Measure Distance Between Two Or More Image After Edge Detection Feature Extration

Nov 23, 2010

I need to read 10 images in 1 folder and do feature extraction onto 10 images.Does anyone can suggest any good edge detection by using C++ / VB.Net / C# language? After I can successfully detect the edge and write a new image file (in this case is generate 10 new edge detection filtered images, only black and white line image) within the same folder.Then lastly, I do not know any distance measurement able to calculate distance between each edge detection filtered-images (not the original image) and show the result in graph.How can read those images back and get the data of the edge?Keywords are edge detection and distance measurement.

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Doubling Image With Edge Detection?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a function to do edge detection that works fairly good with one pass and without using a convolution filter. The only thing is that it will shift by one pixel the resulting image when I runt it from top to bottom and from left to right. I can live with that. Just a curious thing that I got when I ran it several times in a loop to see the effect of applying it several times on the resulting image.A deformed image appears at the beggining and then, bit by bit it splits appart and after shifting it the width of the original image I get a double image. I wonder how the computer keeps track of the first image and is able to separate the two after several iteractions.I know that in electronics you can have several signals in a circuit and you can separate them with frequency filters, or you can simultaneously download several files with the same modem aand the two computers will synchronize each one, but this surprissed me.

Here is a simplified version of my function

Private Function Preview(ByVal Thumb As Image) As Image
Dim bm As New Bitmap(Thumb)
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer


I have tried with more complicated images and with larger sizes, but to make upload smaller I includes these two images of simpler and smaller size. A view of the GUI and an animation of the process:reload to see the animation.

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Measure Distance Using Serial Port (sensor)?

Mar 21, 2010

measure distance using serial port (sensor)?

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Do Canny Edge Detection In A Picture

Jun 18, 2009

I have a problem in detection edges in a picture. Im going to use this to make some recognition of pictures. I have found a way of doing Sobel filtering without the use of system.drawing.bitmat with BitmapSource.CopyPixels. I have posted code fore Sobel filtering here:


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How To Implement An Incoming Call Detection Feature

Aug 21, 2011

I'm planning to create an application that counts the number of calls recieved based on the type of calls. For example: When a person gives a call an audio menu provides various options. If the person choose option 1 then the count value under option 1 will increment;If the person choose option 2 then the count value under option 2 is incremented, ect, ect,ect.

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Way To Feather The Edge Of An Image?

Apr 2, 2010

Is there a way to feather the edge of an image?

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WinForm Background Image - Smooth Edge

Sep 27, 2011

I am creating a windows form background image, but when it use to a form it's look very bad in the edge, it don't smooth. Using VB only. I tried use alphablend but how.

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Distance Between Two Points On An Image In Terms Of Pixels?

Jun 1, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic 2006 and i'm a newbie so excuse me if my question is not complete. I basically have a picturebox, in which i am displaying an image from a webcam. Now the user clicks on two points on the image and i need to get the distance between the two points in terms of the number of pixels. I did think of and try the pythagorean theorem, but i'm confused as to what units the answer turns out in. Is it in terms of inches? or pixels? Do i need to set the Scale Mode propety to pixels to get it in pixels? And if so, is there a way to get the number of pixels per inch? Sorry for asking so many questions but i've been reading other forums and i'm confused!

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Distance Across The Form Minus The Distance Across The Picture Box?

Dec 17, 2010

You could check to see if the distance across the form minus the distance across the picture box is equal to the horizontal location of the picture box to see if it's on the right side. For the left side, just check if the horizontal location of the picture box is 0.

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IDE :: Make Application Stick To Screen Edge When Dragged Near Screen Edge?

Dec 7, 2011

i am developing one application for which i want it to stick to the edge of the screen when dragged near screen edge.

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Calculate The Width Of That Triangle At 1/3 Of The Distance From The Point + 2/3 Of The Distance From The Point?

Mar 30, 2012

assuming i have an isoceles triangle, where i know the height + base width, how

can i calculate the width of that triangle at 1/3 of the distance from the point + 2/3 of the distance from the point?

i thought it'd be simply 1/3 base width + 2/3 base width, but my drawing is +/- a few pixels when i resize it?

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Cannot Measure String Correctly

Jun 30, 2009

I don't know how many different ways I have tried to do this, it never spaces the strings right.[code]...

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Measure A Path's Length?

Dec 2, 2009

I have some problems that about GraphicsPath:

How to measure a path's length?

How to insert a point along the path without changing its pattern?

and how to get a nearest point along the path with a given point?

get a on-path-point with a given percentage of the length of the path,
e.g.: 3/4 of Path(new point(){(0,0),(2,4)}) = (1.5,3)
(like Adobe Flash, the object can follow a path to move.)

I have tried to measure length with Graphicspath.flatten, but it takes time and not accurate enough. Is there a formula to do that?

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Measure TCP Connection Speed?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a TCP connection set up and I know how much data is coming in etc. I was wondering if there was a direct way to measure the current bit rate or a best practice to measure it accurately, say over a couple of seconds?

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Measure Voltage And Current?

Apr 13, 2012

get sample code by using NI-6009 to measure voltage(Vrms) and Curent (Irms) . Before this i'm trying to make code with using example in National Instrument VB2010.But i still can't display the right values of voltage(Vrms) and Current (Irms) from waveform that I used.The data comes from data acquisition grid in source array i used to plot sinus waveform.But the problem is I don't know how to measure voltage(Vrms) and Curent (Irms) from that waveform. I am also don't know how to start programming between NI-6009 DAQ Card and Visual Basic 2010 Express.

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How To Measure Time Spans Accurately

Aug 9, 2011

I have a VB.NET application that executes a test when the user clicks a "Start" button. The application communicates back and forth with a USB device and eventually stops when the USB device sends back a specific trigger, or if the user chooses to cancel the test. I would like to measure the time elapsed during each test and display it to the screen.The program is significantly complex and I have several timers that control sampling rate, the frequency of the output, the frequency of signals in a calibration method, etc.I tried two approaches so far, both of which led to invalid time measurements. I say they're invalid because I used several stopwatches I know to be accurate in addition to the system clock (the clock with a second hand that pops up when you double click the time in the bottom right hand corner of Windows XP) to measure the actual time of each test. Consistently, my program will indicate more time has passed than actually has.I tried simply dividing the number of samples I took by the the sampling frequency. I got back a time that was about 1.33 times greater than the actual time. This ratio would change with different frequencies, and even with the same frequency from day to day.

I tried using the DateTimePicker in my main form to measure the time passage. At the start of the test I'd record the start time, startTime = DateAndTimePicker1.value, at the end of the test I'd record the end time, endTime = DateAndTimePicker1.value, and then I'd set the text of a label equal to their difference, TestDurationLabel.text = (endTime - startTime).ToString. I initialized startTime and endTime as Dates. I get back a time that is about 1.2 times greater than the actual time.

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IDE :: Measure Webbrowser Component Inactivity?

Sep 7, 2009

As I've noted in another thread I'm trying to put together a secured kiosk app for access to our college library catalogue.I've managed to do most of the stuff with little fuss but, given that I'm not much of a programmer, I'm having a bit of trouble with certain features I'd like to incorporate.One of them is that I'd like the webbrowser control to return to the components designated homepage after 5 minutes of inactivity.

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Measure Download/Upload Speed?

Sep 26, 2009

Well an alternative way is by just showing the connection speed which is:

Dim AllNetConn() As NetworkInterface = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces
Dim IntConnSpeed As Integer = AllNetConn(0).Speed / 1024
Dim StrConnSpeed As String = IntConnSpeed & " Kbps"


But i need something more specific like the download/upload speed.. I know that i could make my program download a file with the size of 100kb and measure how much time it took to download but i dont know how to measure the time...

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Measure Wifi Signal Strength?

Jan 18, 2009

I was wondering if there is an available script or code in VB that could measure the signal strength of routers. I need an actual number in decibels.

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VS 2008 Measure Mic Sound Input?

Aug 5, 2009

I am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction.

I would like to add mic input into my application.

I am thinking of having text boxes in a vertical row. When the user speaks into the microphone the text boxes will be filled according sound level.

I could find anything that does this using the .Net framework.

View 8 Replies

Hide The Forms Edge?

Sep 14, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way, I can hide the forms edge. By "edge" I meen the blue/gray half-transperrant edge. Like in the spotify login menu, for example. There is no edge.

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Soft Edge Wipe Using GDI

Jun 18, 2009

I'm trying to draw some text using GDI (i.e. using a graphics object). It is done using the basic method of creating a path, adding a string to it and using a brush to fill it.

The only tricky part is that I need to apply a soft edge wipe to it. To describe what I'm trying to do better, I've uploaded an example done in photoshop: [URL]

What is the best way of achieving this? I need to be able to control the mask that is creating the soft edge - i.e. the position of the gradient, the width of the gradient etc.

Ideally I'd like to do it using the graphics object and not dipping into .dlls - but at the end of the day I'll do whatever it takes!!

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Get Related Measure Groups Given A Dimension In Program?

Mar 30, 2012

I'm using VB.NET to connect to and parse data from an Analysis Services database.

The problem I'm having is while trying to find all Measure Groups that are related to a given Dimension. I've been digging through the API and it doesn't seem that Dimensions have any information on Measure Groups at all, but Measure Groups can contain Dimensions.

This makes it easy if I want to get a list of related Dimensions given a Measure Group(measureGroup.Dimensions), but what I'm looking for is the opposite.

The only thing I can think of is to loop through all the Measure Groups within the Cube and check if it contains a reference to the Dimension in question[code]...

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Measure The Width Of The Drawn Text In Pixel?

Nov 2, 2009

I am writing some text in a control using Graphics.DrawString I need to measure the width of the drawn text in pixel.

I tried to mesure it using:

GetTextExtentPoint32A (API)

All these method of mesuring the string returns different values for the width, and they are all the wrong value They all mesure the narrow caracteres as "i" as being narrower then they realy are and the wide caractere as "W" as wider than they realy are What would the proper way to draw and/or mesure a string to get the right position on the screen where the text ends

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How To Curve The Edge Of A User Control

Jun 22, 2010

How do I curve the edge of a User Control?

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MSChart EditCopy Edge/Legend Bug?

Jun 9, 2011

I am using axMSChart objects to display charts in my VB .Net Windows Forms App.I am also trying to export them to a PowerPoint presentation which I automatically generate using Office Interop.However, when I use EditCopy to copy the Chart to the clipbord and paste it into PowerPoint, the color of the Edge of my Bar Chart is set to red for the firstSeriesCollection and green for the second one.

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Application That Measure Response And Loading Time Of Webpage

Sep 6, 2009

I like to make an console application to measure the time it takes to fully load a web page, what's the best approach to do that? The purpose of this small app is to monitor some pages in a website, in a predetermined interval, in order to be able to know beforehand if something is going wrong with the webserver or the database server. It would be nice to be able to measure the time it takes to fully load the the page (images, css, javascript, etc). I have some code but I is not measuring the fully page.

Dim sw As New System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
Dim req As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = CType(HttpWebRequest.Create("[URL]"), HttpWebRequest)
Dim res As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = CType(req.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Dim timeToLoad As TimeSpan = sw.Elapsed

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Measure How Many Bytes Of Data Does A Device Sent To Computer Using Program?

Nov 25, 2009

ust want to ask if its possible for me to measure how many bytes of data does a device sent to my computer using

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VS 2008 Measure The Height Of A String With A FIXED Max Width

Aug 26, 2009

just say I have a string as follows:

This is a long long lojngoi sudofi usdfh ksjdhfjk sdhfgkj shgh sdfhg sdfg sdfgdsfg ... I want to specify a maximum width (eg 180) for my string and get the height returned... the picture below explains in more detail:

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Draw Control Past Edge Of Form?

Feb 24, 2010

I've got a usercontrol that's a simple rectangle with three labels on it. It's essentially triggered to give a caption to an image when the mouse is moved over it. As I feared, adding the control to the form (or any container on the form) restricts drawing the control to the region defined by the container. I tried increasing the region of the form and the container, but it still didn't draw outside the container.

So my question is: Is there a way to make the control display partially inside the container/form and partially outside it, or is there a better object type that will do what I want?


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