items Shown In Explorer Combobox Of File Dialogs?

Jan 13, 2010

In my dialog I want to prevent the user to browse freely in certain places (this is due to the fact that my application will be running in a terminal server environment). So I want to to limit the items that will be visible in the top combobox of the server. I want it to start with "My Computer" instead of the usual "Desktop". Furthermore I only want to add mapped network drives under "My Computer" so that the user won't be able to see any local resources.With Spy++ I have been looking around at what happens when a FileDialog starts.

So far I have found that for each item in the combobox CB_SETITEMDATA and CB_INSERTSTRING methods are executed. By using a hook to the combobox I am able to intercept these messages, but sofar I am unable to determine the exact contents of what is inserted, so I am unable to determine wether it is the "Desktop" item or not.I have also discovered that the "My Computer" node is only added at the moment that the combobox is expanded. So I would need a way to get a handle to "My Computer" and insert an item for it manually

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Changing Menu Strip Items From Open File Dialog1

Aug 31, 2009

I am making a program that is in need of labels changing and showing depending on what the user clicks on a file Dialog.

Everything works fine except for that when I change the labels, it uses the entire file path, and I ONLY want the file name. How would I be able to get JUST the file name?


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Display Listbox Items With Multi-extended To Display Items In Label?

Apr 5, 2011

my homework question is to display the selected items from a listbox (multi-extended) in a label. I need to display all the selected names in a label. the simplest most uncluttered way of doing this. This is what I've got but it doesn't work.


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VS 2005 Check Grid Items If Checked ListBox Items Checked?

Aug 21, 2009

Why is this code having the opposite effect? If It's checked in the checkedlistbox it's not check in my view, if it's not check in my checkedlistbox it is checked in the grid.

EDIT: More specifically. The CheckState.Checked is always the opposite. .Checked means it's not checked.

Private Sub CheckedListBox1_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles CheckedListBox1.ItemCheck


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Changing A Label Value Based On Selection In A Listbox?

Dec 11, 2009

Just wondering if someone can at least point out where I'm going wrong here. I've already got the code to populate the listbox by a button click from the user and am just trying to figure out how exactly to alter the text of a label based on what the user selects in the listbox. From what I have the Label will display the case else selection but nothing else despite my best efforts to get it to change. Here is what I've tried. I realize it is very trivial, but I am only a beginner to programming.


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Changing TextBox Text Based On Selected Value In Listbox?

Oct 12, 2011

When a SelectedIndex in a ListBox is changed I would like a textbox below the listbox that gives a description to be populated with the value from a description field in SQL.I have the following code so far, but I get an error that says "Must declare the scalar variable "@ReportName"


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Should Changing The Parent Of A Listbox Change The Selected Index

Mar 22, 2012

You wouldn't think so, but it does when the listbox is bound to a datasource (as far as I can see).

I've reduced the behaviour to the code below. The "if" line toggles between loading a list via data binding and loading a list "manually" (both use the same data table). In each case I set the selected index afterwards, and then change the parent form. With manual loading, the selected index is retained, with binding it is lost. I cannot see how this makes any sense - I don't see why changing the host form should alter any property of the list. Is this a bug?

Public Class Form1
Sub main() Handles Me.Load
Dim ListControl1 As ListBox = New ListBox


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Stop Arrow Keys From Changing Selection In ListBox?

Oct 16, 2011

How can the Arrow keys be stoped from changing the selection in a ListBox? Hendri Bissolati

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Globalization - Changing Forms Language - Doesn't Apply To Items Inside Group Box?

May 8, 2010

I have a windows form I want to show in two languages. When the user clicks a language button it switches to the other language.

It works fine, when you click it all the labels change to the other language.

Only problem is labels inside a group box do not change.


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.net - Windows.Forms.Listbox Selected Item Font Size Is Changing?

Jan 4, 2011

I have inherited from a Windows.Forms.Listbox so I could override the OnPaint and OnDrawItem methods in an effort to highlight specific items and alternate backcolors. I am also skipping some DrawItem events to prevent flickering.Everything is working fine, however when I select items in the listbox, it looks like the font is shrinking or becoming more compressed.Then when I mouse leave, the font goes back to its normal size and appearance but the same items are still selected (which is correct). During debugging the font never changes nor do any of its properties, but it does end up looking different when the item is selected and the mousedown event just happened.

Public Sub New(ByVal relativityHighlightColor As System.Drawing.Color)
_relativityHighlightColor = relativityHighlightColor
Me.SetStyle( _
System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or


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Add Items For The Listbox ?

Sep 16, 2009

I'm trying to add items for the listbox.


lstNewstudents.Items.Add(astudent.Studentname & " " & astudent.StudentId & " " & astudent.StudentAddress & " " & astudent.StudentCity)
& astudent.studentstate & " " astudent.studentzip & " " astudent.studentphone & " " astudent.studentemail & " " astudent.studentmajor

But I get a syntax error for an &, I also am trying to add items to to combo box(all the U.S. states), but none are showing in the list when I run the program.

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Add All Items In One Listbox To Other?

Nov 16, 2009

I have a botton name ADD ALL which i want to use to add all students to ther other listbox at once and the process them for admission but my code is not working for me and i am stucked.[code]...

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Add ListBox Items In WPF?

Sep 1, 2011

How do I add items to a listbox control by using < ListBox.ItemTemplate> ?[code]..

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How To Add Items Into Listbox

Aug 24, 2011

i have a listbox in form1. i am adding contents into the database in form2. i want to update the listbox in form1 with the newly added items in form2. i am using n microsoft sql server.

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Listbox Items Only Once?

Feb 12, 2012

I have a project with a listbox and the listbox contains several items. I want the listbox to contain items only once. Any item must be unique and shown only once.

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Trying To Add Items To ListBox

Jun 12, 2011

I'm trying to add a number to a listbox that a user enters into a textbox. The program crashes when I press the button.
Public Class Form1
Dim numbers() As Integer
Dim numNumbers As Integer = 0
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
[Code] .....

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Add All Items From Listbox Into Another Listbox

Nov 21, 2009

i have a list of items in a listbox and i want to move all of them into another listbox. I'm using a loop to do this but it always generates an exception anytime the loop's counter equals 2. Currently there are only three items in the former listbox. The first and last items are moved correctly except the second.[code]

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How To Do Listbox Items To Listbox

Oct 9, 2010

i want to have 2 listbox. the first listbox is for the Main category and the other one is for the sub category. and by using sql 2005 for the database.

for example my main category for the 1st listbox is

and when i click one of the main categories it will output the sub categories to the 2nd listbox.

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Add All Items From Listbox Into A Database

Nov 14, 2009

i want to add all items from my listbox into a database. the first item has to go into the first row of the table followed by the second item into the second row followed by the thir in that order. I have already created the connection with the database. I now want to write an insert query to insert the items into the table with the sql command in a loop but i don't know how to get each item from the listbox and add it to the insert statement. I want to assume that non of the items in the listbox has been selected.[code]

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