Load Txt And Present Options From The Content?

Jun 17, 2009

I am not looking for someone to code this for me, just put me in the right direction I am looking to create a simple program which loads information from a txt file.Here is what I am trying to do: Form 1 will give option to choose the title. The txt file will be like the below (new line for each new subject):


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Load Txt And Present Options From The Content

Jun 17, 2009

I am looking to create a simple program which loads information from a txt file. Here is what I am trying to do: Form 1 will give option to choose the title. The txt file will be like the below (new line for each new subject):


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DB/Reporting :: Load The Options For A Combo Box?

May 6, 2009

i am new with visual studio 2008 and basic I have a combobox1 and combobox2 that are representing cities Combobox1 represents departure city and combobox2 destination city.Now i have a combobox3 that i want to load when i click it and run this sql query:

SELECT time_departure
FROM routes
WHERE (departure = Combobox1.value) AND (destination = Combobox2.value)

so when running the .exe of the application ,after selecting departure and destination ,when i click on the combobox3 ("hours") it will generate the results of the upper sql query as options to select.All i need is the code between this:Private Sub ComboBox3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox3.Click End Sub

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On Form Load Want To Provide User With 3 Options?

Nov 12, 2011

creating a simple pong type game. want to provide human user option to choose from "rookie , Veteran, Allstar" as CPU AI skill.

Q1 - currently on form load game starts (I do not want) I want to present list of options first. Player Skill Level *See above.

Q2 - Want to provide an option for who gets the ball first CPU or Human

Q3 - Want to choose "Game to #" the user can set as the first to score x points wins.

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Load Content Of Panel To A Another?

Jun 9, 2011

How to load content of panel to a another panel??

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Auto-load Data Content From A File?

Aug 15, 2011

how to auto load data content from a file (primarily containing rtf)when the file is opened. I want to create a system like Microsoft word where you create docx/doc files and double clicking them opens word software and loads the files.

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Dynamically Load Content Into Internet Explorer?

Sep 20, 2008

I have a dynamically created webpage(in a string) and I save this locally to a file subsequently load it up to view it in IE, is there a way to get Internet Explorer to view the page from memory without having to save it first.

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How To Load MS Word Document File Content In RichTextBox

Sep 22, 2006

In my rich text box control I need to load the msword document file. My word document file contain but it is accepting only a text file.

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VS 2010 Options View Control - Child Options?

Aug 20, 2011

I am in need of a form that shows various options, exactly like the Options in Visual Studio. Since there are so many options I too want them categorized, with a TreeView to the left taking care of showing the right category.The usual 'easy' approach here would be to just place a TreeView control on the form, add some nodes, and give those nodes a tag or key that corresponds to a panel or UserControl with the options for that category.Since there will be a lot of options however, this is not really feasible design-wise; the form would be cluttered with possibly 50 panels, all of which I would need to select and bring to front from time to time to add controls to them that represent the options.

So I decided to create a custom control that does exactly that. The control is very similar to my Wizard usercontrol, users can add OptionsPanels at design time, which inherit Panel and simply represent one panel of options. When they do, the panel is added to a container panel, and at the same time a TreeNode is added to a TreeView. The control uses a custom ControlDesigner to handle design-time clicks in the Treeview, selecting a different node would select and bring to front the corresponding panel, allowing the user to add the controls he wants.

Due to the design time support the problem of having 50 panels is no longer present, only one panel will be visible at a time and selecting the right panel is as simple as selecting the corresponding TreeNode, just as during run-time. Anyway, I got all this working, but only for a single 'level' of categories. As you can see in the Visual Studio options, there can be multiple levels of categories. For example, the Environment node has a bunch of children, where each child represents one 'options panel'. There can even be deeper nesting, see the Text Editor node for example.Let me begin by drawing out the basics of how my control works so far.

The main control is an OptionsView control, which contains a SplitContainer with a TreeView to the left and a OptionsPanelContainer to the right. The OptionsPanelContainer is merely a Panel to which only OptionsPanel controls can be added, and which raises events when this happens, as well as when OptionsPanels are removed from it. An OptionsPanel also inherits Panel, and these are the actual panels the users will see in the control, one for each option category.For now, each OptionsPanel has exactly one corresponding TreeNode (and vice versa). In the Visual Studio options, each 'parent' category usually has a 'General' node as the first child, and the parent and this General node show the same option panel, but I am ignoring that for the moment.

The OptionsView control has a property Panels that returns the ControlCollection (Controls property) of the OptionsPanelContainer (in other words: it returns a collection of OptionsPanels that are in this container panel).

<Editor(GetType(Designers.OptionsPanelCollectionEditor), GetType(UITypeEditor))> _ <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _ Public ReadOnly Property Panels As Control.ControlCollection Get Return Me.PanelContainer.Controls End Get End Property

A custom CollectionEditor for this property takes care of the designer: even though the property type is ControlCollection, the CollectionEditor knows it should create instances of the OptionsPanel control instead of just Controls.When it does this, a corresponding TreeNode is also created and its Tag property is set to the OptionsPanel. Vice versa, the Node property of the OptionsPanel is set to the node. Hence the node and panel both know their corresponding object.

Public Class OptionsPanelCollectionEditor Inherits System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor Public Sub New(type As Type) MyBase.New(type) End Sub Protected Overrides Function CreateCollectionItemType() As System.Type


So far so good, this all works fine. I can add Panels via the designer and when I do a new TreeNode appears in the TreeView. I can select this node and the panel becomes visible (comes to the front).Now, I am a little stuck. How do I implement child option panels? And more importantly: how do I let the user add child panels?The most logical choice I think is to let each OptionsPanel have a property (ChildPanels or something) that returns the child OptionsPanels for that panel. Once the user selects an OptionsPanel then, he can look in the property grid to find its ChildPanels property and add child panels to that.

There is a problem though: what would this property return? It must return a ControlCollection of some container (this is, I think, a requirement for the designer features to work, otherwise panels are not added to the Form.Designer.vb file). But there is no container. I cannot add them to the OptionsPanel itself, that would make no sense because the parent OptionsPanel has its own set of controls (the options itself...), there cannot be another (fully docked) Panel on top of those obviously.The container of the main OptionsView then? That is not an option either, its Controls collection holds ALL OptionsPanels, not just the children of the selected panel. I cannot 'select' only the right panels either, that would require me to return a new instance of ControlCollection, it would be impossible to return the actual ControlsCollection that holds merely a small selection of its controls.

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Ajax - Jquery .load() Shows Messed Up Content On Refresh - How To Fix That

Jul 28, 2011

I have a main page that loads a content of a div:

var content = $("#content_layout");
//some code here
content.load("claim_form.aspx?claim_no=" + file_number);

The claim_form.aspx has a drop down, and based on that drop down it should show the apropriate input fields. I set the index to be 1 and automatically load the first set of inputs. Here is some code to explain it better:

$("#request_type").change(function(e) {
index = document.getElementById("request_type").selectedIndex;
if (index == "0") {


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Extract All The Content From Twitter More Data Only Start To Load After Scrolling Down To A Certain Depth?

Oct 12, 2011

how to extract all the content from Twitter more data only start to load after scrolling down to a certain depth.

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VS 2008 : Read And Load The Content From The Attached Text File To A Arraylist?

Jul 14, 2011

I'm trying to read and load the content from the attached text file to a arraylist with the code bellow.
but what is happening is that not all the lines from the text file are loaded in to the arraylist, the reading jumps from one line to other in the text file.

Dim FILE_NAME As String = ((My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath).Substring(0, (My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath).LastIndexOf(""))) & " est.txt"
Dim lista_barras As New ArrayList
Dim lista_barras_esp As New ArrayList


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Or Keyword - Does Options = Options Or Does It Set RegexOptions.none

Feb 28, 2010

With the following piece of code


The Or keyword is confusing me. So in the above example which variable gets set. Does options = options or does it set RegexOptions.none.

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Hypothetical Controls - Options Checked As Enabled In FrmConfig Effects - Controls (like Buttons/menu Options) Are Enabled In FrmMain

Nov 26, 2010

As i'm learning more and more about developing ive just got my head around creating classes and modules, i started wondering about something to do with configuration of applications where deployment is in a more diverse environment say in a company where different branches dont need access to all parts of a program, so i thought id throw the question out there in a basic sense and get some feedback. so i can go off and do some more reading and learning.

So the scenario in my head is like this.

So we have for arguments sake FrmConfig which is the master configuration form, then we have FrmMain which is the root menu our application general user interfaces with. So here based on what options are checked as enabled in FrmConfig effects what controls (like buttons/menu options) are enabled in FrmMain.

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.net - Updating The UI From Child Frame Content To The Main Page Content?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a sample app here I could use a hand with Basically I'm trying to update the TextBlock on the main page using MVVM when the content the frame updates the the property. Please find the code attached below:[URL]..How do i get the button inside the frame to change the variable and update the TextBlock on the parent control?

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Loop Through A Textbox Control Content And Extract Specific Content From It

Jun 20, 2009

loop through a textbox control content and extract specific content from it

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Validate The Content Of Two Textboxes (maskedtextboxes) To Ensure The Content Is The Same?

Nov 25, 2010

1)This is my code.. (below)what i am trying to do here is to insert username and confirmed password into a sql table called login via a pre created form.I have 1 textbox, 2 Maskedtextboxes and a button.

what i would like is if the passwords do not match in both maskedtextboxes for the system to throw out a message saying passwords do not match please try again..which then clears previous content and requires the user to enter details again. once details are correct and system commits the new user details to the table and throws up a confirmation message.


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Best Way Of Checking If A Value Is Present

Nov 11, 2011

The following line of code gives a warning with Resharper: 'Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator. Possible loss of precision while rounding values.'

Dim samples() As Single
If samples(i) = Nothing Then
samples(i) = _mPreviousSamples(i)
End If

What is the best way of checking if a value is present?

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Whether A BOM Is Present In A File Or Not?

Jul 6, 2009

How can i find out whether a BOM is present in a file or not. Depending on the presence of BOM i need to parse a UTF-16,UTF-8 file else I have to display Incompatible format.Kindly tell me what is the procedure to find if BOM is present or not. I have tried using FF FE for UTF-16 and for UTF-8 Bom. but i need to find whether this BOM is present or not how can i do it in VB.Net

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Asp.net - ScriptManager Required Even Though It Is Present

Oct 6, 2010

i am getting following error when i am running AJAX enabled ASP.Net application

The control with ID 'FilteredTextBoxExtender1' requires a ScriptManager on the page. The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need it.

even though i have ScriptManager in my page

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:scriptmanager id="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />


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How To Know The Information Present In The Parenthesis Of Sin()

Jan 26, 2012

what i need is i what to get all information within the parenthesis of Sin().for example , i have created one one textbox in my user interface.i wanted users to enter some trigonometric expresiions like " sin(90+(25+25))"for that i what all the information present with in the parenthesis of sin()

view sourceprint?
Public Class Form1


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How To Present Sitemaps Diagrammatically

Apr 14, 2011

I have a web application with a number of pages, I would like to display the sitemaps for this application diagrammatically, is there a professional/recommended tool for doing this? I am using MS Word using flowcharts, but it doesnt look very professional.

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Information Present In The Parenthesis Of Sin()?

Feb 15, 2012

this is pradeep, i m vb.net learner,my English not good dont mind what i need is i what to get all information within the parenthesis of Sin().for example , i have created one one textbox in my user interface.i wanted users to enter some trigonometric expresiions like " sin(90+(25+25))"for that i what all the information present with in the parenthesis of sin()

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Know What Bad Practices Are Present In Code?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm an avid programmer, and I'm trying to teach myself more professional practices, but Ilook over my code, and point out any mistakes, or bad practices I may have attached to this actually working bit of code. It consists of a procedure for retrieving, sending, and above all connecting to a server program. As for the various amounts of sloppy commented out code, after a long time clearing my head, I came to my senses so to speak.

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading.Thread

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Run A Form Without Present It In The Screen?

Nov 10, 2009

I would like to know if it's possible run a form without present it in the screen...

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Searching A Database To See If Value Is Already Present?

Feb 8, 2012

I am in the process of creating a program that is linked to a database. I want to automatically generate a reference number that is not already present in this database, to do this i know i am going to need to search the database to check whether that number is already present or not. But I am unsure of the best way to go about this. I am using an access database and vb.net.

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The Given Key Was Not Present In The Dictionary. - Enumeration?

Aug 15, 2011

I've been getting the following error from time to time and have been unable to determine the cause of it:"The given key was not present in the dictionary."The line that this is occurring on is:If CType(ViewState("FieldType"), MYClass.FieldType) = MYClass.FieldType.ShowOnDirectory ThenI have no idea as to why it is throwing this exception on this line. I thought that perhaps an invalid value was being placed in the ViewState so I tried while debugging setting the value to Nothing and setting it to a value that wasn't in the enumeration and it still works. I was originally storing the enumeration in ViewState and then went to storing just the Integer equivalent in there

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C# - Showing Gridview When No Data Present

Apr 18, 2011

I'm working on a ASP.NET website project using VB.NET as backend code. I was looking for a way to show the header/footer of a gridview even if no data is present. I'd like to use this solution as it looks pretty clean (although it's written in C#): link I have converted the code using an online tool, resulting in: [URL] This however shows an error on line 77: "Events cannot be declared with a delegate type that has a return type"

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Can't Detect Keypresses When A Button Is Present

Mar 31, 2009

I've started building a small game where you move around a PictureBox control with keystrokes using the arrow keys. Everything was working fine....until I added a button.

Now the button steals the focus so that every time I hit an arrow key hoping to move my image, it just selects the button.

Is there any way to make the button selectable only by mouse click?

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Cannot Read A XML Node When Xmlns Is Present?

Jun 1, 2009

I have an XML document that starts like this:

<GMRCTranDS xmlns="http://tempuri.org/GMRCTRAN.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


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