Listviewitem And Columnheaders In Tile View?

Oct 26, 2009

Is it possible to show only the first 2 columnheaders in tile view of a listviewitem instead of all the definied columnheaders?

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Switching List View From Tile To Details

Jun 12, 2011

Having an issue switching a listview from Tile to Details View with groups. When the list view has groups and the Default View is Tile, when changing the view to Details the first Group is not shown. Its under the column header. I jerry rigged it with creating a global variable to store the tile size and when switching to details view setting the tile size to a new size of 1,1. When switching back to Tile View setting the Tile Size to the Global Tile Size Stored.


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Get Place A Tile On Mouse Click And Allign It To A 50x50 Tile Grid?

Aug 22, 2010

im am making a vb 2010 tile egine and i was wondering how to get place a tile on mouse click and allign it to a 50x50 tile grid, and wonder how i can sav this to a .txt file from a array of thew tiles and question ask.

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Get DataGridView ColumnHeaders Values Without Scrolling The Whole Grid

Feb 6, 2012

I generate a DataGridView using the result of a query. The query generates a LOT of columns (more than 75). Obviously the DataGridView does not show all of them. I wrote a small procedure that extracts data from the DataGridView and generates an Excel file ora .csv file.


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OwnerDrawing The Listview ColumnHeaders To 2003/2007 Office Look-and-feel?

Mar 4, 2009

Anyone who could provide me a direction to start with?

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[2005] OwnerDrawing The Listview ColumnHeaders To 2003/2007 Office Look-and-feel?

Mar 3, 2009

Anyone who could provide me a direction to start with?

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2D Tile Animation Layer On A Map?

Mar 28, 2010

(non-coding request)Okay, I have my client, my server, and my map editor...a 2d online game, and yes it's written in VB.NET.I have had a lot of trouble finding anything to do with adding an animation layer something that will flash with a timer to appear as if something like fire is animated. I have a lot done so far and I kinda want to stick with VB.NET working with this.

I'm not really looking for code here, but maybe an idea of "how" an animation layer plays into a map editor and client...specifically what is needed.Running this through my head I believe I am going to need a timer on both the map editor and client, showing and hiding the animation layer...but I don't think it is that easy, and am hoping someone here has an idea of the logic of how this works. I'm almost certain that the timer doesn't go on the server to control this, but am probably wrong.

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Determine What Tile The Mouse Is On

Feb 28, 2011

I Making A Tile Map but i ran into a problem.How can i determine what tile the mouse is on?Here is some code of my project:

Private Sub GameMap_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles GameMap.MouseMove
mousex = e.X
mousey = e.Y


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Bitmap Manipulation In A Tile Game?

Apr 21, 2009

Essentially I have a half text/half graphical tile game that has a level designer. I have several sets of tiles, all of which are bunched together in one file. I'd like to read a certain 32x32 square of said bitmap, and display only that portion on specified area of the screen. I know GDI+ enough to get the display going, so I just need help with reading the specified portion of the image from the bitmap.

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Get Closest Tile To Player On Screen?

Mar 17, 2012

I've managed to implement a formula that helps me to get the closest tile's distance that meets my requirements. The only thing is, I can't retrieve the actual tile for some reason... Tiles are named "Items" also. Here is my code:


It puts green squiggly lines under ClosestItem and gives me the error: "Warning 2 Variable 'ClosestItem' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime."

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Made A Tile Map And Draw Character To It?

Feb 12, 2011

I Made a Tile Map And draw my character to it. All is well except gdi is slow. The map is 100,100. Can I draw my character over the map without redrawing the whole map each time? That Should make thing much smoother. Private Sub Face_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint


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Menu Tile On Click Color?

Aug 21, 2011

would like to know if anyone knows how to change, the back color of the menu tile when we click on them.

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Tile Based Colision Detection?

Sep 14, 2009

I am slowly getting my little RPG going - My issue now is working out how to allow the player to walk over sometiles and not other. The tiles for now are painted to the form by the use of a Select Case i.e:

Case "1"
Draw Grass
Case "2"
Draw Wall

I would like to know how to set it up - the tile can be passable or not i.e:


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Background Image In PictureBox With Tile Effect?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a picturebox and I have a image with a blue and red square. When I click a button it puts that image into the picturebox as background image. The background image property is set to tile. But when I click on my form to draw the image to it, it just draws the original not the one that has the tile effect from the picturebox. Is there a way i can do this to keep the tile effect?

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Display Tile Of Web Page When Opened In Web Browser

Oct 17, 2010

I'm trying to display the tile of a web page when opened in the web browser on my for I'm using the code Me.text = browserwindow.documenttile..But this just displays the title from the previous file even though I run this after loading the new file

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Forms :: Manually Do Tile Horizontal/Vertical

Apr 13, 2011

I have a program which contains a mdi form and child forms. Due to some reason the mdi form layout functionality does not work if a form is hidden and shown. This is a bug in the UI control suit which I am using.

I would like to implement Cascade,Tile horizontal & vertical myself. I wrote the logic for cascade but can I get code or function for the other two.

Would be glad if anyone can give me code/logic/function so that I can do Tile horizontal & Tile vertical manually.

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Game Programming :: Collision Detection For Tile RPG

Feb 25, 2012

I'm trying ot make a top down rpg, or pokemon like game, but I can't find any proper tutorials for collision detection. I have found one, but when I did it it doesn't seem to work properly, and I get errors everytime I go to the edge of the form. What I can do to make good collision detection for walls?

HTML Code:
Public Class Form1
Public Level1 As New clsLevel()
Public Dude As New clsSprite(Level1)
Dim CanWalk As Boolean = True
[Code] ......

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IENumerable And Tiles - Store The Information Of Each Tile?

Feb 1, 2010

While trying to find an answer to my question, I came across a project called OTSe, which allows people to make they're own online 2d online games. The system is based on an open X, Y, Z square tile map. For the sake of easy understanding, lets say they're are 3 types of tiles. Tiles you CANNOT walk on, tiles you CAN walk on, and tiles that SLOW YOU'RE CHARACTER DOWN.The project team has created a API class for users to work with in order to develop tools. What I'm trying to do, using they're classes, is GET the all the tiles on the current floor I am walking on, and then display them in a tile grid on my form, changing they're color depending on what type of tile they are. If the tile is NOT WALKABLE, make the tile gray, if the tile IS WALKABLE, make the tile brown, and if the tile SLOWS YOU DOWN, make the tile red. I also need it to store the information of each tile, since tiles are objects, and have properties.


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Interface And Graphics :: Best Way To Make A 'tile Selector' Box?

Jan 16, 2011

So now I will try to make something more complex, still playing around with this graphics thing.I want a picturebox to display a tileset (a bunch of 32x32 tiles normally used for creating game levels etc), the picturebox is inside a container (which has autoscroll ON). The picturebox is larger than the container, so the container will make scrollbars automatically.Now, I need to be able to choose a tile or multiple tiles (if I click & drag the mouse)Basically I want to draw a 32x32 "red" box over each selected tile (so the user knows what tiles are selected).So first of all, I need to know when the mouse clicks the picture. Good. It works.Now, I need to know which 32x32 tile was clicked. Well, I think I can calculate that just fine.BUT, what if the user drags the mouse while clicking on a tile? I want to support multiple tiles selected, but I am clueless about tracking what tiles were chosen.If we solve that problem, I would have another curiosity: You know the "red boxes" that tell you which tiles are selected? What would happen if I dragged the scroll bar? I need the redboxes to move along with the picture, and hide if they go to an invisible area.

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Owner Drawing Listview In Tile Mode?

Oct 4, 2011

I am trying to owner drawing a list view in Tile View Mode. I am creating Items and add them in the ListView_DrawItem Event, but ListView_DrawSubItem is not firing.

I have been searching internet regarding this issue but I could not found anything relevant, the only thing I found was to call the DrawSubItem method.

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Set As Desktop Background (Fill / Center And Tile)?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm using this code to set a picture as the desktop background:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Private Shared Sub SetDesktopWallpaper(ByVal fileName As String)
[Code] .....
It works well, except the wallpaper is always centered. How can I have the ability to choose Fill, tile or center with separate buttons?

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Tile Game: Converting Pixels To X/y Coords

May 5, 2009

So now I'm working on the map editor for my game. The map itself displays 32x32 pixels out from the upper and left bounds of the form. Each tile is also 32x32. So then i have two labels which display the corresponding coordinates divided by 32, this way it would show you x: 7, Y: 8, or whatever. The issue is that the map will be like 15x10, and when moving the mouse to the 15th row/column, it shows 15, but then moving to the 14th row, still shows 15. The rest of it works fine. Here is the code.

Private Sub FrmDesign_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove
If e.X < (subZone.Width * 32) + 32 And e.X > ((subZone.Width * 32) -


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Drawing From - User To Be Able To Select Any Tile, And Read Data From It?

Jan 30, 2010

Say I have a tile map, example:


And we know that the total X and Y coordinates of the map is (6, 4), with the numbers 1 and 2 representing different tiles at specific coordinates.I have already retrieved the X and Y coordinate for each tile, now all I want to do is duplicate(clone) the entire map. After I clone it, I want the user to be able to select any tile, and read data from it.

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Game Programming :: Mario Like Jump In Tile Engine

Jan 24, 2012

I have a very basic tiling engine that was made from a YouTube tutorial for making an top down RPG style game and I am trying to adapt it to a platformer game. The code is fairly simple but not being a physics guy I am looking for adding a Mario style jump to the program. I know there will most likely need to be some additional variables added to it such as gravity and velocity. That said I am not sure where to get started, below is the meet and potatoes so to speak of the program.

Dim ResWidth As Integer = 750
Dim ResHeight As Integer = 550
Dim TileSize As Integer = 32
[Code] ......

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VS 2008 Resize And Tile Image As Form Background?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm making a tileset creator and everything is working fine so far except previewing a tile. The way it works now is it gets the image from a picturebox and calls the following code when scrolling the mousewheel. It functions fine but there is a border appearing between the tiles and I can't figure out why. The source image is 32x32 in size. Most likely it is the graphics class not measuring in pixels or something.

Public Sub ResizePreview(ByVal dSize As Drawing.Size)
Dim bm As New Bitmap(TileImage.Image)
Dim pTile As New Bitmap(dSize.Width, dSize.Height,


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How To Clone Listviewitem

May 3, 2012

on cloning a selected listviewitem from listview1 when a button is clicked to listview2. How do I achieve this? Here is the code I have but does not work exactly how I want it, it just makes a clone of all the listviewitems in listview1.

foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items)

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Create A Tile Map That's Interactive With Mouse Clicks And Rollover Event?

Feb 1, 2010

Is there a way to create a tile map that allows a user to click a tile on the map and have an event happen? Better yet, can this be done in a web application?

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Handle The Back Key From ConnectionSettingstask Called Directly From A Secondary Tile

Mar 8, 2012

i have a small wp7 application with just a main page. The main page has 4 buttons and calls the ConnectionSettingstask for wifi, bluetooth, airplanemode and cellular data setting. I have also managed to create secondary tiles for any of these buttons. The OnNavigateTo event handles the secondary tiles using a key passed from the tile [code]The problem ia that when the user uses the secondary tile to call a task, the application opens directly the connection settings page, but after that the back key, instead of opening the phone main menu, open the main page of my application

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Add Listviewitem In Thread & Class

Aug 30, 2011

I want to start a thread, which handles a class.That class should add a listviewitem into a listview on the main form.[code]No idea why that doesn't work.I really need threading, cause it would block the program.These codes are examples, the real one is with loops & stuff, so that blocks the program.

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Adding ListViewItem To Another Listview?

May 2, 2012

Trying to figure out how to take a selected listviewitem and when a button is clicked add it to another listview.

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