Make A Class Permanently Available To Every (new) Project?

Nov 1, 2009

created a class that adds a TextBox with some custom properties to the toolbox. But it's only available when the project I created it in is opened itself. I'd like to have available it in the toolbox at all times.

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Make A Project For Programming Class In VB?

May 11, 2009

i have to make a project for my programming class in VB and this is basically what i want to do in pseudocode form

1. Display initial form

2. Choose from one of two to four choices (my discretion) via Button or radio, whichever is easier
3. once you click next, or the choice button, display next form depending on which choice and close the old form.

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Make Class Useable By Entire Project?

Aug 21, 2010

I created a class with a function. How can I make this class usable by other classes and other forms within my project?

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Server Path - Added New Project Class Library To Make Dll File

Jun 14, 2009

I am just added new project class library to make dll file. when i write the first line i got this problem

Dim objStreamReader

name 'server' is not declared

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Make A Project Where A Teacher Views A List Box With A List Of Students Of A Class?

Nov 5, 2011

I wish to make a project where a teacher views a list box with a list of students of a class. When he selects a name from the first list box the second listbox would change its data to show the grades for that one student.

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Can't Make Difference Between Public Class And Private Class And Friend And Protected Friend Class

May 15, 2009

I can't make difference between public class and private class and friend and protected friend class.

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Using A VB Class From The Same ASP.NET Web Site Project In A C# Class?

Jul 23, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web site project where I am using both VB.Net and C# class files. I have included separate sub folders in the App_Code directory for classes of each language.However, while I can successfully make use of a C# class in a VB class, I cannot do the opposite: use a a VB class in a C# class.


I get an error that "the type or namespace "VBTestClass" could not be found". What am I missing here?

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Embed Dll From "class Project" Into My Project In Program?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a standard "class library" project with a set of classes that I use to import in almost all my new projects.

The way I work is creating a new Solution with an empty project, which is my main project, and then I add to the solution the mentioned class library project, this way I can see both projects in the Soluction Explorer and even see the library code or update it if needed. Then I write the code in my main project and I compile.

This lead me to have 2 files when I compile: file *.exe and stdlib.dll

Some cases I use the lib for very small tools that I want to redistribute in a easy and clean why, so I would like to embed the stdlib.dll generated from my class library project into my *.exe file.

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Make Class Array Inside Class

Feb 28, 2012

I am New to <acronym title="Visual Basic">Vb</acronym>.Net. this is my first test. i try to create small address book. but i don't know what wrong. it compile perfect but when it run it give error and not work. is there any other way to add same class like in class inside array?


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Make Trig/pre-calc Class A Little Easier And Make A 'app' That Solves Triangles?

Jan 13, 2010

Public Class form1
Private Sub btnAnswer_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAnswer.Click[code]........

how can i make vb realize that the side that is opposite of the given angle, has to be less than the other sides. Also im not sure what Acamar meant by If txtAngleA.Text <> "" AndAlso txtAngleB.Text <> "" AndAlso txtSideA.Text <> "" Then 'two angles and a side Because im not sure what <> does.

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Delete Row Permanently From Database?

Jun 21, 2010

i am doing with deleting row permenately from database currently,but the problem i face right is that i can delete row from datagridview only, but the data inside database remains unchange.I want to delete a row which i selected determinately when i click a delete button .

Here is the code that i written...

Private Sub Delete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Delete.Click
Dim sqladapter_1 As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from Table_1", conn_1)
sqladapter_1.Fill(sa, "Table_1")


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How To Delete Permanently That Datasoure

Jul 13, 2009

i add a datasoure from sql server and VS create a file : ExampleDataSet.xsd..Now i want to remove that datasoure. i tried to remove ExampleData Set.xsd file and VS show many errors. how can i delete permanently that datasoure ?

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Keep Table In Application Permanently

Jul 8, 2011

How can I keep table in my application Permanently. after colse the application the table will be there. When I need I will able to sohow the Tabel in datagrideview.

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Keep Table In Application Permanently?

Jul 8, 2011

I keep table in my application Permanently after colse the application the table will be there. When I need I will able to sohow the Tabel in datagrideview.

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Permanently Burn Comments Into Pdf?

Mar 3, 2010

I have been researching on the possibilities of programmatically burning comments on pdf files permanently but so far I have not been successful. Has anyone writen code to do this or point me in the right direction? Permanently burn comments into pdf?

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Permanently Save Records In DB?

Jul 18, 2012

I am implementing an application in about a library management system, when I add new record to the database and then close and reopen the application, the record is not there!

I googled the issue and used the text book of this course but nothing beneficial.

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Saving The Variables Permanently?

Sep 5, 2010

I can't get is to save variables permanently. For instance, say you run your project and in the source code you have Button1_click s=textbox1.text (s is the variable I declared) Button2_click s=label1.text. Say you type some thing into textbox1 then click button1. Then you click button2. Is it possible to make it that the next time you run the program the text you typed into textbox1.text last time is displayed when you click button2? I am using windows form.

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VS 2008 Permanently Re-name Things In VB ?

Feb 17, 2011

at my collage we have to rename all buttons and labels to represent the type of thing the button, label or text box etc do For instance if I had an OK button I would change the Text and (Name) of the button in the Properties section from Button1 to BtnOk, if it is a Label I have to change it to LblOk etc I was wondering if there is a way to change the default (Name) Button1 to (Name) Btn1 and so on so that I only have to click on the 1 and type my description, rather than having to type the abbreviation for the type of object every-time also ?

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Can't Add Class To C# Project

Aug 25, 2010

When I add my vb classes to my C# project in vs 2008 they are readily available to be used in my c# classes. But for some reason 2010 can't see them. I could be missing something simple but i couldn't make it work in the past hour.

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How To Delete Data From A DataSet Permanently

Nov 8, 2011

I'm currently trying to delete data from a dataset/datasource/database using visual basic. So here is the run down: I've built a program that can add, delete, and modify customer information from an Access database and I just got the add function working. Meaning, I can now add customers to the database and it is sticking to the database. I re-ran the program and even restarted the computer the computer and the data is in the database. This works fine. However, now I want to get the delete button working but I'm not sure why it isn't deleting some of the fake entries I made just to test out the add feature.Here is the code I am using:

Dim delCompany As UMD3.CompaniesRow
delCompany = UMD3.Companies.FindByCompany (NOT SURE WHAT GOES HERE)
delCompany.Delete ()


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Permanently Add A Custom Control To Toolbox?

Nov 1, 2009

I made a customized TextBox that I'd like to permanently add to the toolbox. But when I close the project that I created it in, my new control also disappears and I have to copy/paste or import the class-code every time I want to use it. Is there a way to get the control in the toolbox "forever"?I tried to enclose the class in a "Namespace CustomClasses" statement and changed the root namespace in the project properties to "CustomClasses", but nothing of what I tried is permanent. I prefer to store my classes in a "real" root namespace, in the same root as the microsoft and system namespaces.

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Permanently Change User Agent

May 27, 2011

Im using the webbrowser control in my application, but i want to permanently change the user agent when im navigating to sites.

I have tried the extended use of the .Navigate function for the webbrowser, but when the user navigates the browser, or when im beeing redirected by the site it goes back to the vb user-agent info.

Alternatly: Is there any way to catch the postinfo and http headers when the webbrowser control navigates to a new url?

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Permanently Store String/object?

Apr 23, 2011

I need to permanently store a string or maybe a object in my application. And yes, I have tried the application settings (My.Settings).

My.Settings.something = "hi" will save "hi" into something, and when i use msgbox to output the data, it works. The thing is; when I copy my application to somewhere else on my computer it is gone. I guess the settings is saved to some file at the filesystem, and when I move my file it also creates a new settings file. How can I store a string inside my application, and also move the application later on?

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Add A Class As A Reference In Another Project?

Sep 15, 2009

how can I add a class of a different project to my current project as a reference?I tried Right click_-> add existing item --> ( The class from the other project) then it gives me error.I am not sure how can I use that class as my reference to my current project?

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Add A Class To An Existing Project?

Jun 27, 2009

I found what i was looking for on this old thread but I don't know exactly what to do woth it. The code given by Tall Dude seems to compile fine except for two errors..


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Create A Project For Class?

Jul 28, 2011

For extra credit I need to create a project for my class. I am here asking what is some of your ideas on a project I already did a calculator and I don't know what else to do one one

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Create A Project That Contains A Pet Class?

Jun 21, 2010

Create a project that contains a Pet class. Each object will contain pet name, animal type, breed and color. The form should contain text boxes to enter the information for the pets. A button or menu item should display the pet information on a separate form. Hint: Use a ReadOnly property on the input form to pass the object to the second form.

What I have done so far is create a new class with the name Pet and have instantiated each object with readonly property. I have also created another form where the information entered by the user will be displayed. Guess I kinda need to know what would be the next step? And I want to ensure what I have done so far is correct.


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Use Program Class In C# Project?

Dec 11, 2011

I would like to use the below VB.Net class in my C# Project. [code]...

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Make Obejct Of A VB Class From C# Class?

Jan 9, 2011

Can i make obejct of a VB class from C# class, if possible then what i'll have to do?

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Adding Items Permanently In Combobox At Runtime

Jan 19, 2009

i have taken one combobox in form1, another in form2. when i want to add an item permanently in combobox in form1 it should automatically added in the form2's combobox permanently and at the same time it should be added into the database(ms access) also.

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