Listbox Column Data From 2 Values [Access 2003]

Jan 14, 2010

I would like a listbox which use 2 fields for 1 Column, how do i insert this in a query?


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Importing Csv Data/values To Access Database 2003 Using .net 2008?

Jun 8, 2012

im a newbie in and i am using 2008 express edition,,i am creating a project which is importing csv data in my database,

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2003 : Manually Increment A Data Column?

May 14, 2009

What i am doing is trying to manually increment a data column with a range of my choice. Say i have a range from 1 - 10. Now with my update query i want to update a column with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 UPDATE TABLE SET Type = [min_range] to [max_range] WHERE Po = 'A' AND Loc = 'F'; WHERE Po = 'A' AND Loc = 'F' will return 10 records but i want type to be 1 - 10 for those records couple of days trying to get this work and i am using VB 2008 .NET.

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Pass Different Values From A Listbox To A Certain DatagridView Column?

Aug 27, 2009

Rather using a DatagridView Column ComboBox i need in this phase of my project, to use a listbox outside the datagridview ,o pass values from listbox to the datagridview. I do not want these Values to be default in that, column of DGV but when adding new rows i want to pass different values,always form listbox to the DGV..

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Adding Data To An Access 2003 Database

Nov 11, 2011

I have a Visual Basic 2008 Windows form application that processes some scores and data. I want to export the data to an Access database. I have created the Access database and connected it to the VB program.I am looking for a simple set of commands or sample code to add records to the database. Perhaps I am oversimplifying the problem, but it seems like it should be so much easier than it has proven to be. I only want to export the data in code; the user should never see the database or do anything to it while the program is running.

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Add, Delete, Save Data From VB2008 To MS Access 2003?

Jun 21, 2010

I'mvery new to VB2008 and have basically no idea regarding much of coding. I have attached a copy of my form. Basically, I have a db named "employee.mdb" with table "Employee". It has 3 fields Name, Dept and Designation. I want to connect my db with the form and want the following functions (when the respective buttons are clicked)Add: Add a new record to the db and save it without overwriting an existing record.Delete: Delete the selected record from the dbSave: Save all details<<: Move to the previous record>>: Move to the next record. I hope I have explained myself clearly

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Delete A Data Table In Access 2003 Database?

Dec 17, 2009

I am using vb2008 express to work an Access 2003 database. I want to use code to delete the table after I have used it and before I close the program. Is there any code to accomplishg this?

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Pass Data Between Access 2003 And 2008 Program?

Oct 30, 2009

Is it possible to pass data between a MODULE in Access and a VB2008 app?

To be more specific, suppose a VB app calls a MODULE in a access DB and the job of the module is to count the number of records that have "Joe" in a column. I know this can be done with a SELECT within the bindingsource BUT in some instances, it is much faster to pass the task to Access and return the result.

So - can an Access MODULE RETURN a value back to a VB app?

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Error When Coding To Add In Data To The Ms Access 2003 Database In Vb2005

Jul 16, 2009

i have encountered this error Variable 'dsNewRow' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime when i click on the button to insert data into my ms access database.


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VS 2010 Export Data From SQL Server 2005 To Ms Access 2003?

Apr 26, 2012

I have some code that retrieves some data from multiple tables.This works fine.Now I want the data I retrieved to ADD to an excisting table in an Access 2003 DB.

How can I achieve this.I searched this forum and google...without succes :-(

The code I use to retrieve the data from sql server 2005: Dim connection As New SqlConnection(strConnectionStringSQL)


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Populate A Listbox Collection From An Access Database Column?

Oct 24, 2010

I would like to populat the Listbox collection from a column from a Access database I already created the name of the collection as collections. I can autocomplete/Suggest a Textbox with no issues.[code]

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Store All The Values In Listbox To The Access Database?

Apr 1, 2010

The following is the code i used to get the value from textbox to listbox and store all the listbox values to the access database at the runtime.In the database, i have only one field called num which is been set as a multivalue field using the lookupwizard. But actually what happens is ,no error is occurred,but the value is not updated in the batabase.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim conn As OleDbConnection[code]...

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Listbox In Form That Gets Its Values From A Data Table By Data Binding

Jul 31, 2010

I have a listbox in my form that gets its values from a data table by data binding. My question is, when the data (row) is loaded it also selects the first line automatically. I do not want this because I want the listbox to select an item only when the user clicks on it. Otherwise, the iteme should ony be listed. Is there a way to manage this?

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How to Fill THat Values In Sql Column Sql Data Type Is Integer

Mar 27, 2011

I want Too Know how Can i Fill THat values in the sql Column my Sql Data type is Integer Can i fill any SIGN Valuse like (122,123)(123+123)(321-123)(485;456)(301>908) in these Values Can i use any one in sql column and the column data type is Integer.

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Calculate A Column Values Based On Other Column Values In Datagridview?

Jun 3, 2011

am trying to calculate the values in rows in column 6 based on values of column 5. Bellow is the the code I am using I get a run time error about the string not formatted properly


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VS 2008 Getting The Selected Values Of A Listbox That Is Data-bound?

Sep 25, 2009

Im having a problem getting the selected values of a listbox that is data-bound..
Do Until CType(Ctrl, ListBox).SelectedIndices.Count = 0
For Each Index In CType(Ctrl, ListBox).SelectedIndices


The error message says... "Operator '&' is not defined for type 'DataRowView' and string " "." And the only way I can get it to work is to pull out the & operator and change that line of code to this.
TableData.Miscellaneous += CType(Ctrl, ListBox).SelectedValue & " " 'Errors HERE


The SelectedItem text shows up in the controls current state while debugging, correctly.. but after I finish the execution it shows up as "System.Data.DataRowView"?

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VS 2010 Add Values Of Raw Data In Column 2 And 3 And Input Answer In Column5 In Datagridview?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm using visual basic 2010 and i am able to import the raw data from excel and into my datagirdview but i am unable to get the code to add the values of raw data in column 2 and 3 and show the answer in column 5. Do i need to loop it?

The entire project is in the attachment take a look at it.

This is the entire code i have now:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.IO
Imports System


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Display Data From Database Into Textbox That Matches Listbox Values?

Jun 6, 2011

Suppose der is one database name Customer which have columns like Cust_ID,Cust_Name,Cust_Mob,Cust_Address And on Form der are one list box which contains all Cust_Id from database and 4 textbox so when user click on the listbox having id as 1 it should display name, mob and address of cust_id 1 in 4 textbox respectively?

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Adding Values Of A Column In A Data-bound Datagridview And Placing Results In A Textbox?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a datagridview that is populated from an Oracle 11g DB. What I would like to do is add the values of a column together and display the results in a textbox. What would be the easiest way to do this?

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Add Data To A Access Datatable Column?

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to add data to a access datatable column I am using a richttextbox to fill in any data but when i save it to a column in a database and if there are more chars then 255 then i get an error (try to enter more then column lenght) anything under 255 is working fine the column in access = type of 'MEMO' so no limited to 255 it's the hystory to send that is giving me the problem

Dim history_to_send As String
Dim day_to_send As Date
Dim ID_to_send As Integer


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VB - MS Office Access, Storing Info Temporarily In A ListBox, And Then In Access Database, After Selecting Line In ListBox

Oct 29, 2010

Ok, so I`ve been studying a bit of VB lately.. bought a few books and read lot`s of articles and seen hours of instructional videos, and I slightly start to get the hang of a few things.. :) I`ve recently started a fun little project, but I seem to lack a bit of knowledge to reach my goal. I`ll first try to describe my project:


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Adding A Column To An Access Data Table Through VB?

Nov 22, 2011

I have already binded a data source from Access to my visual basic program but need to add a True/False column to two of the tables. I could do this manually in access and re-bind the sources but that would take up too much of my time so I wanted to know if I'm using the proper code to add a column to the data table directly from VB? Here is the code I want to try but I don't know where to place it?

OleDbCommand = OleDbCommand("ALTER TABLE tableName ADD
FieldName DataType");
(something).Connection = OleDbConnection;


I'm not sure what goes into the "something" parenthesis and where this code must go. I already tried editting through the data designer but although it shows the column in the DataGridView, it does not save any data or the column into the actual access file.

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Access - Store Different Data Values?

Apr 22, 2010

I don't know if I can have several same forms to do the manager jobs, ACTUALLY THE STORE VALUES ARE DIFFERENT(those forms can have the independant data values to store into the forms), like if I can have the datagridviews to store the different values? SO,MY QUESTION IS if I can have several same forms(FROM ONE SAME FORM), and can store different data values into the forms with & access, OR I HAVE TO CREATE SEVERAL SAME FORMS.


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Add Data From Ms Access Table To Listbox?

Jul 12, 2009

i m doing project making dictionary so if a enter a letter in textbox example 'a' then the word which starts from a will me display on listbox?

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Display MS Access Data In Listbox?

Jul 9, 2011

I need to populate a listbox with my MS Access data (database consists 1 column). [code]...

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Populate Listbox With Access .mdb Data?

Jun 10, 2011

My Access database has one column named 'Term' and the Table name is 'ATG'. I require to populate my listbox with data in the 'Term' columns. I'm unable to do that using this code. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this (it displays numbers from 1 to 10 and not the database data)

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim dbConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim dbCommand As OleDbCommand


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How To Access Data Of Selected Row If Column Type Is Check Box

Feb 15, 2012

I am using VS 2008, and VB coding.Using Grid View, How can I access the data of the selected row if the column type is check box?The following line is working fine with text, date, number,lbltest.Text = GridViewRVs.SelectedRow.Cells(7).Text but the problem is that I need to access a checkbox..

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Integrate Access 2003 With Access 2007 Without Having To Make Changes In Either?

Jan 27, 2010

I have multiple copies of Access dbs running varous projects on diverse workstation all over the country. Some new additions to the team have only Access 2007. Is there a way that I can use both versions without having to re-do any VBA, macros, scripts, etc.?

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Populate Data Into Listbox From Access Database?

Sep 2, 2010

I need to populate data (Patient ID and name) from a MS Access Database table (PetientInfo) into a listbox depending on date (Datetimepicker). The listbox item will change upon date changed.

When I select a item from listbox the details of the patient will show to the textboxes.

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Connect To An Access Database And Fill A Combox With Data Of A Column?

Dec 25, 2009

how i can connect to an access database and fill a combox with data of a column?

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