Function That Will Convert Input String To Actual Object
Jan 12, 2011
I have an object with a number of properties (let's say, object.two, object.three). There are about 30 of these properties and they all hold a string ("Pass" or "Fail"). Right now the existing code checks whether the property has value "Pass" or "Fail" and then runs some code that prints stuff out. That is, the same snippet of code is duplicated 30 times, one for each of these properties.
The code looks something like this
If ( = ... )
End if
If (object.two = ... )
End if
If (object.three = ... )
End if
I want to use a loop to clean this mess up (each block is huge), but am not sure how to do it. I was thinking perhaps there was a way such that I might be able to construct a string like "" and run some function that will tell the compiler that this is actually an object's property? That way I could create an array containing the object's name like my array = {"", "object.two", "object.three"} and then do something like, in pseudocode
For each string in my array
If (some_function(string) = ...)
End If
Essentially, it would take those massive blocks of duplicated code and reduce it to just one block. Is there such a some_function that I am looking for? This is in
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Mar 1, 2012
In My project, i have Multiple Forms in which same Function name with return values. i like to convert the String name to Form Object and try to call the user defined function in the corresponding form from the Module I am using 2008 .
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Dec 31, 2009
This function doesn't work if I change the input argument 'pdu' from a string to an int.Would someone please help me figure out what to do here so that the checksum does not add the ascii value of the int argument but rather the actual integer value?I took out a few lines of the actual function but it adds the input argument to a packet sent out via TCP protocol.This function shows the integer value just fine in the string that gets encoded as a byte array. the checksum is wrong.!
''Public Function buildpacket(pdu As Integer) is what I want.
Public Function buildpacket(pdu As String)
Dim packet As String
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May 6, 2010
i want to generate a serial key which depend on system harddisk manufacture id ...
so Is any function which take string of alfanumeric + special char as input and after encrypted return output as unique serial key / product key...
View 10 Replies
Mar 2, 2009
exampledim str as string = "button1"do you see?string of str is "button1"now i want to string of str to object
View 3 Replies
Aug 2, 2011
What I am trying to do is scan through the arraylist that has the number of the label control and concatenate this to the word "label" to end up with "label1", "label2", etc. Then I can then set it's visible property. The values in the array are based on tests in the code.
I haven't hit upon the right way to convert the string "label1" to the name of an object.
Private Sub FlagAnswers(ByVal wrongArray As ArrayList)
Dim sCtrName As String
View 7 Replies
Feb 20, 2009
as part of a small encryption program i am making, i am converting the contents of a textbox to hashcode. I used the built in feature for this:.GetHashCode Now once i have the hash code how do i convert it back to regular letters?
View 3 Replies
Apr 4, 2011
on my Bookings program i've got a listbox where i can select the booking date of each room, and then i can see the details "UserID, time start time end etc". When the UserID is read from the database it takes the user id number (which its supposed to) but now i want to take that number, and match it to the actual "User Name" and then display the Name.this is what i've got so far;
Dim BookingDetails As New SqlCommand("SELECT UserID,......(and the rest)
then i execute the reader
Dim drBookingDetails As SqlDataReader = BookingDetails.ExecuteReader
and then i'd want to convert the read data, into the actual user name?
View 3 Replies
Mar 29, 2011
There appears to be a problem when I use the CallByName function in my actual script. While testing it I used some hardcoded arguments to pass to the procedure in CallByName function. This worked fine. In the actual script these arguments are coming from an XML file. When I read this XML document the values are string values by default:
<Parameter>A string value</Parameter>
View 5 Replies
Mar 6, 2012
I am looking for a way to convert my List(Of string) into an Object in vb. So in the end it would be the same as declaring Dim cArray() As Object = new Object. Can anyone point me to how i can achieve this? I cannot use the LINQ .ToArray as that creates a string array and this is not acceptable for my work. I need to pass this object into another one that has the parameter (aArray as Object).
View 4 Replies
May 29, 2012
I need to convert item.MergedDate, which is a date, to a string.Code as follows
If item.MergeDate.ToString() = "12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM" Then
item.MergeDate = ""
End If
Obviously this is a terrible attempt, but
I have tried = Nothing and didnt work.
View 2 Replies
Feb 18, 2009
I have a string in the followin format: "Jan06", Feb12 and so forth.
I need to be able to convert this string to a Date object and substract 7 days from it in order to do some validation.
how to convert the above string to a date object?
View 6 Replies
Feb 9, 2012
I have a problem here for converting object of array to string of array in my VB.Net code. The object of array is quite long and contains 6 sets of data here.
Dim varReturnResult As Object
Dim varMapData As Object
Dim StrMap() As String
varMapData = varReturnResult(2)
StrMap = Split(varMapData, vbLf)
I encountered this error "Conversion from type 'Object()' to type 'String' is not valid." when trying to retrieve the StrMap value.
View 3 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
i need help on this simple case [code]How could i do 'that bold area'? xString actually was dynamic variable i got from Database with SQL syntax.
View 4 Replies
May 27, 2007
I'm reading a string from a text file, and want to use that string as the URL for my web browser object. The error I get is it needs to be URI, but I am completely lost on how to make a string into URI.
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Feb 6, 2011
Here's my problem :
Let say I have a variable called A
Which value is 100 ( A = 100)
In a form, I have a textbox, where I want to enter a variable name
textbox1.text="A" for example
Then I want to display the value of that variable
msgbox (somefunction(textbox1.text)), which will popup 100
I read some info about Reflection, but they all seems to refer to controls and not simple variable
View 12 Replies
Jun 12, 2009
I have a string value of form names in my DB so when my condition passes, the variable string will take over the value , then that value will call the form(variable) as string.
View 3 Replies
Feb 27, 2012
I have a string variable that contains "19:39:43", I would like to convert that to a date object. When I try I get a formatexception was unhandled error during debugging. I want to convert it to format of hours:minutes:seconds but cannot see how this can be done..
Code snippet:
Dim strtxt As String = "19:39:43"
Dim Datevar As Date = Date.ParseExact(strtxt, "HH:mm:ss tt", Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
I tried just "HH:mm:ss" but not sure if that worked...
View 8 Replies
Aug 15, 2010
with a system of regional date configuration as dd/MM/yy
isdate("13/08/10 10:00") ' returns true, but with a system of regional date configuration as MM/dd/yy
isdate("13/08/10 10:00") ' returns false
how to handle this situation, all i need is i want to check a string for convert able to valid date format & then convert the same.
View 3 Replies
Apr 30, 2009
I've got a f(x) that returns a collection of user controls. .Net lets me just treat the f(x) name as the collection.
Private Function GetCcB() As Collection(Of Reports_ucColumn)
Dim cc As New Collection(Of Reports_ucColumn)
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Jan 12, 2012
I have got this error No default member found for type 'VB$AnonymousDelegate_0(Of SqlDataReader,String,Object)'.
My Code is below
dsBranch.Tables.Add(GetDataTableFromSQLReader(dr, "")) - Calling
Private Function GetDataTableFromSQLDataReader(ByVal dr As SqlDataReader, ByVal TableName As String)
View 1 Replies
Jul 14, 2010
I am trying to read and write values in registry. I get return something like "system.object"{string} from reading function. I need to assign the value to a integer variable.
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May 24, 2012
I have a string that holds a value in the format of ddMMyyhhmmss.
Example 240512024707
I need to be able to convert this date to a real .NET Date object.
I am currently using CDate but it seems CDate does not recognize the format, is there any way of specifying the string format to CDate ???
row.Item("NoteDate") = CDate(n.noteText.Substring(0, 12).ToString).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
View 1 Replies
May 25, 2012
I am trying to convert a DLL function call which has the Callback function routine called within the DLL function call.The DLL function call signature is like this:
typedef void *HANDLE;
how to convert this DLL call to VB.NET and also how to create the callback function and send it as parameter to this function
View 15 Replies
Jan 18, 2012
I have a JSON response from a web service that I need to be converted to an object then to an array. My response is similar to the one below:
{"status":{"error":"NO","code":"200","description":"none","message":"Request ok"},"geolocation":{"lat":"38.89515","lng":"-77.0310"},"stations":[{"country":"United States","regPrice":"0.00","midPrice":"0.00","prePrice":"0.00","streetAddress":"1401, I St[code]....
I am doing this is VB.NET within a console for now. Basically I am trying to create a simple way to test my API calls and output the information. What I am trying to accomplish is having to loop through the JSON array and list the stations.
View 3 Replies
Aug 31, 2009
Is there a way to convert a DataGridViewRow object to a DataRow object?
View 2 Replies
Dec 1, 2011
I am working on a application that has quite a few functions involved and have been thinking of the following: If I have a function that has a few paramaters, is it more efficient to pass the objects to the function(Example 1) or reference the objects in the parent(Example 2)? Does it matter if the objects are large or not?
Class mainform
Public myGenericList As New List(Of String)
Public myDatarowArray() As DataRow
View 6 Replies
Jun 13, 2012
I call the function GetDataTable and when it gets to the return line, I get the error message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Dim DB As New DBConn
Dim gd As New DataAccess.GetData
Dim DT As New DataTable
Updated. I'll see if I can update with the DataAccess.GetData code. I didn't originally put it in there because our shop use it all the time and have no issues with it.
View 1 Replies
Apr 5, 2012
I have a JSON object that looks like this.
//* Array of err1 objects
PD: I'm currently using Newtonsoft's JSON.Net library.
Public Sub New(ByVal jsonText As String)
Dim jObject As JObject = jObject.Parse(jsonText )
Dim jErrors As JToken = jObject("Errors")
Dim jS = New JsonSerializer()
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Jul 19, 2010
In Visual Studio 2008 i have created a windows forms application containing 2 web references: wr1 and wr2.
wr1 contains a public class "Person" and wr2 also contains a public class "Person". They both have exactly the same properties.
What i would like to achieve is to convert an object of type wr1.person to wr2.person. Something like this:
dim p1 as wr1.person
p1 = wr1.GetPerson(123)
dim p2 as wr2.person
p2 = p1
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