Microsoft Intermediate (MSIL) Instructions Throw OutOfMemoryException

Dec 26, 2009

from the vb web:


The following Microsoft intermediate (MSIL) instructions throw OutOfMemoryException :


Does anyone knows what exactly does box means? and also is there anyway this statement will cause an outofmemory: Dim a As Boolean

What about if its just an empty object: Dim a As someobj

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VB Dot Net Too Slow Given That It Uses MSIL?

Oct 27, 2010

We have old VB6 code, and now that Windows 8 is coming along, we are worried that it won't work. So we have to decide what to port it to. would seem to make sense, but since it compiles to an intermediate level, its not as fast as programs that compile straight to assembly language. Another choice we found was "Power Basic" which is supposed to be much faster that

I happen to like various features of such as the GUI editor, and intellisense and so forth, and so I'm wondering - is there some way to get around the MSIL (intermediate level) factor in slowing the language down?

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Get Me From Beginner To Intermediate?

Jul 22, 2010

I want to learn visual basic, what book or books are the best to take me from beginner to intermediate?Would it be more advantageous to go through VB 2008 or VB2010 tutorials first or should i start with a book before going through VB2008 or VB2010 tutorials?I am comfortable with Sequel (SQL) language, learned on the job and am at the advanced level of Excel/Access writing formulas functions,etc. the next logical step is to learn VB.

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Checkbox Defaults To Intermediate

Sep 11, 2009

I have a few SQL connected check boxes in my form.The problem is that on the 'Add New' event the check boxes go into a "intermediate" status (filled in).What I would like is for all the check boxes to be unchecked.I have so far tried the following and none of it worked.[code]Nothing seems to help, in fact there seems to be no effect at all on the check box properties no matter what I do (wether I change the property in VB, in the table definition, or programicaly).

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Testing Vars In Intermediate Window?

Jun 22, 2009

Running through some basic tutorials and wanted the test the value of a variable i have created. How do I go about doing this in the intermediate window??

The only way I can do this is by creating a msgbox and then outputing the string var in the msgbox (var) to get the value I am after. Is there a way of doing this in the intermediate window??

I tried the following. but had no luck...

? ckstatevar

My code is as follows:

Private Sub ckboxDexter_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ckboxDexter.CheckedChanged
Dim ckstatevar As Single = ckboxDexter.CheckState


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VS 2008 Intermediate Window Message

Jul 21, 2010

I noticed in the Intermediate Window a message which read:A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll..I do not where in my program it happened. Can someone tell me what this means.

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Use In The Table To Load An Intermediate Check State?

Jul 31, 2009

I have a DataGridView that has columns with a value type of boolean.To load the DataGridView, I load values into a DataTable then set theDataGridView.DataSource = theTable What value can I use in the table to load an intermediate check state?

Would it be better to use a check box control with a value than to use a column set to the boolean data type?

The check box is for display only, and will not need to be changed.

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Convert IL Instructions To VB Or C#.Asgar?

Jul 19, 2010

How can i convert IL instructions to VB or C#.Asgar

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Hide All Of The Labels With One Instructions?

Mar 29, 2010

I have to sequence through bunch of labels and pictures.

Is there a general insatruction to hide them all?

At this time I am using:


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Need To Display Instructions To User

Jan 22, 2010

I used the TextBox to display "text instructions" for user but at run time I noticed that the text in TextBox is modifyable.Most of the time the text comes highlighted also.The instructions are a few lines per page so the label is not a good idea.

View 11 Replies

Repeat Some Instructions The Fastest?

Sep 23, 2008

epeat some instructions the fastest?i tried this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Size Of Compiled Code Into MSIL Necessarily Correlate To Code Speed?

Nov 24, 2010

I have been playing around with different types of native code operations in Visual Basic and then inspecting the code with Reflector to see what kind of MSIL is produced. For example, I wondered, in a one line If-Then-Else different than an If-Then-Else split onto multiple lines, ie.


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Any Webpage That Teaches Simple Stuffs That A Advanced To Intermediate Student

Sep 9, 2009

Btw do you know of any webpage that teaches simple stuffs that a advanced to intermediate student can learn from it like the home and learn? Cuz the home and learn is only the basic stuffs.

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Converting DLL's Created With Intermediate Language To Create Entry Points Within A DLL

Nov 16, 2009

In need of some desperate help. Has anyone had any experience with a software product called Pres? The programme provides a function (userhook) that can run externally created dll's as the programme offers no COM support. The basic requirements for the dll are as follow.

1, The dll requires a public function named UserInstruction

2, The UserInstruction must have 5 parameters. The first and second of type long, the third a double array and the fourth and fifth parameters required type is a string.

This all seems pretty simple. But as .NET doesnt support exporting functions within a DLL to allow direct public access to the function through third party software it becomes tricky. After doing some research it seems as though this isn't possible in .NET. The only way I can see to do this is to convert the dll to Intermediate Language and play around with it once this is converted and then convert the IL code back to a DLL. I found this on the following site [URL]..After trying this when I try to use the DLL via Pres I am still getting no joy.

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Graphics.Drawstring Ignores Kerning Instructions?

Dec 14, 2011

I was unhappy with the kerning in one of the installed fonts on my system, so I re-defined the kerning in a font editor and installed the revised font (under a new name) on my system. When I use the new font in Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop, my new kerning works fine - but when I use Drawstring in a VB program, although the new font is used, the kerning instructions are ignored.Does anyone know if this a feature of the Graphics.Drawstring method, or am I failing to set a switch somewhere? If it's a feature, is there another method which kerns correctly?

VBE 2010 .net 4.0 XP SP3

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Feature In VS2010 - Set Of Instructions And Save It As A Macro (ex: MYMACRO)

Dec 1, 2011

There is a feature I used to have in zOS assembler environment that I'd like to know if it's available in VS2010 (VB .net). In assembler it is called macro language :

First, I define a set of instructions and save it as a macro (ex: MYMACRO)

Second, anywhere in my source code I can call the macro (by adding the line "MYMACRO")

Third, when i launch the compilation/link step, the compiler implicitly replaces all the "MYMACRO" lines in the source code by the content of MYMACRO defined in first step.

Is there a feature like this in VS2010 ?


Content of macro CONTEXTSTART with a parameter &id



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IDE :: Visual Basic 2005 Express - Find Instructions On The Use Of The IDE?

Jul 31, 2011

Were can i find instructions on the use of the IDE? My problem is that after writing code, in a botton for examle, I can't return to my Form.

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Tutorial/instructions On Setting Up A View-Switching Application In VB Code?

Dec 15, 2011

I have been a VB6 developer for several years, and switched to .NET couple of years ago.Since then, I switched to WPF, and now, i am attacking Silverlight + PRISM I whould like to know if anyone of you programmers have some GOOD and CLEAR tutorial/instructions on setting up a View-Switching application in VB code please?So the main goal whould be a menuregion (working!).When the user clicks some buttons, i need the MainRegion to refresh its view, depending on the selection ofcourse.I am also looking on information how to keep track of the changes made when trying to switch the view?

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Got System.OutOfMemoryException When Using?

Jul 7, 2011

Dim output1 = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file).ToString

The file size is only 1 GB. My Page file is 128 GB. Why out of memory? It's 64bit system.

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OutOfMemoryException Instead Of InsufficientMemoryException?

Dec 27, 2009

if creating a new object may cause OOM, then would creating a new Runtime.MemoryFailPoint cause an OOM (instead of InsufficientMemoryException ) as well?

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PictureBox And The OutOfMemoryException?

Nov 9, 2011

I've found similar threads about OutOfMemoryException, but I've got a new problem that seems really strange.The test Form is very simple, so everyone can test the problem I'm facing.I use VB 2010 Pro.

I have simple Windows Form with a picturebox, I've renamed "pbx".Now, I want to be able to add an image file as BackgroundImage with BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Tile.And also be able to move/rename/delete the image file. So the code must read and release the file.First of all, the test file I'm using now is a simple bitmap .bmp file, and really very light !


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VS 02/03 System.OutOfMemoryException?

Dec 23, 2009

An unhandled exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' occurred in information: Error creating window handle.It appeared when I was loading a child form (frmPublisher) from the MDI form. I'm guessing this has something to do with the loaded form being overloaded or something? This didn't kind of error didn't happen when frmPublisher's only opened the database connection once (during the Load event). I modified the code to make sure that frmPublisher's subs only opened

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Handling System.OutOfMemoryException In .NET?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a datagridview that has 65000 rows and 200 columns. I need to extract unique rows from the datagridview based on some sort of relevancy percentage.

While processing these rows it gives me an error "System.OutOfMemoryException" at around 47000 row. I searched for this exception over internet and found that it is related to RAM. I have 4GB RAM and my OS is Vista. However it would be used by people having as low as 512 MB RAM.

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OutOfMemoryException Was Unhandled Using VB 2008

Mar 29, 2011

I am writing an application in Vb2008 that generates an Access Database and then uploads data to it. Once the data is upload, it allocates values to a table. It is at the beginning of this segement (the allocation) where the error shows up noted with comments. will furnish more segements of code upon request.

Sub runLocates(ByRef
brkr As


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OutOfMemoryException With DataSet Designer

Jan 10, 2012

I have a windows form application made in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Rel. I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 for my database. I've been working on this project for a while now and I am almost completed with it. I recently had to add a field to one of my tables in my database, which hasn't given me much troubles in the past as I've had to do this before. To make sure I did it properly, I'll tell you how I added the field. I went to my database on my server and went to my table, tblOrderParts. I right clicked, and went to design. I added a field, Order_Delete, which I made a bit field so I could use a checkbox. When I went to my dataset designer, I used the wizard to add the field to the table in my program.

After I added it, I remembered that one of my forms was using a view I had created with that table that would need the checkbox as well, so I went back into SQL Sever to add that. Added in SQL with no problem, but when I went back to Visual Studio's dataset designer to add the field to my view, it won't allow me. I open the wizard, go to my view i created, vwAllOrders, and checked the box next to it. When I press Finish, though, I get, "An exception has occurred while attempting to set the data source generator property." I had to cancel out of the dataset wizard cause it wouldn't let me continue... even if nothing was changed.

Now it is also showing me an error in the Error section saying,
"Custom tool error: Failed to generate code. Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemory' was thrown."

Now that I've said the error, here's what I'm thinking is going on... Something must be wrong with the custom tool on my dataset. The tool name is MSDataSetGenerator. I went on more forums, and a couple mentioned trying to restart the custom tool by right clicking the dataset and going to "Run custom tool.' When I run it, it gives me another error. Not much different, but still different in wording.

The error it pops up say
"The custom tool 'MSDataGenerator' failed. Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemory' was thrown."

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System.OutOfMemoryException Was Unhandled

Apr 22, 2009

I am getting a System.OutOfMemoryException was unhandled on my listbox. i dont know how to fix it please help here is the code its saying that to.


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.net - OutOfMemoryException After Looping 500K Records?

Aug 30, 2010

This code results in an error

Using VT As New BidiEntities
For Each dr In Bidis


VT.SaveChanges() results in this error when looping through 500,000 records.

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.Net System.OutOfMemoryException Filling A Datatable?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to extract data from a .dbf file and transform it into xml. I wrote a routine that does it just fine. However now we are encountering very large .dbf files - like 2GB +. And this code throws an OutOfMemoryException on those files.

Public Function GetData() As DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable(Name)
Dim sqlcommand As String= "Select * From MyTable"


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OutOfMemoryException After Looping 500K Records

Nov 24, 2011

This code results in an error

Using VT As New BidiEntities
For Each dr In Bidis
Dim hkBidi As New hkBidi
hkBidi.UserId = Userx
End Using

VT.SaveChanges() results in this error when looping through 500,000 records.

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OutOfMemoryException On Bitmap.Clone Method?

Mar 23, 2010

Are there other conditions that can cause this exception to be raised? I am attempting to use the method to take a section of the source bitmap in question (possibly equal to the entire source bitmap). I have checked my code extensively, including verifying the parameters of the Rectangle at runtime, and even tried hard-coding a Rectangle with parameters that I knew were within the bounds of the source bitmap, but have still received the error. I tried several choices for the PixelFormat as well.

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