Master VB By Finding Right Link(recommended) From Microsoft?

Aug 7, 2010

Meanwhile waiting to further study I would like to imporve my programming skill in Visual Basic 2008, I would like to know if anybody knows where is the good link which is from Microsoft to learn and upgrade VB 2008. Mostly I am more interested in Application program specific in Engineering. anybody can show me the link, I am registered user of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and I am Microsoft Certified Professional.Website:

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Recommended Alternatives For Speech Recognition Other Than Microsoft Speech Libraries?

Aug 11, 2010

recommended alternatives for speech recognition other than Microsoft Speech libraries?

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Finding & Clicking A Always Changing Link ID On Webpage?

Jan 15, 2011

I can now navigate to pages, fill forms, submit forms, click elements etc.My next big step will be collecting html element ID's which are constantly different each time I navigate to a page.On the webpage I am working on, each page contains 10 of these ID's.


Now I am just looking to click on one of them at random for right now. It doesn't matter which one. Or perhaps the first one to appear on the webpage.Here is the code that I tried works fine for clicking static buttons (without the random id #'s at the end)

Dim ill As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ill_btn_")
End Sub

I guess what I am looking for here is some sort of partial id tag, to let it know to search for the first ID that begins with ill_btn_ ?

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Link Database From MySQL 2005 To Microsoft VB 2010 Express?

Jan 7, 2011

My question is how to link database from MySQL2005 with the interface created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express?Is it possible to link the database into my interface?

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Using Microsoft VB 2008 Express Edition To Link With DeviceXPlorer OPC Server?

Dec 6, 2009

I wish to using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition to link with DeviceXPlorer OPC Server. But, I found out that in VB6 a function is called LinkTopic, LinkCode, LinkMode that I cant find in Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition . Is it Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition do not have this function or the name is different?

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C# - What Is The Recommended Architecture For ASP.NET Web Applications

Jun 3, 2009

In the first comment (by J.W.) to this question: Using ObjectDataSource and DataObjectTypeName, How Do You Handle Delete Methods With Just An Id Parameter?, it is said that using ObjectDataSource is a bad design. What is considered good design for well-architected ASP.NET applications?

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C# - Accessing Top Master Page Properties In A Nested Master Page Code Behind?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a nested master page that has its own master page. The parent master page has a property defined in its code behind.

Public ReadOnly Property SelectedPage() As String
Return _selectedPage
End Get
End Property

How can I reference the parent master page's property from within either the child master page's code behind Page_Load or aspx template page?

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C# - Recommended Way To Work With Audio In .NET Applications?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm trying to get started with a simple audio application under .NET 3.5 (preferably in VB.NET, but will happily use C#). What I'd like to do is: Continuously record audio from (the default) Windows audio input device in 8-bits-per-sample PCM format For every N bytes captured, do some analysis on the raw audio (some RMS and/or SPL calculations -- basically what you'd need for a pretty VU bar graph thingy) If the audio fragment is found interesting after analysis, save it using a compressed file format (e.g. MP3)


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Recommended Approach For Copying Elements

Jan 30, 2010

Which is the recommended approach for copying elements from one control to another? Currently I am using something like this:
For Each a As Control In control.Controls
Should I stick to it, or should I change to use the ControlCollection.CopyTo method instead?

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Recommended Practice Is For Importing Namespaces?

Mar 27, 2012

Just wondering what the recommended practice is for importing namespaces. Are you always better importing the namespace like the fisrt snippet of code, or are you better to type the full namespace inline with your code.

I like both methods; the first is tidier and takes less code, the second can identify exactly where your accessing some logic from which can provide some clarity when looking over the code. Just wondering if there are pros/cons for either or if this is just a personal preference, currently I use a combination but would like to keep consistant.


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Use Of Mid(), Instr(), LBound(), UBound() Not Recommended?

Sep 28, 2009

I come from a C# background but am now working mostly with VB.Net. It seems to me that the above functions (and others - eg. UCase, LCase) etc. are carryovers from VB6 and before. Is the use of these functions frowned upon in VB.Net, or does it purely come down to personal preference?

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Recommended Text For The Creation Of Custom Controls?

May 1, 2009

I was wondering if there is a recommended text for the creation of custom controls? I know a few years ago this book was out: Developing Microsoft .NET Controls with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (Pro Developer)

It was published in 2003 I think. I have a great deal of experience in VB but not in actual control development, so I don't need a primer on classes and properties and the like. Wondering if this would still be worth it? I never dove into this part of VB and .NET before.

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File I/O And Registry :: Recommended Shared User Space?

May 29, 2010

My program requires the reading and writing to a file that is shared among all users of a system. Currently I keep this file (an XML configuration file) in the directory that my application is installed to, which is C:Program FilesSomething by default. On Windows 7 (and probably XP too, but I haven't checked), regular users cannot write to this file. While I could probably set permissions as needed in my installation program, I'd rather find a more appropriate place for this file.All users need to read and write to it. Doing some Googling turns up C:ProgramData for Windows 7, but XP doesn't create this folder. Is there a common place on both platforms? Finally, is there an environment variable I can query for it?

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Standard/Recommended Approach For Using Child Form Of A Parent?

May 2, 2011

The basic setup is this: VB.NET application, using Windows.Forms, a parent form is shown and the user interacts with that. Now, I want to show a child form, modally, configure that form with data from the parent and have the user interact with that child form and then return information to the parent code.Here is one approach that I have used, but it is a bit awkward. Parent has this code:

Dim cf as Child_Form
Dim initdata(3) As Byte
' Set up initdata[code].....

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VS 2010 Make The Download Manager Know It Is Link To Downloadable File As Opposed To Something Like Link To Another Webpage?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm using visual basic 2010 express..I'm building my own web browser and want to add a download manager.I have been able to build one that will download a file if I type the file location into a text box.What I'm trying to figure out is how to have the download manager open when I click on a download link on a web page.How to make the download manager know it is a link to a downloadable file as opposed to something like a link to another webpage?

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ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could Not Find File '(unknown)'.

Oct 8, 2011

I'm currently doing a project that includes access 2010 My question will be what driver can I use for an access 2010 *.accdb type file? For a *.mdb it works perfectly well with

ConnString ="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & Application.StartupPath & "\CITSDB.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=123;"

But, when I changed the mbd to accdb:

ConnString ="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.accdb)};Dbq=" & Application.StartupPath & "\CITSDB.accdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=123;"

It resulted in errors:

ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could not find file '(unknown)'.
ERROR[IM006][Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]SQLSetConnetAttr failed
ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could not find file '(unknown)'

And then it shows me that my code for

If dsLogin.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled
Cannot find table 0

I knew it must be the driver but I don't know what accdb driver I can use for the connstring.

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Call An ASP Link From VB Code-behind Instead Of User Clicking Link?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a link here that works perfect for calling the postback close that I need to happen:

<a href="javascript:parent.__doPostBack('Close','')"><asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Text="Close Me"></asp:Label></a>

However, I would like to be able to call the *javascript:parent.__doPostBack('Close','')* method from the code-behind file rather than the user clicking the link. I.e., when I have completed my tasks in the application code, call parent.doPostBack as my last function call, which closes the window in question.

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Clicking A Link In 1 WebBrowser Causes WebBrowser2 To Navigate To The Link?

Jun 12, 2009

When a button is clicked i am creating HTML that will be displayed in the WebBrowser1 control. With this HTML are several links to other pages. Is it possible that when one of these links is clicked, that WebBrowser2 navigates to the page instead of WebBrowser1?

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HTML In Windows Application - Add A URL Link And An Email Link

Jan 30, 2009

I have a project that I would like to add a URL link and an email link to in the Help/About dialog. How can I do this? Is it possible to add HTML code to a VB project? This is not a Web application.

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VS 2008 Find Clicked Url Link/ Open Link In New Tab?

Sep 4, 2009

Im trying to create a webbrowser in VB 08;

I was wondering how i would create new tab with the Link the clicked.

*EG* They Right-Click Link > Open In New Window/Tab > Makes New Tab In My Program > Navigates To The Linked Clicked.

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Filling Array From Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table In Microsoft

Aug 7, 2009

I have a database with one table.I'd like to populate an array with the values in the table so that I can work with the data.How do I copy the data from the table to the array?I am able to view the data with a DataGridView but can't find any info on extracting the data to an array or variable.

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.net - ERROR [22018] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Dec 7, 2011

I have an error ERROR [22018] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression. and I've been trying to solve this but unfortunately I couldn't get the hack of this error. I'm a newbie in dotNet.

Public Sub LogInContinue(ByVal senter As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim LibDS As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim LibDA As OdbcDataAdapter = New OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblUserAccount WHERE Uname='" & txtUserName.Text & "'", LibConn)


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Fetching Data From A Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table Into A Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Application?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building a VB 2008 Express Edition application.I have built a database (with a single table) using SQL Server Compact 3.5 and have connected it to the project. I am able to view and edit the data using a DataGridView on a second form (tutorial made this very easy). I need to work with the data in the table within the application. how to easily load the entire table into an array or even read the table a row or cell at a time so that I can make all of the data available for manipulation within the application (the tutorials only seem to show how to display the data).

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Connect Microsoft VB Data To Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2?

May 8, 2011

I am developing a database system using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Honestly i don't have any knowledge on how to connect the data in VB to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, so kindly anyone could support me with tutorial videos or ebook or any reference

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Recommended Application(s) To Test SQL Server 2008 Queries For Application?

Apr 11, 2012

I am new to working with SQL databases (and databases in general) so I do not have a lot of experience with how queries work and how I can practice them. When I was first learning xml and XPath, I found XPath Visualizer incredibly helpful after someone on stack overflow mentioned it to me.Due to this, I am wondering if a similar tool exists for SQL databases?Basically a tool that will allow me to connect to a database,enter queries and see somehow what the results would be like.

I have looked online a bit, however I have found relatively few options in terms of any utility that would do what I want, and that looks reliable.I will ultimately be writing an application to interact with an SQL 2008 server in, however for now I am just experimenting so I will know what I am doing when I actually want to create my application.So far I have managed to connect to the database using an OLE DB connection, but I am now looking for a way to experiement with queries without just querying and figuring out a way to interpret the results in my program. Basically I want to be able to remove the programming aspect of things so I can experiment with queries without needing to question anything in my code that is unrelated to the specific query.

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Microsoft Office Installed - Warning 2 Unable To Find Dependency 'INTEROP.MICROSOFT.OFFICE.CORE'

Jul 23, 2010

So I have this error.


So I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that I don't have office loaded on my computer. Now I have another laptop, with office that I loaded this project on, and it works fine. So do I have to load office on this computer, or can I just reference something?


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Connect To Microsoft Access Database Using "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library"?

May 3, 2012

I have vb .net windows form application that I want to connect to Microsoft access database using "Microsoft DAO 3.6 object library". My problem is that when I go to Project tab -> Add reference -> COM tab, there should have been "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" on the list, but for some reason It's not on the list. Then I googled, and found out that the location of "DAO360.DLL" is "Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAO". After clicking on Browse tab, I browsed to that location, and I guess I added reference on another way.This is the code that I used before for connecting to Access, but for some reason It doesn't work this way on this PC.


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Redeclaring Something In An Inherited Class Is The Recommended-preferred Way To Use "SHADOWS" Or "OVERLOADS"?

Aug 7, 2011

PASTE ALL of this to your Form1 code window please and add one Button to Form1.

Now I am asking developers here who actually do software development for a living

especially those persons holding MCPD or similar Microsoft Certification please.

1) When redeclaring a method as in AnotherClass below which Inherits from ExampleClass,

is the recommnded way to use SHADOWS or OVERLOADS please? 2) What about when you do the same with a PROPERTY please?

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off
Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Swf Link - Automatically Add The 1 To The End Of The .swf Link?

Dec 13, 2010

so I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and I'm trying to make a program where I would have a textbox where the user would type,then a "Go" button. In the textbox, the user would type a number, lets go with 1 for an example. A user would type 1 in the textbox, then it would automatically add the 1 to the end of this .swf link: "http:[url]... after they enter the 1 in the textbox and press the "Go" button, it would add the 1 to the end of that link, then that link would open a new shockwaveflash form with the link being the Movie. Is this possible?

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C# Master And VB Content

Jul 24, 2009

Here is my deal...I have a C# master page (shown below):


And i have a VB Content Page:


In a C# content page...the lblSuid.Text = Master.SUID is doable with the same master page...why can't or how can i access that property in a VB content page from the C# master page...I have gotten it to work C# to C# and VB to VB...but not C# to VB.

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