Move Screen Data To Word

Sep 24, 2010

I have a screen that shows some customer data. I need to be able to click a command button and have the name, address, etc put on a MS Word 2007 document. This is my code so far.[code]

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Label To Display A Word For 5 Seconds And Then Move Down The List In A Text File And Display The Next Word?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a label that is supposed to display a word for 5 seconds and then move down the list in a text file and display the next word.I'm oddly able to make it work in random mode, but not going down the list in order.. random would be ok if used words didn't come up again.

Dim DurHold As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath & "FlashWords.txt")
Dim DurDelimiters() As String = {vbNewLine}
Dim DurTextLines() As String = DurHold.Split(DurDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)


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Move Position Of Specified Word Within String

Dec 9, 2009

I have a string

Example: Dim strList as String = "one;two;four;three;five;six;"

I want a function which will take in two values. a word, and a direction

Example: "three;" , "left"

I need to move move the given word "three;" further to the left until it finds the next occurance of ';'

Example: place the value "three;" just before the value "four;"

Result: "one;two;three;four;five;six;"

I will also need to move it to the right, assuming a direction of "right" is sent into my function. But I can figure that part out once I get the other concept working.

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Move The Mouse Pointer To A Certain Position On The Screen?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to move the mouse pointer to a certain position on the screen.I've done the declarations for both the SetCursorPos as well as the mouse_event, however I keep getting a Declaration expected error at this line: SetCursorPos(x,y),Perhaps something is wrong with the project or vb as well, cause I used an other declaration as well and when I wanted to use that I also got a Declaration expected error.[code]....

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How To Move A TextBox Object In A MS Word Document

Jun 29, 2010

With code a Word document is manipulated. In this Word document there is a TextBox object that needs to be moved to a specific position in the document.I tried to start from a recorded macro in the Word document but I can't select the TextBox object while recording.

I tried to find a way using ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(WdStoryType.wdTextFrameStory) but I got stuck here.

Is there a way to move (the left upper corner of) the TextBox object to a specific position in the Word document?

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Make A Mouse Move And Locate The Point In The Screen?

May 22, 2012

I tried to make a mouse move and locate the point in the screen but I failed every time i press F5 the mouse click go to upper in the screen i want to locate it wherever i want locate mouse click.i used this site to learn a little for making a bot. ttp:unknownuserac...rews_VBNET.htmlhere is code please fix it for me

[/Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Make A Shape Move Up And Then Come Back At The Bottom Once At The Top Of The Screen?

Jun 29, 2011

I can get a shape to go down and reappear at the top but I can't figure out how to get it to work going up.This is my code for going down:

If shpBar.Top + shpBar.Height < Me.Height Then
shpBar.Top += 50
shpBar.Top = 0
End If

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VS 2008 : Move Mouse Pointer To A Certain Color On Screen?

Jul 21, 2009

Is there a code in which the software scans the screen and point a specified color out of that scan and mark it.

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How To Screen Word To Look For R And N Using A Loop

Nov 16, 2009

Today i received my homework assignment for this week and i finished every question except one. The question is: "Write a Program that requests a word containing "r" and "n" as input and determines where the two letters appear first. Just wondering how i should approach this i need to use a loop somewhere but i am confused as to how or what sort of code i should use. I know there needs to be a index to find the letter i just don't know how to screen the word to look for r and n using a loop.

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[vb2008] Click In A Point Of The Screen Without To Move The Mouse Pointer?

Feb 22, 2011

Pressing a Hotkey, I want to click the button of another application (a game table), knowing it x and y coordinates, without to move on the screen then mouse pointer, because this generate an annoyng fluttering.atm I use mouse_event, that works fine, but with the fluttering..In you opinion is this job is possible with a direct Api? I tried to hide the mouse with ShowCursor(False), but it works only over my forms, not over the screen...

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Move From Custom Login Screen To Active Directory LDAP Authentication?

Mar 11, 2009

I have a WinForms app with SQL05 backend. It has a standard Login window where users are required to supply a username/password. This is validated using my own code and sprocs. Now one of my big clients has scared the bejezus out of me by saying, "Hey Chris, I want you to change your app in line with all our other IT systems so that users can use their common username and passwords with authentication against LDAP". :confused: Having had a moment to reflect, I have some questions (some very noob in nature!)

1. Is this requirement a big deal? :) Or straightforward to implement?

2. Does this mean that when user's double-click my app icon on the desktop, the authentication automagically happens without the need for a Login screen?

3. How on earth can I test this. My dev environment does not use AD, but I do have SBS2003

4. Can anyone point me to good resources about this on the web?

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Word Automation - Application - Gets Data Off Our Server With ODBC And Populates And Saves A Word Document

Jan 15, 2012

I have a application that gets data off our server with ODBC and populates and saves a Word Document. When I try to deploy it to another computer it will get the data just fine and populate the first document, but it will crash before saving it. I've installed the .net framework 4.0, Microsoft Data Access Components, and the Microsoft ODBC .net data Provider. The error code is 0xC0000005, which is from what I can see is called an "Access Violation Exception." It works fine on my computer.

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VS 2010 Word File Raw Data From Word Document Object?

Feb 12, 2012

is there a way to get the raw data of a word file document object?

word = new Word.Application();doc = new Word.Document();

now, I open the word file, do some replace. save the file. I could open the file as raw binary file. but I'm thinking maybe there is a property that can get the raw the data? which property?

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Screen Blanks After 1 Min Of Processing (of Excel File) / Refresh Or Freeze Screen To Avoid Blank Screen?

Jun 29, 2011

BTW this issue occurs in any MS office program when the VB.Net (or even VBA) is processing information.Example: In Excel, a worksheet is displayed on the screen. I start either, a VB.Net or VBA procedure and within 30 seconds the Excel worksheet (previously displayed) blanks out. In both VB.Net and VBA,ScreenUpdating = False. My expectation is that the previously displayed screen would stay static as if I left my desk to get a cup of coffee; came back and the same ole Excel worksheet was still there?Of course, setting VBA Screen Updating = False accomplishes two goals: 1) speeds up processing and 2) saves the user from seeing unnecessary "garbage-processing" steps.Why does VBA or VB.Net ScreenUpdating = False not freeze the screen at the time of its invoking?

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Detecting Change In Database / Displaying Word 'change' On Screen In Realtime For Any Client Connected

Nov 30, 2010

Can someone please help me create a very very simplistic sample page as the chat page included is too coomplete. something as simple as detecting a change in the database and displaying the word "change" on screen in realtime for any client connected.and I tried creating a global.asax file into which I added in the line mentioned in the link above, but it does not seem to like the word "Setup" in the line [code]

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Pass Data From VB 2008 Project To Data Fields Set In Word?

Dec 10, 2009

I�d like to pass data from my VB 2008 project to data fields set in Word. Can it be done and if so

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Data Types - Decimal - Move That Value Into A SQL Server Data Table Column Defined As A "Float"?

Aug 7, 2010

SQL Server has a Data Type of "Float". Visual Studio has a Data Type of "Decimal". In other words, if I have a variable in a VB.Net app that is defined as a "Decimal" ...can I move that value into a SQL Server Data Table column defined as a "Float"?

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Data Entry Screen To Collect Data

May 27, 2009

I have a data entry screen to collect data. At the bottom of the form I have buttons to add a new record, save current and add, save current and end, and an end without saving. The buttons all function properly. After clicking the save current and add new record button, a new blank record comes up with the cursor on the save current and add button. I haven't been able to figure out how reset the tab order so the first field in the entry screen is ready for data. I'm coming up empy on my research.

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Move Data From One Table To Another?

Dec 4, 2009

I am trying to archive specific rows of data in a table to another table, then delete the data from the original table.I am using Visual Studio 2008 in Visual Basic. My database is written in SQLServer 2008 Express. Example: IF column 'ID' has a row value of 'SomeValue', I want to move that row to an archive table and delete the row from the original table. Here is the code I have been working with:

Dim instance1 As DataTable1
Dim instance2 As DataTable2
Dim row As DataSet.Table1Row[code]......

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VS 02/03 : Move Data From One Form To Another?

May 23, 2011

I am trying to move data from one form to another. I am working in 2003. My database is Access 2000.

Private Sub MenuItem6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem6.Click
Dim Form4 As New Form4
Dim DataForm2 As New Form2


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Move And Remove Listview Data?

Jun 9, 2011

All this code does is remove the checked items. I want to remove it from one listview box and transfer it to another. Is that possible?

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
With ListView1


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Move Data From Sql 2000 To Ms Access?

Jun 22, 2010

what I am doing wrong in the coding below:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Move Queried Data From One Database To Another?

Nov 11, 2010

I have two databases, d1.accdb and d1b.accdb (So I have two connectionStrings). In both of these databases there is a table called Postings with exactly the same fields. All i want to be able to do is query the Postings table in d1.accdb for all the records where the users name is xxx. I then want to move all that data to d1b.accdb. I found another thread that was started in like 2007, and tried to follow their instructions, but cant seem to get it to work. Here is the code I am using:


When I run getUserPostings(), i get a OleDbException saying invalid argument. Does anyone know how to fix this? or perhaps know another way to do this?Once i get this to work im guessing i would just add "WHERE UserName = 'xxx'" to the end of the OleDbCommand Strings.

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Move To Next Record Using Data Binding?

Aug 19, 2009

i connected a MS Access Database using data source in Visual Studio 2008. im using the following code.

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
#End Region


when i click on load its working and showing the first record from the database. when im clicking at btnNext its not generating any error or warning in visual stduio 2008 and the text fields are not showing the next record?

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Use Buttons To Move Data From One Listbox To Another?

Nov 9, 2010

I have two listboxes next to each other with buttons in between (<< , < , >> , >) I can get the these buttons to move the lines of code to back and forth from the listboxes, but now I need these buttons to also extract the cost of the item and add the cost to a total cost label.[code]...

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VS 2010 Copy And Move Data Between Two Access Databases?

Feb 27, 2012

I have two MS Access database; Mydb1 and Mydb2. I would like to do the following:

1. Copy all records in table (MyTable1) from Mydb1 to Mydb2. MyTable1 also exists in Mydb2

2. Move all records in table (MyTable2) from Mydb1 to Mydb2. MyTable2 also exists in Mydb2 which needs to be flushed.

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Display Data To Screen?

Mar 8, 2009

In the application i am developing is there a way i can see tha values of certain variables?[code]...

if i do: it print numerically the value, but i really need to see what the cookie contains to see where i'm going wrong kinda thing i have tried .tostring but i get an error

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Move - Xcopy Equivlent - Copy And Move The Entire Contents Of A Directory To Another

Jan 6, 2012

how do i copy and move the entier contents of a directory to another ussing then also delete the files from there original directory?

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Listboxes In Array: Move To Next Item, And Move To Next Listbox Command?

Dec 26, 2009

I have three listboxes in an array and on form_load the listboxes initially select the fifth item in each listbox:

Private Sub frmSample_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For i As Integer = 1 To 3

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Create A Data Entry Screen From VB?

Dec 29, 2008

I'm new to developing and I work for a small company. I do have previous Microsoft Access experience and have used VBA code to enhance Access applications. But now I have been asked to develop a form for data entry using VB.NET. Is it possible to create a data entry screen from VB.NET that adds, saves, retrieves and manipulates data without using a database for storing the data. Users will not have Microsoft Access (or any other database) installed on their machines. They will only have the .exe file that I create after compiling the VB.NET application.

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