More Windows Updates Convert To .NET?

Jan 31, 2011

Currently converting the infamous Windows Update VB Script examples to VB .NET so that I can have a more polished GUI for our end user's as we have to nofity them every step of the way when installing updates (so the built in WUA interaction is not viable for us).

Converting from VBS to VB .NET seems to be more troublesome then I estimated, FYI I am no a full time .NET programmer so I might be making newbie mistakes!!!

So here is the VB Script example from MSDN for searhing, downloading and installing Windows updates using VBS:


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Searching For Windows Updates?

Jan 18, 2011

I am writing a Windows Update Client in preperation for it's use with our Windows 7 OS when we start to migrate this year from our Windows XP SP3 computers. We currently use a vbScript to control the installation of Windows Updates, we dont use the built in Windows Update client for the installation of updates as we need a little bit more control to allow for the deferral of updates being installed and more notification to the end user as to when a reboot will occur.

I want to replace the vbScript with a VB .NET executable as the presentation of information is much nicer, so I took to converting the Microsoft WUA API examples from vbScript to .NET, Following is the the vbScript Example code I am working with, at this stage of development of the application I am looking just to get a count of updates that need to be installed:

Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher()
WScript.Echo "Searching for updates..." & vbCRLF


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Show Installed Windows Updates?

Jun 11, 2011

This is going to sound weird but I was wondering if there is a way to show in a list all of the installed Windows Updates.

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Specific Windows Updates Are Installed?

May 31, 2010

I'm trying to figure out if specific Windows updates are installed so I can install the correct ones.I'm currently checking the WindowsUpdates.log file that is located within the windows directory, but it's terribly unreliable.In my search to find an alternative method, I cam across this blog post. It seems like a perfect fit. Unless you take into account that this is VBScript and their querying Microsoft.Update.Session.what class in WMI that would relate to VB so I can pull the info.

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Sql - Windows Form Not Getting Updates From Database?

Apr 13, 2011

Ive only recently starting fiddling with Visual Basic Express and Sql Databases. Ive managed to get a database up and running, and can query information from it. I have even created a form that can add a new entry to the table im using.The first form has a ComboBox that list the PlayerNames in my table. Form2 allows you to add a new name to the table, but anything I add isnt immediately updated in Form1. I have to relaunch the program to see the new entries. Even then, these new entries dont seem to be permanent as they eventually dissappear.The code I have for Form1:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2008 Windows Updates Being Installed?

Jul 29, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to detect if Windows Updates are currently being installed.The reason is that I have written some software that sends my PC to hibernation if is idle for a specific amount of time, but I do not want this to happen if Windows is in the process of updating.

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VS 2008 - How To Detect Pending Windows Updates

Apr 21, 2010

Is there any way to determine that a system has automatic updates enabled and has the little yellow security center icon indicating that updates are available? I'd like to drop a little service on one of my servers to monitor for that condition but can't find a good resource to get started.

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Convert A Windows App To Windows Service?

Feb 27, 2010

I have an application written in 2008, and I want to convert this to a windows service. It does have an interface, but only to start/stop the application timer, and display a log.

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Convert Vs Windows App To Web App

Aug 18, 2010

I recently created a windows client application in VS 2008; now I've been asked to convert it to a web application. Is this possible without re-creating the whole thing?

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.net - Convert And Run The Windows Applications?

Apr 20, 2010

Which version of Mono do I need to convert and run the Windows applications that I developed using VB.NET that came along with .NET 3.5, in Ubuntu?

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Convert A Windows Forms App From C# To Program?

Mar 17, 2010

I've been converting all kinds of other things, classes, interfaces, ASP.NET MVC apps, and WPF applications, but I am stumped as to how to convert a windows forms application, as the whole structure seems to be different. Does anyone have any advice on how to tackle this problem?

I see essentially that you have two files, Form1.cs and Form1.Designer.cs. Literally translating them from C# to VB doesn't work because of some intricacies or other of how Visual Basic works. I think you /might/ be able to convert Form1.cs in this way, as it's just a constructor plus event handlers, but the designer contains the references to the controls etc. and I am not sure how to go about doing that

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Convert Line From C# To (Windows Phone 7)?

Mar 15, 2012

I am studying some codes from the web that I need for a future project, but I am having trouble changing this code from C# to

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Convert String To Font In (Windows)?

May 5, 2009

Via the FontDialog I have retrieved a font. After saving the font (in an XML document) and retrieving it again, I have a string in the following "format";


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Using Windows Media Encoder SDK To Convert WAV To WMA?

Sep 15, 2009

I have downloaded and installed the Windows Media Encoder and the SDK. I am trying to convert WAV files to WMA files (& vice versa) using VB2005 Pro. I have found plenty of examples on google for working with video but no examples for audio.

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Convert Console Application To Windows Form?

Jul 18, 2012

I manged to get some code what works fine but it uses console application I have tried to convert it by hand and change things around to get it to work but with no avail Im certain it should be simple but I may be wrong [URL]...Ignore the title of the pastebin its not C# its If you think im trying to be spoon fed I can post my convereted code but it doesnt work and proably 99.9% wrong

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Silverlight - Convert Int To System.Windows.GridLength In VB?

Dec 25, 2009

How can I convert int to System.Windows.GridLength in VB, NET so that I can set the height of a grid row in Silverlight (xaml).

In xaml file:

<RowDefinition Height="0" x:Name="rowerror" />


rowerror.Height = CType(30, System.Windows.GridLength)

This as I wrote in VB.NET. I know I'm wrong, but how do you do if the int to System.Windows.GridLength so that the height of the "rowerror" whether that be 30?

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C# - Convert System.Windows.Forms.Shortcut Into KeyData / KeyCode?

Nov 15, 2011

Is there an easy way to get the corresponding keydata (keycode combination) for some value in that enum? I cannot find one, and creating a switch statement for all those is a bit overkill...The integer values of the enum elements are not keycodes, but some 'unknown' big numbers, so simply casting to int won't work.

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Forms :: Convert Console.WriteLine To Windows Form Textbox?

Apr 18, 2010

I'm an absolute newb to vb (less than a week) and I'm trying to convert a console app to a windows form.In the console app, I have this code

Public Sub rconPacketReceive(ByVal fromserver As Boolean, ByVal isresponse As Boolean, ByVal seq As Integer, ByVal words() As String) Handles rconObj.packetIncoming
Dim w As String = Nothing
For Each word In words


What I want is to have this Console.WriteLine displayed in a text box on the form but don't have any idea on how to do it.

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Unable To Convert Dd/mm/YYYY String To Date Format Windows XP?

Mar 29, 2012

I have developed a application, which searches for different kinds of dates from a document. When i test the app on my Windows 7, VS2010 PC, the dd/mm/YYYY date read as string is correctly converted to valid date format, and then it can perform followingfunctiontstimespan =Date.Now.Subtract(Convert.ToDateTime(DesiredMatch.Value)).DurationIt works fine on development PC. But when i test the application on my client PC having Windows XP, it throws an error 'string was not detrmined as valid date time windows'.

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Convert The Following Code To Work In A Visual Studio 2008 Windows Form Application?

Feb 15, 2009

I need to convert the following code to work in a visual studio 2008 windows form application, the moment ObjectQuery, ManagementObjectSearcher, ManagementObject and ManagementObjectCollection are not valid.

im objectQuery As New ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetConnectionId IS NOT NULL")
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, objectQuery)


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First Row Updates But Not The OneI Specify?

Dec 15, 2011

I am currently working with a vb2010 front end with access as the database. everything works for accessing the information adding information. But when I try to edit/update the contents of a row I find that the update is being applied to the first row of the table rather than the target row. i have tried using the ID as a way to specify the row i want updated but that doesn't appear to work.

UPDATE ExamContent
SET Question = ?, ExamsText = ?, [Answer 1] = ?, [Answer 2] = ?, [Answer 3] = ?, [Answer 4] = ?, CORRECT = ?, LastEditUser = ?, LastEditDate = ?


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Put Your Updates Into Action?

Sep 30, 2009

I know there are several ways to publish updates but I would like to know the best way to do it. What I already have configured is a shard network folder which I intend to have the program update from there. What would the best way to publish updates to the folder be?

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Textbox Updates Only Once

Apr 29, 2009

In the following code, TextBox5 reports conditions while the mouse is moving over the form, and TextBox7 reports only when the mouse has STOPPED moving over the form. When I start the program, and move the mouse from outside the form, onto the form and don't stop the mouse, the coords continually update in TextBox5 as expected. When I then stop the mouse, TextBox5 clears and TextBox7 reports, "Mouse Hovering", also as expected. Then if I start moving the mouse again, TextBox7 clears, and TextBox5 starts displaying mouse coords again, as expected.


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.net - Updates To A Single Datatable Row?

Jun 16, 2011

Why does the first method below work? I would have thought that the variable 'row' is completely separate from anything else, such as a row in DataTable1. Also, is there a drawback to using the first method? For changes to lots of columns in a single row, I'd rather do it that way.


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Add User Updates To A Database?

Dec 15, 2011

I got the printing. Now how can I allow users to update the database, such as Add, Change, or Delete records accordingly? Then I am finished with my project.

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Check For Updates And If There Is An Update

Apr 4, 2009

Alright, when I open my program I want it to check for updates and if there is an update I want it to download. So far I have a text file saying the most recent version and then it downloads that file and compares it to the current file version. If the current file version < recent version then it will download the file. :O Can someone help me with the code? :3 I have a hosting server with direct download links.

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Check For Updates From A Website?

May 4, 2011

I'm unsure of how realistic it is for this to work but I know a lot is possible in vb. I have an application called WindowsPRO available from my filesharewebsit This application is intended for those in school to easily be able to do several daily tasks such as calculate and use notepad within one window. I have been working on this application in part with the help of MSDN.Back OT, currently when I click the "Check for updates" I use process.start to open my website. Not very complicated is it. What I want to do is open a form in whichchecks for the update from my site. Whenever I upload a file, I'll upload it as a .zip onto my site and always name it like: "Application name v1.0" or whatever the version number is. That is the only thing that changes.

When the user presses the check for updates, I want to checkhe site in background for a "higher" version number. If my application is v1.2, I want it to check for anything higher than 1.2. So if I have on the site 1.2.2, or 1.3, I want it to check for the highest number version and download it.My question simply is, how do I check for a "higher version" from a website?

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Check For Updates In Database

Aug 26, 2011

how to check if a field( a cell within a database for talk sake date of birth) has been edited in the past then flag it now this field may not be change for a year but how do i keep a record of that and the flag it if it is change.

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DataAdapter Not Writing Updates

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a form that uses controls that are bound at runtime. All the data objects are declared at the form level. The Select statement includes the two fields that make up the PK form the table. The Owing_Company data displays in the bound control. I can change the text and in Save_Click the RowState is Modified and Row!Owning_company has the changed data. DsForm.HasChanges is False. A simple call in Save_Click daForm.Update(dsForm) does not change the DB. If I update the Row!Owning_Company in code dsForm.HasChanges is now true and daForm.Update changes the data. What am I missing that allows changes made via the bound control to modify the DataSet?


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Datagridview Updates 1st Row Instead Of Insert Into A New Row?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a Form with textboxes and a datagridview, the textboxes are to fill a new row in the datagridview but in stead it is updating the first row, the following is my code


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