Multiple Instances Of A Custom Class?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a sub that runs on a button click which I want to create a new instance of a custom class and add it to a list of already created instances of this class. I want the result to be a List Of collection of all of my class instances.

My problem is that each time I run the sub, it simply 'overwrites' the first instance of the class and adds a copy of it to the list instead of writing a new instance. My code is along these lines

dim objFixture as new clsFixture
For n As Integer = 1 To intNoOfChannels
objFixture.SetChannelAddress(n, intCurrentChannelTotal + 1)
intCurrentChannelTotal += 1

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Custom Setting To Save Multiple Instances

Dec 28, 2011

I have this code for custom settings:

Imports System.Configuration
Public Class setLV
Inherits ApplicationSettingsBase
Private fpListViewItems As List(Of ListViewItem)
ReadOnly Property ListViewItems() As List(Of ListViewItem)
[Code] .....

It works great for saving one Listview and its items but I need to save multiple Listviews and their items. I have no idea how to accomplish this.

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Defining A Class For Multiple Child Class Instances?

Feb 10, 2011

I have created a class for a Sports Facility. A facility has a Name, Status, Notes, etc as members of the class. This works well, I can create a new instance of an exisitng Sports Facility from the database, create a new instance, etc. All working well.What I am stuck on is accessing a list of Sports Facilities. I know I can create a new list by doing

Dim List As New List(Of Facility)

For Each fRow As DataRow In ds.Tables("Facilities").Rows

List.Add(New Facility(fRow.Item("FacilityID"))


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Multiple Instances Of Class?

Mar 29, 2010

I have the following problem. (VB.Net 2008)I have created a class (myFirstClass). In this class there are a lot of calculations being made wich gets fired by events in that same class.Now i want that same class to be able to fire more instances of itself. However i noticed that each time i fire an event from a Sub the program waits till the event is finished before going to the next line of code. This is a problem since i want the event wich fires a new instance of the class to fire it and forget about it.

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Windows Service: Multiple Instances Of The Same Service Class?

May 3, 2011

When you create a Windows Service, you create a list of the services you want to start. The default is this:

ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service}

Can you have multiple instances of the same Service class (that bind to different addresses or ports), like this?

ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service("Option1"), New Service("Option2")}

Or will that cause problems? Should we use two different classes instead?

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Create A Custom Class That Has Inside An Array Of Another Custom Class?

Jan 31, 2011

I want to create a custom class that has inside an array of another custom class (see my code below) but when the programm runs is crashes. Why? What is the right expression???? Plz help I'm a newbie in

Public Class ctrarray
Public nameclass As String
Public ctrlindex(glvar_spaces) As ctrlindexclass
End Class


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.net - Multiple Exception Throwing With Custom Exception Class?

Jun 19, 2012

i have about 20 possible exception messages that i want thrown when an error occurs.i need somthng like this when catching the exception

' do domthing
Catch ex As CustomInvalidArgumentException
'do domthing


do i have to create a class that inherits from Exception for each type of exception?

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Connecting To Multiple SQL Instances?

Jan 3, 2011

Any best method of managing multiple SQL connections .net (VB). My application connects to four instances of SQL Server (2000, 2005, 2008, 2008R2) restoring databases, modifying data and taking backups. In addition to managing databases the app also has its own DB (on the 2008 instance) for storing various data. I'm using two methods to connect to the instances, SMO (For backups, restoring and retrieving information about the databases, size etc) and SqlClient for querying each database for many tasks such as updating fields and executing sql scripts.I have multiple forms for performing various tasks so there are many places I'm opening / closing connections.

Would it be best to maintain a persistent global connection to each instance from the application? (Two in total, one for SMO and the other for SqlClient) or open close a connection for each task I'm performing?) I'm not using LINK as I need the tasks to be as fast as possible. The connection string will differ on each connection (Based on Instance and Database being connected to) how would I manage this? A string in the config file for the applications database would make sense, as that would be static but the databases being worked on will vary with each connection. Currently I'm creating a connection for each instance within the main form:

Dim 2000Connection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" & SQLServerName & _
"SQL2000;Initial Catalog=Master;User ID=sa;Password=P@ssw0rd;Pooling=True;")
Dim 2005Connection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" & SQLServerName & _
"SQL2005;Initial Catalog=Master;User ID=sa;Password=P@ssw0rd;Pooling=True;")
Dim 2008Connection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" & SQLServerName & _
"SQL2008;Initial Catalog=Master;User ID=sa;Password=P@ssw0rd;Pooling=True;")
[Code] .....

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Multiple Instances Of A Form?

Sep 13, 2010

If I create a console application for example with a class named "Person" I can create an object variable with a ceratin name only once. For example:



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Multiple Instances Of The Same Form?

Mar 3, 2010

I have two forms in my application. Form 1 is a listview that is populated with unique Customer IDs. When the user double click the listview on the particular Customer ID then it loads Form2. Form2 has many listviews within it such as a listview for the Customer telephone, another listview for their addresses etc and all the data presented in Form2 listviews are based on the Customer ID that the user clicked in Form1.

So here is my question...I want the user to be able to open Form2 with that particular details of the customer but also to go back to Form1 and double click another Customer ID and opens Form2 again (such as replicating Form2) with the other Customer details.So the moral of the story is i want the user to be able to have many instances of Form2 open each time they wish to view a different Customer ID without having to close Form2 down every time.

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VS 2008 X86, X64, PID, Multiple Instances?

Feb 6, 2010

My ultimate goal is to get a list of PIDs and have a user select 1 of them.For example: the process image name is program.exe. The application name varies for each instance the program.exe is run, and therefor each application name has its own PID associated with it. By application name I mean the Task name under the Applications tab of Windows Task Manager. Another issue I face is that some systems run x64, so the name is no longer program.exe but program.exe*32

So my issue is, how do I search for program.exe, or on x64 platforms program.exe*32, and if there are multiple instances of program.exe/program.exe*32 running, how can I get a list of PIDs for each and associated them with the application name as the Task name under the Applications tab of Windows Task Manager.that might sound a bit confusing! So if it is, please let me know and I will try to explain more. Any reference guides or example code would be greatly appriciated as I have only used the "System.Diagnostics" but once.

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.net - Allow Math To Occur On Instances Of Class?

Nov 27, 2010

Is there some interface I can implement to allow basic comparisons and math to happen as it would an integer?

For example, let's say I have the following class:

Public Class Something
Public SomeBigNumber as UInt64
End Class

I would like to do something like this:

Dim SomethingA, SomethingB, SomethingC as New Something
If (SomethingA-SomethingB) > SomethingC Then
'Do stuff
End If

I was hoping to be able to implement some interface (if that is even the right term for it) that would return the UInt64 contained in the class for comparison and math, if possible.

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Added To Each UserControl (different Instances Of The Same Class), A Little Map?

Apr 28, 2009

I have a form whose purpose is to let the user to load map files.The form may manage a variable classes of maps, and each class have his own UserControl.To make it more user friendly, I added to each UserControl (different instances of the same class), a little map, showing a small picture of the map, and some data, as bound coordinates.

The problem is, that it looks really ugly. The maps are so big, compared with the rest of the UserControl (who contains just a button and a textbox to search for files).I wish to fix it, but I din not see an elegant way to include the pictures and info.I attach a form screen capture with two UserControl.I would like to get some tips for more experienced users. There are some guidelines?

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Creating Instances Of Own Class At Runtime?

Sep 3, 2011

info on creating instances of my own class at runtime. Simple project for family recipes but would like the option to add new recipes with new instances of my own food Item class at runtime. Creating my own class,no problem. Storing the data in an XML file, OK on that as well. My issue is creating new instances of different food item class as I use this program over time

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Passing Variables Between Instances Of A Class

Jun 17, 2009

I created a program a while back, in the traditional VB.NET way by drawing a bunch of forms. I have started playing around with creating the forms at runtime using classes. I have a placeholder form called frmStartup which merely calls the CreateLogin() sub from the CreateFormClass. The CreateLogin() sub creates a new blank form, then calls the grpbxLogin(), btnSave() and btnExit() subs from the FormElementClass which adds all the buttons and textboxes to the form. Within the FormElementClass, I have associated btnSave and btnExit with event handlers. These even handlers call subs from the DataProcessingClass. The event handler for Exit works just fine.I am having a problem with the Save event handler. Precisely, I don't know how to pass either the username or password from the Login form to the btnLogin_Click() sub in the DataProcessingForm. I have tried using Me. and frmLogin., but the program doesn't see either of those. If the Login form is an instance that is disposed of once another Sub is called, then it won't exist later on to call from. I have tried declaring variables and passing those along to btnLogin_Click, but no matter where I put it, the program doesn't see txtbxUsername.Text or txtbxPassword.Text. Not even from within FormElementsClass, which is were the boxes are created.Any ideas on how to pass variables in this case? I am not even sure what you would call this such as passing between classes, or passing between instances.[code]

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Repor Declaring Class Instances?

Oct 20, 2008

I've decided to forget the d@mned custom code because everything I do with comes up with errors I don't know how to fix and it seems no one else does either. Or they do and they're keeping to themselves.

I put the functions that I needed to use in a class called MsgBoxOperations. The file name is MsgBoxOperations.vb In the report, up on the standard bar where file, edit, view, and all the other stuff is, is one that says report. You click that and go to report properties and it brings up where you can name the report and put in custom code...(hate custom code right now...) and where you can put references and class instances. Clicking on the Reference tab brings up wher you put in your references and classes.

In the classes area it asks for the Class Name, which I put in MsgBoxOperations, and the instance name of that class, this case mbo. I get that far and put in those two things and save it. Then I go to the textboxes where the values need to be. I put in the text box: =Code.mbo.GetStartDate

I've already tried taking the Code. part out and it screams that mbo isn't declared. So it does have to be there. I go to run the code and comes up with this error: QuoteError in class instance declaration for class MsgBoxOperations: [BC30002] Type 'MsgBoxOperations' is not defined.

I've posted before and still have received no help or someone tried to help but then stopped when their suggestion failed and then no one else wanted to help. I've googled this problem to the point where every link that it comes up with I have already clicked and found their information useless. I've got a freaking migraine because of this issue and have been in tears over it more than once.

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Adding Multiple Instances Of Same Control

Jan 14, 2011

I have a control which consists of a couple of labels and a couple of buttons side by side.I want to add multiple instances of this control to a panel.The problem I have is with positioning/formatting.Whenever I add the control it just gets added on top of the previous one.Should I be using something other then a panel? Are there any tips ot tricks I should be aware of ?

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Checking For Multiple Instances Of Application?

Aug 30, 2010

How can I check for multiple instances of my visual basic application? When the user runs the application, I want to know how many instances are already open.

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Communicating Between Multiple Instances Of Application?

Mar 9, 2009

I have an application which the user can open multiple instances on the same machine. However, a section of the app would have sync problems if more than 1 instance has control over it. This is where I thought of transferring control, or sharing, between them. What should I be looking into?

They would have to be able to identify which one of them has control and to send text information over. I thought IPC or Named Pipes could do the trick, but I'm unfamiliar with them and examples seem to indicate only a single server will work. Here, I have multiple instances of the same app and every one of them needs to be able to listen for that request for control.

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Creating Multiple Instances Of A Form?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a form (form1) and I havea button on form1 (button1) that will start a second form (form2).How can I make it create multiple instances of form2 when button1 is clicked?i tried a process module that the studio comes as standard but it does not allow me to start multiple can i do this?

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Hold Multiple Instances(10) Of Alarms?

Jul 20, 2010

I have created an alarm program but am having an issue creating multiple alarms. Here is what I have so far. I have created an array to hold multiple instances(10) of alarms that I want to run concurrently.

Dim SetAlarms(7, 9) As String
Public Shared x As Integer = AlarmNumb


What I cannot figure out is how to get the program to read the array and recognize each row as a separate alarm to process. This means it must read the array, know which variables to populate with what information and cycle thru the list.

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Loading Multiple Instances Of One .dll In .Net 2010?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm working on a program that uses a COM Object exposed by a .dll. The .dll has a known bug, though, where it acts very erratically when more than one instance of the object is created under one .dll, resulting in crashes or corrupted data a large part of the time. I'm curious if there is some way I can load another instance of the .dll itself, then create another instance of the object without having to need a new process for every instance.

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Multiple Instances Of DCOM Singleton

May 19, 2011

Testing a configuration of a Windows 7 workstation acting as a "server" and a Windows XP workstation acting as a "client" (also fails in the same way using a Windows 7 client workstation).


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Multiple Instances Of Forms, Same Record?

Jun 22, 2009

Good Day. Kinda banging my head against the wall on this one. I have a Mdi application with the start form(mdiparent) and form1(mdichild). On the start form, there is a textbox and a button. Heres how I want it to work:

1. value is entered into textbox and button is clicked

2. if form1 is open with that value, Bring it to the front if not, create a new instance of form1

If Not IsNothing(frmForm) Then 'If it is something
If Not frmForm.IsDisposed Then 'it's not disposed
'loop through the open form1s and compare the form1s property to the startform textbox
'if its the same, bring the form1 to the front


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Open Multiple Instances Of Same Form?

Jul 6, 2009

I am writing an application whose main purpose will be to collect user-entered data on a prescribed time interval (to be used by a dr. during anesthesia to collect patient vitals during surgery). I am attempting to accomplish this by having a form opened from the main window on every tick of a timer. The problem, is that if the user is a bit slow in entering the data on the first window, and the timer ticks again before they submit the first form, when the form is reopened (currently by simply using a show() command), the process of opening the form again simply overwrites the original form rather than creating a second instance.What is the best way to open a second (and possibly 3rd, 4th... nth) instance of the same form?

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Prevent Multiple Instances Of A Form?

Jun 22, 2011

I am working on a project where i have a home form which has two buttons for login for employee and administrator.after clicking on button login form will open,but i want as soon as login window opens d previous home form must be closed or hide..also there is link on login page for home,but as soon as user click on home link new instance of home form is opening,hnce i want to stop dis multiple opening of the form.i tried close() and hide() but no use.[code]...

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Preventing Multiple Instances Of A Form?

Mar 29, 2009

need help please on how to prevent multiple instances of a form at runtime in vb so tha when a user clicks a button to load a form it loads an if the user clicks the same button again whilst the other instance of the form is running it doesnt open a new one but insted sets focus on the currently running form.br2

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Single Form With Multiple Instances

Aug 12, 2010

I have a form which displays temperature and humidity data for a device in the field. I have multiple devices. Rather than creating a separate form for each device, obviously it is much better to have a single form that I instantiate, pass data to, and display. The devices are listed in a treeview, and when the user double-clicks the node, I create an instance of the form, pass the device's data to the instance of the form, and display the form. All of this works perfectly. However, I have a challenge: If the form for a particular device is already open, I don't want another one opened when the user double-clicks the node.

However, whenever I place logic in the program to check for the existence of the form and only allow another instance to be created if one doesn't already exist, it prevents me from creating a form instance for any other device that I may wish to view, simultaneously. So, I have a dilemma -- allow the user to display the data for multiple devices, including allowing multiple forms to be open for a single device, OR only allowing one device to be displayed at any given time.

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Update Datatable With Multiple Instances?

Mar 23, 2011

If the application is used with multiple users/instances adding records to the same database, whats the best practice for doing this and not incurring any conflicts with primary keys. Right now my partial solution is to do a tableadapter.fill before adding a new row to retrieve any new records. But this obviously isnt the best practical solution as the likleyhood of a conflict still exists when letting the apllication increment the key.

Whats a "correct" way to do this, any reading or examples would be great for me to learn.

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Working With Multiple Instances Of The Same Form

Apr 6, 2010

is they a way of keeping track for multiple instances of the same form? example saving the contents of a textbox ,the positition of the form and size when using the code below to create the new instance of the form ,i would like to save the contents of multiple form2`s from form1 ,can it be done??


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