Convert The Read Data Into The Actual User Name?
Apr 4, 2011
on my Bookings program i've got a listbox where i can select the booking date of each room, and then i can see the details "UserID, time start time end etc". When the UserID is read from the database it takes the user id number (which its supposed to) but now i want to take that number, and match it to the actual "User Name" and then display the Name.this is what i've got so far;
Dim BookingDetails As New SqlCommand("SELECT UserID,......(and the rest)
then i execute the reader
Dim drBookingDetails As SqlDataReader = BookingDetails.ExecuteReader
and then i'd want to convert the read data, into the actual user name?
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Feb 20, 2009
as part of a small encryption program i am making, i am converting the contents of a textbox to hashcode. I used the built in feature for this:.GetHashCode Now once i have the hash code how do i convert it back to regular letters?
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Jan 12, 2011
I have an object with a number of properties (let's say, object.two, object.three). There are about 30 of these properties and they all hold a string ("Pass" or "Fail"). Right now the existing code checks whether the property has value "Pass" or "Fail" and then runs some code that prints stuff out. That is, the same snippet of code is duplicated 30 times, one for each of these properties.
The code looks something like this
If ( = ... )
End if
If (object.two = ... )
End if
If (object.three = ... )
End if
I want to use a loop to clean this mess up (each block is huge), but am not sure how to do it. I was thinking perhaps there was a way such that I might be able to construct a string like "" and run some function that will tell the compiler that this is actually an object's property? That way I could create an array containing the object's name like my array = {"", "object.two", "object.three"} and then do something like, in pseudocode
For each string in my array
If (some_function(string) = ...)
End If
Essentially, it would take those massive blocks of duplicated code and reduce it to just one block. Is there such a some_function that I am looking for? This is in
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Jan 22, 2011
I am reading an XML file and there is some data within the file that I need to do some math functions on and comparisons with.How can I convert some of the read data into a number?Can it be done before I read it meaing can I specify that what's between certain tags is a number?
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Dec 16, 2010
I am working on a file access monitor wrapped up in a VB .Net Class. The ileSystemWatcher is working and my log file shows files when they are accessed. However, I am having trouble returning who or what accessed the files. For example....system services and processes should return something like NT-ATHORITYSYSTEM while a network share being accessed by another computer should return DOMAINUSERNAME and finally a process running in the background via "Switch User" should be returned as DOMAINSOMEOTHERUSER ....anybody have any ideas? I have searched high and low and have found nothing but other people asking the same question and people saying how it is not possible. the Sysinternals Process Monitor is able to output the correct results and its documentation states it was created using NET API however I can not find any references to any such API calls or combination of such. Should I be using something else other than the FileSystemWatcher? My code is below
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Aug 18, 2010
I have a chart control (stacked chart to be more precise) and a datatable that contains 3 columns. I want to bind them into a stacked bar chart. below is what the datatable looks like:
I would have the Resource column as the x-axis, and the value (hours worked) of each Queue as the y-axis (stacked)I've tried just binding normally and I'm getting an error saying that it's the wrong data type.
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Jan 30, 2010
Say I have a tile map, example:
And we know that the total X and Y coordinates of the map is (6, 4), with the numbers 1 and 2 representing different tiles at specific coordinates.I have already retrieved the X and Y coordinate for each tile, now all I want to do is duplicate(clone) the entire map. After I clone it, I want the user to be able to select any tile, and read data from it.
View 11 Replies
Feb 21, 2009
It seems that the autosize columns will only make them bigger. For example, if I have a DGV that fills most of the form and then only three small columns are loaded, there is a whole bunch of darkgrey empty space. Is there any way to snap the side of the DGV to the actual data?
View 8 Replies
Nov 21, 2009
When I move or copy files, I'd like to know how to show the actual progress of the data transfer.Something that I don't understand is how when moving or copying files to detect the actual progress of the data transfer. I always put the moving/copying in a background worker and that does fine, but presently I can only report status based on how many (of the total) files have been moved or copied.I've tried to look at the destination and my thinking was to report the progress based on the bytes there, but that doesn't work because it always sees it as being the complete file's size, even though that makes no sense.In fact, if you copy a file using Windows Explorer, it does the same thing, although obviously it's still transferring.
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Feb 3, 2011
my .net app output data from sql server to a datatable in my app using executreader.for example:one of the column size in sql server varchar(40),actullay the field only contain 2 chars (like: "AB" for example)when it executes into datatable,it display in the column like "AB" <<this chars + white space = actual size of the column,but I want only the size of the data only, which is "AB" when I export it as csv file the field is >> "AB?
View 4 Replies
Jan 8, 2010
Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?
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May 14, 2010
I'm using the following to populate a listbox from a sql server:[code]Is Available returns true (It's a bit in sql) or false - Is it possible to replace this with something shorter, say a checkbox or tick image?Also, is it possible to only display actual data rather than the whole field including empty characters? I have a few nchar(30) fields, the above seems to include all 30 character spaces.
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Oct 6, 2010
I am trying to solve an issue in my application where the following exception is occurring: there is already an open datareader associated with this command which must be closed first. I am using TableAdapters, which maintain their own DataReaders, and everything seems to work fine unless I am interacting with one of my background workers.
In my code, I shadow the Item property of my collections so that I can retrieve the actual data from the database if needed. Here is a sample:
Now each reference to the Item get property instantiates its own DataAdapter, so I am confused as to how the same DataReader will ever be used in this scenario. Is there something I am missing? All the TableAdapters do in fact use the same connection object, but I wouldn't think that would be a problem
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Jan 2, 2010
I know how to read user input using textbox but it only can read character and numbers. Is it possible that I want to read user input equation?
User type A+B
User put range of A and B.
1.25<A< 3.56
2.45<B< 9.87
I failed to read the equation using textbox. Is it there are other ways that can use to read equation input A+B?I am using VS2005 and VB.Net. I really new in this programming using VB.Net.
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Jul 25, 2011
I have a oracle database. I use the OracleDataAdapter(Oracle.DataAccess.dll) for select, update, insert, delete operations. I don't set any (table) locks on my own(I only start a transaction). I have a oracle table named "test" with the entry "test1".
Now my question: Can Person A read the entry "test1" while Person B is updating/deleting the entry at the exact same time? What happens in the worst case? An old match/empty match or can it cause any kind of exception/error(e.g. "TableLocked-Exception")?
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Apr 18, 2010
I;m attempting to write code to read several NMEA ports and format the data for archive. When I execute the following code:
Using Commportno As IO.Ports.SerialPort = _
Dim Incoming As String = Commportno.ReadLine()
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Dec 6, 2011
I recently made a transition to VS2010 from vb6, it's quite a change for me and I'm still learning most of the functionality.I have a project that reads a web server for xml files and saves them into a file directory, works great in vb6, but I haven't a slightest idea how to achieve the same thing in visual studio. I've read a whole bunch of threads on the topic and wrote a few lines of code without any success. For example there is an xml file that resides on the web [URL] how can I take it down and most importantly convert it into json? I've read about but I can't find a single example with syntax.
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Sep 3, 2008
Im working on a HSD 32 bit data bus to serial converter via a microcontroller. Now first I want to make a sort of data sniffer to read the data bus (32Bit) .All on the controller side is working and the stream of bytes are coming in via RS232 as 4 bytes in HEX like FD,A5,45,8B . I already converted the bytes in Dec and ASCII to determine what is passed true the bus and how fast and stuff.. Now that is all correct and working very well if the LSB (least significant bit) of the 32 data bus is Data line 0 and the MSB (most significant bit) is Data line 31 but if that is not the case I need to invert the 32Bits (like as I would invert the connector on the bus) . How do I best do this using the 4 bytes I send from the micro controller.
(MSB) 01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 (LSB)
HEX= 48 65 6C 70
DEC= 72,101,108,112
I need to invert it with a button to:
(MSB) 00001110 00110110 10100110 00010010 (LSB)
HEX= 0E 36 A6 12
DEC= 14,54,166,18
ASCII= (SO) 6 : (DC2)
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Jul 13, 2010
I would like to know what code I should add so it would read then convert the text in a URL to string. I would then use this string for my application to check for updates.The text in the URL is a HTML document that i uploaded and all it has is four or five characters.
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May 27, 2011
I want to read data (read only) from excel files
I use this connection string
Con_BarCode = New ADODB.Connection
With Con_BarCode
.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm,
View 1 Replies
Feb 14, 2011
I have a textbox which is used to enter a number, in the code i need this to be divded by a variable value. I am having trouble converting the textbox text to a numeric value, so the code works fully.
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Jul 25, 2011
I need to read text in a PDF with an application written in What is currently the best way of doing this. I am also open to first convert the PDF to a word document and read that instead
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May 26, 2012
what I'm trying to do is read a text file and convert column2 in to lowercase and save it again.
But I get Value of type 'Integer' cannot be converted to 'System.Globalization.CultureInfo'. after .ToLower?
Dim Convertcolumn = From line In System.IO.File.ReadLines("Path")
Select line.Split(" "c)(1) & line.ToLower(1)
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Jun 22, 2012
I'm trying to read the binary data from a binary file with the code below but the it's return the value in the byte array. How can i read the binary data from the binary file and then convert the data into string?This is how i create the binary file.
Dim fs As New FileStream(Application.StartupPath & "Agency.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter()
Call bf.Serialize(fs, GAgency)[code]....
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May 20, 2010
how to convert a sid string read from a remote registry into a user name (all computers queried like this will be in a domain). I'm using the below piece of code to get the sid strings, which works fine.
Dim ProfileListKey As String = "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList"
Dim Open_Registry As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey =
What has stumped me all day (many, many google searches) is the code necessary to take that sid string and get the logondomainusername.
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Aug 26, 2009
I am designing a fairly small application to manage a waiting area for a clinical department. There will be a receptionist who books appointments and updates exisiting appointments to say that a patient has "Arrived". In seperate rooms will be nurses who call patients who have "Arrived" and update the appointment as "In Session" and finally as "Discharged". The appointments are viewed in a flexgrid with nurses across the top and time down the left, patient names are displayed at the relevant times and the cells are shaded a colour to represent the current appointment status ("Booked", "Arrived", "In Session" and "Discharged").
I am using SQL Server as the back-end and Visual Basic 6 (I know) as my front-end.I have been told that there will be 2 or 3 nurses plus the receptionist logged in to the system but I would like to cater for growth.My question is what is the best mechanism to use in order to reflect the status change made by one user on the screens of the other users currently logged in?
I have been thinking about using a timer to refresh the data at a set interval but I do not want to keep hitting the server excessively (although what is considered excessive? we would be talking about a call for data every 60 secs per user). Plus the server could be serving data for many other applications so this is another consideration.Alternatively I have been thinking about sending some kind of message via Winsock to the other users notifying them of data changes as they happen. I don't have a lot of experience with this and am concerned about clients not receiving messages and users seeing old data. It also seems strange to me that once the days appointments have been retrieved from the database that "in theory" a client could go the whole day without having to query the database again to pick up changes - kind of scary.Some information on the data:We would probably be looking at around 100 appointments per day We capture patient name, date of birth, date and time of appointment and appointment status.What is the standard approach / best practice for this kind of scenario?
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Feb 13, 2010
I have a fairly simple XML file that I just want to read the data from.
It has 3 levels, root, main section and items. There are no attributes. I want to go to the first main section by name, then read in all the items. The items all are named the same. I've seen this done before, so it should be ok. No writing will be done. Basically this is a static data file
File looks similar to the following:
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm designing a PC-based app that has a little local database. I'm using VB.NET with SQL Server Compact Edition. The user will only ever have access to one database file, because it's all about storing a user specific data. However I'm thinking of the situation where there could be multiple users that access the PC, each with their own Windows account. So ideally I'd need separate database files for each User.
I'm not sure how to implement this. I was hoping to deploy the 'empty' database as a ClickOnce deployment, but I can't see how I can have a database per user doing this. Also I'm not sure where to store the database files anyway. perhaps in MyDocuments for each user? Or perhaps I need to stick to just one database, but add a 'User' column into every table, so it can hold data for every user. I didn't want to do this though - because I wanted to keep the nice separation between the data offered by physically separate files.
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Mar 11, 2010
I need something tje user can type in data to such a parts QTY cost etc. There are no predefined parts list so the user can enter any part name/Number and there is no limit to amount of parts that can be entered.
Does anyone have any idea what might be useful. It was thinks of a listview bu i can't see that you can type into that. I cant use comboboxs because there are no predefined list and i know there is some way to generate text at runtime (i think) but i don't know how to do it and i would prefer a clearer approach.
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Dec 15, 2009
is there a way to accept user input and convert those inputs into command? e.g. i have a textbox that can "test" commands. when i type this into the textbox, it should run the command:
dim a = "asd"
msgbox(a & "fg")
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