Drawing From - User To Be Able To Select Any Tile, And Read Data From It?

Jan 30, 2010

Say I have a tile map, example:


And we know that the total X and Y coordinates of the map is (6, 4), with the numbers 1 and 2 representing different tiles at specific coordinates.I have already retrieved the X and Y coordinate for each tile, now all I want to do is duplicate(clone) the entire map. After I clone it, I want the user to be able to select any tile, and read data from it.

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Owner Drawing Listview In Tile Mode?

Oct 4, 2011

I am trying to owner drawing a list view in Tile View Mode. I am creating Items and add them in the ListView_DrawItem Event, but ListView_DrawSubItem is not firing.

I have been searching internet regarding this issue but I could not found anything relevant, the only thing I found was to call the DrawSubItem method.

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Get Place A Tile On Mouse Click And Allign It To A 50x50 Tile Grid?

Aug 22, 2010

im am making a vb 2010 tile egine and i was wondering how to get place a tile on mouse click and allign it to a 50x50 tile grid, and wonder how i can sav this to a .txt file from a array of thew tiles and question ask.

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Sql - Failing To Read Data From An Excel Sheet With Where Clause In Select Statement?

May 4, 2012

I am trying to read data from an excel sheet but there is an exception saying that no value given for one or more required parameters which I don't understand. Here is my code upto where the error is pointing to:

Dim MyConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim DtSet As System.Data.DataSet
Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


The exception points to that last line MyCommand.Fill(DtSet) which shows me that there is a problem with my select statement. Previously my code reads the data and displays it without the where clause in the select but when I added the where statement so that it can only read data from rows where the column I has a value equal to 176, it instead gives an exception that shows that some required parameter is missing a value?

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How To Catch Error If The Data That User Select Not In Database

Oct 23, 2010

How can I catch error if the data that user select not in database?
This is my code.[code...]

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Interface And Graphics :: Lots Of Data To Handle - Locate A Tile In The Map When It Is Clicked?

Jan 31, 2011

My tile-based map editor project. So far, it works really awesome. Here, look at a picture: [URL] And the screenshot is outdated: Now I got the Pencil, Rectangle and FloodFill tools too!, the tilesets are from that popular (well, not so popular) game engine called RPGMaker.

Currently, this is how the map is structured:
One ArrayList represents the X coordinates.
One ArrayList in each X represents the Y coordinates.
One ArrayList in each X,Y represents the tile.
The tile is an ArrayList containing three elements:
The Image name (Tileset01 in the screenshot), the X coordinate in the image, and the Y coordinate in the image. Those coordinates are from the TILESET01 image, not map.

Getting the idea?
How do you locate a tile in the map when it is clicked?
First I get the cursor's position on the map picturebox, then convert it to a multiple of 32 (the tiles are 32x32, yes), divide the position X and Y by 32. The results are the indexes I need to get to the tile I clicked.

That method works just fine for me.

When the map picturebox invalidates and needs painting... When that happens, I iterate through each X and Y arrayList. When I get the arrayList that represents the tile, I use it to draw on the map.

For example:
Iterating X arrayList.... step 8......
Iterating Y arrayList..... step 3.......
Found arrayList with three elemetns: ("Tileset01",32,96)
Draw image on the map picturebox, source is "Tileset01" on rectangle (32,96,32,32)... draw it on map picturebox's point (8 * 32) and (3 * 32)

And so on.

Now you understand how I am working with my map editor, how I am locating clicked tiles, and how I am drawing it. Everything goes fine, except for one problem: At some point, the user might want to make a 500x500 map.

That means, an arrayList with 500 elements representing the X tiles. Then an arrayList with 500 elements for each X tile, representing the Y tiles. Then an arrayList in each X,Y pair.

Then multiply that result by 5, because there will be 5 drawing layers. How am I supposed to handle such huge maps?! My app explodes when I set the map dimensions to 500x500! 500x500 is the max setting allowed in my app. I also know that 500x500 map editors are possible, because I have seen others before. With great performance.

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Select One Box Of A Drawing?

Oct 14, 2009

I have drawn a bunch of squares with GDI+, but what I want to do is when somebody goes over one of the squares, that square changes it's color.

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Sql Server - Winforms Dropdownbox Data Load : Allow The User To Select The State First?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a VB2005 winforms application that will loads city data from my database table. This is to ensure that the user enters the correct city spelling, in order to receive an accurate quote. Currently, there are about 150K cities that are being loaded to the dropdown listbox on page load. It takes about 30-40 seconds for that page to load. My initial thought was to allow the user to select the state first. Then load the city values. But the user has the option of going back and requesting a quote for a different city / state.

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Convert The Read Data Into The Actual User Name?

Apr 4, 2011

on my Bookings program i've got a listbox where i can select the booking date of each room, and then i can see the details "UserID, time start time end etc". When the UserID is read from the database it takes the user id number (which its supposed to) but now i want to take that number, and match it to the actual "User Name" and then display the Name.this is what i've got so far;

Dim BookingDetails As New SqlCommand("SELECT UserID,......(and the rest)

then i execute the reader

Dim drBookingDetails As SqlDataReader = BookingDetails.ExecuteReader

and then i'd want to convert the read data, into the actual user name?

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Security - Textbox On Form - User Inputs Data ( During Runtime ) Data Remains In Textbox For Good And Textbox Becomes Read Only ?

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?

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Javascript - Code Giving The Msgbox If User Select Or Not Select The Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2011

IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT ....My code below will redirect to Google in both conditions: If the user selects the checkbox, then it will redirect to www.google.com, but if a user forgets to check the checkbox then it shows the msg box with an ok button. When I click on ok it should redirect to www.google.com

I want When a user forgets to check any of the checkboxes to show a msgbox with an ok button and stay on the same page. Otherwise if user selects any of the checkboxes then redirect to google


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Search Data From Database With Some Check Box And Text Box When User Select Check Box Specific Function

Dec 15, 2011

My application is like this : i have to search my data from database with some check box and text box when user select check box specific function go on and then when user enters some range of value in textbox then the result will shown in data grid view after that i can print it by selecting data
my vb.net code is as follow:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class XtraForm1


I m also pasting the demo picture.

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VS 2005 Read User Input Using Textbox But It Only Can Read Character And Numbers?

Jan 2, 2010

I know how to read user input using textbox but it only can read character and numbers. Is it possible that I want to read user input equation?


User type A+B
User put range of A and B.
1.25<A< 3.56
2.45<B< 9.87

I failed to read the equation using textbox. Is it there are other ways that can use to read equation input A+B?I am using VS2005 and VB.Net. I really new in this programming using VB.Net.

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Allow User Select The Sign Name From A Combo Box If User Choose?

Jan 18, 2011

Write an application that tests the user�s knowledge of road signs. The application should display a random sign image and ask the user to select the sign name from a Combobox.

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DB Synchronisation Behavior - Can A User Read The Entry While Other User Is Updating That On Exact Same Time

Jul 25, 2011

I have a oracle database. I use the OracleDataAdapter(Oracle.DataAccess.dll) for select, update, insert, delete operations. I don't set any (table) locks on my own(I only start a transaction). I have a oracle table named "test" with the entry "test1".

Now my question: Can Person A read the entry "test1" while Person B is updating/deleting the entry at the exact same time? What happens in the worst case? An old match/empty match or can it cause any kind of exception/error(e.g. "TableLocked-Exception")?

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Drawing With VB - User Must Make A Series Of Figures Such As Rectangles, Text Boxes And Lines

Oct 19, 2011

I'm doing a web application in which the user must make a series of figures such as rectangles, text boxes and lines, Is something like like google docs draw

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Allows A User To Select A Program To Run At A Certain Time For A Specific Amount Of Time All Choosen By The User

Jul 1, 2010

I have a program that allows a user to select a program to run at a certain time for a specific amount of time all choosen by the user. Everything works with the exception of if my program has launched the other program, my program become non-responsive. Meaning I am not able to look at that window again. Not that one really needs too, because when time is up my program closes the program it opened, then closes itself. I just want to be able to see my program when the other program is running. how to do this and perhaps drop me some links, that would be wonderful. This is what I have coded, but like I stated there are no code errors.


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Comm Port Read Hangs When Attempting To Read Data?

Apr 18, 2010

I;m attempting to write code to read several NMEA ports and format the data for archive. When I execute the following code:

Using Commportno As IO.Ports.SerialPort = _
Dim Incoming As String = Commportno.ReadLine()

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C# - Select & Read Date In Dd/mm/yy Format?

May 26, 2011

In earlier vb.net 2008 I used the DateTime to read the date in dd/mm/yy format. I use to change the culture info to UK format. So that the date will be selected from SQL server as in dd/mm/yy format.

But I know it's not good to play with CultureInfo. Even though I used like the following manner.

Sub Form_Load()
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New CultureInfo("en-GB", False)
End Sub

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Use A SELECT Statement To Select All Data?

Apr 2, 2009

I need to use a SELECT statement to select all data under a column name (like all employee names) and then to add the values to a listbox.

I usderstand that the select statement must be:

"SELECT * FROM EmployeeTable WHERE EmployeeNames LIKE *" (at least I think)

but then what? combobox1.fill ("EmployeesTable") ?

View 9 Replies

Drawing Pixels With Me.creategraphics In System.drawing (yay)?

Jun 3, 2012

draw individual pixels, without resorting to drawing a line and setting it's length to 1. Is there an actual ability to draw a pixel that is just 1 pixel big?

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Interface And Graphics :: Drawing Line Chart With Dynamic Data

Apr 13, 2009

I would like to build a line chart which can redraw or change during a period of time with dynamic data. So that the x, y axis will change if out of range. The graph may be somehow similar to Matlab. I am using vs2005.

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HSD 32 Bit Data Bus To Serial Converter Via A Microcontroller - Data Sniffer To Read The Data Bus (32Bit)

Sep 3, 2008

Im working on a HSD 32 bit data bus to serial converter via a microcontroller. Now first I want to make a sort of data sniffer to read the data bus (32Bit) .All on the controller side is working and the stream of bytes are coming in via RS232 as 4 bytes in HEX like FD,A5,45,8B . I already converted the bytes in Dec and ASCII to determine what is passed true the bus and how fast and stuff.. Now that is all correct and working very well if the LSB (least significant bit) of the 32 data bus is Data line 0 and the MSB (most significant bit) is Data line 31 but if that is not the case I need to invert the 32Bits (like as I would invert the connector on the bus) . How do I best do this using the 4 bytes I send from the micro controller.


(MSB) 01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 (LSB)
HEX= 48 65 6C 70
DEC= 72,101,108,112

I need to invert it with a button to:

(MSB) 00001110 00110110 10100110 00010010 (LSB)
HEX= 0E 36 A6 12
DEC= 14,54,166,18
ASCII= (SO) 6 : (DC2)

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2D Tile Animation Layer On A Map?

Mar 28, 2010

(non-coding request)Okay, I have my client, my server, and my map editor...a 2d online game, and yes it's written in VB.NET.I have had a lot of trouble finding anything to do with adding an animation layer something that will flash with a timer to appear as if something like fire is animated. I have a lot done so far and I kinda want to stick with VB.NET working with this.

I'm not really looking for code here, but maybe an idea of "how" an animation layer plays into a map editor and client...specifically what is needed.Running this through my head I believe I am going to need a timer on both the map editor and client, showing and hiding the animation layer...but I don't think it is that easy, and am hoping someone here has an idea of the logic of how this works. I'm almost certain that the timer doesn't go on the server to control this, but am probably wrong.

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Determine What Tile The Mouse Is On

Feb 28, 2011

I Making A Tile Map but i ran into a problem.How can i determine what tile the mouse is on?Here is some code of my project:

Private Sub GameMap_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles GameMap.MouseMove
mousex = e.X
mousey = e.Y


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Allow User To Select More Than One Row?

Mar 20, 2012

In a datagridview, how do i allow user to select more than one row? so if theres 5 rows and user can click on any number of rows and they stay highlighted and if he click on them again it unhighlights them.

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Read Data (read Only) From Excel Files?

May 27, 2011

I want to read data (read only) from excel files

I use this connection string

Con_BarCode = New ADODB.Connection
With Con_BarCode
.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm,


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Read SQL / Update Record - Lock The Detail Table During Select?

Mar 6, 2010

I have a process that is a detail/Master issue. I read (into a dataset) my detail record based on several keys. Then I have to read each master record..check some fields/update some fields and then update that master. Detail is not changed. First.. How do I not lock the detail table during my select?


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Bitmap Manipulation In A Tile Game?

Apr 21, 2009

Essentially I have a half text/half graphical tile game that has a level designer. I have several sets of tiles, all of which are bunched together in one file. I'd like to read a certain 32x32 square of said bitmap, and display only that portion on specified area of the screen. I know GDI+ enough to get the display going, so I just need help with reading the specified portion of the image from the bitmap.

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Get Closest Tile To Player On Screen?

Mar 17, 2012

I've managed to implement a formula that helps me to get the closest tile's distance that meets my requirements. The only thing is, I can't retrieve the actual tile for some reason... Tiles are named "Items" also. Here is my code:


It puts green squiggly lines under ClosestItem and gives me the error: "Warning 2 Variable 'ClosestItem' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime."

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