Looping Through Database Too Many Times?

Oct 31, 2009

I have a database and I have a form that you can add questions to the database. Once the question has been added, I go to the quiz which uses the database and it goes through all the questions twice. I was wondering why this is happening Adding Questions to the Database

Public Class frmAddQuestion
Private Sub lblAnswerToAdd1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
sql = "Select * from questions"


how do I set up the form to be the first form shown on the program?

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Looping Through Database Too Many Times

Apr 11, 2011

I have a database and I have a form that you can add questions to the database. Once the question has been added, I go to the quiz which uses the database and it goes through all the questions twice. I was wondering why this is happening [Code] Also I was wondering how do I set up the form to be the first form shown on the program?

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VS 2010 Looping Code X Number Of Times?

Apr 3, 2011

Okay, so basically I'm trying to have my application randomly select items from a (multiselect) listbox. I want the user to enter the amount of items they would like randomly selected and it should all happen at the same time. I have the random shuffle down but it only selects one song each time you click the button. How can I loop this code as many times as the user specifies in the textbox?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
Dim shuffle As New Random
Main.songlist.SelectedIndex = shuffle.Next(0, Main.songlist.Items.Count - 1)


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Looping Code Is Adding Values Multiple Times?

Feb 17, 2011

Looping code is adding my values multiple times

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SQL Database - Looping Through Some Tables

Oct 9, 2008

I am trying to connect to a SQL DB and loop through some tables. My tables are linked on the EMPLOYID field between UPR00100 and UPR00102. I want to write data as follows:
Level1, EMPLOYID, EmpName (from UPR00100) Level4, EMPLOYID, Address1, Address2,etc..
(from UPR00102)

Here is my data access code. I don't know how to code the loop. I know how to do it in SQL using a cursor but not VB 2005
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Data
Imports system.Data.SqlClient
Module Module1
[Code] .....

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Looping Through An Access Database Table?

Dec 21, 2011

How would I do this? I have no code at this time for it, but how could I do this?

I have an Inventory table that contains a lot of Trash Containers (Construction Dumpsters).

All of these containers have a field in the table for their "Size". If I wanted to quickly change all of the price for all Trash Containers that have a Size "40", how could I loop through the table and for each container that has a size of "40", I want to change the price lets say from $100 to $120.

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Loop/design - Looping Through A Database With Pdf Locations

Sep 14, 2011

I am looping through a database with pdf locations. The application is button click event driven. The problem I am having is that I display a pdf. If the user clicks on the button then the pdf information is inserted into a database and the loop should be taking me to the next pdf. However, this loop does not seem to give what I need. What ends up happening is the first pdf gets displayed twice. I think mainly because I display the first pdf onload, but when I click the button it agrees and grabs the first item from the database. And it ends up falling behind because its restarting the query and I cant quite figure out how to get the button to catch the first displayed pdf, or skip it entirely since I am using a welcome pdf. So on the welcome pdf that is supposed to be displayed initially the user clicks agree and it agrees to the welcome pdf instead of just skipping it. I am not quite sure how to just move past the pdf.

public sub onload()
display the welcome pdf
end sub


Now if I run the code without the loop it works fine. I just end up having to run the app however many pdfs I have in my database.

query data
display data
insert data

To display pdfs I imported the com control for adobe so pdfs get displayed like this:

axacropdf1.src = my.mysettings.default.readpath & pdflocation

pdflocation is passed from a query fill.

I think I have an underlying design issue which probably precedes the loop.

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Saving Times In Database With Different Dattime Pickers?

Sep 17, 2009

I am creating a program where i can fill in a list of open/close times.

In total i have 14 datetimepickers which i set to custom format with hours and minutes.

Every dtpicker has an name (eg mondayopen, mondayclosed, tuesdayopen, tuesdayclosed and so on).

After setting the times right i want to throw everything at once into the datatabse.

Is there some kind of manner to loop through the datetimepickers and insert them into the db or do i have to do them all seperately?

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Looping Through Data Grid View And Inserting Values Into Database?

Apr 5, 2011

Currently I have a problem with updating my database with values in my Data Grid View.

On my form I have a "Populate" button and "Submit Details" button.

The "Populate" button fills my Data Grid with numerous lines of data.

On the click event for "Submit Details" I want this data to be inserted into a table in my DataBase by looping through each record.

For Each dgi As DataGridView In DataGridView1.Rows

Dim productCode As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("product"), Label).Text
Dim description As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("description"), Label).Text
Dim quantity As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("order_qty"), Label).Text


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Enlarge An Image Up To 32 Times Or 64 Times Bigger Than Original?

Dec 12, 2011

I want to enlarge an image, possibly up to 32 times or 64 times bigger than original dimensions (so that the user can see each pixel) if possible. The following is a simple function that I have to enlarge an image.

Private Function xEnlarge(ByVal Source As Image, ByVal Rate As Double, Optional ByVal Quality As Drawing2D.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic) As Image


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C# - Alternative To Firing A Stored Procedure 368 Times To Update The Database?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm working on a .NET component that gets a set of data from the database, performs some business logic on that set of data, and then updates single records in the database via a stored procedure that looks something like spUpdateOrderDetailDiscountedItem.

For small sets of data, this isn't a problem, but when I had a very large set of data that required an iteration of 368 stored proc calls to update the records in the database, I realized I had a problem. A senior dev looked at my stored proc code and said it looked fine, but now I'd like to explore a better method for sending "batch" data to the database.

What options do I have for updating the database in batch? Is this possible with stored procs? What other options do I have? I won't have the option of installing a full-fledged ORM,Additional Background Info:Our current data access model was built 5 years ago and all calls to the db currently get executed via modular/static functions with names like ExecQuery and GetDataTable. I'm not certain that I'm required to stay within that model, but I'd have to provide a very good justification for going outside of our current DAL to get to the DB.

Also worth noting, I'm fairly new when it comes to CRUD operations and the database. I much prefer to play/work in the .NET side of code, but the data has to be stored somewhere, right?


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Simple Looping - Create Multiple Form Fields For Each Entry In Underlying Database Table

Nov 24, 2009

I am trying to create a form which will be fed by an underlying database to create multiple form fields for each entry in an underlying database table. This is for a program to monitor patients under anesthesia, and prior to surgery, the doctor will choose which monitors they will be using. Then, on the actual monitor screen which will pop up every X minutes, there will be a text box and a check box for each chosen monitor. I am relatively new to VB, so I have tried to illustrate what I am needing but using the logic that I know from my previous life in PHP.

I am using DevExpress's layout control to place the form fields, so that is the code in the middle of the first loop (on_load), and I know that part works, I just need to know how to name the fields and then recover those fields and commit the values to the database. (the text boxes are added to the database, the check boxes are used to determine if an entry is made for that monitor- i.e. at the end of surgery if a monitor is turned off). I know that my syntax for naming the fields is no where close to correct, and it probably would not work in PHP, but I remember doing something like this in a PHP application I built long ago. [Code]

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Forms :: Find If Times Is Between 2 Times?

May 13, 2009

I have just started using vb.net and I have a checked list box with times throughout the day shown as

00:00 - 00:14
00:15 - 00:29
00:30 - 00:44
00:45 - 00:59

What I am trying to find is a way to get the current time and find which list item it fits into. What I think I need to do is to first of all get the current time and then go through the list splitting each item into 2 times and seeing if the current time fits. For example: Split the item 00:00 - 00:14 to 00:00 and 00:14 and then check if the current time is more than 00:00:00 but less than 00:14:59 and if so do certain task.how to go about taking each list item and splitting it into 2 separate times so I can check between them?

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Graphing "peak" Times From Database

Oct 16, 2009

I have a database that has alarms, times/dates of the alarms, etc. What I am wanting to do is somehow graph the times these alarms come in so I can see where the peak times are for certain alarm types (fire, burglar, communication trouble, etc)


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Make A Coin Toss Program Where One Toss A Coin A Certain Number Of Times Then Repeat It A Certain Number Of Times?

Nov 21, 2010

i am trying to make a coin toss program where you toss a coin a certain number of times then repeat it a certain number of times.
the problem i have is "heads(counter2)" the word "heads" has a blue error line under it how do i sort the error out and also is all the code right

Public Class Form1
Dim tosses, repeat, heads As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Looping More Than Once?

Nov 11, 2010

RUnning into an issue related to the programing looping more than once.


how to stop that from happening.

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.net - Looping Through Datagridview?

Oct 15, 2011

Mine is a windows app. containing forms named BOM nd BOMSelected..There is datagridview in BOM which contains checkbox column.. When the user selects checkbox, the selected rows should be seen in the datagridview of other form, SelectedBom..I have coded but don't get it working.. Some error..

Here is what i have done !!

Public Class SelectedBom
Private Sub SelectedBom_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'HemDatabase1DataSet4.partno' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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.net - Looping Through The 'Brush'?

Jun 14, 2011

I want to get all of the Brushes, this is basically pseudocode which will explain what I'm trying to do:

For Each B in Brushes
'Something with Brushes
End For

Brushes is a type though so how would I be able to do that?

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Add By Looping In Textbox?

Aug 4, 2009

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter[code].....

i get values in textbox3 ......like 1,2,1,1,4 etc in each loop...but m not getting addition of those numbers...where m i wrong?

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Gif Image Without Keep Looping

Mar 15, 2012

I have a gif image, which loop one time and it stop.

My problem is that the image keep looping. I want it to stop after it loop the first time.

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Keydown Not Looping?

Jan 2, 2012

I'm building a slot machine, and I'm having some trouble.re's the

'Pulls down the slot
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Space Then


When I debug and click space down, my picture box of the knob slides on down to 175, pauses, and shoots back up. The problem I'm running into, is that it doesn't do anything if I try to pull the knob down again. It doesn't bug out or anything, but it just doesn't do it again

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Looping And Passwords In VB?

Jun 12, 2012

I'm trying to write a program right now for my computer science class for a program where you insert text into a text box, (the text being a password), and then click a submit button. The goal of the assignment is to have a program that looks at the user given password and see if it matches the const password (or one of the three const passwords in my case). If it doesn't, it is supposed to loop back so you can re-input the password. Also, If you enter the correct password, the loop ends and you are to get a msgbox (or, in my case three different ones), and then the application closes. We are to write the code so that if the password is wrong "x" (insert 3 as the number I have chosen), a MsgBox will pop up with a message saying
something along the lines of "you have gotten the password wrong to many times.", and then the application is supposed to close. I don't think I could rant on much more, I've done a good (or in my eyes terrible) job of summarizing the assignment.


My problem (aside from, I don't know, a problem with my code itself) is that when It reaches the loop, it goes through all the code again, but I'm unable to change the user given password, and so it just pops up the three failed password entry MsgBoxes (the code for which is temporarily removed), then the failed to many times MsgBox, OR one of the successful message boxes. What I'm wondering is if anyone can help me fix my code so that it functions as desired.

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Looping In The Background?

Oct 11, 2011

I need a loop to run in the background while my app. is running. The loop has to constantly check for the value of a var and return a value based on the values of the var.

Can a Loop be running constantly without slowing the PC down?

Hendri Bissolati noviceprogrammer@vodamail.co.za

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Looping Through A Listbox?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a listbox with SelectionMode = MultiExtended. I am trying to capture all the selected values to end up with 1 variable that includes all the selections in the listbox.I'm getting error "Public member 'Selected' on type 'String' not found." at the start of my If statement


For iLoop = 0 To Me.lstVDN.Items.Count - 1
If Me.lstVDN.Items(iLoop).Selected Then
VDN = VDN & Mid(Me.lstVDN.Items(iLoop).Value, 1, 5) & "','"
End If

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Looping Through An Array

Oct 16, 2009

I have an arr of sPNoListDefintion.[code]How can I cycle through the elements?Something like For Each i As integer In sPNoList.

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Looping Through Checkboxes?

Apr 20, 2011

On a form I have a series of 20 checkboxes (cbS1 through cbS20). With that I have an integer named 'Count'

What I need to do: When the forms loads it will get a value for Count. I need all the checkboxes that are greater than this value to be checked.

So if count = 7 then cbS8 through cbS20 will be checked.

Im not really sure the best way to code this is. I know I can do it with a giant case statement...but there has got to be a better way right?

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Looping Through Data (CSV)

Aug 29, 2009

I have a csv file with data in it in the format...

1 - 2 - 1
1 - 2 - 3
1 - 2 - 5


So basically the data contains events, runners and odds. I'm looping through and assigning the variables to the relevant object propeties, alls fine.

The problem comes when I'm checking the next runner id (or event id) to see if it's changed so that I know to create a new object. Well in checking that the id has changed I've already moved one record too far so every time I'm changing to a new id I'm losing one record.

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Looping Through Datagridview?

May 10, 2011

Mine is a windows app. containing forms named BOM nd BOMSelected..There is datagridview in BOM which contains checkbox column.. When the user selects checkbox, the selected rows should be seen in the datagridview of other form, SelectedBom..

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Looping Through Loops In XML?

Mar 24, 2010

This is for .net frameworke 3.5 and visual studio 2008 in VB.Net.Two things we would like to do: 1) loop repeating node blocks 2) loop (through repeating node blocks) within repeating node block loop
First thing:

How do you loop through an xml that has repeating node block (<STRUS name="1000A") and extract the following node? For example you want to extract the IdentificationCode in the node that has <SVALU name="ZRT" and is from pos="9".So, the following example has the IdentificationCodes (TGJ23, PGA12, TPX12)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DocSplitterReport xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/X .......
<STRUS name="ROOT" lineStart="-1" lineEnd="-1">
<STRUS name="TAC" lineStart="1" lineEnd="194">


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Looping Through Structure?

Feb 16, 2010

I have an array structure called Survey and I'm attempting to loop through all the data and get it printed out. I'm trying to follow the example in my text but I must have something different.Here is my basic structure:

Structure Survey
Dim ID_Code As Integer
Dim Members As Integer


I'm not understanding how to fix? The objects and properties to the right of "Family Size: " are getting errors saying "Value of type Integer cannot be converted to System.Drawing.Font.

e.Graphics.DrawString("Family Size: " + Home.Members, PrintFont, Brushes.Black, HorizPrintLocation, VertPrintLocation)
VertPrintLocation = VertPrintLocation + LineHeight

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