Move A WinForm To Another Project?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm trying to import a 2005 WinForm from a seperate project into a current project. I have not a clue where to attack this problem. A pointer in the right direction will most useful.

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.net - Drag And Move Winform Using Mouse?

May 28, 2011

I know how to 'drag and move' a winform by adding following code

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
If (((m.Msg = 163) And ClientRectangle.Contains(PointToClient(New Point(m.LParam.ToInt32)))) And (m.WParam.ToInt32 = 2)) Then
m.WParam = CType(1, IntPtr)


But after a panel being added to winform, I can not 'drag and move' the winform within that panel area. Any idea of how to 'drag and move' within a panel? I mean the mouse point, click, hold and move within that panel and the winform will follow the mouse movement until I release the mouse button.

'Add these to your form class
Private MouseIsDown As Boolean = False
Private MouseIsDownLoc As Point = Nothing


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Check The Picturebox Location When Move Them Anywhere In Winform Using With Splitcontainer?

Aug 14, 2011

How do I check the picturebox location when I move them anywhere in my winform using with splitcontainer?

Something is like this?

Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
Dim x As Integer


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Move Item/project To Other Project/computer VB 2005 Express

Feb 21, 2009

VB 2005 Express Visual BasicI want to move (part of) projects to different projects/ computer.I used File - export template- and was able to save templates of whole project or item(s).They saved nicely in a subdirectory called "templates" as zip files.How do I import to 1/ other project on same pc?2/ To a different computer?I tried copy zip files into corresponding folder on new system. No luck.

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C# - Deploying A Winform Application Using Setup Project

Aug 31, 2010

When a user click the .msi, i want a folder called "Your Files", which comes with two small images by default, to be created in C:UsersYourNameDocuments. In short, MyDocuments.

What i did is put the following code in program.cs:

string myDocuments = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
string downloadArea = System.IO.Path.Combine(myDocuments, "Your Files");

Just before:

Application.Run(new mainForm());

The problem is, this folder will be created every time the user runs the application which is not a good solution, also in this case there is no place to load the two images so it can be loaded while the folder is created. I want the folder to be created once preferably while installing the application, so even when i uninstall the folder "Your Files" and its sub files be deleted automatically along with the program files. I tried to do it via Setup Project, but i couldn't.

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Get Path Of The Directory Inside WinForm App Project?

Jun 8, 2010

I have a directory named reports inside my winform project in .net. My project name is AccountingReports and inside that Directory reports exists. So i need the way to access this path via code. In we use Request.PhysicalApplicationPath property. So is there any method or property exists that will give me the root of my project

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How To Move Away From Late-binding Which Use In VBA Project

Aug 14, 2010

So I am taking a stab at converting a large VBA project I'm working into .NET. It's in VBA right now only because of convenience of a database (MS Access). But having stumbled upon VB 2010 Express, I'm seeing what I can do in .NET to make my project even better.To that end, one trick I am doing in the VBA project involves late binding.[code]To provide a simplified example, lets say I have three classes, clsOne, clsTwo, and clsThree. They are themselves similar, and in .NET, I'm actually reducing the code each has due to proper class inheritance. But I need to understand how to move away from late-binding, which I use in the VBA project.Now reading into VB .NET some, I've come across the 'Of' keyword, and this looks like the holy grail that I've been seeking. Please understand that these example is not actual code, and the issue cannot be solved (as far as I know) by fancy inheritance and overloading/overriding.[code]

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2008 - Why Does The VB Compiler Crash After Move A Project

May 21, 2009

I'm migrating data from an old laptop to a new laptop, including some projects in visual studio 2008. But when I try to open some of them on the new laptop, I quickly get a dialog stating that the vb compiler has crashed and asking me if I want to close, debug, or check online for solutions. Visual studio then, frustratingly, closes.The projects don't crash when opened on the old laptop, and other migrated projects open without crashing. So it must be some property of the projects that becomes corrupted by moving them.

Error Details:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: devenv.exe
Application Version: 9.0.21022.8


The old laptop is windows xp and uses visual studio professional. The new laptop is windows vista and uses visual studio team. The 'migration' was a straight copy paste of the source files.

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How To Copy Or Move Existing Project To A New Folder

Jan 22, 2012

I am developing a fairly complex program with numerous forms, and custom classes, modules, etc. I want to start reorganizing the various folders for components of the program and have a few stupid questions.For one, I find that I cannot take a working executable and move it to a different folder on the same machine and have it work. My program drives numerous slave applications and I would like to group just the executables in a common folder. Do I need to carry additional files along with them to make them 'portable' on my own machine? I haven't discovered how to copy or move an existing project to a new folder. Things seem to blow up because of internal project references etc. Is there some way of copying or duplicating a working project without problems resulting?

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Move A VB Project From School And Home On A Flash Drive?

Dec 13, 2009

I move a VB project from school and home on a flash drive. At school drive mounts on E: at home it mounts on F:. I have 4 forms, Form1, Form2, Form3. Form4. Form1 and Form3 have incorrect file paths, it has the E:, but Form 2 and Form4 path change just fine when I move it from school and home.

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Possible To Move The "Auto-Complete.vb" File Out Of The App_Code Folder And Into A New Namespace/project?

Nov 17, 2009

When setting up the Ajax Control Toolkit's AutoComplete control, it creates an utoComplete.asmx and a AutoComplete.vb file. The AutoComplete.vb file automatically ends up in the App_Code folder. I was hoping to move all of these styled-classes into a separate namespace, but the compiler simply does not dig it. Is this possible, or must it be within the presentation layer to access the "Web" related namespaces?

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Passing Value From One Winform To Another Winform?

Jul 7, 2010

A Form is to Accept User Name and Password from user, after verification the form should display another form that will accept user's full data. When a user press the Ok button, the information entered on this form should be display in another form (Showing the user what he/she has entered)

i have Design the Firs Form and the second form, how can i pass the information entered on the second form to third, and also what will the code look like I need help on this or Code Sample?

NB: i am trying create an instance of the second form in the third form and declare a variable in the third form that will holed the value, but still not working I want to learn .NET Programming in VC#, ASP.NET And VB.NET. I am student and really get excited when it comes to programming

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Move - Xcopy Equivlent - Copy And Move The Entire Contents Of A Directory To Another

Jan 6, 2012

how do i copy and move the entier contents of a directory to another ussing then also delete the files from there original directory?

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Listboxes In Array: Move To Next Item, And Move To Next Listbox Command?

Dec 26, 2009

I have three listboxes in an array and on form_load the listboxes initially select the fifth item in each listbox:

Private Sub frmSample_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For i As Integer = 1 To 3

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C# - Move ReferencePath Information From A .vbproj.user (or .csproj.user) File Into The Corresponding Project File?

Nov 28, 2011

Can I safely move ReferencePath information from a .vbproj.user (or .csproj.user) file into the corresponding project file? Note: All developers will be using developing from the same location on their machines.We'd like to allow users to maintain their own settings for other things, but have this basic info be setup once and checked into source control to be shared to all.

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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VS 2008 - Timer - Project A References Project B So Can Open A Large Form In Project B

May 5, 2010

For reasons that are beyond my control, I have three Projects. Projects A and B reference project C. Project A references project B so that it can open a large form in project B. I now need to open that large form from project C, but VB won't allow me to add a reference from C to B because that would create a circular dependency. I found a way around it, though. I created a Timer in A, and when I opened C from A, I passed in that timer. When the user performs a certain action, I enable the Timer from A, and this causes C to open B for me.

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

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VS 2008 Error "WithEvents Variable 'Move' Conflicts With Event 'Move' In The Base Class 'Control' And Should Be Declared Shadows"

Sep 3, 2010

What does this error mean? I havent modified anything in the designer code, but its giving me an error? WithEvents variable 'Move' conflicts with event 'Move' in the base class 'Control' and should be declared 'Shadows'. The error relates to Friend WithEvents Move As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn

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Add Project Setup Project For Project For Visual Studio 2008?

Nov 15, 2010

i was developing Voice Chat Application in visual Basic .NET 2008 i try a lot methods to make installer for it :

1- i add Project Setup Project for my Project for Visual Studio 2008 Deploy & setup Type Projects and make it with output option and detect dependices

2- i try make it with Setup Factory 8.2.1

3- i try with MSI Factory 2.0

4 i try with Setup Factory 6.0

and after making installer copying it to my test virtual Machine or my friend lap and install it i get this error when try to run my application :


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Move Between Forms - The Menu Move Step By Step When The User Move Between Forms

Apr 8, 2011

Im working on my project. and i just asking if i can used this Property in vb. NET [URL] when i install adobe photoshop .. i see on the leff installer...something like a menu and the menu move step by step when the user move between Forms

Serial Number
Adobe ID

How i can create like this in VB .NET

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.net - Database For Winform And

Feb 4, 2010

is it possible to use the same database for winform application (with and web based with

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C# - Get The GUI Thread Of Winform?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a winforms app with multiple GUI threads. I want them to be able to access each other's thread objects without having to keep track of that information separately.Is there a function in .NET that I can feed a winforms control or window object, and get back the thread? Or a function in the API I can pinvoke for the threadID?

Edit For those of you who for some reason believed my italicized text, congratualations, you're hired!! Here is the problem: "App is crashing in the wild by locking up totally, that is, it stop responding. Very intermittent, and trying to debug it, it seems to never happen."

So what do do? Install an option in the program that the user can activate under our direction, whereby from another GUI thread in the same app, do a thread.abort on the main GUI thread, then we can look at the call stack in the error log. Viola, found an impossible to debug error in less than a day. (Stop now, it had nothing to do with abusing multithreading:-)

I'll admit I almost didn't ask this, the reason I did was I could see an object reference to the main form, but there wasn't any for its thread. I'm giving Chris Shain the answer a/c it is a quick way, unfortunately when the thread is hanging, I wouldn't be able to do an invoke (it would hang too). A little more digging revealed the GetWindowThreadProcessId API call. But it's an unmanaged thread ID, apparently there are complications turning that into a managed thread ID.

So I bit the bullet and put in a global reference to the main UI thread. Would have posted it to begin with, but hadn't written it yet.In main public module/static class:

Public GUIThread As Threading.Thread
Sub Main()


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Get Microsoftreportviewer On My Winform?

Aug 24, 2009

I am trying to put a pdf file on my form using microsoft report viewer, but i cannot find it. where is it?

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Launch A .wsf From Winform?

Sep 4, 2011

ok so i dynamically create a wsf for running an automated telnet session that works great!!(finally!!) but auto executing the script from my code is proving difficult for whatever reason.

I have tried:

Shell("C:shutoffscript.wsf") this produces this result.

also tried setting a bat file that launches the script and launching it as well using shell every time I launch it I get an error in the script that works just fine executed outside my code.

using outfile As New StreamWriter("c:" & "shutoffscript.wsf")
End Using
MsgBox("Script built press ok to execute")

I think this has to be some sort of permissions error right? Since both errors tend to not be able to find the file. Just not sure how to fix it.

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Use Console In Winform

Jan 20, 2012

Public Class ConsoleHelper
<Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32.dll")> _
Public Shared Function AllocConsole() As Boolean
End Function

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Winform - Get It To Run On Other Computer?

Sep 22, 2011

COM Reference 'AcroPDFLib' is the interop assembly for ActiveX control 'AxAcroPDFLib' but was marked to be linked by the compiler with the /link flag. This COM reference will be treated as a reference and will not be linked.Winform - Get It To Run On other Computer?

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.net - Opening Up Web Browser From Winform?

Dec 1, 2010

Done quite a bit of looking but not finding what i need. From a win form i'd like to open up a web browser passing in a url. But i need to provide authentication while doing this. I tried just using a system.diagnostics.process.start("http://userid:pw@site") but that does not work. Was hoping someone could lend a hand.


so is there anything else that can be done to get IE to work.. cause i'm thinking that would allow the above code to work as well.

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.net - Play A .XM File In Winform

Dec 9, 2010

There is alot of "search-hits" for the Lib, but there seems to be non documentation for how to do this on the [URL] page. My problem is: I want to be able to play a .XM file in my Winform. I'm using VS 2008, .NET 2.0 on a 64-bit computer. Does anyone have any experience with this?

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.net - Set Winform Start Position At Top Right?

Oct 25, 2011

How to set winform start position at top right? I mean when user click (start) my winform application the winform will appear at the top right of the screen?

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